Wray Told Congress FBI Had Not Infiltrated Proud Boys, NYT Reports They Had Two Informants On Jan 6


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Wray Told Congress FBI Had Not Infiltrated Proud Boys, NYT Reports They Had Two Informants On Jan 6

"You can be darn tootin' that we are focused very, very hard on how can we get better sources, better information, better analysis," said Wray.

25 Sep 2021 ~~ By Tom Pappert

Earlier today the New York Times released a report, quoting anonymous FBI officials, revealing that the FBI had at least two confidential informants at the Capitol on January 6, and one was regularly texting his FBI handler throughout the day to give updates on the rally-turned-protest that resulted in minor destruction of property at the U.S. Capitol building. The New York Times writes that this reveals “federal law enforcement had a far greater visibility into” the events of January 6 even as they were “taking place, than was previously known.”
In an appearance before the U.S. Senate, Wray was questioned on the topic of FBI infiltration of the groups accused of planning to enter the U.S. Capitol by Sen. Amy Klobuchar. While stopping short of explicitly claiming the FBI had not infiltrated these groups, FBI Director Chris Wray appeared to acknowledge his agency had not.
“There must me moments where you think, ‘If we would have known. If we could have infiltrated this group and found out what they were doing,’ questioned Klobuchar, “Do you have those moments?”
“Absolutely,” replied Wray, a Trump-appointee who was allowed to remain in his position by Joe Biden. “I will tell you Senator, this is something I feel passionately about.”
Describing the events of January 6 as an “attack,” Wray said that “We aim to bat 1,000. We aim to thwart every attack that’s out there, especially one that’s this horrific, that strikes right at the heart of our system of government, right at the time that a transfer of power is being discussed.” Wray added, “You can be darn tootin’ that we are focused very, very hard on how can we get better sources, better information, better analysis,” in order to make sure “January 6 never happens again.”

“Certainly there were aspects of it that were planned and coordinated,” Wray also told Klobuchar regarding the Proud Boys, adding that some charges “involve things more like planning or coordination.” He added that there was “some level of coordination.”
According to the lawyer representing Zach Rehl, the New York Times report indicating the FBI had two informants at January 6, and that one of them was in regular communication with his FBI handler, may hurt the prosecution’s argument that Proud Boys leaders were part of a conspiracy to enter the Capitol on January 6.
“This shows there was no pre-planning,” said lawyer Jon Moseley, who is now representing Rehl. “If they had these informants, they would have known about some plan before the grand jury even met.” Moseley says this new revelation pokes holes in the prosecution’s argument, which from the start has been that Rehl and other Proud Boys had an advanced plan to enter the U.S. Capitol building on January 6.

Director Christopher Wray has been caught lying to Congress on several occasions yet nothing is done to hold him in contempt and perjury.
Cracks are forming in the edifice of the January 6th narrative. Even the NYT is admitting there were FBI handlers among the Proud Boys. But the NYT is conspicuously silent about possible/probable FBI informants among the Oath Keepers, who were much more closely tied to the violence on January 6th.

See: FBI Director Wray Caught in LIE Under Oath to Congress


So, the lies by the left regarding Jan. 6th continue.
So, the denial by the right, they no longer support the constitution and that they tried to overthrow constitutional government with an attack on both houses of Congress, spurred by a pep rally from Donny-Boy, regarding Jan. 6th continue.
So, the denial by the right, they no longer support the constitution and that they tried to overthrow constitutional government with an attack on both houses of Congress, spurred by a pep rally from Donny-Boy, regarding Jan. 6th continue.
cc footage denies your narrative.

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