Would You PLEASE Drop Your White Guilt?


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
Cops are DYING because you have ALLOWED yourself to be chained to an issue NOT yours. Liberal white guilt is the ONLY guilt there SHOULD be or EVER needs to be. An ENTIRE race is paying for the actions and history of democrats.

We Republicans PAID ANY debt due on the battle fields of the civil war so OUR debt is PAID with OUR blood. The only group of people and I mean ONLY group is modern day democrats that owe.

The white race as a whole owes the Negro race NOTHING. White democrats on the other hand owe them just about EVERYTHING. You don't kill the innocent to punish the guilty UNLESS you are a democrat.

Two idiots that can't stay zipped up? Kill the baby. A Negro that does NOT want to work or get an education? Scream black lives matter and kill a cop. Just how down right stupid is that?

Come on white people grow some damn spine! What did YOU do for a cop to be executed? Nothing right? Same here so why are WE paying? Alright its a two stage process for TOTAL government control.

1, They want your damn guns so you CANNOT protect yourself. Got that? Simple step, control the guns and control the crime. As a government then YOU can Direct the crime towards whatever group you want. Check Stalin/ Hitler or Pol Pot.

2, Use your attack group to go after the majority of gun owners slowly disarming them UNTIL they CANNOT defend. Let the killing keep going until that group DEMANDS protection. Then offer them protection with their TOTAL submission. Hence you have lost freedom and will NEVER see it again. Hell for that matter as you were so foolish you may not even deserve it.

The civil war freed a race. The next election frees a people. If you don't like the Bill of Rights I suggest you go to one of the MANY countries that don't have them. YOU have plenty to choose from. We got this ONE.

And we plan on keeping it.

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