Worshipping The Evil Rich

Rush clarified this issue rather well. When you are rich and have the ability to keep money from the government on principle because you KNOW how badly you're being fucked over to support lazy ingrates, you do it when you can. You hire that accounting firm to keep your cash safe from assholes who have no idea what it is to do a real job, meet a payroll, mind investments, or even how to stay in a budget.

A 50k investment to save millions is always money well spent. And you know what? They deserve to protect what the thieves in government are trying to steal for 'the sake of the children'. Yeah well, maybe if they'd stop condescending to minorities and thinking they can't make it 'without them' and get real jobs themselves, their lot in life would improve. You know who's really evil here? Bureaucrats and do-gooders who think they have the right and responsibility to steal from others to accomplish goals they feel need to be accomplished. Put your own damn money in if you feel drawn to help the poor. Quit shoving the government's gun in the face of others do do what they don't want.

That is evil, and so are those who think that way.

No, it is not evil. Nobody has a patriotic duty to pay a dollar more in tax than he owes. However, it could be considered evil to pay lobbysists and fund campaigns so that a new tax loophole is created to shelter ever-more of your income. It could be considered evil to hire public relations experts to help convince those you steal from that giving you even more money is the right thing to do.

Obama: GOP favors tax loopholes that send jobs overseas - TheHill.com

Comments on: Obama: End Tax Breaks That Send Jobs Overseas - CBS News

Meh, I am not interested in the souls of the mega-rich; I am interested in trying to reach my fellow Americans with a message that we have been and are being sold a bill of goods. Common sense should tell you, your self-interest does not lie with the Rupert Murdochs and Karl Roves -- it lies with your fellow working man.
If Obama is helping the evil rich, maybe you need to reconsider your support for him and his party?

Joe Biden said paying taxes is an patriotic act.

The DNC is trying to prevent companies from leaving the US to let them wither and rot in the US under union oppression rather than let them make money so they can provide jobs.

The tax code, which is about to be amended to make our tax on foreign profits even MORE odious by removing the protection that prevents the tax as long as hey do not bring the profits back to the US.

Evil to hire lobbyists. Do you know how they came about? They were advocates for farmers and businesses so far removed that to petition government was so difficult they had to hire someone specifically to go be their advocate. That is how the practice came about.

To say that today it's evil is to say petitioning the government for your rights and needs and protection is evil. That's pretty skewed IMHO.There is nothing evil with lobbying, only in some of their tactics, and how incestuous the game has become. That is what needs to be fixed. Serious penalties for those who corrupt the system. Corruption is the issue. Entitlement to what is not yours is the issue. Not money.

Public relation firms to steal... You mean like ACORN who uses political pressure to try and steal billions from TARP to fund their voter fraud drives? You mean like teachers unions who collect more money 'for the children' only to have it line administrators pockets while letting the schools turn into nothing more than mini penitentiaries with little learning done and preventing homeschooling or real education form to protect their government sanctioned monopoly? How about the whiny rich who hide behind an anti-trust exemption for organized sports then blackmail the taxpayers when they want a new facility costing a billion dollar or they will move?

The government is the one constant in these scenarios. We have voted people into power who WILL steal for these people. Not defend us from Armani wearing pick pockets. The hide behind children and poor people while continuing to do evil in our sight, yet we vote them back time and time again. Once the populace figured out they could vote themselves goodies out of the public coffers, our republic began dying in earnest.

What is the purpose of government? To rob the innocent and steal our rights they are sworn to protect in the name of 'goodness' and 'charity'? Or are they to stand up to well dressed crooks and say 'no' and not try to justify theft or make it morally palatable to those who have been robbed, trying to elicit a thank you as they are made poorer.

You can't have it both ways for the sake of politics. Both sides need their throat slit because they're both in on the game, just for different clubs.

Come on Madeline, I know you're better than this. :) I can't believe you really think that Karl Rove and Rupert Murdock define evil rich while there are so many other examples which are far more clear. You need to see beyond the short term of what's going on. The long game of collectivism ends in a coffin for everyone who doesn't agree and slavery for the rest. The long game of captalism is a land full of achievers who come together at times, but live their lives as they see best while respecting the rights of their neighbors to do the same.

Your comments and observations have been awesome to read Fitz, great job. Wish I could rep you again. Thanks. :clap2:
The creeping NON-investment in America has resulted in tangible class warfare.

Class warfare... the only ones that care about class warfare are those trying to foment one that doesn't exist.

But, thank you for pointing out something you are ignoring. Who is causing the non-investment in America? The business environment is being made DELIBERATELY bad by this congress and administration.

The game of economic musical chairs stopped in 2007 when the bottom fell out of the housing market. A bubble caused by liberals trying to put everyone into a home even though they knew they couldn't pay. They guaranteed the risk with your tax dollars and never told you. they then threatened banks ho got wise to the game and refused to play though the Reno Justice department W caught wind of it, but at that time, had lost power of congress in 2003 thanks to Jumpin Jim Jeffords and the Dems stymied the process to reform mortgage reform ever since. Then in 2007/8, they panicked. Panicked hard. W and the fed screwed up with a more than exuberant congress by shoving more chairs on the floor that they couldn't afford. All their friends were about to get burned for making stupid investments and they couldn't let that happen. This is not one side of the aisle. It was the whole of he elite. All across the world screaming to be saved before it was too late.

And what has changed since? The volume has increased. More money, more corruption, more bailouts, more government, more panic.

It has little to do with "envy" and everything to do with "opportunity," which the middle- and lower-classes can see slipping away from them at a faster clip than ever.

And who is stealing it from them? The government. Giving it to their friends who define the status quo. When will you realize that leftist governments functionally recreate feudalism? Nobles on top, serfs on the bottom, and NOTHING in the middle, and nobody crosses classes. This style of government was obsolete in the 1600's. Going back is only going to return us to the dark age. But that seems to be where elitists are happiest as long as they remain nobility.

Think about the consequences of supporting elitists. Right now the only ones NOT ELITISTS in the elections right now are non-incumbent tea partiers and they have a rather anti-elitist flavor. That is who you should be supporting, with maybe less than 5% of any politician currently in office.

I read through both of your diatribes, and of course it presents very articulately the right-wing ideological point of view on everything that you deem the whole truth and nothing but the truth. There simply is no gray area for you. You obviously don't read any of the information I provide, preferring instead to stick to your own versions and never acknowledging the veracity of others .

Confirming my opinion of your opinions is the sentence that jumped out at me:
The game of economic musical chairs stopped in 2007 when the bottom fell out of the housing market. A bubble caused by liberals trying to put everyone into a home even though they knew they couldn't pay.

This is so blatantly a misrepresentation of all the facts its nauseating. Thanks for letting me know that it's pointless to "debate" anything with you at all, ever.

Yet you didn't refute one fact or give any evidence that anything he said is flawed. Imagine that.
We as in the majority of fair-minded conservatives that frequent this forum. That's leaves you out.

I was once a Republican, but by your "conservative" standards today I would be considered one of those evil rinos.

I doubt you were ever a Republican, unless of course if you have had a major head injury then I could see you switching parties.

Frankly, I supported George H.W. Bush during his run against Reagan. Imagine that. I stopped supporting Reagan when he thought it was "funny" to put down people on welfare. He sealed it when he lied about Iran-Contra. But in any event, the GOP is a mere whisper of what it historically has represented, as anyone who has studied politics as long as I have can confirm. Don't just take my word for it.
Mega-rich? You mean folks like George Soros?

Tell us, what motivates Karl Rove?

And what makes you think I cooperate with him?

You working for free is supposed to answer my questions? Well then the answer to "how many jobs have you gotten from a poor man" is none. But it doesn't address the second question as to why you hate us rich folk.

"The US Economic Census indicates that attorneys median income is $165,000 a year it also indicates that the revenue per employee in law offices is $288,000."

"A legal aid attorney may make as little as $26,000-$40,000 in a small town. A senior partner in white collar crime defense at a large firm in New York can earn in excess of $1 million per year."

You lawyers are really living paycheck to paycheck huh? Poor thang!

I don't see George Soros on this list. Hmmm...

The World's Billionaires 2009 - Forbes.com

What motivates Karl Rove? His campaign to reelect George W. Bush was called "Republicans Forever." (His words.) To that end, in the 2004 race, Rove went after the Christian Evangelicals, making sure the propaganda was directed against those "decadent" liberals. And they were gullible enough to believe him.

Are you saying Soros isn't a billionaire? The link you provided ranked Soros at number 29, and that was in 2009, I have included a 2010 link that ranks him at 35.

I can see why you switched to the democrat party, you are incapable of being honest.

Karl Rove is doing his job, doesn't your job motivate you?

I never said he wasn't a billionnaire, genius. But the way you people go on and on about his wealth, you'd think he was the ONLY billionnaire who ever supported people of his own personal choosing.
I doubt you were ever a Republican, unless of course if you have had a major head injury then I could see you switching parties.

Believe it or not, there are many of us on this board who are ex-Republicans. We were loyal to the party until it abandoned us in the early 90s. I can no longer recognize the Party I supported in the 60s and 70s

I don't believe anything that comes out of a liberals mouth.

The feeling is often mutual, trust me. Frankly, I couldn't care less what you believe and what you don't because your idols could tell you the sun revolves around the earth and you'd believe it.
The creeping NON-investment in America has resulted in tangible class warfare.

Class warfare... the only ones that care about class warfare are those trying to foment one that doesn't exist.

But, thank you for pointing out something you are ignoring. Who is causing the non-investment in America? The business environment is being made DELIBERATELY bad by this congress and administration.

The game of economic musical chairs stopped in 2007 when the bottom fell out of the housing market. A bubble caused by liberals trying to put everyone into a home even though they knew they couldn't pay. They guaranteed the risk with your tax dollars and never told you. they then threatened banks ho got wise to the game and refused to play though the Reno Justice department W caught wind of it, but at that time, had lost power of congress in 2003 thanks to Jumpin Jim Jeffords and the Dems stymied the process to reform mortgage reform ever since. Then in 2007/8, they panicked. Panicked hard. W and the fed screwed up with a more than exuberant congress by shoving more chairs on the floor that they couldn't afford. All their friends were about to get burned for making stupid investments and they couldn't let that happen. This is not one side of the aisle. It was the whole of he elite. All across the world screaming to be saved before it was too late.

And what has changed since? The volume has increased. More money, more corruption, more bailouts, more government, more panic.

And who is stealing it from them? The government. Giving it to their friends who define the status quo. When will you realize that leftist governments functionally recreate feudalism? Nobles on top, serfs on the bottom, and NOTHING in the middle, and nobody crosses classes. This style of government was obsolete in the 1600's. Going back is only going to return us to the dark age. But that seems to be where elitists are happiest as long as they remain nobility.

Think about the consequences of supporting elitists. Right now the only ones NOT ELITISTS in the elections right now are non-incumbent tea partiers and they have a rather anti-elitist flavor. That is who you should be supporting, with maybe less than 5% of any politician currently in office.

I read through both of your diatribes, and of course it presents very articulately the right-wing ideological point of view on everything that you deem the whole truth and nothing but the truth. There simply is no gray area for you. You obviously don't read any of the information I provide, preferring instead to stick to your own versions and never acknowledging the veracity of others .

Confirming my opinion of your opinions is the sentence that jumped out at me:
The game of economic musical chairs stopped in 2007 when the bottom fell out of the housing market. A bubble caused by liberals trying to put everyone into a home even though they knew they couldn't pay.

This is so blatantly a misrepresentation of all the facts its nauseating. Thanks for letting me know that it's pointless to "debate" anything with you at all, ever.


Now, now be fair. To some people it certainly "feels" as if Obama has been president forever.
I don't see George Soros on this list. Hmmm...

The World's Billionaires 2009 - Forbes.com

What motivates Karl Rove? His campaign to reelect George W. Bush was called "Republicans Forever." (His words.) To that end, in the 2004 race, Rove went after the Christian Evangelicals, making sure the propaganda was directed against those "decadent" liberals. And they were gullible enough to believe him.

Are you saying Soros isn't a billionaire? The link you provided ranked Soros at number 29, and that was in 2009, I have included a 2010 link that ranks him at 35.

I can see why you switched to the democrat party, you are incapable of being honest.

Karl Rove is doing his job, doesn't your job motivate you?

I never said he wasn't a billionnaire, genius. But the way you people go on and on about his wealth, you'd think he was the ONLY billionnaire who ever supported people of his own personal choosing.

You're a fucking idiot.

Your dim-witted pal Madeline brought up "mega-rich" folks and I asked about Soros and you, you dipshit, brought out Forbes' Worlds Richest Billionaires and stated you didn't see Soros' name on it, which it is in fact there, and that means you are either a blind idiot, stupid or just a plain ol' liar.Which is it?

For the record I like rich people and I think rich people should be able to spend their money and support whoever the fuck they choose. You liberal idiots need to stop hating on people.
Believe it or not, there are many of us on this board who are ex-Republicans. We were loyal to the party until it abandoned us in the early 90s. I can no longer recognize the Party I supported in the 60s and 70s

I don't believe anything that comes out of a liberals mouth.

The feeling is often mutual, trust me. Frankly, I couldn't care less what you believe and what you don't because your idols could tell you the sun revolves around the earth and you'd believe it.

This coming from a lying piece of shit means little.

Tell me again how Soros isn't listed on Forbes World's Richest Billionaires list.
We have a class war going on in this country. Wake The Fuck Up, people. The rich are NOT your friends.
Rich people want to defraud me, while poor people want to mug me.

Maybe it's America that is fucked up?
There's moral relativism and secularist philosophy in action for you. Take what you can, give nothing back and destroy those who judge you.

Those two philosophies, either from a religious or political point of view, are completely opposite from what Madeline said. :cuckoo:
MaggieMae said:
I read through both of your diatribes, and of course it presents very articulately the right-wing ideological point of view on everything that you deem the whole truth and nothing but the truth. There simply is no gray area for you. You obviously don't read any of the information I provide, preferring instead to stick to your own versions and never acknowledging the veracity of others .

Confirming my opinion of your opinions is the sentence that jumped out at me:

The game of economic musical chairs stopped in 2007 when the bottom fell out of the housing market. A bubble caused by liberals trying to put everyone into a home even though they knew they couldn't pay.

This is so blatantly a misrepresentation of all the facts its nauseating. Thanks for letting me know that it's pointless to "debate" anything with you at all, ever.

Well, as long as you're not a partisan HACK...

As for the red highlight...

Prove. Me. Wrong.

The onus is on you. The evidence is plain to everyone else here. Even that economic dipshit Paul Krugman and his 'truth squad' (proof that the Nobel prize does not denote you're actually smart but politically popular) admit this is the true cause of the mess we're in.

Don't let the door hitcha, where the Lord splitcha.


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I was once a Republican, but by your "conservative" standards today I would be considered one of those evil rinos.

I doubt you were ever a Republican, unless of course if you have had a major head injury then I could see you switching parties.

Frankly, I supported George H.W. Bush during his run against Reagan. Imagine that. I stopped supporting Reagan when he thought it was "funny" to put down people on welfare. He sealed it when he lied about Iran-Contra. But in any event, the GOP is a mere whisper of what it historically has represented, as anyone who has studied politics as long as I have can confirm. Don't just take my word for it.
No no... the most rabid of heretics were once priests of their former beliefs or flat out insane. Muggsy here is sure proving that's true.

Oh wait... I have to edit this. She supported HW against Reagan. Of course! That makes sense. HW called Supply Side economics "Voodoo Economics". Economically, the man was a moron who had a recession in his presidency brought on by his own missteps in that arena.

So she's just a leftist elitist, but an elitist none the less. Explains a ton.
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Yet you didn't refute one fact or give any evidence that anything he said is flawed. Imagine that.

Of course I can. I just get tired of repeating it over and over and over and over and over again!! For starters, blaming liberals for the housing crisis is so stupid it's totally incredible that someone with his obvious brains would even make the comment.

Here's the truth about the CRA and the bogus bullshit that it was the entire cause of the housing bubble that eventually burst. Take note of the hypotheticals herein.

CRA Thought Experiment | The Big Picture

Everyone on the right seems to completely ignore Bush's "American Dream Act" of 2003 which opened the door to fraudulent mortgage "companies" hawking terrific deals and no down payments. How many times do I have to post this information in one form or another before it grabs the attention of you people with your heads up your asses?

American Dream Downpayment Initiative - Affordable Housing - CPD - HUD

For all his other claims of the oh-so-principled conservatives, this is an extensive analysis of the reality of the economy as it was created by the Bush Administration. This is a summary based on all the tax data from official sources that was reported on as of 2008. You can Google any part and find the background facts, if you so desire. (Which I'm sure you won't anyway. It's much easier to continue the lies, embellishments, and the blame game of course and pretend truth doesn't exist anywhere but in your own little boxes.)

tax.com: So How Did the Bush Tax Cuts Work Out for the Economy?
Madeline said:
Now, now be fair. To some people it certainly "feels" as if Obama has been president forever.

Based on some of the completely ridiculous TV ads I'm seeing that are produced by some of these mystery PACS, he has. Yup, Obama single-handedly made a mess of the economy. While I don't like some of the things that happened, for example, the way health care reform turned out to be a Frankenstein monster, for the most part neither he nor the Democrats are entirely to blame for the demise of the economy. We were already standing at the edge of an abyss when he took over, but you're right, people either have already forgotten that or they have a chance to brainwash people into believing it only started on a downward trend after he got elected.
Yet you didn't refute one fact or give any evidence that anything he said is flawed. Imagine that.

Of course I can. I just get tired of repeating it over and over and over and over and over again!! For starters, blaming liberals for the housing crisis is so stupid it's totally incredible that someone with his obvious brains would even make the comment.

Here's the truth about the CRA and the bogus bullshit that it was the entire cause of the housing bubble that eventually burst. Take note of the hypotheticals herein.

CRA Thought Experiment | The Big Picture

Everyone on the right seems to completely ignore Bush's "American Dream Act" of 2003 which opened the door to fraudulent mortgage "companies" hawking terrific deals and no down payments. How many times do I have to post this information in one form or another before it grabs the attention of you people with your heads up your asses?

American Dream Downpayment Initiative - Affordable Housing - CPD - HUD

For all his other claims of the oh-so-principled conservatives, this is an extensive analysis of the reality of the economy as it was created by the Bush Administration. This is a summary based on all the tax data from official sources that was reported on as of 2008. You can Google any part and find the background facts, if you so desire. (Which I'm sure you won't anyway. It's much easier to continue the lies, embellishments, and the blame game of course and pretend truth doesn't exist anywhere but in your own little boxes.)

tax.com: So How Did the Bush Tax Cuts Work Out for the Economy?
Wow. I feel like Edmund trying to teach Baldrick Math.


The answer is STILL not 'a very small casserole'.
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Are you saying Soros isn't a billionaire? The link you provided ranked Soros at number 29, and that was in 2009, I have included a 2010 link that ranks him at 35.

I can see why you switched to the democrat party, you are incapable of being honest.

Karl Rove is doing his job, doesn't your job motivate you?

I never said he wasn't a billionnaire, genius. But the way you people go on and on about his wealth, you'd think he was the ONLY billionnaire who ever supported people of his own personal choosing.

You're a fucking idiot.

Your dim-witted pal Madeline brought up "mega-rich" folks and I asked about Soros and you, you dipshit, brought out Forbes' Worlds Richest Billionaires and stated you didn't see Soros' name on it, which it is in fact there, and that means you are either a blind idiot, stupid or just a plain ol' liar.Which is it?

For the record I like rich people and I think rich people should be able to spend their money and support whoever the fuck they choose. You liberal idiots need to stop hating on people.

I looked at the top 25 billionnaires. Obviously Soros would be among the complete list because he's, well, a billionnaire. It ain't rocket science and I wasn't trying to present it as such. Again, I was trying to prove that you assholes make it appear that Soros is the only rich person who's ever thrown money into a campaign. When you shut the fuck up about that, I'll shut the fuck up about Soros. But hey, I know that if George Soros isn't mentioned at least once on FoxNews every day, you might actually forget that you're supposed to spread the propaganda.

What does it matter anyway? By the time mid-terms are over in a couple of weeks, campaign donations will reach $4 billion by some estimates. FOUR FUCKING BILLION DOLLARS!! Thanks to the USSC decision which, in effect, eliminated the $5,000 maximum donation by any person or corporation. Now they can donate a million or even ten million if they so desire.
I doubt you were ever a Republican, unless of course if you have had a major head injury then I could see you switching parties.

Frankly, I supported George H.W. Bush during his run against Reagan. Imagine that. I stopped supporting Reagan when he thought it was "funny" to put down people on welfare. He sealed it when he lied about Iran-Contra. But in any event, the GOP is a mere whisper of what it historically has represented, as anyone who has studied politics as long as I have can confirm. Don't just take my word for it.
No no... the most rabid of heretics were once priests of their former beliefs or flat out insane. Muggsy here is sure proving that's true.

Oh wait... I have to edit this. She supported HW against Reagan. Of course! That makes sense. HW called Supply Side economics "Voodoo Economics". Economically, the man was a moron who had a recession in his presidency brought on by his own missteps in that arena.

So she's just a leftist elitist, but an elitist none the less. Explains a ton.

H.W.'s economy was the result of taking on Reagan's huge deficit. What kind of revisionist history do you read? Seriously...I'd like to know.
I think at this point, the righties will all jump in and say that BOTH parties have caused [fill in blank] and that "as independents," they want them all driven out of Washington. Based on experience elsewhere, when backs-are-at-walls. :eusa_whistle:
Frankly, I supported George H.W. Bush during his run against Reagan. Imagine that. I stopped supporting Reagan when he thought it was "funny" to put down people on welfare. He sealed it when he lied about Iran-Contra. But in any event, the GOP is a mere whisper of what it historically has represented, as anyone who has studied politics as long as I have can confirm. Don't just take my word for it.
No no... the most rabid of heretics were once priests of their former beliefs or flat out insane. Muggsy here is sure proving that's true.

Oh wait... I have to edit this. She supported HW against Reagan. Of course! That makes sense. HW called Supply Side economics "Voodoo Economics". Economically, the man was a moron who had a recession in his presidency brought on by his own missteps in that arena.

So she's just a leftist elitist, but an elitist none the less. Explains a ton.

H.W.'s economy was the result of taking on Reagan's huge deficit. What kind of revisionist history do you read? Seriously...I'd like to know.
Still aren't able to support your allegations I see.

I'm still waiting for you to prove me wrong, not illustrate more of your idiocy.


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