World Leaders Rebuke Joe Biden After Sloppy Ukraine Speech in Poland


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
They all know. They are embarrassed by Biden.

President Joe Biden’s call for regime change in Russia could embolden Russian President Vladimir Putin to escalate war tensions with NATO.

On Monday, Western NATO allies France and Germany tamped down President Biden’s Saturday assertion that regime change is needed in Russia, a statement the White House immediately retracted. Nevertheless, world leaders felt the need to respond to Biden’s statement by suggesting his words “could make it harder to resolve the conflict,” the Associated Press reported.

French President Emanuel Macron feared Biden’s remarks could embolden Putin and escalate the Ukrainian war. Macron urged caution from the U.S.
“I wouldn’t use those terms, because I continue to speak to President Putin, because what do we want to do collectively?” Macron said. “We want to stop the war that Russia launched in Ukraine, without waging war and without escalation.”

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz also felt the need to comment on Biden’s remarks over fears that Biden’s loose talk could embolden Putin’s aggression toward Ukraine. “We both agree completely that regime change is not an object and aim of policy that we pursue together,” Scholz said in reference to a potential escalation.

Biden’s statement that Putin “cannot remain in power” was just one mistake he made during last week’s symbolic foreign mission to stabilize the region. Instead of projecting calm and steadiness, the AP noted Biden’s trip “created a troubling distraction, undermining his effectiveness as he returned home to face restive Americans who strongly disapprove of his performance on issues that matter most to them.”


They all know. They are embarrassed by Biden.

President Joe Biden’s call for regime change in Russia could embolden Russian President Vladimir Putin to escalate war tensions with NATO.
On Monday, Western NATO allies France and Germany tamped down President Biden’s Saturday assertion that regime change is needed in Russia, a statement the White House immediately retracted. Nevertheless, world leaders felt the need to respond to Biden’s statement by suggesting his words “could make it harder to resolve the conflict,” the Associated Press reported.
French President Emanuel Macron feared Biden’s remarks could embolden Putin and escalate the Ukrainian war. Macron urged caution from the U.S.
“I wouldn’t use those terms, because I continue to speak to President Putin, because what do we want to do collectively?” Macron said. “We want to stop the war that Russia launched in Ukraine, without waging war and without escalation.”
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz also felt the need to comment on Biden’s remarks over fears that Biden’s loose talk could embolden Putin’s aggression toward Ukraine. “We both agree completely that regime change is not an object and aim of policy that we pursue together,” Scholz said in reference to a potential escalation.
Biden’s statement that Putin “cannot remain in power” was just one mistake he made during last week’s symbolic foreign mission to stabilize the region. Instead of projecting calm and steadiness, the AP noted Biden’s trip “created a troubling distraction, undermining his effectiveness as he returned home to face restive Americans who strongly disapprove of his performance on issues that matter most to them.”

I put what Joe said in the same category as this...

Right after I get released from the doctor and I hope to see you on the battlefield.
Sorry, I’m not a cheerleader for Zelensky. That’s all you lefties and globalists.

Funny excuse though, as if they are doing in medical screening for their foreign conscripts.
Poor little weaklings who want to sit on the fence while people are being slaughtered.

Biden is a destabilizing force on the world stage. Theres no problem in pointing this out. He talks to much about what he's gonna do or not do. If he doesnt want Putin to remain in power, he should just be quiet about it and get it done but what he should not do is make Putin think his back is against the wall with nowhere to go. Its a useless thing to say unless you want Putin to double down, because hes not the type to give up easy. Biden ought to know this with all his "experience"
His handlers need to keep the old dotard in the basement.
Unless their actual objective is to escalate this to the point that we get dragged into the war...possibly to manipulate the November election. That wouldn't surprise me at all, considering Biden has only had 1 full press conference in a year, and frequently states he's not allowed to answer questions...yet during a war in Europe involving a nuclear power, they trot him out in front of the cameras every day and let him rip?
Xiden actions and words completely undermine our allies in Europe. It’s going to take years to restore the damage he has done, even after the war
They all know. They are embarrassed by Biden.

President Joe Biden’s call for regime change in Russia could embolden Russian President Vladimir Putin to escalate war tensions with NATO.
On Monday, Western NATO allies France and Germany tamped down President Biden’s Saturday assertion that regime change is needed in Russia, a statement the White House immediately retracted. Nevertheless, world leaders felt the need to respond to Biden’s statement by suggesting his words “could make it harder to resolve the conflict,” the Associated Press reported.
French President Emanuel Macron feared Biden’s remarks could embolden Putin and escalate the Ukrainian war. Macron urged caution from the U.S.
“I wouldn’t use those terms, because I continue to speak to President Putin, because what do we want to do collectively?” Macron said. “We want to stop the war that Russia launched in Ukraine, without waging war and without escalation.”
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz also felt the need to comment on Biden’s remarks over fears that Biden’s loose talk could embolden Putin’s aggression toward Ukraine. “We both agree completely that regime change is not an object and aim of policy that we pursue together,” Scholz said in reference to a potential escalation.
Biden’s statement that Putin “cannot remain in power” was just one mistake he made during last week’s symbolic foreign mission to stabilize the region. Instead of projecting calm and steadiness, the AP noted Biden’s trip “created a troubling distraction, undermining his effectiveness as he returned home to face restive Americans who strongly disapprove of his performance on issues that matter most to them.”

I have every confidence that Joe Biden will prove to us that he and Kamela are exactly everything we have feared the Far Left have taken the Democrat Party to becoming and worse, to the detriment of both the nation and the world. All they need is the rope and time to prove to everyone we were right all along.

It's what you get when you have a party which has been allowed to control nearly all of the media to tell you for four years that an America-First President is every bad, evil, rotten thing you yourself are and intend to be once back in power.
Unless their actual objective is to escalate this to the point that we get dragged into the war...possibly to manipulate the November election. That wouldn't surprise me at all, considering Biden has only had 1 full press conference in a year, and frequently states he's not allowed to answer questions...yet during a war in Europe involving a nuclear power, they trot him out in front of the cameras every day and let him rip?
Yup, it’s pretty obvious they want us in another war. President Trump kept telling them no for war in Syria and Iran. Now they got their guy in, so the war drums have started.
Maybe Biden did us a favor. Due to his utterly disastrous trip the Eurotrash squabble has become an abstract thing in the US media. There is talk of a war, but no longer anything actually happening on the ground. Hopefully we can focus on American problems now.
The world knows....they all know Biden the President who stole the election in the US is totally insane.

The whole world knows that...poor, poor America used to be such a great country.... not anymore.:(
His handlers need to keep the old dotard in the basement.
They're not about to use the 25th Amendment to remove a mentally ill man from the Oval Office when the Oligarch rule is so obviously in charge of telling him what to do and say and when to say it. This nation is about a few steps away from being a communist state, thanks to players in the press who are conveniently ignoring the Constitution, not to mention the spirit of the Constitution.
Maybe Biden did us a favor. Due to his utterly disastrous trip the Eurotrash squabble has become an abstract thing in the US media. There is talk of a war, but no longer anything actually happening on the ground. Hopefully we can focus on American problems now.
Al, since history repeats its own errors so frequently, it's obvious that from now on the voting booth is a thing of the past. With cheating on the scale of 2020 and all its accouterment deeds, the Democrat Party, no matter how unpopular it has made itself is in charge. And the Democrats have yielded the Constitution to the Communist Party in the USA that technically should not even be operating on these shores due to the Anticommunist law of 1954 that was put in place as Eisenhower suggested from his experience with the Russians who took sole credit for beating Germany while they murdered from 30,000,000 to 100,000,000 Russian citizens while the world had its focus on stopping Hitler and the Nazi ninnyhammers of injustice. It's too bad the Congresses after the 50s forgot about the Communists in 2 countries -- Russia and China -- killed in addition to the above, 100,000,000 Chinese citizens who criticized Mao in any way, shape, or form. Communists are ruthless people, and I'm ashamed of the American Press to know that they are pawns in the future of killing Americans who do not dance to Schumer/Pelosi/Clinton/Waters/Biden's Music, Cheating Hearts on Steroids.

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