World respect for the US drops sharply under Trump

No president in the history of this country has lied to the level that Trump has taken it. No president has been ever spoken to and about people publicly like this president has.

Our politicians have been getting worse and more corrupt with time, but Trump has only added lighter fluid to the fire. We needed to make drastic changes in this country. Trump is change in the wrong direction.
You must have forgotten one William Jefferson Clinton. Not only was he a bigger liar, but he was a better liar.

Hell, I have said it before, but Bill Clinton's lies were works of art. Dude could lie about ANYTHING and get away with it.

He could be giving a speech and say:


am not.


and everybody would be like, "where'd he go."

You know it's true. When it comes to whoppers, Bill Clinton was a master. He may have been Sicilian, for all we know.
Germany a global power? Yea, they are who the world should look up to :rofl:



and the next time there's a brush war somewhere, German can send the troops
And the moment the shit hits the fan they'll be expecting us to save them.
So fucking what you ignoramus? It would be in our own best self interest to help the major European allied countries in the case of an "intervention" of a power or powers who have been traditional common adversaries and antagonists! It's called enlightened self-interest in the broad scheme of things!
Im ok with it.
hat reasons would they have for thinking that? Policy? Thinking of us? Cutting off funding to other people? Calling peoples bullshit out?

Our President is isolating us from the world and destroying historic alliances

While conservative isolationists celebrate "me first" diplomacy, Trump has surrendered the mantle of leader of the free world

His leadership on a global market is not wanted or trusted
As usual a "poll" is cited by an Obama apologist as proof that Donald Trump is a bad President! What this particular poll proves is that much of the world liked having Barry "leading from behind" better than they liked Trump once again being the leader of the free world. Barack Obama put the interests of the worldwide community before the interests of Americans...should it really be "shocking" that the rest of the world liked that?

Too bad for Democrats that the rest of the world doesn't get to vote in our elections...
As usual a "poll" is cited by an Obama apologist as proof that Donald Trump is a bad President! What this particular poll proves is that much of the world liked having Barry "leading from behind" better than they liked Trump once again being the leader of the free world. Barack Obama put the interests of the worldwide community before the interests of Americans...should it really be "shocking" that the rest of the world liked that?

Too bad for Democrats that the rest of the world doesn't get to vote in our elections...

Actually it's just more of the never ending butt hurt from the's been constant since Nov 9, 2016
Im ok with it.
hat reasons would they have for thinking that? Policy? Thinking of us? Cutting off funding to other people? Calling peoples bullshit out?

Our President is isolating us from the world and destroying historic alliances

While conservative isolationists celebrate "me first" diplomacy, Trump has surrendered the mantle of leader of the free world

His leadership on a global market is not wanted or trusted
How is he destroying alliances? Examples?
No president in the history of this country has lied to the level that Trump has taken it. No president has been ever spoken to and about people publicly like this president has.

Our politicians have been getting worse and more corrupt with time, but Trump has only added lighter fluid to the fire. We needed to make drastic changes in this country. Trump is change in the wrong direction.
You must have forgotten one William Jefferson Clinton. Not only was he a bigger liar, but he was a better liar.

Hell, I have said it before, but Bill Clinton's lies were works of art. Dude could lie about ANYTHING and get away with it.

He could be giving a speech and say:


am not.


and everybody would be like, "where'd he go."

You know it's true. When it comes to whoppers, Bill Clinton was a master. He may have been Sicilian, for all we know.

Just stop.
And the moment the shit hits the fan they'll be expecting us to save them.

Actually, when the shit hits the fan, the US will find itself alone

You're such a troll and anti American. Wipe that "O" ring from around your mouth and man up

Under Obama America was viewed as sheriff in town and the world best get used to it

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