WTF??!! WMD's after all!!!!

Not so fast, Junior.

Saddam led the Iranians into staying on their side of their border with the fear he had wmds.

Was he bluffing or was he alluding to those wmd's we learned of this week?

You are wrong about what the situation was at the time.

Iran, Saddam's mortal enemy, stayed put.


Maybe because the Iranians and Saddam signed a peace treaty in 1988 and they simply had no more issues with each other.

Not everyone runs around wanting to invade other countries. There's generally no upside in it.
Maybe because the Iranians and Saddam signed a peace treaty in 1988 and they simply had no more issues with each other.

Not everyone runs around wanting to invade other countries. There's generally no upside in it.
Pretty ignorant for someone who says they have a degree in history. No peace treaty was signed until after Saddam's invasion of Kuwait in 1990. In the meantime they held each others POWs as late as 1993. No issues, my ass.
Sarin gas -Within seconds, your muscles become paralyzed, so you cannot breathe. Then come intense vomiting and likely seizures. The heart stops beating.

That is only your opinion, joe, not the international communities opinion, though, thus why they are considered wmd.

victims of mustard gas

sarin gas victims
what do you think Hitler used? zyclon-b, a pesticide- a chemical weapon
A weapon of mass destruction (WMD or WoMD) is a nuclear, radiological, biological, chemical or other weapon that can kill and bring significant harm to a large number of humans or cause great damage to man-made structures (e.g. buildings), natural structures (e.g. mountains), or the biosphere.

Except a Chemical Weapon barely qualifies under that definition. The fact is, Chemical weapons are only useful if you use a whole lot of them and the people you are using them on have no protection.

Bush took advantage of a period of fear after 9/11 to manipulate us into a war we had no business fighting. Shame on us for letting him do it.

To the k00k left, those injuries are superficial flesh wounds. :2up::boobies::boobies:
Not so fast, Junior.

Saddam led the Iranians into staying on their side of their border with the fear he had wmds.

Was he bluffing or was he alluding to those wmd's we learned of this week?

You are wrong about what the situation was at the time.

Iran, Saddam's mortal enemy, stayed put.


Maybe because the Iranians and Saddam signed a peace treaty in 1988 and they simply had no more issues with each other.

Not everyone runs around wanting to invade other countries. There's generally no upside in it.

Shit s0n.......ready to take bows?? Just short of 50,000 posts in just 3 fucking years.:disbelief::eek-52::disbelief:

And you always say "Spambot is pining for attention!!":gay:
Not so fast, Junior.

Saddam led the Iranians into staying on their side of their border with the fear he had wmds.

Was he bluffing or was he alluding to those wmd's we learned of this week?

You are wrong about what the situation was at the time.

Iran, Saddam's mortal enemy, stayed put.


Maybe because the Iranians and Saddam signed a peace treaty in 1988 and they simply had no more issues with each other.

Not everyone runs around wanting to invade other countries. There's generally no upside in it.

Junior, when will you learn there's no upside in bullshitting us on something we can Google?

And to all you Libbies, bullshitting is never as reliable as having the facts on your side.

That June 2000 speech was about weapons of mass destruction. In talking casually about that speech, Saddam began to tell the story of his weapons. It was a breakthrough that had taken five months.

"Oh, you couldn't imagine the excitement that I was feeling at that point," Piro remembers.

"And what did he tell you about how his weapons of mass destruction had been destroyed?" Pelley asks.

"He told me that most of the WMD had been destroyed by the U.N. inspectors in the '90s. And those that hadn't been destroyed by the inspectors were unilaterally destroyed by Iraq," Piro says.

"So why keep the secret? Why put your nation at risk, why put your own life at risk to maintain this charade?" Pelley asks.

"It was very important for him to project that because that was what kept him, in his mind, in power. That capability kept the Iranians away. It kept them from reinvading Iraq," Piro says.

Before his wars with America, Saddam had fought a ruinous eight year war with Iran and it was Iran he still feared the most.

"He believed that he couldn't survive without the perception that he had weapons of mass destruction?" Pelley asks.

"Absolutely," Piro says.

Interrogator Shares Saddam s Confessions - Page 4 - CBS News
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Maybe because the Iranians and Saddam signed a peace treaty in 1988 and they simply had no more issues with each other.

Not everyone runs around wanting to invade other countries. There's generally no upside in it.
Pretty ignorant for someone who says they have a degree in history. No peace treaty was signed until after Saddam's invasion of Kuwait in 1990. In the meantime they held each others POWs as late as 1993. No issues, my ass.

Hey, Euro-trash, 1988 was after I got my degree, but even a dumb fuck like you can use Wiki, right?

Iran Iraq War - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Point was, they had a peace agreement. After the gulf war, there was no more reason for them to be hostile.
Had Obama been "president" at the time there's a good chance S. Hussein would have been right and would have be on the receiving end of......a shockingly awesome APOLOGY.

Or a repaired relationship with IRAN to take out Saddam and cunningly establish a relationship with Iran to ease their goal of spreading their Islamic Revolution to all points North, South, East and West.

That would be President Eboma.

Barack Hussein Eboma.
We know Iraq had chemical weapons all along because we sold them to them.

Yes, we know they had them, and they were so out of date that they were no longer effective as chemical weapons.

Pentagon hid info on thousands of chemical weapons in Iraq for years Hot Air
Sarin gas -Within seconds, your muscles become paralyzed, so you cannot breathe. Then come intense vomiting and likely seizures. The heart stops beating.

That is only your opinion, joe, not the international communities opinion, though, thus why they are considered wmd.

victims of mustard gas

sarin gas victims
what do you think Hitler used? zyclon-b, a pesticide- a chemical weapon
A weapon of mass destruction (WMD or WoMD) is a nuclear, radiological, biological, chemical or other weapon that can kill and bring significant harm to a large number of humans or cause great damage to man-made structures (e.g. buildings), natural structures (e.g. mountains), or the biosphere.

Except a Chemical Weapon barely qualifies under that definition. The fact is, Chemical weapons are only useful if you use a whole lot of them and the people you are using them on have no protection.

Bush took advantage of a period of fear after 9/11 to manipulate us into a war we had no business fighting. Shame on us for letting him do it.

To the k00k left, those injuries are superficial flesh wounds. :2up::boobies::boobies:
Yeah, sad state of affairs, isn't it.
Had Obama been "president" at the time there's a good chance S. Hussein would have been right and would have be on the receiving end of......a shockingly awesome APOLOGY.


Hey, I seem to remember he killed Bin Laden when Bush couldn't.

Point was, Iraq wasn't our enemy. We had no business going to war with them.

You are really stupid.

Didn't I already explain to you that W HAD NO ALTERNATIVE but to remove the potential existential WMD threat to Israel?
Junior, when will you learn that bullshitting is never as reliable as having the facts on your side?

I don't know, guy, you live in a fantasy world where the Iraq War was a good idea. Maybe you should to tell that to people who lost children and limbs there.

Would you have preferred ten times the numbers of dead?

Maybe you would.

The invasion was the only option left President Bush that would have prevented Israel from taking things into her own capable hands and what would your Muslim brethren have done in response to Israel attacking Iraq without any military provocation?

They would have erupted and from all over the world fighters would flock to destroy the hated JOOZ.

And then what might Israel be forced to do to defend herself?

Nukes, anyone?

And then who would retaliate and how?

Face it Junior, you're not cut out for this thinking stuff.
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Maybe because the Iranians and Saddam signed a peace treaty in 1988 and they simply had no more issues with each other.

Not everyone runs around wanting to invade other countries. There's generally no upside in it.
Pretty ignorant for someone who says they have a degree in history. No peace treaty was signed until after Saddam's invasion of Kuwait in 1990. In the meantime they held each others POWs as late as 1993. No issues, my ass.

Hey, Euro-trash, 1988 was after I got my degree, but even a dumb fuck like you can use Wiki, right?

Iran Iraq War - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Point was, they had a peace agreement. After the gulf war, there was no more reason for them to be hostile.

"He told me that most of the WMD had been destroyed by the U.N. inspectors in the '90s. And those that hadn't been destroyed by the inspectors were unilaterally destroyed by Iraq," Piro says.

"So why keep the secret? Why put your nation at risk, why put your own life at risk to maintain this charade?" Pelley asks.

"It was very important for him to project that because that was what kept him, in his mind, in power. That capability kept the Iranians away. It kept them from reinvading Iraq," Piro says.

Before his wars with America, Saddam had fought a ruinous eight year war with Iran and it was Iran he still feared the most.

"He believed that he couldn't survive without the perception that he had weapons of mass destruction?" Pelley asks.

"Absolutely," Piro says.

Interrogator Shares Saddam s Confessions - Page 4 - CBS News
I don't know, guy, you live in a fantasy world where the Iraq War was a good idea. Maybe you should to tell that to people who lost children and limbs there.

YOU didn't.....what kind of man refuses to serve his country? A fucking COWARD like you big gulp.

Served for 11 years. Got out after the first time the Oil Companies and Zionists got us to fight Saddam for no good reason.

"He told me that most of the WMD had been destroyed by the U.N. inspectors in the '90s. And those that hadn't been destroyed by the inspectors were unilaterally destroyed by Iraq," Piro says.

"So why keep the secret? Why put your nation at risk, why put your own life at risk to maintain this charade?" Pelley asks.

"It was very important for him to project that because that was what kept him, in his mind, in power. That capability kept the Iranians away. It kept them from reinvading Iraq," Piro says.

Before his wars with America, Saddam had fought a ruinous eight year war with Iran and it was Iran he still feared the most.

"He believed that he couldn't survive without the perception that he had weapons of mass destruction?" Pelley asks.

"Absolutely," Piro says.


but the point was, before we went to war, we should have MADE SURE he had them before sending troops into combat.

And the thing was, a lot of people like Hans Blix, Scott Ritter and El-Baradai were telling us we HAD gotten all of his stockpiles.

But your boy Bush went to war anyway.

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