World's saddest rightwing protest brings only 7 people to Lenin statue


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
World's Saddest Right-Wing Protest Draws 7 People To Seattle's Lenin Statue

For the record, I don't give a shit about this statue either way. In fact, I can't imagine anyone giving a shit about this statue being torn down.

What's laughable is their attempt at making the left look like hypocrites. As if a bunch of liberals would throw a fit over something like this lol. Trumpsters can be so petty and pathetic. These people wasted their afternoon over this for nothing.
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It's Seattle! You KNOW that Lenin is going to be very popular. He's a communist. It would be the same result if the protest were in Red Square.
It's Seattle! You KNOW that Lenin is going to be very popular. He's a communist. It would be the same result if the protest were in Red Square.
You entertain this idea because its the usual lame stereotype you love touting about the left, yet the reality is that the American leftwing has nothing to do with Marxism.
White people typically work on during the week. You know that that 8-5 Mon-Fri thing?
Not sure why this is all relevant but, whatever dude, good for you. You're one of the large majority of American adults who has a job. Are you expecting a trophy?
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It's Seattle! You KNOW that Lenin is going to be very popular. He's a communist. It would be the same result if the protest were in Red Square.
You entertain this idea because its the usual lame stereotype you love touting about the left, yet the reality is that the American leftwing has nothing to do with Marxism.
Which is why a fucking Lenin statue is located in Seattle.....
White people typically work on during the week. You know that that 8-5 Mon-Fri thing?
No they don't. That's why they elected Trump. They're hoping he'll get rid of self-checkout lines at the store so they have something to do all day again instead of crystal meth. Oh wait... maybe they were just at home doing crystal meth. Puzzle answered.
World's Saddest Right-Wing Protest Draws 7 People To Seattle's Lenin Statue

For the record, I don't give a shit about this statue either way. In fact, I can't imagine anyone giving a shit about this statue being torn down.

What's laughable is their attempt at making the left look like hypocrites. As if a bunch of liberals would throw a fit over something like this lol. Trumpsters can be so petty and pathetic. These people wasted their afternoon over this for nothing.

Seven homely, probably lonely people; yes, sad.
It's Seattle! You KNOW that Lenin is going to be very popular. He's a communist. It would be the same result if the protest were in Red Square.
You entertain this idea because its the usual lame stereotype you love touting about the left, yet the reality is that the American leftwing has nothing to do with Marxism.
Which is why a fucking Lenin statue is located in Seattle.....

You know what, why didn't I ask the same thing? Why would such a statue be there!?! LOL
Here's the real puzzle. Why does Seattle have a monument to Lenin, when Lenin is a Russian and we are supposedly enemies of Russia.
It's Seattle! You KNOW that Lenin is going to be very popular. He's a communist. It would be the same result if the protest were in Red Square.
You entertain this idea because its the usual lame stereotype you love touting about the left, yet the reality is that the American leftwing has nothing to do with Marxism.
Which is why a fucking Lenin statue is located in Seattle.....
I don't know why it is there, but you're a moron if you think it somehow represents American leftwing politics.
World's Saddest Right-Wing Protest Draws 7 People To Seattle's Lenin Statue

For the record, I don't give a shit about this statue either way. In fact, I can't imagine anyone giving a shit about this statue being torn down.

What's laughable is their attempt at making the left look like hypocrites. As if a bunch of liberals would throw a fit over something like this lol. Trumpsters can be so petty and pathetic. These people wasted their afternoon over this for nothing.
WTF... I have family in Seattle, and have been going up there for decades - never ever even heard there was a Lenin statue there.
It's Seattle! You KNOW that Lenin is going to be very popular. He's a communist. It would be the same result if the protest were in Red Square.
You entertain this idea because its the usual lame stereotype you love touting about the left, yet the reality is that the American leftwing has nothing to do with Marxism.
Which is why a fucking Lenin statue is located in Seattle.....
I don't know why it is there, but you're a moron if you think it somehow represents American leftwing politics.

Lenin no longer represents American leftwing politics, his legacy is nothing compared to what you 21st century communists have in store for America.
Are left wingers angry or pleased that Republicans didn't smash windows and burn cars in a Seattle demonstration about a statue dedicated to a socialist icon?
Nether because we had no idea it was even there. We still don't give a shit about it either way. Sorry to burst your bubble. You're welcome to go smash it yourself I guess. Maybe you would feel like you won something? I'm not really sure.
It's Seattle! You KNOW that Lenin is going to be very popular. He's a communist. It would be the same result if the protest were in Red Square.
You entertain this idea because its the usual lame stereotype you love touting about the left, yet the reality is that the American leftwing has nothing to do with Marxism.
Which is why a fucking Lenin statue is located in Seattle.....
I don't know why it is there, but you're a moron if you think it somehow represents American leftwing politics.
You are making an assumption that it doesn't when it likely wouldn't be there otherwise.
World's Saddest Right-Wing Protest Draws 7 People To Seattle's Lenin Statue

For the record, I don't give a shit about this statue either way. In fact, I can't imagine anyone giving a shit about this statue being torn down.

What's laughable is their attempt at making the left look like hypocrites. As if a bunch of liberals would throw a fit over something like this lol. Trumpsters can be so petty and pathetic. These people wasted their afternoon over this for nothing.
They sought attention and YOU just gave it to them.

Keep the hate flowing...
Why is it sad that a group of people, no matter how few, are exercising the Constitutional right to protest the public display of a statue that glorifies a mass murdering psycho. Bet money if this had been a statue of Robert E Lee and only 7 people had shown up they would have been called brave by the left, but it's Lenin so it's just sad.

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