WSJ: The Clear and Present Danger of Trump

abu afak

Mar 3, 2006
Yes, as if it hasn't been obvious to anyone for the last 2 years, here's another analysis.
Prez Sociopath needs to be Committed as much as impeached.
He doesn't know what the truth is, just what sounds good that moment.
Anyone who spaks for him is alos a Liar.

The onl;y people for this unfit piece of **** are those so partisan, they've sold out country for party.
(and the Conspiracist loonies who like alt-news/Infowars/etc)

The Clear and Present Danger of Trump
His weekend Twitter outburst calls into question his ability to discharge his powers.
By William A. Galston
Feb. 20, 2018 - Wall Street Journal
The Clear and Present Danger of Trump

In business, it is said, the customer is always right. Politics is more complicated, because citizens are called upon to be more than consumers.

“The people commonly intend the public good,” Alexander Hamilton wrote in Federalist 71, “but their good sense would despise the adulator who should pretend that they always reason right about the means of promoting it.”

In November 2016, 46% of the American people made a mistake, elevating to the highest office in the land a man Incapable of discharging its duties. Now our country and our friends around the world are wrestling with the consequences.

Mod edit: Do not post the entire article, only an excerpt
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He cannot distinguish between the national interest and his own insecurities, making it impossible for him to acknowledge the nature of the Russian threat.

Russian threat? The 1980's called, they want their foreign policy back. Hahaha.

Makes you wonder why Obama was so flexible with Putin, eh comrade?
He's crazy! Crazy I tells ya!

Post more idiotic essays by jewish, neocon MSM psychopaths please! :113:
Yes, as if it hasn't been obvious to anyone for the last 2 years, Prez Sociopath needs to be Committed as much as impeached.

SURE. RIGHT. And you're just the man for the job.

Anyone who spaks for him is alos a Liar.

Not only liars, but deplorables. But at least we can type a coherent sentence. What did we tell you about skipping your meds?

In November 2016, 46% of the American people made a mistake

Perhaps, but at least not as bad as the 46.5% who voted for the crumpled, fat-assed, pear-shaped Hillarious Bee-itch.
Yes, as if it hasn't been obvious to anyone for the last 2 years, here's another analysis.
Prez Sociopath needs to be Committed as much as impeached.
He doesn't know what the truth is, just what sounds good that moment.
Anyone who spaks for him is alos a Liar.

The onl;y people for this unfit piece of **** are those so partisan, they've sold out country for party.
(and the Conspiracist loonies who like alt-news/Infowars/etc)

The Clear and Present Danger of Trump
His weekend Twitter outburst calls into question his ability to discharge his powers.
By William A. Galston
Feb. 20, 2018 - Wall Street Journal
The Clear and Present Danger of Trump

In business, it is said, the customer is always right. Politics is more complicated, because citizens are called upon to be more than consumers.

“The people commonly intend the public good,” Alexander Hamilton wrote in Federalist 71, “but their good sense would despise the adulator who should pretend that they always reason right about the means of promoting it.”

In November 2016, 46% of the American people made a mistake, elevating to the highest office in the land a man Incapable of discharging its duties. Now our country and our friends around the world are wrestling with the consequences.

Mod edit: Do not post the entire article, only an excerpt
Yes, as if it hasn't been obvious to anyone for the last 2 years, Prez Sociopath needs to be Committed as much as impeached.

When an Alt-Right Weak Whyte is triggered.

SURE. RIGHT. And you're just the man for the job.

Anyone who spaks for him is alos a Liar.

Not only liars, but deplorables. But at least we can type a coherent sentence. What did we tell you about skipping your meds?

In November 2016, 46% of the American people made a mistake

Perhaps, but at least not as bad as the 46.5% who voted for the crumpled, fat-assed, pear-shaped Hillarious Bee-itch.

So triggered.
I see the Communist pukes are attacking president Trump again.
Yeah, the Murdoch-owned Wall Street Journal is definitely "Commie."

What a ******* Idiot you are.

By William A. Galston.......

He was deputy assistant for domestic policy to U.S. President Bill Clinton (January 1993 – May 1995).[1][7][9] He has also been employed by the presidential campaigns of Al Gore (1988, 2000),[10][11] Walter Mondale,[11] and John B. Anderson.[12]

William Galston - Wikipedia

He may not be a commie, but he is a big liberal.
I see the Communist pukes are attacking president Trump again.
Yeah, the Murdoch-owned Wall Street Journal is definitely "Commie."

What a ******* Idiot you are.

By William A. Galston.......

He was deputy assistant for domestic policy to U.S. President Bill Clinton (January 1993 – May 1995).[1][7][9] He has also been employed by the presidential campaigns of Al Gore (1988, 2000),[10][11] Walter Mondale,[11] and John B. Anderson.[12]

William Galston - Wikipedia

He may not be a commie, but he is a big liberal.
Wiki Continues:

"...Since 1995, Galston has served as a founding member of the Board of the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy and as chair of the Campaign's Task Force on Religion and Public Values.

Galston was in the United States Marine Corps, serving as a sergeant
.[7] He was educated at Cornell and the University of Chicago,[10] where he got his Ph.D.[7][10]

He then taught for nearly a decade in the Department of Government at the University of Texas.[7] From 1998 until 2005 he was professor of public policy at the University of Maryland. Later he was executive director for the National Commission on Civic Renewal.[7][9] Galston founded, with support from The Pew Charitable Trusts, the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement.[7]
He was also director of the Institute for Philosophy and Public Policy,[7] both located at the University of Maryland.

He has written on questions of political and moral philosophy, U.S. politics and public policy,[7] having produced eight books and more than one hundred articles.[9]

His most recent book is Public Matters: Politics, Policy, and Religion in the 21st Century (Rowman & Littlefield, 2005).[7] Galston is also a co-author of Democracy at Risk: How Political Choices Undermine Citizen Participation and What We Can Do About It, published by the Brookings Press.[7]

Galston became an op-ed columnist for the Wall Street Journal in 2013. In 2014, he continued public commentary on partisan politics.[13][14]..."
Pretty qualified author.. unlike 90% of the Right Wing/Faux News Trumpolinis.
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I see the Communist pukes are attacking president Trump again.
Yeah, the Murdoch-owned Wall Street Journal is definitely "Commie."

What a ******* Idiot you are.

By William A. Galston.......

He was deputy assistant for domestic policy to U.S. President Bill Clinton (January 1993 – May 1995).[1][7][9] He has also been employed by the presidential campaigns of Al Gore (1988, 2000),[10][11] Walter Mondale,[11] and John B. Anderson.[12]

William Galston - Wikipedia

He may not be a commie, but he is a big liberal.
Wiki Continues:

"...Since 1995, Galston has served as a founding member of the Board of the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy and as chair of the Campaign's Task Force on Religion and Public Values.

Galston was in the United States Marine Corps, serving as a sergeant
.[7] He was educated at Cornell and the University of Chicago,[10] where he got his Ph.D.[7][10]

He then taught for nearly a decade in the Department of Government at the University of Texas.[7] From 1998 until 2005 he was professor of public policy at the University of Maryland. Later he was executive director for the National Commission on Civic Renewal.[7][9] Galston founded, with support from The Pew Charitable Trusts, the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement.[7]
He was also director of the Institute for Philosophy and Public Policy,[7] both located at the University of Maryland.

He has written on questions of political and moral philosophy, U.S. politics and public policy,[7] having produced eight books and more than one hundred articles.[9]

His most recent book is Public Matters: Politics, Policy, and Religion in the 21st Century (Rowman & Littlefield, 2005).[7] Galston is also a co-author of Democracy at Risk: How Political Choices Undermine Citizen Participation and What We Can Do About It, published by the Brookings Press.[7]

Galston became an op-ed columnist for the Wall Street Journal in 2013. In 2014, he continued public commentary on partisan politics.[13][14]..."
Pretty qualified author.. unlike 90% of the Right Wing/Faux News Trumpolinis.

Yup, pretty big liberal.

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