Wow, It was McSwain – President Trump Releases US Attorney Letter Notifying Him of Bill Barr Efforts to Block Investigation of Election Fraud

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
There’s a big difference between not seeing election fraud and purposefully blocking a United States Attorney from investigating allegations of fraud with a motive not to see it. This is blood-boiling:




You can read the full BACKSTORY HERE.
There’s a big difference between not seeing election fraud and purposefully blocking a United States Attorney from investigating allegations of fraud with a motive not to see it. This is blood-boiling:




You can read the full BACKSTORY HERE.

Who has personalized letterhead that has “former district attorney” printed on it? This has to be the worst internet fake I’ve ever seen.

This is worse than the “court filings” with no case numbers on them.

Do you have your former employment listed on your letterhead? Mine just has my name and address on it. It doesn’t say “Dragonlady, former law clerk at Dewey Cheatum and Howe”.

There’s a big difference between not seeing election fraud and purposefully blocking a United States Attorney from investigating allegations of fraud with a motive not to see it. This is blood-boiling:




You can read the full BACKSTORY HERE.
So let me get this straight. A district attorney now running for governor and who uses language like radical leftist is making a good faith argument that he found fraud but was not allowed to prosecute it by Bill Barr? Who resigned well before Biden was inaugurated?

You don't see some obvious conflicts of interest? An obvious lack of evidence? And a narrative that has some obvious flaws?
There’s a big difference between not seeing election fraud and purposefully blocking a United States Attorney from investigating allegations of fraud with a motive not to see it. This is blood-boiling:




You can read the full BACKSTORY HERE.
Are you insane? Did you actually read the letter. It didn't say don't investigate, it said if you find any election fraud, give it to the state AG.

The only thing Barr said of his investigations is "DON'T RELEASE INFORMATION TO THE MEDIA" in the middle of an election.

That's standard DOJ policy.
So let me get this straight. A district attorney now running for governor and who uses language like radical leftist is making a good faith argument that he found fraud but was not allowed to prosecute it by Bill Barr? Who resigned well before Biden was inaugurated?

You don't see some obvious conflicts of interest? An obvious lack of evidence? And a narrative that has some obvious flaws?
Read the letter. This is a case of headline vs the actual body of the news article.
He makes no claim that Barr stopped or dissuaded any fraud investigations. He complains Barr told him not to release the information during the election, but instead to refer them to the state AG for prosecution.
There’s a big difference between not seeing election fraud and purposefully blocking a United States Attorney from investigating allegations of fraud with a motive not to see it. This is blood-boiling:




You can read the full BACKSTORY HERE.

Who has personalized letterhead that has “former district attorney” printed on it? This has to be the worst internet fake I’ve ever seen.

This is worse than the “court filings” with no case numbers on them.

Do you have your former employment listed on your letterhead? Mine just has my name and address on it. It doesn’t say “Dragonlady, former law clerk at Dewey Cheatum and Howe”.

This is nothing more than a puff piece... No details or evidence...
Why was there such a joint, duopoly effort to completely ignore anything and everything? I am not talking about investigating and FINDING no evidence. This is straight up IGNORING all complaints and doing NOTHING.
DOJ policy not to comment about investigations during election... Trump is only allowed to win one election by using that tactic..
Why was there such a joint, duopoly effort to completely ignore anything and everything? I am not talking about investigating and FINDING no evidence. This is straight up IGNORING all complaints and doing NOTHING.
Nope. Not ignoring all complaints. Barr specifically told him to report credible complaints to be invstigated, but given McSwain,s history of spreading conspiracy theories, he told him not to do it any more. It's like if you caught your kid making prank phone calls, you would take their phone away and tell them they had to get your approval before they made any more phone calls.
In a 2017 memo, the Justice Department said publicly announcing investigations right before the election “runs the obvious risk of chilling legitimate voting and campaign activities” and “runs the significant risk of interjecting the investigation itself as an issue” in the campaign.
Nope. Not ignoring all complaints. Barr specifically told him to report credible complaints to be invstigated, but given McSwain,s history of spreading conspiracy theories, he told him not to do it any more. It's like if you caught your kid making prank phone calls, you would take their phone away and tell them they had to get your approval before they made any more phone calls.
That's because they released investigations before the election that had nothing to do with election fraud. They caught a postal worker throwing away mail of which there were ballots.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office in New Jersey on Wednesday announced the arrest of a postal worker accused of discarding about 2,000 pieces of mail, including about 100 blank general election ballots. The Justice Department said the evidence does not indicate that the postal worker’s actions were politically motivated.

On Sept. 24, a federal prosecutor in Pennsylvania announced an inquiry into a small number of military ballots that allegedly had been “discarded,” some of which were cast for Trump. A local official discovered the ballots and reported the matter to law enforcement authorities.

Some former Justice Department officials criticized the public statement in that case, saying there was no legitimate reason to disclose that the ballots were marked for Trump.

There was NO "vote fraud" on a scale anywhere NEAR close to sufficient to overturn election results in ANY State within the Union... never-mind nation-wide.

Crybaby loser-worshipers of the Orange Baboon-God whining and pi$$ing and moaning and channeling the Ghost of Joseph Goebbels with your
Big Lie.

What's next with you hyper-partisan arrogant lying little a$$hole$... a Reichstag Fire? Guy Fawkes Gunpowder Treason Plot? Traitorous little bitches.

Grow up... keep much of the Rump Agenda... ditch Rump himself... a genuine existential threat to American representative democracy... and you might win.

There are a great many people who wanted much of what he was selling, but he, himself, was far, far too high a price, to get what we want.

Or... keep charging ahead like the a$$hole$ you've become... as blind as the idiot zealots on the Left... at your own very great political peril for '22 and '24.
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There was NO "vote fraud" on a scale anywhere NEAR close to sufficient to overturn election results in ANY State within the Union.

What's next with you hyper-partisan arrogant lying a$$hole$... a Reichstag Fire? ...Guy Fawkes Gunpowder Treason Plot? Traitorous little bitches.
The former US attorney complained that Barr wouldn't let him play poltics.

He wanted to put out press releases of cases that "hinted" of voter fraud (with no actual proof). Such as a lazy postal worker who threw away mail instead of delivering it. Slanted to make it sound like he was throwing away ballots. When in fact, he was throwing away everything he couldn't deliver.
Has anyone noticed that whenever something doesn't go Trump's way, he turns on his closest supporters and accuses them if being part of the "deep state".

he did it with the judges he appointed who threw out his lawsuits for lack of evidence.

He did it with Pence.

He did it with Cohen.

And now he's doing it with Barr. by the way bar was out of office well before this guy resigned so he could have easily opened up a lawsuit or investigation if he had evidence of voter fraud as he claims yet he didnt. Why didn't he go to someone after bar was replaced as AG?

He couldn't find any sizable voter fraud because there wasn't sizable voter fraud. Surely now that Barr is out of office (and was out of office long before this hack resigned by the way), he could have brought any number of suits.

Why didn't he?
um....because the Xiden admin was in charge after Barr left think the corrupt xiden admin is going to allow such a thing?'s like expecting the Castro's to make sure their citizens have food.

He couldn't find any sizable voter fraud because there wasn't sizable voter fraud. Surely now that Barr is out of office (and was out of office long before this hack resigned by the way), he could have brought any number of suits.

Why didn't he?
um....because the Xiden admin was in charge after Barr left think the corrupt xiden admin is going to allow such a thing?'s like expecting the Castro's to make sure their citizens have food.
Factually incorrect. Barr resigned on 12/23/2020.

Whoever this guy is; he had over a month to bring a suit for all of the fraud he allegedly found. How many suits did he file?

He couldn't find any sizable voter fraud because there wasn't sizable voter fraud. Surely now that Barr is out of office (and was out of office long before this hack resigned by the way), he could have brought any number of suits.

Why didn't he?
Because the AG told him not to. The AG is his boss. Barr simply intimidated him. Now he is letting us know what happened. The habit you people have of embracing some whistle blowers and not others is catching up to you. There was massive fraud in the 2020 election and people like this coming forward are going to prove it.

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