Would a church services' sermon pausing while the minister...


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Would a church services' sermon pausing so the minister, priest, rabbi, imam, whatever offers some item for sale bother you? If not, why do we tolerate it on tv religious programs?

Some local religious channel was talking about something and I started to give it a listen, then out came a musical cd for sale and I about said out loud, "You gotta be f'in kidding me!" These programs are evidently extremely popular (if they pay to have a whole channel like) and yet what they're oding amounts to the home shopping network. Lotta crap for sale interspersed with discussions and joking around.

Has anyone experienced what goes on on tv in real life yet? A minister or someone interupting their sermon to hawk your organ player's cd or something? :)
Sponsors buy blocks of time from the provider. This enables the provider to put shows on the air, even on cable. A show, even a religious show, has to agree that the provider may interrupt programming for the benefit of the advertisers who pay the provider for the space.

I was contacted many times by Time Warner. I could buy a block of time, say ten minutes. That would entitle me to run ads 30 seconds long, or a minute long, on programming of my choice. I could choose to have it run during the 700 Club or Joel Osteen, or ESPN, or some other station.
Sponsors buy blocks of time from the provider. This enables the provider to put shows on the air, even on cable. A show, even a religious show, has to agree that the provider may interrupt programming for the benefit of the advertisers who pay the provider for the space.

I was contacted many times by Time Warner. I could buy a block of time, say ten minutes. That would entitle me to run ads 30 seconds long, or a minute long, on programming of my choice. I could choose to have it run during the 700 Club or Joel Osteen, or ESPN, or some other station.

This wasn't a commercial, this was the "minister" holding up a cd and hyping it and selling it in the midst of a religious discussion.

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