WWI, WWII: The Hidden Cause Finally Revealed

After just joining, I was wondering how such an obvious attempt at re-writing history by using phoney baloney-good time rock-n-roll planted web sites to make someones case, could possibly go 28 pages. After scanning it, I quickly discovered how----->1 poster both asked, and answered their own questions, lol. They never answered any question asked of them about the veracity of the site their great assumption came from, but just prattled on re-writing history, making it appear as Gospel.

28 pages of propaganda. What a waste of bandwidth-)

After "just joining", I find it interesting that your first agenda was to dig up a thread that hasn't been discussed in how many days? Last post on April 17th? Ah well...... In any case, had you read all 28 pages you'd know it isn't propaganda but for the sake of your "own agenda" it's clear your hoping against hope you could make the claim stick! ha! ha! Not a chance.
The British declaration of war against Germany turned another European war into a World War. Were the Jesuits involved in this decision?
After just joining, I was wondering how such an obvious attempt at re-writing history by using phoney baloney-good time rock-n-roll planted web sites to make someones case, could possibly go 28 pages. After scanning it, I quickly discovered how----->1 poster both asked, and answered their own questions, lol. They never answered any question asked of them about the veracity of the site their great assumption came from, but just prattled on re-writing history, making it appear as Gospel.

28 pages of propaganda. What a waste of bandwidth-)

After "just joining", I find it interesting that your first agenda was to dig up a thread that hasn't been discussed in how many days? Last post on April 17th? Ah well...... In any case, had you read all 28 pages you'd know it isn't propaganda but for the sake of your "own agenda" it's clear your hoping against hope you could make the claim stick! ha! ha! Not a chance.

Actually, perusing the threads. This thread was 28 pages, and I am a history buff. I spent more time reading and researching WWII then you might have been on planet earth, so of course I was drawn to it. When I seen your proposition, I was extremely happy I wasn't drinking anything, or I might have needed the Heimlich. That is no offense to you for you believe what you believe. But in all honesty-------->there is more of a case to be made that the Armenian genocide had more to do with WWII because of Hitler referring to it on more than one occasion, than your left field assertion.

IC where you got the information from, I just can't believe that someone who appears to be extremely intelligent would use it without an agenda since it comes from such a small source with no factual footnotes.
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This is a fascinating report on the hidden cause behind WWI and WWII. I am sure you will find the story to be quite revealing.. After finding this today - it made sense to me as I had prior been reading a great deal about the culprits behind WWI and WW II and this confirms much of those reports. I had been wondering if there was ever an investigation putting the puzzle - as it were - together. It appears it has been done. Have a look at this!

The Hidden Causes Of World War I Are Finally Revealed The Millennium Report

The True Causes Of WWI — Who & Why

The heir to the Austria-Hungarian throne, Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife, were in Sarajevo on July 26, 1914. As they made their way through the crowded streets in an open carriage, shots rang out, and both of them were dead.

The people of Sarajevo were predominantly Serbians. Their religious conviction was that of Orthodox Christians. Since the year 1054, the Catholic church has been waging war against the Orthodox Christians. Fifty years prior to the assassination, the Croatians, who are Catholic, were becoming extremely vocal about their hatred for the Serbians, who were a rival of Rome and needed to be exterminated.

Pope Pius X, in his hatred of the Orthodox Christians, was continually inciting Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria-Hungary to ‘chastise the Serbians.’ After Sarajevo, on July 26, 1914, Baron Ritter, Bavarian representative at the Holy See, wrote to his government: “The Pope approves of Austria’s harsh treatment of Serbia. He has no great opinion of the armies of Russia and France in the event of a war with Germany. The Cardinal Secretary of State does not see when Austria could make war if she does not decide to do so now….” There, in true colours, is the Vicar of Christ [the pope], the gentle apostle of peace, the Holy Pontiff whom pious authors represent as having died of sorrow at seeing the outbreak of war. — Edmund Paris. The Vatican against Europe, The Wickliffe Press, p. 14.

One may say quite specifically that in 1914, the Roman Catholic Church started the series of hellish wars. It was then that the tribute of blood which she has always taken from the peoples began to swell into a veritable torrent. — Ibid, p. 48.

There is much more. Keep reading.

This is the true history of the Roman Catholic Church. Make sure to invite others to read and learn the truth.
Now to understand how Woodrow Wilson was manipulated we need to understand his relationship to Edward Mandelll House and who he was. This piece explains that quite plainly:

Before we look at yet another reason for the Papacy’s delight in the First World War, let us look briefly at president Woodrow Wilson. Wilson was controlled and dominated by Colonel Edward Mandell House. Wilson said:

Mr. House is my second personality. He is my independent self. His thoughts and mine are one. — Charles Seymour, The Intimate Papers of Colonel House, Houghton Mifflin, vol. I, pp. 114-115.

For seven long years Colonel House was Woodrow Wilson’s other self…. It was House who made the slate for the Cabinet, formulated the first policies of the Administration and practically directed the foreign affairs of the United States. We had, indeed, two Presidents for one.… Super ambassador, he talked to emperors and kings as an equal. He was the spiritual generalissimo of the Administration. — George Viereck, The Strangest Friendship in History: Woodrow Wilson and Colonel House, Liveright Publishers, pp. 18, 19, 33.

Vierick says on pages 106-108 that while Wilson was running for re-election in 1916 on a platform of “because he kept us out of war,” House was negotiating a secret agreement with England and France, on behalf of Woodrow Wilson, that America would enter the war immediately after the election. House was also intimate with the power centers of money and power in Europe.

House had close contacts with both J.P. Morgan and the old banking families of Europe. — G. Edward Griffin, The Creature from Jekyll Island, American Opinion Publishing, p. 239.

Edward Mandell House totally controlled Woodrow Wilson. House was a Jesuit carrying out their every desire. He used Wilson as a puppet to create the League of Nations for the Jesuits. Wilson was nothing more than Rome’s tool to do their bidding.
The Hidden Causes Of World War I Are Finally Revealed The Millennium Report
Once again we see that there was a Jesuit controlling Wilson and the Jesuit was getting his orders directly from his Jesuit General - the Black Pope - where the seat of power truly is - concerning the Roman Catholic Institution.

Considering that the truth about the Roman Catholic Babylonian is being covered up again - it is a good time to review this thread and examine the truth about who and what they really are.
After just joining, I was wondering how such an obvious attempt at re-writing history by using phoney baloney-good time rock-n-roll planted web sites to make someones case, could possibly go 28 pages. After scanning it, I quickly discovered how----->1 poster both asked, and answered their own questions, lol. They never answered any question asked of them about the veracity of the site their great assumption came from, but just prattled on re-writing history, making it appear as Gospel.

28 pages of propaganda. What a waste of bandwidth-)

After "just joining", I find it interesting that your first agenda was to dig up a thread that hasn't been discussed in how many days? Last post on April 17th? Ah well...... In any case, had you read all 28 pages you'd know it isn't propaganda but for the sake of your "own agenda" it's clear your hoping against hope you could make the claim stick! ha! ha! Not a chance.

Actually, perusing the threads. This thread was 28 pages, and I am a history buff. I spent more time reading and researching WWII then you might have been on planet earth, so of course I was drawn to it. When I seen your proposition, I was extremely happy I wasn't drinking anything, or I might have needed the Heimlich. That is no offense to you for you believe what you believe. But in all honesty-------->there is more of a case to be made that the Armenian genocide had more to do with WWII because of Hitler referring to it on more than one occasion, than your left field assertion.

IC where you got the information from, I just can't believe that someone who appears to be extremely intelligent would use it without an agenda since it comes from such a small source with no factual footnotes.
There have been many sources and factual footnotes provided on this thread. Try again.
The Catholic people must wake up and realize that the Vatican is "the force" behind Islam - they must abandon Rome and it's false teachings of idolatry and call upon the Lord Jesus Christ to be saved.
I'm surprised the thread isn't about blaming the Jooooos for all the wars, disease, poverty, and famine. What a refreshing change. :clap2:

give them a chance
It is difficult to change the minds of anti-Semites who are determined to blame the Jews for their troubles but hopefully by learning the truth about the RCC they will reconsider, Rosie. I have for decades blamed the Roman Catholic Church and it's papacy for anti-Semitism, for the persecution of the Jews. I blame them for the wars (both WWI and WWII and the coming WWIII and for the disease, poverty and famine they have purposely perpetrated upon the world in order to force their NWO plan on it. The Church of Rome is the wealthiest private business on earth so it would make sense that it is they who control the Fed, the Bankers and wealth - NOT THE JEWS.
Jeremiah----do all Jesuit priests know about this stuff? ???? is this why there is
no real archaeology done in Arabia? Jews lived in Arabia for more than 1000 years
before muhummad was born-------and there is an Hebraized Arabic-----a mixture of
Hebrew and Arabic and written in Hebrew letters------an actual real language.------
jews write lots-------and save the writings----in something like crypts. There is no
question in my mind that there are all kinds of such crypts buried here and there in
Saudi Arabia. ----I will add----I never believed that story about muhummad being
completely illiterate-------there are very few people who interact with literate people
who remain COMPLETELY ILLITERATE ----with the exception of secluded women.
Do you think muhummad wrote stuff and it is hidden ?

I have more testimonies from Dr. Alberto Rivera of a Black Mass in which a high ranking Mason was present - when Alberto Rivera went to kiss his ring he saw it was a Masonic ring - there are Jesuits who serve on low levels and will never have the information that Dr. Alberto Rivera and other Jesuits among his circle had privilege to know - Rosie - during the time of Dr. Rivera's testimony he said there were approximately 108,000 Jesuits and today I am not sure how many there are.

This is the same in Freemasonry meetings (they are an arm of the Vatican - many do not realize this) - you have lower level Masons who have no idea they worship Lucifer and then you have the highest levels who know they worship Lucifer - just as there are Jesuits who know they serve Lucifer and other Jesuits who are not aware they are serving Lucifer. The Cardinal Bea told the Jesuits that there were writings of Muhammad that had not been published - I am compelled to believe the testimony of Dr. Alberto Rivera as nothing I have read - not one word - has been wrongly spoken. Rivera was a born again Christian a man who felt great compassion for the Roman Catholic people who had been deceived - he led over 1,000 Catholics out of Catholicism and to Jesus Christ - I hope to pray millions out of the Roman Catholic church and into the Kingdom of heaven but the truth must be told - they must know the truth about the history of the Roman Vatican and its Catholic institution - it is completely satanic.

you don't have to be catholic to be a "free-mason"------In fact I have known non catholic girls who were------part of that thing-----something EAST GIRLS----or something like that. or "rainbow girls" ?? They had to learn some weird ritual for initiation----
my college room mate was being brought into it by her parents-----I drilled her
on the nonsense in preparation. Some lady I knew (adult) got all bent out of
shape when I mentioned it-------it is supposed to be a BIG TIME SECRET-----
we both laughed whilst learning the silly crap

Many Masons have no idea that the Vatican is at the helm of Freemasonry. Many Masons have no idea that Ignatius Loyola - a Catholic occultist was the founder of the Jesuits AND the Illuminati. They simply have no idea. There are Jews who have become Masons too. They do not necessarily know the connection to the Vatican either. If they did they would have no part of it - (I'd have to believe)

Many Jews are Masonite, and that is why they are so close to the Mormon church. Also many of our founding fathers belonged to Masonic lodges. Most were Deist, and or Unitarian.

"many jews are masons'?? I know lot of jews and never met a jewish mason.
when I was a kid------no jewish masons at all----that was a kinda known fact---
someone changed something------MORMON----it has something to do with
I would say few Jews are Masons but there are some. Shimone Peres was a Jesuit agent of Rome. He sold Israel out. It's possible he was a mason too.
Why Did German Protestants Support Hitler?

Why Did German Protestants Support Hitler
This is where the author reaches a wrong conclusion - yes - the UN was the creation of the Vatican - he is right on that point - but it was not the reason for WWII - the reason for the Vatican creating WWII was to turn Protestant Europe into Catholic Europe - with the Bible in the hands of the people - the Roman Church was becoming a relic - they needed an Inquisition to bring all of Europe back under their power and this time their goal was to exterminate all the Jews and then - the Protestants - to take complete power and unite the world under a One World Government with the Pope as the spiritual leader and the anti-Christ ruler - being empowered by them. Hitler was their man for this Inquisition. (along with Mussolini and Franco who were also Catholic and in service to the Pope) If Hitler failed - Rome had already arranged a back up plan. They hid underground 1,000 Roman Catholic Jews so that if Hitler failed in his assignment they could tell the world the Vatican saved the lives of Jewish people. All of this information came out from the Ex - Jesuit Dr. Alberto Rivera which his why they tried to murder him five times and when that failed they resorted to slander - false accusations - not of which worked as his accusers could never produce any evidence of their accusations against him! All of Dr. Alberto Rivera's documentation as a former Jesuit priest and Bishop who answered directly to the Pope was verified and Dr. Rivera was vindicated - still the Vatican continued in their lies against him.
here is what the author writes:
The Hidden Causes Of World War I Are Finally Revealed The Millennium Report

After World War One ended, the Jesuits did not get what they wanted. Woodrow Wilson and Edward Mandel House managed to get them the League of Nations, but it failed miserably because the United States did not join. Therefore another war was necessary, a war so devastating that the people would cry out for a united nations. This was one of the goals of World War Two. We will look at this and other reasons for World War Two in our next chapter.
As I said this was not the goal - the Vatican did believe they would rule the world if Hitler could achieve victory and he did come dangerously close to doing it - still was it part of their agenda? Sure it was. Look at how the Vatican is manipulating wars throughout the world using the UN. It has served them very well. Do not forget that the Vatican has trillions of dollars and is very, very powerful. They have plenty of money to pay off those who are willing to accept their bribes. And if that doesn't work? They can use their Jesuits to assassinate them. They've been doing it throughout history. Roman Catholicism a Christian Church? Not a chance. The most heartbreaking part of this story is the millions of Catholic people who have been deceived and do not realize what is going on here.

Look Jeri

He loved your Lord man god just like you do!!!

"My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice... And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows. For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people."

-Adolf Hitler, in a speech on 12 April 1922 (Norman H. Baynes, ed. The Speeches of Adolf Hitler, April 1922-August 1939, Vol. 1 of 2, pp. 19-20, Oxford University Press, 1942)

guno goes for adolf again

for the record-----the action by Jesus in the temple in attacking the
money changers ----PROVES HE WAS A PHARISEE JEW. ----
Pharisee from top to bottom and outside and inside out. Pharisee
jew and-----generally "anti rome" which is why he was crucified.

Stupid Shiksa, I am Jewish
I'm a couple of years late responding to some of your posts, Guno, but let's be nice to Rosie. You are a Jewish man, she is a Jewish woman........and an elder.. Shalom.
ok---ok----here is my question. HOW DID THEY KEEP THIS VAST
CONSPIRACY ----a secret for so long? It seems even more VAST AND

the masons??? were they not simply left over from the medieval guild
system-----and the "MASONS"----was simply the guild of masons?????
Or did the MASON GUILD act as a coverup for Jesuits? Now for
my next question------IS KAREN ARMSTRONG A JESUIT?
I have no idea who Karen Armstrong is. How did they keep it a secret for so long? They are master deceivers, Rosie. Worshipers of Lucifer and very subtle and crafty like their father the devil. Since this thread there are at least 3 Jewish men (Guno being one of them) who are exposing the truth about the RCC and touching on what is even written here! So this thread was definitely worth writing up and posting.
Page 17 of The Godfathers by Jack Chick Publications - Testimony of an Ex-Jesuit - Dr. Alberto Rivera:

Dr. Alberto Rivera: At the end of World War 1, when the allies signed the Treaty of Versailles in July, 1919.... They were so mad at the Vatican for starting the war that they refused to recognize them as a political power any more and kept them away from the conference table. 1

Even though Europe was in shambles, neither France was broken nor was the Orthodox Church in Serbia (Yugoslavia) Young people in Germany and Italy didn't know which way to turn. They were rebellious. Inflation was ruining the country.

picture of map of Germany, Spain, Vatican, Italy, on page 17 - Communists were organizing revolutionary groups. The Jesuits moved on three fronts. Pope Benedict XV died of poisoning in 1922, and Pope Pius XI took over.

Pope Pius XI

The first front was Italy. At this time, an unknown man appeared, strutting around, saying he was the new Caesar destined to rebuild the Roman Empire. His name was Benito Mussolini.

He was arrogant, ruthless, and vicious. His little army of black shirts were nothing more than a group of thugs who beat all opponents into submission.

The Black pope assigned a top Jesuit to work with Mussolini.

Photo of Black Pope - Jesuit General
- Halke Von Ledochowski*

His priest and father confessor was a Jesuit named Venturi. The Catholic vote, directed by the Vatican, swept Mussolini into power. Pope XI called Mussolini, "The man whom providence allowed us to meet.


1. The Secret History of the Jesuits page 122 2. The General of the Jesuits at this time was Halke Von Ledochowski. 3. The Secret History of the Jesuits. Edmond Paris page 126
page 17 of The Godfathers by Jack Chick Publications

Jeri aren't you afraid that the jesuits might come after you for posting this info about them :ack-1:
Let them come for me. I can't wait. Guno, what a difference a couple of years make. A week ago I found some discussions by you on the topic of Catholicism, idolatry, praying to statues and I have to say - you have quite an excellent grasp on the false teachings of Catholicism now. I'm very thankful to God for seeing you speak out about this because as a Jewish man you must realize that the long term plan of the Vatican to internationalize Jerusalem has already been put to a vote by their UNESCO group which seeks to steal Jerusalem away from the Jews. So time is of the essence - you need to wake up as many Jewish people as you can about this and let them know what you know about Rome.
Jeremiah is there a Jack Chick comic book about the evil NFL Patriots team and their recent satanic Super Bowl victory? ..... :cool:

why are you so obsessed over the cheatriots team?

But since you are on this subject,they have tarnished their championships with their lying this year and their new scandal deflategate to go along with spygate proving they have to cheat to get to superbowls and since Belicheat has taught Brady how to lie to win now,they are going to be thought of in the same breath as Mark Mcguire,Sammy Sosa,Roger Clemons,and Barry Bonds now.players who had to cheat to set records and because of that,all have an asterisk next to their names now.

as far as this last superbowl victory of theirs? Pete the cheat has tarnished the NFL as well.I was warned before about what a cheater he was,how players in college accused him of purposely taking payoffs to throw games.I did not believe it but now I do.any thinking person can see that he was paid off to throw that game.

He is even more scum than Belicheat.Belicheat at least cheats to win where Carrol cheats to lose.

The NFL has turned into a joke with the way they allow the patriots to commit rule violations and pete the cheat throwing this game. I have been played for a sucker long enough but no more,the NFL will no longer ever get one dime from me in the future.

Im sure many more americans are fed up with the NFL as well thanks to these two corrupt coachs and how they are allowed to keep coaching.

In college,they kick you out of the program for cheating.the NFL is just pure business and profit nothing more

To answer Sunni's question - there are Jack Chick tracts on Liars - and that no liar can enter the kingdom of heaven - and Sunni man can find that tract (about Liars) on Jack Chick thread - Religion forum. I'm not obsessed with the Patriots. I just have no respect for people who call themselves professionals yet lie and cheat in order to win a football game. It is setting a bad example to young people who are watching them.
I agree with 9/11 that Carroll was reported to have a history of having thrown games before - his own players reported that about him - so what can be said of such a man? I believe all good things come from the LORD and if the LORD desired to give Carroll's team a superbowl championship only for Carroll to throw it away and hand the victory to his enemy....... what sort of fool does that?

I suppose the only thing worse would be the type of fool who claims to have known Jesus Christ - been a believer in Jesus Christ - had his salvation in Jesus Christ - and threw it away for a false prophet who did not die on a cross for his sins, never raised a single person from the dead, never performed a single miracle and who - by following - is a guaranteed one way ticket to hell. So who wins biggest fool out of those 3 scenarios? Sunni man. He's the clear cut "winner AND loser" in this runoff because there can be no greater fool than someone who throws away their own salvation in Jesus Christ over a loser and a false prophet like Mohammad.

yeah you dont have an obsession with the Patriots but Sunni sure seems to.That was like over two months ago and he is STLL talking about that game?

you on the other hand,have moved on and havent mentioned that game since then.
Thank you LA Ram. I realize I am 2 years later in reading this but I do thank you and may your team have a great year!
This is a fascinating report on the hidden cause behind WWI and WWII. I am sure you will find the story to be quite revealing.. After finding this today - it made sense to me as I had prior been reading a great deal about the culprits behind WWI and WW II and this confirms much of those reports. I had been wondering if there was ever an investigation putting the puzzle - as it were - together. It appears it has been done. Have a look at this!

The Hidden Causes Of World War I Are Finally Revealed The Millennium Report

The True Causes Of WWI — Who & Why

The heir to the Austria-Hungarian throne, Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife, were in Sarajevo on July 26, 1914. As they made their way through the crowded streets in an open carriage, shots rang out, and both of them were dead.

The people of Sarajevo were predominantly Serbians. Their religious conviction was that of Orthodox Christians. Since the year 1054, the Catholic church has been waging war against the Orthodox Christians. Fifty years prior to the assassination, the Croatians, who are Catholic, were becoming extremely vocal about their hatred for the Serbians, who were a rival of Rome and needed to be exterminated.

Pope Pius X, in his hatred of the Orthodox Christians, was continually inciting Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria-Hungary to ‘chastise the Serbians.’ After Sarajevo, on July 26, 1914, Baron Ritter, Bavarian representative at the Holy See, wrote to his government: “The Pope approves of Austria’s harsh treatment of Serbia. He has no great opinion of the armies of Russia and France in the event of a war with Germany. The Cardinal Secretary of State does not see when Austria could make war if she does not decide to do so now….” There, in true colours, is the Vicar of Christ [the pope], the gentle apostle of peace, the Holy Pontiff whom pious authors represent as having died of sorrow at seeing the outbreak of war. — Edmund Paris. The Vatican against Europe, The Wickliffe Press, p. 14.

One may say quite specifically that in 1914, the Roman Catholic Church started the series of hellish wars. It was then that the tribute of blood which she has always taken from the peoples began to swell into a veritable torrent. — Ibid, p. 48.

There is much more. Keep reading.
WW1 was caused by the Kaiser's and the Tsar's and the Austrian Emperor's lusts for more territory.


These are the 7 deadliest sins according to Pope Gregory.

The Kaisar and the Emperor ceased to exist after WW1 and were forced into exile.

The Tsar was murdered by the Bolsheviks.

Ergo WW1 was a very dumb idea.
This is a fascinating report on the hidden cause behind WWI and WWII. I am sure you will find the story to be quite revealing.. After finding this today - it made sense to me as I had prior been reading a great deal about the culprits behind WWI and WW II and this confirms much of those reports. I had been wondering if there was ever an investigation putting the puzzle - as it were - together. It appears it has been done. Have a look at this!

The Hidden Causes Of World War I Are Finally Revealed The Millennium Report

The True Causes Of WWI — Who & Why

The heir to the Austria-Hungarian throne, Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife, were in Sarajevo on July 26, 1914. As they made their way through the crowded streets in an open carriage, shots rang out, and both of them were dead.

The people of Sarajevo were predominantly Serbians. Their religious conviction was that of Orthodox Christians. Since the year 1054, the Catholic church has been waging war against the Orthodox Christians. Fifty years prior to the assassination, the Croatians, who are Catholic, were becoming extremely vocal about their hatred for the Serbians, who were a rival of Rome and needed to be exterminated.

Pope Pius X, in his hatred of the Orthodox Christians, was continually inciting Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria-Hungary to ‘chastise the Serbians.’ After Sarajevo, on July 26, 1914, Baron Ritter, Bavarian representative at the Holy See, wrote to his government: “The Pope approves of Austria’s harsh treatment of Serbia. He has no great opinion of the armies of Russia and France in the event of a war with Germany. The Cardinal Secretary of State does not see when Austria could make war if she does not decide to do so now….” There, in true colours, is the Vicar of Christ [the pope], the gentle apostle of peace, the Holy Pontiff whom pious authors represent as having died of sorrow at seeing the outbreak of war. — Edmund Paris. The Vatican against Europe, The Wickliffe Press, p. 14.

One may say quite specifically that in 1914, the Roman Catholic Church started the series of hellish wars. It was then that the tribute of blood which she has always taken from the peoples began to swell into a veritable torrent. — Ibid, p. 48.

There is much more. Keep reading.
WW2 was caused by Tojo's and Adolf's greed.

Both of these morons committed suicide towards the end of it.

And a lot of their countrymen and women and children died as a result.
This is a fascinating report on the hidden cause behind WWI and WWII. I am sure you will find the story to be quite revealing.. After finding this today - it made sense to me as I had prior been reading a great deal about the culprits behind WWI and WW II and this confirms much of those reports. I had been wondering if there was ever an investigation putting the puzzle - as it were - together. It appears it has been done. Have a look at this!

The Hidden Causes Of World War I Are Finally Revealed The Millennium Report

The True Causes Of WWI — Who & Why

The heir to the Austria-Hungarian throne, Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife, were in Sarajevo on July 26, 1914. As they made their way through the crowded streets in an open carriage, shots rang out, and both of them were dead.

The people of Sarajevo were predominantly Serbians. Their religious conviction was that of Orthodox Christians. Since the year 1054, the Catholic church has been waging war against the Orthodox Christians. Fifty years prior to the assassination, the Croatians, who are Catholic, were becoming extremely vocal about their hatred for the Serbians, who were a rival of Rome and needed to be exterminated.

Pope Pius X, in his hatred of the Orthodox Christians, was continually inciting Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria-Hungary to ‘chastise the Serbians.’ After Sarajevo, on July 26, 1914, Baron Ritter, Bavarian representative at the Holy See, wrote to his government: “The Pope approves of Austria’s harsh treatment of Serbia. He has no great opinion of the armies of Russia and France in the event of a war with Germany. The Cardinal Secretary of State does not see when Austria could make war if she does not decide to do so now….” There, in true colours, is the Vicar of Christ [the pope], the gentle apostle of peace, the Holy Pontiff whom pious authors represent as having died of sorrow at seeing the outbreak of war. — Edmund Paris. The Vatican against Europe, The Wickliffe Press, p. 14.

One may say quite specifically that in 1914, the Roman Catholic Church started the series of hellish wars. It was then that the tribute of blood which she has always taken from the peoples began to swell into a veritable torrent. — Ibid, p. 48.

There is much more. Keep reading.
WW2 was caused by Tojo's and Adolf's greed.

Both of these morons committed suicide towards the end of it.

And a lot of their countrymen and women and children died as a result.
Read the thread, Y. 11,797 people have already read it. You're turn.
Hitler's army were mainly Protestants. The RCC didn't start WWI or WWII.

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