Y'all need a mod for wee hours


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
Spammers galore and nobody here to ban their sorry asses and delete their multitude of spam.
lol. The wee hours are my afternoon posting time. I'd be glad to do the "Graveyard shift" from 2am to 6am.....4pm local time to 8pm. I don't know if I'd be impartial or not though: but I'm usually civil to those who are also civil. Plus I can drive a truck.

Not a mod with powers to what staff does now. Just someone that has the "delete" button on spammers like the guy last night that posted 4 or 5..maybe more..of the same bullshit about living and working in asia or some such place. Spam Mod only.
I have volunteered countless times to clean up this place.
If you want the job Gracie just ask CK LOL
If I wanted the job I would have said so. I ain't shy, ya know. Which means...drumroll...I don't want the job. There are people who might want to take it on, though. It's just to remove the spam. Kinda like Luissa did when she was mod. No powers. Just deleting spammers bullshit they squat all over our living room in the wee hours and no staff available to clean it up. Problem is, finding someone they can trust to delete the spam...not a fellow members posts and abusing what they are trusted to do.

Grandma said she would be available. Why not her? Is she on late LATE at night and in the wee hours? If so...she has my vote. Just hasta be someone that is a nightowl.
If you want the job Gracie just ask CK LOL
If I wanted the job I would have said so. I ain't shy, ya know. Which means...drumroll...I don't want the job. There are people who might want to take it on, though. It's just to remove the spam. Kinda like Luissa did when she was mod. No powers. Just deleting spammers bullshit they squat all over our living room in the wee hours and no staff available to clean it up. Problem is, finding someone they can trust to delete the spam...not a fellow members posts and abusing what they are trusted to do.

Grandma said she would be available. Why not her? Is she on late LATE at night and in the wee hours? If so...she has my vote. Just hasta be someone that is a nightowl.

I was kidding you Gracie

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