WWI, WWII: The Hidden Cause Finally Revealed

Second half of page 20 of the Godfathers by Jack Chick publications. First this photograph and then the identities of those present at this meeting.


click this picture once to enlarge the image - for better view

Like Italy, Germany signed a concordat with the Vatican in Rome, 1933.

Signing the Concordat is Cardinal Pacelli (later to become Pope Pius XII) By 1933 he was the Vatican Secretary of State. Second from the left is Franz Von Papen, a sinister Nazi and devout Roman Catholic who was Hitler's ace diplomat and the Vatican's agent in helping to bring Hitler to power.

Von Papen boasted to the world, "The Third Reich is the first power, which not only recognizes, but puts into practice, the high principles of the Papacy."


Standing at the far right is the little - known Vatican prelate, Montini, later to become Pope Paul VI.



page 20
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page 21 of The Godfathers by Jack Chick Publications - Testimony of an Ex-Jesuit - Dr. Alberto Rivera

Spain became the third front. Three presidents of the Spanish Republic, Niceto Alcala Zamera, Manuel Azana, and Juan Negrin ( all Jesuit trained ) had demanded five laws passed in Spain to block the Vatican's interference in the Spanish Republic.

1. All Roman Catholic property to be nationalized.
2. All Roman Catholic Churches to be taxed.
3. No more schools in the hands of priests.
4. All schools, convents, and monasteries to be under the control of Spain.
5. To recognize the Protestant religion.

This was a result of discovering bodies of babies under the convents. (See ALBERTO pag. 12. Chick Publications) It triggered a bloody Catholic war against the Vatican. The Pope hired several divisions of Moslem mercenaries to fight under Franco (a good Mason) to kill all Roman Catholics, Jews and Protestants that opposed them. Because a handful of Communists backed the Republic, the world was led to believe it was a communist revolution, thanks to the Vatican controlled press....to cover up the truth.

The Pope excommunicated the heads of the Spanish Republic and declared spiritual war between the Holy See and Madrid. Franco eventually became the Roman Catholic Dictator of Spain. Franco's government was recognized August 3, 1937 by the Vatican, just 30 months before the Civil war ended.

So now the Jesuits had leaders for their three fronts. These men became "DEFENDERS OF THE FAITH".


Faithful Roman Catholic who served the Vatican faithfully, mass murderer of 6 1/2 million Jews


Benito Mussolini, Faithful Catholic and Servant of the Roman Catholic Vatican, brutal mass murderer.

Faithful Roman Catholic
servant of Vatican, cold blooded murderer.

Now the blood was ready to flow worldwide in a new holy war. THE INQUISITION IS UNDER WAY AT LAST.

First part of page 21 with second part in next post.....
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Page 21 continued of The Godfathers by Jack Chick Publications:

Dr. Alberto Rivera: German Catholics, under orders, started joining Protestant churches. This was critical to pull off the diabolical plot that would affect the thinking of Jews for decades to come. These undercover Roman Catholics worked hard to gain the acceptance and trust of Protestant pastors and their church members. And when the anti-Jewish atrocities began........

These Catholic agents, pretending to be Protestants, publicly accused the Jews and turned them in to the Gestapo for export to death camps. And so, even today, the Jews believe the Protestants turned them in and that the true Christians are their enemies.

page 21 -
note from me -I believe this is precisely what happened to Corrie Ten Boom who had hid the Jews with her family - they were turned in by a Catholic who had pretended to be Protestant - because they were trusted - they found out the locations of where the Protestant Christians were hiding the Jewish people / children / to save their lives.
page 21 concludes - from The Godfathers - by Jack Chick publications:

The Jesuits are masters of deceit. The Vatican took over 1,000 Roman Catholic Jews, and hid them under the hills of the Vatican for the duration of the war. WHY? Just in case Hitler lost.

The Vatican always covers itself in case its plans should backfire. This way, they could proclaim to the world that they protected the Jews from Hitler!


Page 22 of The Godfathers by Jack Chick publications begins with:

While Germany was busy building her war machine, the Jesuits were busy in the countries scheduled for Hitler's coming invasion.

The Jesuits were building a 5th column in France, Belgium, etc. ( a 5th column is a secret army within a country ready to lay down their arms and do all they can to help the enemy capture their own nation.) The organization called Catholic Action in these countries was the 5th Column.

In Belgium, the Jesuit priests, Picard, Arendt and Foucalt preached a fascist Hitlerite gospel, calling it a spritual renewal. Thus preparing the way for the German tanks.

In France, Catholic Action became the fifth column,working under the name of the National Catholic Federation. The Jesuits told the Catholics that the Pope was behind Hitler and so they were ready to serve the Catholic Nazi army when the time was right. When France was invaded by German tanks, she fell in about 30 days, thanks to Catholic Action.
page 22
page 23 of The God Fathers by Jack Chick publications. Testimony of an Ex-Jesuit - Dr. Alberto Rivera.

Pope Pius XI died February 10,1939. It was another mysterious death. 1 Pius XII came into power praying for a Nazi victory.

Pope Pius XII - (Pacelli)

Hitler started his smashing attacks in Europe, and World War II exploded. Germany, Italy and Japan
2 fought the world, and millions were killed, wounded, and maimed. For six long, bloody years, the war kept on.

Dr. Rivera (ex-Jesuit) believes that one of Hitler's greatest sources of military intelligence came through the Vatican via the Roman Catholic confessionals all over the world!

First part of page 23
This picture of this pope - he was in another photo with Von Papen, the Faithful Roman Catholic Nazi - this Pope Pius XII was a true son of Hell.
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Continuing page 23 of The Godfathers by Jack Chick Publications

The German Secret Service, or Gestapo, had been constituted by Heinrich Himmler, according to the principles of the Jesuit Order.
3 Hitler told his friends, I can see Himmler as our Ignatius Loyola.


Many Roman Catholic priests wore the black uniform of the secret service.
4 The Jesuit Father Himmler (Heinrich Himmler's Uncle) was one of the superior officers.

It was mainly through this organization that 6 1/2 million Jews suffered torture and death.
The inquisition was in full swing.

Bible believing protestants, who prayed for the Jews and tried to help, also went into the concentration camps. In Yugoslavia, "The Separated Brethren," the Greek Orthodox Church members (called the Serbians), were slaughtered by the dreaded "Ustachi's"
6 A Catholic group lead by the Jesuits.

The monstrous tortures and massacres
7 they inflicted upon their victims were almost unprintable. Many priests were members of the Catholic "USTACHI" killer squads.

After the war, Andrija Artukovic fled the USA after murrdering over 1 million people,(mostly Orthodox Church members) Yugoslavia almost got Artukovic back to pay for his crimes, but thanks to the Roman Catholic Insitution ( CARDINAL SPELLMAN) the Catholic controlled U.S. Immigration Service and U.S. Intelligence Services, they blocked his extradition back to Yugoslavia.

The Godfather, Pope Pius XII was very pleased. These enemies of the Vatican were paying a terrible price for not bowing down to his holiness.

page 23

5. IBID PAG 168
6. IBID PAGE 143- 148
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page 24 of The Godfathers by Jack Chick Publications:

Augustin Cardinal Bea who gave his briefing of what happened before, during and after World War II. (As a Jesuit - Dr. Alberto Rivera was privileged with these learning these secrets)

As the war was coming to a close, the Soviet Army (supplied with weapons by America) hit from the East while the allies had pushed into Germany, crushing Hitler's army.

In response to a secret request by Hitler, General Franco sent his famous Blue Army, made up mostly of basque soldiers, to Germany. An entire division was moved by train through the allied lines. It had Vatican flags. The allies were told its mission was to save nuns, priests and monks from being killed.

The Blue Army fought with the Germans, defending Berlin. When Adolph Hitler knew he had lost, he committed suicide and Admiral Karl Doenitz (a good Roman Catholic) took command of the Nazi Army.

Instead of returning the Blue Army to Spain as the Nazis had promised, Admiral Deoenitz put Germany's gold on that train and sent it to Switzerland to be put in the Swiss Banks by the Vatican. The Blue Army had been betrayed. Most of the survivors ended up in Russian prisons.
Americans were told the gold train passing through their lines was a "MERCY TRAIN" from the Pope, carrying medical supplies to the wounded. When they saw the Pope's flags, it passed without inspection.

The very few ragged Blue Army survivors who got back to Spain were either shot or placed in insane asylums to make sure the true story about Germany's gold was kept secret from the world.

But the special officers in the Blue Army who were part of the conspiracy returned in glory and were well rewarded for their effort.
*The Secret History of the Jesuits by Paris.
page 24
Conclusion to page 24 of The Godfathers by Jack Chick Publications:

Germany surrendered May 8, 1945. Europe was in ruins. The Whore of Revelation 17 was in trouble again. Her one child ( The Nazi Party) which Pope Pius XII backed, had fallen. Her other child (Communism) which she hated, was the winner. The Jesuits, always prepared for reversals, had set up the following precautionary measures in case they lost World War II.

1. Make everybody believe the Vatican had nothing to do with the war, and in time convince the world the Holocaust never happened.

2. Make sure the rebellious priests, nuns and monks were interned in concentration camps, so they could convince the world that they, too, were persecuted.

3. They ordered Catholic families and priests to protect the Jews in their homes, so in the future it could make good public relations material for films, books, etc, NOTE: Those Jews had already been converted to Catholicism.

4. Put on a new face by setting up Vatican Council II.

5. Set up a Communist Pope from behind the Iron Curtain to please the Communists and try to convert them to Catholicism....to fulfill their prophecy of "Fatima" in which Pope Pius XII was so deeply involved.
(NOTE* Pope Francis is a Jesuit - with deep Communist ties - he is the one the Communists and liberal left have embraced now)
Page 25 of The Godfather - By Jack Chick Publications -

Adolph Hitler, son of the Roman Catholic Church, died while defending Christianity. (this is a lie but watch what the Vatican does with this.......)

This is what they published in the Spanish press on the day of Hitler's death.

Adolph Hitler, son of the Roman Catholic Church, died while defending Christianity. It is therefore understandable that words cannot be found to lament over his death, when so many were found to exalt his life. Over his mortal remains stands his victorious moral figure. With the palm of the martyr, God gives Hitler the laurels of victory ( published in the Spanish press the day Hitler died)

The funeral oration of the Nazi chief, a challenge to the victorious allies, is voiced by the Holy See itself, under the cover of Franco's press. It is a communique of the Vatican via Madrid.

See the Secret History of the Jesuits by Paris page 163

The "Mother of Harlots" has been forced by world opinion to make a vague apology for the failure of those sons and daughters of the church who promoted the holocaust. Many Jewish leaders didn't buy it, pointing to centuries of persecution that created an atmosphere that ultimately led to the holocaust.

The Vatican has made some steps to recognize Israel as a nation, yet continues to pressure "internationalization" of Jerusalem.

God help us if the United States ever signs a concordat with the Vatican. Catholicism would be the only recognized religion in the United States and it would be you and your children appearing in the pictures ( as seen in holocaust museums) Dr. Rivera the ex - Jesuit has stated that negotiations are under way to bring that to pass.
See the Secret History of the Jesuits and also Four Horsemen by Jack Chick Publications.
page 25
First part of page 26 of the Godfathers by Jack Chick Publications:

The religious machine of today is very, very old. It started after Noah's flood. Satan used two key people, Nimrod and his wife, Semiramis, to originate this worldwide occult religion in the city of Babylon.

After Nimrod's death, Semiramis had a son, Tammuz and claimed he was Nimrod reincarnated.

Note the right hand sign that Tammuz makes -
identical to the two finger hand sign of
the Roman Catholic pope - very significant -

This "Nimrod" (Tammuz) married his mother, and after his death, Semiramis claimed he had become the sun god "Baal." Some of the names give him were Sol, Asshur, Attis, Adonis, Horus, etc. The system made her into a goddess. Semiramis also ended up with many names throughout the centuries, like Isis (in Egypt) Venus, and the Queen of Heaven. Just like the religious system of today, it was linked to worldwide politics.

See page 15 Crusaders Vol. 9 Angel of Light See also Babylon religion 2006 by Daniels and The Two Babylons 1858 by Hislop, available from Chick Publications.

Here is the link today. It is found in the Obelisk which is a four sided pillar facing the 4 corners of the earth. At its peak is a pyramid. It represents a combination of both religious and political pwer worldwide. It appears in Egypt, in teh U.S., (Washington's Monument and in the Vatican. To the Jesuits, Masons, and the Illuminati it secretly stands for One World Government. The "obelisk" is occultic. It represents the sun god "Baal." It also represents life through sex. It is the phallic symbol (male organ)


obelisk at Vatican

obelisk - Washington monument


freemason obelisk


Obelisk in Egypt
first part of page 26
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Conclusion of page 26 from The Godfathers by Jack Chick publications - testimony of Ex - Jesuit - Dr. Alberto Rivera

Dr. Rivera explains that when he was under the extreme oath of the Jesuits, he was told that a secret sign was to be given to the Jesuits worldwide when the ecumenical movement had successfully wiped out protestantism. In preparation for the signing of a concordat between the Vatican and the the U.S. The sign was to be when a president of the U.S. took his oath of office facing an obelisk. For the first time in U.S. history, the swearing in ceremonies were moved to the West front of the Capitol, and President Reagan faced the Washington Monument. This happened Jan. 20,1981. Was the President aware of this? We don't know.

Let's go back in history to the time of Jesus, Satan had a death grip on humanity, Baal worship had covered the world and even infiltrated Jewish religion. It was at this time in history the Creator of the Universe left heaven to come to this planet and be born in Bethlehem.
* footnote - Newsweek Jan 26, 1981 page 32
We will now finish this series (and begin the next one - called The Four Horsemen - the testimony of ex - Jesuit - Alberto Rivera) after we close with these final words from the part three series we are reading now - The Godfathers. First we go all the way back to the beginning to learn where we are at right now ( which anyone will confirm is the proper order to understand a matter fully) and then we will move into an even deeper study of who the Jesuits are, how the Vatican came to such power, their actual involvement with WWI and WWII and Bible prophecy which confirms they are the one behind planning WWIII - also what they are presently planning against the United States of America - such as the disarming of American citizens (and more) - and on an even grander scale - the world. Here is page 27 of The Godfathers by Jack Chick publications.

God the Holy Spirit came upon the virgin Mary and she conceived.* God had taken the form of flesh and was born on this planet as a baby boy.
Matthew 1:18-20

The Bible says: He was in the world, and the world was made by him and the world knew him not.
John 1:10

But Satan knew who he was, and was outraged.
Luke 4:41

Jesus was his deadliest enemy, because it was Jesus Christ who threw Satan out of heaven.
Luke 10:18,
Isaiah 14:12,15,16

When Jesus was about two years old, He was rushed away to Egypt just hours before King Herod's troops stormed into Bethlehem and murdered all the babies.
Matthew 2:13-16

When Jesus was 30 years old, just before He began his public ministry, He was introduced to the world in a very strange way, by a prophet of God named John the Baptist. John said, Behold the lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world. Why was he called the Lamb of God? We have to go back to Bible history to the time of Moses to find out.
(Exodus 12:1-5)

Back when the Israelites had become the slaves of Egypt and were building pyramids under Egyptian whips.. God brought Moses up as His great prophet to lead the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt into the promised land. Moses asked Pharaoh to let his people go. Pharaoh refused! So God sent plagues against Egypt to destroy its power. The last plague was the hardest hitting of all..... the firstborn in every home in Egypt was to die.*
The ONLY way to save the firstborn was to kill a lamb and put it's blood over the door posts.
Exodus 12:22

When the destroyer saw the blood on the door posts, he would pass over and not kill the firstborn in that house.
Exodus 12:23

All the children of Israel put the blood of the lamb on their door posts. That night, the destroying angel passed through Egypt.
Exodus 12:23

When he saw the blood on the house, he passed over it. But the others he killed without mercy, from the firstborn of Pharaoh down to the poorest Egyptian family. The Egyptians were scared to death of Moses and his God. Pharaoh ordered Moses to take the children of Israel out of Egypt. This event is called the PASSOVER.

When the children of Israel left Egypt, God gave Moses instructions to set up a way of life for his people. The Lord insisted the lamb be sacrificed to cover the sins of individuals. For centuries, animal sacrifices were part of Jewish religious services.

The Bible says that without the shedding of blood there is no remission (no release from guilt or penalty) of sins.
Hebrews 9:22

God made it clear that it is appointed for men to die once, but after death, the judgment.
Hebrews 9:27

As it is written, there in none righteous, no, not one.
Romans 3:10.

So Jesus came to earth for three major reasons.
ONE: To make a way for us to go to heaven.
Hebrews 9:12,24,28
Our sins can be forgiven because of His gift of love.
Romans 5:5,8

TWO: To destroy the works of darkness in the form of a religious system.
1 John 3:8

THREE: To fulfill prophecy, He came as Israel's Messiah, and the Savior of the world.
John 1:11-13

Nobody trusted anybody. Israel hated the Romans who controlled their country, but Jesus taught them a new way of life.
He said, Bless them that curse you. Do good to them that hate you. And love your neighbor as yourself.
Luke 6:27,28
Jesus astonished the multitudes with His teaching. Thousands heard his message but only a handful followed him.
Matt. 7:26,29
John 8:30,31

The religious leaders controlled the people and had become rich. They ALL professed to love God. It was a very profitable business.

Scene depicting Jesus with a whip of cords in the temple: You make my Father's house a house of merchandise! When Jesus drove the money-changers out of the great temple in Jerusalem, it was war with the religious leaders.

Jesus always confronts the enemy. He never sat down and had friendly dialogue with them.

(Next scene depicts Jesus rebuking religious leaders ) Jesus said to them: You hypocrites! You generation of vipers! (snakes) He knew Satan controlled these religious leaders, and that they were destroying people instead of bringing them closer to God.

They set Him up on phony charges and had the Lord Jesus arrested. The religious machine found Him guilty.
(They violated 18 Jewish laws to do it)

He was abused, cut to shreds by a cat - o - nine tails * cursed, and His beard plucked off. He was spit upon and laughed at, and sentenced to die. He was executed by one of the most painful deaths known to man.... CRUCIFIXION.

Who was Jesus? The Bible tells us He is the Creator of the Universe. He is the God of the Old Testament, the Lamb of God. He is the Great God Almighty who will judge all who die in their sins at the "Great White Throne Judgment"

He will also judge Christians at the Judgment seat of Christ.
(1 Corinthians 5:10)

He was the only perfect man to ever walk this earth. He is the SAVIOR OF THE WORLD. * Satan was thrilled to death to see his enemy tortured and crucified. The angels of heaven were horrified to see what happened to their leader and Creator. footnotes * 1 John 3:5 * See the Gift By Jack Chick publications

The bible says the blood of bulls, goats and lambs couldn't wash away the sins of man. All mankind was lost. The son (being God himself) came to earth to become the one great sacrifice for mankind. This awesome act was to be done ONLY ONCE in history.
(Hebrews 10:4,9,14)
* 1 Timothy 3:16

For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16

This terrible sacrifice was the only one acceptable to God, the Father....... NEVER TO BE REPEATED AGAIN.

Jesus became the Passover Lamb. He shed His innocent blood for you. Those who commit their lives to Him and follow His teachings are covered with that blood, and on the day of judgment, God will see the blood and not their sins. They will miss the wrath of God and enter into heaven.

As soon as he died, the veil in the Jewish temple was ripped from top to bottom.
Matt. 27:51

God showed Israel that the system of the sacrifice of animals had ended. Christ had fulfilled the law. Jesus was the perfect and final sacrifice.

Three days later, Jesus rose from the dead and was seen by over 500 witnesses. He was caught up into heaven to sit next to God, the Father.
1 Corinthians 15:3-8

Satan used religious leaders to push political leaders, and the children of Israel to reject their Messiah and Savior.
(Luke 23:12)

The sacrifice of animals continued, which was blasphemy in the eyes of God and an insult to Christ.

Titus, the Roman general, attacked in Jerusalem in 70 A.D. and destroyed the great Jewish temple. The sacrifices ceased and the Jews were scattered across the earth.

Satan was quick to form the Roman Catholic Institution out of Baal Worship. He would see to it that a deadlier type of sacrifice would be invented in order to put millions into hell.




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Page 31 of the Godfathers by Jack Chick Publications - Testimony of an Ex-Jesuit - Dr. Alberto Rivera.

Satan, using a combination of Jewish and Pagan religious rites, developed the Roman Catholic Mass, which keeps repeating Christ's sacrifice on the cross over and over again. The Lord's supper was replaced by this deadly counterfeit.

During Mass, the priest magically turns the wafer into the body, blood and soul and divinity of Christ. Who gave him this power? The boys in religious costumes in the Vatican. Then Roman Catholics are ordered to worship this wafer because it has become God Himself. Failing to do so means the Catholic is damned. Big joke? No. They are deadly serious!

Canon 1, Council of Trent, 1563: "If anyone shall deny that the body and blood, together with the soul and divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, and therefore entire Christ, are truly, really and substantially contained in the sacrament of the most Holy Eucharist, and say that He is only in it as a sign, or in a figure - let him be accursed! (Damned)" (Ratified Vatican II Council, 1963) IT'S STILL IN EFFECT!

Millions were murdered in the past because they rejected the "Mass" and many more will die in the future. God help the Protestant or Jew when his country goes Roman Catholic.

After World War II, Pope Pius XII refused to embrace the Vatican's other "Child", Communism and was removed. Pope John XXIII came into power and established the Vatican II Council, which almost destroyed Protestantism in the U.S. and Europe by winning everyone over through love and kisses.


Pope John XXIII backed and protected his favorite boy in the Western Hemisphere. He is Fidel Castro, champion of the down-trodden masses, a faithful Catholic and a well trained Jesuit under oath.


Woe to anyone who messes with Fidel. The Godfathers back him 100% including the beloved communist Pope from Poland.

The KKK, formed by the Roman Catholic Confederate Army officers after the Civil War and led by Jesuits, is growing stronger every day. This branch of masonry was established for three reasons.

1. Because the KKK calls itself Protestant and claims to hate the Jews, Catholics, and blacks. It destroys the image of the true Bible - Believing Christians who are trying to win these people through love.

2. The KKK pulls the Catholics together for their own protection.

3. It makes the blacks suspicious of the Protestants and drives them into the arms of the Vatican, and the new army of black Jesuits who are recruiting them across the United States.


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Photographs of Jesuit trained Fidel Castro with the Popes of Rome:


Castro meets with this one..........


and this one...........


a gift for Castro from the Pope............


and this one! ...........


And the picture that is worth a thousand words...............or more.
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The last page of The Godfathers is a summation of the Roman Catholic Institution and the various groups which have been founded by them, exploited by them, deceived by them, betrayed by them, destroyed by them and used by them to murder millions of people throughout the world. This is from the book The Godfathers page 32 by Jack Chick publications.

And so, for the last 1600 years, Satan has almost destroyed everybody through the Roman Catholic Institution. Millions of Catholics and others died in World War I and II, for what? Just to give more power to the Vatican. They play games and millions die for it.


The poor Nazis have been betrayed. This group growing in the United States is nothing more than "Catholic Action", led by the Jesuits. NOTE: As incredible as it seems, some Jews who converted to Catholicism have actually joined the American Nazi Party.


The poor Ku Kux Klanners have been betrayed, not realizing they have played into the hands of the Jesuits. And this is one of the minor children of the Whore.


The poor orthodox Church goers, slaughtered by the Crusaders and the Pope's killer squads, The Ustachi, have now bowed down to the new communist pope and are in his camp. They, too, have been betrayed.


The poor Masons have been betrayed. They didn't even know that Pope Pius XII was a good Mason. They will never believe they too, are children of the Whore, and are controlled at the top by the Black Pope.


The poor Communists have been betrayed. They are simply a branch of the Roman Catholic Institution - the bully for the Vatican. They are the muscle, looking for a utopia on earth. But they'll be destroyed by Christ when they attack Israel, on orders from the Pope.


Israel has also been betrayed. They are now making friends with their deadliest enemy, the Vatican, who slaughtered them in the past and will almost completely annihilate them before the Lord returns. See Zechariah 13:5


Thanks to their leaders, the poor Protestants now love the Pope, and many more are in fellowship with the Whore of Rev. 17. The Bible says, What? Know ye not that he which is joined with a harlot is one body? For two, saith he, shall be one flesh.
1 Corinthians 6:16
No wonder they don't speak out against the Vatican. Ephesians 5:11,12


And worst of all, the precious Roman Catholics have been betrayed by a SLICK PRESENTATION OF BAAL WORSHIP dressed up to look like Christianity. Their popes are only men. Their priests and nuns are only people, and the Vatican is only a temple of SATAN, taking millions to hell by giving them a false Gospel, a false Christ and another Spirit. May God help them to have the strength to come out of her.
Galatians 1:8-9
II Corinthians 11:1-4

First half of page 32 of The Godfathers - Footnotes to be listed on final half coming up.

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In closing on the latter half of page 32 the following - from The Godfathers - by Jack Chick publications. testimony of an ex - Jesuit - Dr. Alberto Rivera:

Not too long ago, great men of God believed the Pope was an Anti-Christ. 1 They were Wycliffe, Luther, Calvin, Tyndale, Knox, Sir Isaac Newton, Fox, Wesley, Finney, Moody, Spurgeon. Could they be right?

Let's see what the popes say about themselves.


"We declare, assert, define, and pronounce: to be subject to the Roman Pontiff is to every human creature altogether necessary for salvation..." Pope Boniface VIII 2


"We hold upon this earth the place of Almighty God..."
Pope Leo XIII

"I am but all in all and above all, so that God, Himself and I, the Vicar of God, have but one consistory, and I am able to do ALMOST ALL THAT GOD CAN DO.... What so therefore, can you make out of me but God?

Pope Nicholas 4

There you have it! The popes admitted they were anti-Christs. NOW.......who will you serve? You must choose....CHRIST? OR THE VATICAN?



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Here is an image of the last pope mentioned in post # 217, Pope Nicholas, who also proclaimed himself to be God. He is called a "Saint" here. So are we to believe he was God on earth and then became a saint after death? Was he demoted? Does anyone else see through this charade? It's utter blasphemy! It's like a bad wizard of oz movie! Perhaps that is where they came up with the story?

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This series is called THE FOUR HORSEMEN by Jack Chick Publications and we begin with Dr. Rivera's personal testimony - as an ex-Jesuit - we will learn a great deal from him by the information he provides in this book - we begin with page 1 and the scene is from 60 A.D. There is a believer in Jesus Christ being set up by a spy working for Nero - in Rome. This is how the Romans were able to hunt down the early Christians. Note the dialogue below. First scene:

60 A.D.

Early Christian: Are you a visitor to Rome?

Spy working for Nero: Yes, I just arrived from Jerusalem.

Early Christian: Ahhh... I hear some exciting things are going on there.

Spy working for Nero: Oh, yes, very exciting, But also dangerous..one has to be cautious.

Early Christian: I know, but I want to hear about it. Let's talk behind my shop, it's very private. No need to worry, my friend, it's safe back here. Uh, how was your trip from Jerusalem to Rome?

Spy working for Nero: Very enjoyable. (gasp!)

Early Christian: AHHH! I was hoping you were a believer.

Spy working for Nero: I... I wasn't sure about you.... this is all so dangerous.

Another spy looking in on two men: Ahh, the trap is set.

Caption - The deadly game to destroy the believers in Christ today - only more subtle.

Early Christian: The brethren are meeting tonight. Come have fellowship with us.

Spy working for Nero: Is it safe, brother?

Early Christian: Yes, we are very cautious. We meet in the catacombs. Be here at sunset.


Early Christian: This house is one of the secret entrances. The catacombs are a series of tunnels under the city. They go for miles. Stay close by me. I don't want you to get lost.

Early Christian continues.....This is the perfect place for our meeting. Unless you knew the exact location, it would be impossible to find. See this? We have copied the scriptures all through the catacombs. Many of our brethren have given their lives for Christ, but the Word of God gives us hope. ( Christian shows the man he has trusted - the scriptures on the walls of the catacombs)

Behind them are Romans about to hunt them down........ They entered here, Centurion! Alright! Follow me, men!

There's another white stone. They've gone this way ( Nero's spy leaves a trail for his soldiers to find them)

Early Christian then enters area with many believers gathered in secret - he says: We have a brother visiting from Jerusalem. He will share with us about the work in Judea.



EARLY CHRISTIAN speaking to Nero's spy: I don't understand! Gasp. You said it was safe! I trusted you......now I'll be killed. You lied to me!

Roman soldier....I think you dropped these stones, my friend....haw haw.....Nero will be proud of you.

Nero's spy: It was easy to gain his trust especially when he used the fish symbol to see if I was a believer.

Prior to using the symbols, Christians would quote a random portion of Scripture. If the other person could finish the passage, they knew he was a believer. Nero had quite a problem. his spies were studying the Scriptures in order to infiltrate the true believers, but as a result, many were getting saved. Something had to be done. So Nero's deep plants set the pattern of using "Christian" symbols as an alternative to using Scriptures for identification. like this:

next diagram shows the various symbols they used. fish symbol, rainbow symbol, dove symbol, bread symbol, grapes symbol.


page 1,2,3 of The Four Horsemen
It is understandable why the Jesuits and Roman Vatican have tried so hard to discredit Dr. Alberto Rivera. He is most likely THE most valuable asset the Protestants have been given to understand what the enemies of Jesus Christ are up to at this hour (including their plot to destroy the USA) and what they were involved in from the very beginning. I thank God for Dr. Alberto Rivera and although he is now in heaven - the information he provided is needed more desperately by the church than at any other hour in history. No one has given us more information about the Anti-Christ Roman Catholic Institution and their Jesuit operatives then Dr. Rivera. imo.
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Before we move on to page 4 one comment I'd like to make. What the Protestant Christians need now more than ever is a life separated unto God -living holy unto the LORD - no compromise with the world and no fellowship with wide road false Gospel Christians. The Once saved always saved crowd that lives like the world, dresses like the world, uses Christian rock and roll music in their services, etc. Do not have anything to do with it. Stay away from the Joseph Prince / Kenneth Copeland - Tony Palmer crowd that embraces the Roman Catholic anti-Christ system (Tony Palmer is now dead and the Jesuits are raising up others to replace him) - and have no fellowship with false Brethren - we need to keep ourselves reading the Word of God every day - have a strong prayer life and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with a lost and dying world every day. Do not have fellowship with false brethren - not even on a message board because they will be sure to seek you out - they want you to validate them as being a true follower of Jesus Christ. If the Holy Spirit has already pointed out to you that they are not - that they are imposters - Jesuits - whatever - you'll have to ignore them and have no part of anything they say, do or write. You can be sure these wolves in sheep's clothing know the scriptures because Satan knew the Scriptures and used them. So do not be deceived. You're safety is in abiding in Jesus Christ and His Word abiding in you. The closer you walk with Jesus Christ? The quicker you'll know a wolf when he shows up. Be led by the Spirit of God. We will move on to the next segment of Rivera's testimony now. Thanks for reading.
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