Would you support...

Would you support granting illegal aliens permanent legal resident alien status?

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If their only crime is that they want to earn a living and skip out on the onerous immigration process, they're not hurting anyone.

Yes, they are.

If they're actually harming someone, prosecute them and deport them. The pathetic idea that they "took 'r' jawbs" is lame. Jobs aren't a finite resource. (Assuming that's what you have in mind.)
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If their only crime is that they want to earn a living and skip out on the onerous immigration process, they're not hurting anyone.

Yes, they are.

If they're actually harming someone, prosecute them and deport them. The pathetic idea that that "took 'r' jawbs" is lame. Jobs aren't a finite resource. (Assuming that's what you have in mind.)

Jobs are not absolutely finite. Nevertheless, when more people are looking for jobs it is harder to get a job, and one will probably be paid less when one gets a job. Moreover, the job will be less secure.
If their only crime is that they want to earn a living and skip out on the onerous immigration process, they're not hurting anyone.

Yes, they are.

If they're actually harming someone, prosecute them and deport them. The pathetic idea that that "took 'r' jawbs" is lame. Jobs aren't a finite resource. (Assuming that's what you have in mind.)

True. A worker - Legal or otherwise - Is both a provider and a consumer. I don't quite understand why this is so heartily ignored.
Yes, they are.

If they're actually harming someone, prosecute them and deport them. The pathetic idea that that "took 'r' jawbs" is lame. Jobs aren't a finite resource. (Assuming that's what you have in mind.)

Jobs are not absolutely finite. Nevertheless, when more people are looking for jobs it is harder to get a job, and one will probably be paid less when one gets a job. Moreover, the job will be less secure.

Illegals work a job... And shop at a grocery store... Rent from a landlord... Ride the bus or in some cases purchase cars... Buy TV's, toasters, furniture, etc.

They contribute to an economy same as a citizen... By economic principals, more people does not mean less jobs.
Yes, they are.

If they're actually harming someone, prosecute them and deport them. The pathetic idea that that "took 'r' jawbs" is lame. Jobs aren't a finite resource. (Assuming that's what you have in mind.)

True. A worker - Legal or otherwise - Is both a provider and a consumer. I don't quite understand why this is so heartily ignored.

And if they're legal, they'll make more money contributing even more.

I'm not blind to the problems of immigration - there are plenty. But walling of our nation like an exclusive country club isn't the answer. Immigration has been an incredible boon to our nation. I don't see anything to be gained from turning away eager workers and potential future citizens to placate the fears of complacent, xenophobic Americans.
One for the peanut gallery:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=768h3Tz4Qik]Southpark - They Took Our Job! - YouTube[/ame]
If their only crime is that they want to earn a living and skip out on the onerous immigration process, they're not hurting anyone.

Yes, they are.

If they're actually harming someone, prosecute them and deport them. The pathetic idea that they "took 'r' jawbs" is lame. Jobs aren't a finite resource. (Assuming that's what you have in mind.)

That's not all (but obviously true). They are also pissing on all the good, honest, respectful people (you know, the ones we WANT to have here) who have been spending copious time, money, and emotional resources trying to do things the RIGHT way for YEARS. By running the line and immediately being rewarded by cynical, opportunistic, shallow politicians, they are demeaning and degrading our very sovereignty. It is a case of punishing those who should be praised and rewarding those who should be punished. democrats don't give a shit as long as they think it might mean even one more vote 15-20 years from now.
I don't see anything to be gained from turning away eager workers and potential future citizens to placate the fears of complacent, xenophobic Americans.

There is nothing "xenophobic" about opposing ILLEGAL immigration, you dishonest douche.

They are also pissing on all the good, honest, respectful people (you know, the ones we WANT to have here) who have been spending copious time, money, and emotional resources trying to do things the RIGHT way for YEARS. By running the line and immediately being rewarded by cynical, opportunistic, shallow politicians, they are demeaning and degrading our very sovereignty. It is a case of punishing those who should be praised and rewarding those who should be punished. democrats don't give a shit as long as they think it might mean even one more vote 15-20 years from now.

Well, as I said, if they're committing crimes deport them. And I'm pretty sure pissing on people is a crime in most states. Unless it's consensual. I guess some people are into that sort of thing.
They are also pissing on all the good, honest, respectful people (you know, the ones we WANT to have here) who have been spending copious time, money, and emotional resources trying to do things the RIGHT way for YEARS. By running the line and immediately being rewarded by cynical, opportunistic, shallow politicians, they are demeaning and degrading our very sovereignty. It is a case of punishing those who should be praised and rewarding those who should be punished. democrats don't give a shit as long as they think it might mean even one more vote 15-20 years from now.

Well, as I said, if they're committing crimes deport them. And I'm pretty sure pissing on people is a crime in most states. Unless it's consensual. I guess some people are into that sort of thing.

Entering (or remaining in) the country illegally is grounds for deportation.
They are also pissing on all the good, honest, respectful people (you know, the ones we WANT to have here) who have been spending copious time, money, and emotional resources trying to do things the RIGHT way for YEARS. By running the line and immediately being rewarded by cynical, opportunistic, shallow politicians, they are demeaning and degrading our very sovereignty. It is a case of punishing those who should be praised and rewarding those who should be punished. democrats don't give a shit as long as they think it might mean even one more vote 15-20 years from now.

Well, as I said, if they're committing crimes deport them. And I'm pretty sure pissing on people is a crime in most states. Unless it's consensual. I guess some people are into that sort of thing.

Entering (or remaining in) the country illegally is grounds for deportation.

^^THAT is why I prefer them here illegally as opposed to legally. As I said earlier, no due process. Say there's a whole house full of them on Franklin street, and ONE of them ALLEGEDLY pissed on a guy... Can you imagine the process of trying to prove who it was by American standards?

Tough shit you're illegal... This house is full of rifraff... See ya's.
If they're actually harming someone, prosecute them and deport them. The pathetic idea that that "took 'r' jawbs" is lame. Jobs aren't a finite resource. (Assuming that's what you have in mind.)

Jobs are not absolutely finite. Nevertheless, when more people are looking for jobs it is harder to get a job, and one will probably be paid less when one gets a job. Moreover, the job will be less secure.

Illegals work a job... And shop at a grocery store... Rent from a landlord... Ride the bus or in some cases purchase cars... Buy TV's, toasters, furniture, etc.

They contribute to an economy same as a citizen... By economic principals, more people does not mean less jobs.

Their incomes have a depressing effect on wages. Their purchases have an inflationary effect on prices.
Jobs are not absolutely finite. Nevertheless, when more people are looking for jobs it is harder to get a job, and one will probably be paid less when one gets a job. Moreover, the job will be less secure.

Illegals work a job... And shop at a grocery store... Rent from a landlord... Ride the bus or in some cases purchase cars... Buy TV's, toasters, furniture, etc.

They contribute to an economy same as a citizen... By economic principals, more people does not mean less jobs.

Their incomes have a depressing effect on wages. Their purchases have an inflationary effect on prices.

Would you say then, that you're a glass-half-empty type of guy?
Well, as I said, if they're committing crimes deport them. And I'm pretty sure pissing on people is a crime in most states. Unless it's consensual. I guess some people are into that sort of thing.

Entering (or remaining in) the country illegally is grounds for deportation.

^^THAT is why I prefer them here illegally as opposed to legally. As I said earlier, no due process. .

You may have said that earlier, but it's still not the case. They have the right to due process if they are here legally or not. You may not like it, but that's the way it is.
I certainly think that any illegal immigrant who actually wants to live in the United States, rather than going to live in a civilized country, should be deported!!

Such a person is obviously too stupid to make a good citizen!! · ·

I certainly think that any illegal immigrant who actually wants to live in the United States, rather than going to live in a civilized country, should be deported!!

Such a person is obviously too stupid to make a good citizen!! · ·


Where do you live, asshole?