Would blacks be better off without whites?

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Not really. Think about it and it makes sense. Blacks were the first people on earth.

Problem was that Blacks were little more than beasts at the time. The first races were hunter-gatherers and fishermen. It was when God planted the garden and required a thinking and teachable man that He created Adam to be a farmer and horticulturist. The angels taught Adam and his sons even in domesticating some of the animals. When Cain was banished from the Garden, he went into ancient Sumer and because of his super strength and super knowledge, the Blacks quickly made him their king and elevated him to god-like status. Cain hated God and is said to have started the Babylonia religion which worshiped Satan and was into all kinds of perversions including cannibalism. The Adamite race was white.
I guess you didnt get the memo. The bible is a fairy tale dude.

Yes indeed. Blacks continue to this very day to be a Godless and backwards race and not far removed from the time of Cain.
by your on terms of Nature, then you are a failure.

Please explain what you mean?

Since your race was the first, it should be, by all the rights you are claiming be ahead in all aspects or at least some. Correct? since Nature was passing out races and all.

What are you talking about? Are you like 16 years old or something?

I asked you the same thing awhile back.

We werent taught the Egyptians were Black. We were taught they were white.

I was taught that they were Arabs. Again, I do not understand why this is so important to you? I was never taught that they were white. Honestly, I dont think anyone really gives a shit except the eygptians and you.

I never heard about the West Africans nations from anyone other than my parents until I researched on my own as an adult.

I didnt learn about my Irish heritage until my grandfather insisted I read books about it and then tell him what I learned and then he told me what his grandparents taught him and so on. What are you complaining about? My Irish heritage was maybe a paragraph in my history books in high school? My family taught me.

So, you are complaining that you had to learn about your family heritage on your own? Seriously? You expect someone to teach you about your family heritage?

I didnt discover Black Africans were the first to forge steel or use anti biotics until I was an adult.

Congratulations on becoming a adult and learning about history! Guess what? most people do this also.

This stuff is not taught to the general population.

Why would it be?

White scientists hid the disvovery of the Olmecs headstones from the public as well.

White scientists eh?
Caucasions are not all anglo-saxons.

North Africans are caucasions.
Correct and that is my point. There is no way the Egyptians were white anglo saxons. However, there is DNA evidence that a lot of the royalty of the ancient Egyptians are Black. Zero for caucasian.

North Africans are only considered caucasian if they are not Black.

Where did I say that Egyptians were white Anglo Saxons? They were and are Caucasians, not Negroes. You are the one who says Egyptians were Negroes.
King Tut and Rameses III are Black guys. The DNA evidence I posted says the ancient Egyptians were Black. Still waiting for your evidence that they were even tan Caucasian. Whats taking you so long?

Scientists at Zurich-based DNA genealogy center, iGENEA, have reconstructed the DNA profile of King Tut, his father Akhenaten and grandfather Amenhotep III.

Researchers discovered that King Tut belonged to a genetic profile group known as haplogroup R1b1a2. More than 50 per cent of all men in Western Europe belong to this genetic group as do up to 70 per cent of British men.
ATLANTEAN GARDENS Royal Blood King Tut 8217 s DNA Results

The ancient Egyptians were not descended from British migrants. They, and the ancestors of contemporary British were descended from Caucasians who originally evolved in Western Asia, and who later migrated both to Britain and Egypt.

If King Tut had some Negro ancestry, that would not be surprising, considering the proximity of Egypt to Nubia.
What are you talking about? Are you like 16 years old or something? We werent taught the Egyptians were Black. We were taught they were white. I never heard about the West Africans nations from anyone other than my parents until I researched on my own as an adult. I didnt discover Black Africans were the first to forge steel or use anti biotics until I was an adult. This stuff is not taught to the general population. White scientists hid the disvovery of the Olmecs headstones from the public as well.

The reason that is not taught to the general population is because it is not true. The Hittites pioneered the use of iron over three thousand years ago.


It seems likely that the expansion of the Bantu-speaking people from their core region in Cameroon began around 1000BCE. Although early models posited that the early speakers were both iron-using and agricultural, archaeology has shown that they did not use iron until as late as 400BCE, though they were agricultural.[21
Bantu expansion - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
I said steel. Not iron. Go do some more research and try again. I also want the DNA evidence showing the people that built the pyramids were caucasian.

The use of iron comes before the use of steel.
Caucasions are not all white. Arabs are not white but they are caucasions
Arabs are a admixture of black white and asian people. They didnt exist when Egypt had its beginnings. Matter of fact the first Arabs were actually Black.

The Arabs are Semites who originated in the Arab Peninsula. Arabs have some Negro ancestry. That comes from the African slave trade. Although the Arabs castrated male slaves, and cut off the penises of Negro slaves, they had children by female slaves.
After going back to the start of this thread, I just realized how utterly stupid the title and intent of it really is.

The fact is that a very small percentage of people in this nation and globally, control the majority of the wealth world wide.

To even pose such a ludicrous question such as "Would blacks be better off without whites" is nothing but self glorifying nonsense manufactured by the insecure, demoralized bottom rung of the white population who have nothing left to hold onto, except their "sacred whiteness".

Those who are actually in a position to influence the global economy, view the rest of the population the same way, no matter what race they are, and it is in their best interest to divide the population along political and racial lines as opposed to them recognizing how they are similar.

Blacks would be worse off if the whites left, because they could not maintain an advanced civilization. They never have. There are not enough of them with the necessary intelligence.

Whites would be better off because the crime rate would go way down. What would also decline would be the money spent on criminal justice and welfare.

The vast majority of crime committed against whites as any other race is intra racial, so if whites left, they would continue to victimize each other as any other race does.

Furthermore, just like any other mono ethnic society you would find new definitions for inferiority within your new "utopia".

As I stated before, this is an idiot thread full of nothing but ego boosting speculation by the bottom rung over something that will not ever happen.

Those who actually control the wealth of this nation are fully aware of the fact that it is in their best interest keep those who have nothing to bank except being part of a "racial collective", in a state of mental turmoil.

Now, as far as YOU personally leaving, it is doubtful that anyone black in America will be worse off for it.
Invariably, America would be a far less violent place with the absence of blacks.Additionally, all socioeconomic indicators would rise substantially.

It may infuriate the PC police, but who cares?

Why would anyone with common sense be infuriated over some fantasy?
For those who believe that the absence of an entire race would make them safer, they are free to leave.
It is not a matter of fury, fantasy or belief. It's just a fact that the absence of a demographic which is less than 13% of the population but commits about 50% of murders would make a country far safer and indeed civil.

I and my family are fortunate not to live among these people. Others left Detroit, I did even better. Shit holes are not as appealing as you may think.
Yes, please show your racist troll-ass for the world to see.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
The vast majority of crime committed against whites as any other race is intra racial, so if whites left, they would continue to victimize each other as any other race does.

Furthermore, just like any other mono ethnic society you would find new definitions for inferiority within your new "utopia".

As I stated before, this is an idiot thread full of nothing but ego boosting speculation by the bottom rung over something that will not ever happen.

Those who actually control the wealth of this nation are fully aware of the fact that it is in their best interest keep those who have nothing to bank except being part of a "racial collective", in a state of mental turmoil.

Now, as far as YOU personally leaving, it is doubtful that anyone black in America will be worse off for it.
Invariably, America would be a far less violent place with the absence of blacks.Additionally, all socioeconomic indicators would rise substantially.

It may infuriate the PC police, but who cares?

Why would anyone with common sense be infuriated over some fantasy?
For those who believe that the absence of an entire race would make them safer, they are free to leave.

It is not a matter of fury, fantasy or belief. It's just a fact that the absence of a demographic which is less than 13% of the population but commits about 50% of murders would make a country far safer and indeed civil.

I and my family are fortunate not to live among these people. Others left Detroit, I did even better. Shit holes are not as appealing as you may think.

You do not know what "I think", nor do I care one way or another about where your family lives...for all I know, you could live in an all white trailer park in Appalachia. If it meets your needs bully for you.

The notion of the absence of an entire race making an entire country safer IS in fact a fantasy, because IT WILL NOT HAPPEN.

Stating otherwise, is pure ignorance because no one can speculate on what the IMPACT of the removal of an ENTIRE race would be, since the MAJORITY of those removed would not be the bad.
Sorry. We're not going to get rid of the second conditional because it offends you. The absence of blacks in America would greatly improve socioeconomic indicators across the board.
And it's people like you who guarantee that the Republican Party will surely die.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Not really. Think about it and it makes sense. Blacks were the first people on earth.

Problem was that Blacks were little more than beasts at the time. The first races were hunter-gatherers and fishermen. It was when God planted the garden and required a thinking and teachable man that He created Adam to be a farmer and horticulturist. The angels taught Adam and his sons even in domesticating some of the animals. When Cain was banished from the Garden, he went into ancient Sumer and because of his super strength and super knowledge, the Blacks quickly made him their king and elevated him to god-like status. Cain hated God and is said to have started the Babylonia religion which worshiped Satan and was into all kinds of perversions including cannibalism. The Adamite race was white.
You are crazy as a fucking loon. The adamites were olive skinned, you stupid, moronic throwback.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
We will never know the truth, because no entire race is leaving America anytime soon.

maybe not willingly...but the country will eventually be partitioned to stop the bloodshed (think "Balkans") and you will have your "new africa" completely free from white "racism"...No more evilracistredneckKKKbigotstormfront whites "keepin a brother down"...etc...Your race can finally rise and achieve their rightful place in the modern world without having to depend on white people for support...it will be paradise for you.
ROFLMAO! The variety of racists that you speak of are not far from obsolescence in the real world...however they are obviously here in abundance.

Sure, sure, boy..:blsmile: .believe whatever you like...See ya in the field.

You won't see me in any field "Jethro". I do not work or live on a farm.
We will never know the truth, because no entire race is leaving America anytime soon.

maybe not willingly...but the country will eventually be partitioned to stop the bloodshed (think "Balkans") and you will have your "new africa" completely free from white "racism"...No more evilracistredneckKKKbigotstormfront whites "keepin a brother down"...etc...Your race can finally rise and achieve their rightful place in the modern world without having to depend on white people for support...it will be paradise for you.
ROFLMAO! The variety of racists that you speak of are not far from obsolescence in the real world...however they are obviously here in abundance.

Sure, sure, boy..:blsmile: .believe whatever you like...See ya in the field.
Yepp, nothing like calling a full-grown black man a "boy", you stupid-assed racist fuckwad. Your very comments prove why the Right will never make inroads with any minorities.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
lol. A bible thumper

Hardly. You won't find this in the Bible. Perhaps a hint pointing toward it. It actually comes mostly from the book "Sargon the Magnificent" and from other research.
The Biblical city of Jerico is a widely excavated site. Some 20 different people have resided there, the earliest discovered thus far to have been in the city as early as 11000-9000 BCE. The city of Uruk in Sumer is said to date 9000 to 6000 BCE.
We will never know the truth, because no entire race is leaving America anytime soon.

maybe not willingly...but the country will eventually be partitioned to stop the bloodshed (think "Balkans") and you will have your "new africa" completely free from white "racism"...No more evilracistredneckKKKbigotstormfront whites "keepin a brother down"...etc...Your race can finally rise and achieve their rightful place in the modern world without having to depend on white people for support...it will be paradise for you.
ROFLMAO! The variety of racists that you speak of are not far from obsolescence in the real world...however they are obviously here in abundance.

Sure, sure, boy..:blsmile: .believe whatever you like...See ya in the field.

You won't see me in any field "Jethro". I do not work or live on a farm.

It has nothing to do with farming...although I understand your frame of reference, cotton chopper.
Not really. Think about it and it makes sense. Blacks were the first people on earth.

Problem was that Blacks were little more than beasts at the time. The first races were hunter-gatherers and fishermen. It was when God planted the garden and required a thinking and teachable man that He created Adam to be a farmer and horticulturist. The angels taught Adam and his sons even in domesticating some of the animals. When Cain was banished from the Garden, he went into ancient Sumer and because of his super strength and super knowledge, the Blacks quickly made him their king and elevated him to god-like status. Cain hated God and is said to have started the Babylonia religion which worshiped Satan and was into all kinds of perversions including cannibalism. The Adamite race was white.
You are crazy as a fucking loon. The adamites were olive skinned, you stupid, moronic throwback.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Actually reddish skinned moron.
Caucasions are not all white. Arabs are not white but they are caucasions
Arabs are a admixture of black white and asian people. They didnt exist when Egypt had its beginnings. Matter of fact the first Arabs were actually Black.

The Arabs are Semites who originated in the Arab Peninsula. Arabs have some Negro ancestry. That comes from the African slave trade. Although the Arabs castrated male slaves, and cut off the penises of Negro slaves, they had children by female slaves.

Most all the countries and cultures in the Middle East and beyond were highly influence by the Semite people, including Egypt.
We will never know the truth, because no entire race is leaving America anytime soon.

maybe not willingly...but the country will eventually be partitioned to stop the bloodshed (think "Balkans") and you will have your "new africa" completely free from white "racism"...No more evilracistredneckKKKbigotstormfront whites "keepin a brother down"...etc...Your race can finally rise and achieve their rightful place in the modern world without having to depend on white people for support...it will be paradise for you.
ROFLMAO! The variety of racists that you speak of are not far from obsolescence in the real world...however they are obviously here in abundance.

Sure, sure, boy..:blsmile: .believe whatever you like...See ya in the field.
Yepp, nothing like calling a full-grown black man a "boy", you stupid-assed racist fuckwad. Your very comments prove why the Right will never make inroads with any minorities.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

The "Right" is aware of the fact that your vote has been purchased by the Left. The price was cheap too -- an Obamaphone with cheap batteries.
We will never know the truth, because no entire race is leaving America anytime soon.

maybe not willingly...but the country will eventually be partitioned to stop the bloodshed (think "Balkans") and you will have your "new africa" completely free from white "racism"...No more evilracistredneckKKKbigotstormfront whites "keepin a brother down"...etc...Your race can finally rise and achieve their rightful place in the modern world without having to depend on white people for support...it will be paradise for you.
ROFLMAO! The variety of racists that you speak of are not far from obsolescence in the real world...however they are obviously here in abundance.

Sure, sure, boy..:blsmile: .believe whatever you like...See ya in the field.
Yepp, nothing like calling a full-grown black man a "boy", you stupid-assed racist fuckwad. Your very comments prove why the Right will never make inroads with any minorities.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

The "Right" is aware of the fact that your vote has been purchased by the Left. The price was cheap too -- an Obamaphone with cheap batteries.
You know nothing of me and I would hope the Right wants to have nothing to do with a sad-assed, wildly fucked-up racist piece of Dreck like you.

Truthout, dudes.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Not really. Think about it and it makes sense. Blacks were the first people on earth.

Problem was that Blacks were little more than beasts at the time. The first races were hunter-gatherers and fishermen. It was when God planted the garden and required a thinking and teachable man that He created Adam to be a farmer and horticulturist. The angels taught Adam and his sons even in domesticating some of the animals. When Cain was banished from the Garden, he went into ancient Sumer and because of his super strength and super knowledge, the Blacks quickly made him their king and elevated him to god-like status. Cain hated God and is said to have started the Babylonia religion which worshiped Satan and was into all kinds of perversions including cannibalism. The Adamite race was white.
You are crazy as a fucking loon. The adamites were olive skinned, you stupid, moronic throwback.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Actually reddish skinned moron.
No, asswipe. Mesopotamien is likely the cradle of civilization. Ur and Sumer. Olive-skinned.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
lol. A bible thumper

Hardly. You won't find this in the Bible. Perhaps a hint pointing toward it. It actually comes mostly from the book "Sargon the Magnificent" and from other research.
The Biblical city of Jerico is a widely excavated site. Some 20 different people have resided there, the earliest discovered thus far to have been in the city as early as 11000-9000 BCE. The city of Uruk in Sumer is said to date 9000 to 6000 BCE.


That's any semblance of your sanity and credibility jumping out the window.
lol. A bible thumper

Hardly. You won't find this in the Bible. Perhaps a hint pointing toward it. It actually comes mostly from the book "Sargon the Magnificent" and from other research.
The Biblical city of Jerico is a widely excavated site. Some 20 different people have resided there, the earliest discovered thus far to have been in the city as early as 11000-9000 BCE. The city of Uruk in Sumer is said to date 9000 to 6000 BCE.


That's any semblance of your sanity and credibility jumping out the window.
Indeed. Racists belong in asylums.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
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