Wrong Turn (2021)


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
**Spoilers*** Alert***

Wrong Turn (2021) is a new film that highlights, even as it exacerbates, the lunacy of Woke American culture. Now, I don't know about you, but I like to keep politics out of my horror movie going experience. Wrong Turn (2021) won't let you. The film clubs audiences right over the head within the first ten minutes with just about every popular representation of Woke ideology. Interracial couple. Check. Gay couple. Check. Minority quota. Check. Morally bankrupt medical student. Check. Woke people just trying to have fun but the big bad world won't let them. Check. Woke as normative behavior. Check.

If you can get past the Woke madness, meaning if you can hang with it for nearly two hours, the film opens with tried and true dramatic actor Matthew Modine looking old as he arrives in a bum fuck Egypt VA/WVA town in search of his (Woke) teen daughter. He hasn't heard from her in weeks and feels compelled to find out what happened to her. In true stereotypical horror movie form the backward town's folk are mostly all hostile for no good reason we know of—yet.

The plot soon skips a few weeks back in time and we pick up with a group of six Woke teens (three couples) arriving in the same town as Matthew Modine to party it up and hike the Appalachian Trail. Yes, one of them is Modine's daughter. None of these kids look capable of walking across a well manicured lawn without a blade of grass wounding them. Seems the writer/director was trying to make some kind of statement about Woke or "different" people being persecuted by rednecks as there's a scene in a crummy bar where a hillbilly picks on the poor fairies. Ah yes, we also get the obligatory horror movie warning from a crusty old person warning the young dumbasses not to wander off the trail. Duh! Duh! Duh!

What follows for the next two thirds of the film is standard horror film fare we've all seen countless times since it was original material in like 1955 or sometime. The group of dumb as rocks kids do wander off the trail and almost immediately get fucked up by . . . a log rolling down the mountain. Since they aren't capable of walking back up the gentle mountain slope the log pushed them down, they instead wander deeper into the backwoods and, you guessed it, get even more fucked up by "Hill People".

All of this "tragedy" (I laughed off most of my ass) is interspersed with scenes of underrated Matt Modine searching for his daughter while grumpy rednecks kick his ass and warn him not poke around up there in the mountains. Eventually the crusty old woman who warned the daughter decides to help Modine and an unofficial expedition of sorts is launched to rescue her.

Where this film DOES shine is in its take on hidden societies time has long since forgotten, even though the people caught up in it all seem to have Swedish accents. Wtf? The entire movie should have been written about them and their ability to give themselves $300 haircuts with implements left over from like 1859, while living raw out in the mountains.

Overall . . . if you feel like wasting 110 minutes of your life begging the baddies to snuff out the main characters then Wrong Turn (2021) is the movie for you. By the way, it is totally unrelated story wise to the bajillion Wrong Turn sequels that came before it.




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The "Woke" Hollywood Cult is against stereotyping.....unless they are doing it.
They portray the millions of people who live between LA and NYC as being dangerous white supremacist, poor, uneducated, bigoted, deplorable ...... well they have dehumanize them.
Democrats just can't understand why the people who they hate will not vote for them.
The "Woke" Hollywood Cult is against stereotyping.....unless they are doing it.
They portray the millions of people who live between LA and NYC as being dangerous white supremacist, poor, uneducated, bigoted, deplorable ...... well they have dehumanize them.
Democrats just can't understand why the people who they hate will not vote for them.

Excellent response and I agree. What's strange about this film, however, is how despite its focus on Woke as righteous the backwoods hill people get to seriously mess up the "protected" classes depicted in the story. Almost as if Hollywood is sending the message: punish Woke freaks for their crimes against nature.
One commercial I like (Geico?) makes fun of movies like this. It shows a bunch of kids on a back road in front of a creepy house. Instead of jumping back in the car, one kid suggests that they hide in the garage with the chainsaws.
We skipped this one.
This kind of movie has been done 100 times, formulaic and predictable.
I'll pass... and thanks for the warning.

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