World Finds Out AOC Will Not Breed


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Then the closet opened and she came out while holding her same sex lover Omar hand...

Why is it I am not really upset about her not wanting to breed?
Admit it guys you would slap her thigh and ride the wave with her... You may never admit it in public but ya know you would!

As for her not breeding, thank gawd she smart enough to know she is not bright enough to be a mother!


Admit it guys you would slap her thigh and ride the wave with her... You may never admit it in public but ya know you would!

As for her not breeding, thank gawd she smart enough to know she is not bright enough to be a mother!


An 80 year old traitor skank? No way.
Admit it guys you would slap her thigh and ride the wave with her... You may never admit it in public but ya know you would!

As for her not breeding, thank gawd she smart enough to know she is not bright enough to be a mother!


An 80 year old traitor skank? No way.

Cortez is not Pelosi...
Yeah, but Cortez is pretty much pulling Pelosi's strings these days.

I do understand that and Pelosi will have her hands full when the children come back from break this coming week...

Cortez is going to get herself in trouble.

Now I will admit I would have banged Pelosi when she was in her twenties...


Hell no!
Admit it guys you would slap her thigh and ride the wave with her... You may never admit it in public but ya know you would!

As for her not breeding, thank gawd she smart enough to know she is not bright enough to be a mother!


An 80 year old traitor skank? No way.

Cortez is not Pelosi...
Yeah, but Cortez is pretty much pulling Pelosi's strings these days.
And you know this how? lol. the media? lmao
Admit it guys you would slap her thigh and ride the wave with her... You may never admit it in public but ya know you would!

As for her not breeding, thank gawd she smart enough to know she is not bright enough to be a mother!


An 80 year old traitor skank? No way.

Cortez is not Pelosi...
Yeah, but Cortez is pretty much pulling Pelosi's strings these days.

I do understand that and Pelosi will have her hands full when the children come back from break this coming week...

Cortez is going to get herself in trouble.

Now I will admit I would have banged Pelosi when she was in her twenties...


Hell no!
Pelosi has lost control of the House Democrats. A week before she called for an impeachment inquiry she stated she wouldn't do that unless she already had the facts that would impeach Trump, but now the Democrats are searching and searching for some kind of impeachable offense, making this just political theater.

How did this happen? People on the far, far left like Cortez, Schiff and Nadler have been clamoring for impeachment ever since Trump was sworn in, but despite all the gibberish Pelosi stammers out, she understood that there were no legitimate grounds for impeachment, and an inquiry would only hurt the Dems unless they came up with something substantial. However, after Schiff conspired with the whistleblower to make the investigation into Biden's corrupt dealings in Ukraine a hot national issue, Pelosi could not longer hold out against the far left in her party. Pelosi was right, this was a mistake and so far the only result of the impeachment inquiry is that it destroyed Biden's campaign, making Warren the nominee and guaranteeing Trump a second term.
Admit it guys you would slap her thigh and ride the wave with her... You may never admit it in public but ya know you would!

As for her not breeding, thank gawd she smart enough to know she is not bright enough to be a mother!


An 80 year old traitor skank? No way.

Cortez is not Pelosi...
Yeah, but Cortez is pretty much pulling Pelosi's strings these days.
And you know this how? lol. the media? lmao
Hell, no! The media doesn't publish anything critical of Democrats. A few weeks ago Pelosi bristled when reporters started quoting AOC to her, saying the "squad" was only four votes, but a week after Pelosi said she would not call for an impeachment inquiry, which AOC had been clamoring for, Pelosi called for an impeachment inquiry before having all the facts. Clearly, the "squad" and mostly AOC is now the voice of the Democratic Party and Pelosi is just trying to keep up with them.
Admit it guys you would slap her thigh and ride the wave with her... You may never admit it in public but ya know you would!

As for her not breeding, thank gawd she smart enough to know she is not bright enough to be a mother!


An 80 year old traitor skank? No way.

Cortez is not Pelosi...
Yeah, but Cortez is pretty much pulling Pelosi's strings these days.
And you know this how? lol. the media? lmao
Hell, no! The media doesn't publish anything critical of Democrats. A few weeks ago Pelosi bristled when reporters started quoting AOC to her, saying the "squad" was only four votes, but a week after Pelosi said she would not call for an impeachment inquiry, which AOC had been clamoring for, Pelosi called for an impeachment inquiry before having all the facts. Clearly, the "squad" and mostly AOC is now the voice of the Democratic Party and Pelosi is just trying to keep up with them.
So, you know that how?
Admit it guys you would slap her thigh and ride the wave with her... You may never admit it in public but ya know you would!

As for her not breeding, thank gawd she smart enough to know she is not bright enough to be a mother!


An 80 year old traitor skank? No way.

Cortez is not Pelosi...
Yeah, but Cortez is pretty much pulling Pelosi's strings these days.

I do understand that and Pelosi will have her hands full when the children come back from break this coming week...

Cortez is going to get herself in trouble.

Now I will admit I would have banged Pelosi when she was in her twenties...


Hell no!
Pelosi has lost control of the House Democrats. A week before she called for an impeachment inquiry she stated she wouldn't do that unless she already had the facts that would impeach Trump, but now the Democrats are searching and searching for some kind of impeachable offense, making this just political theater.

How did this happen? People on the far, far left like Cortez, Schiff and Nadler have been clamoring for impeachment ever since Trump was sworn in, but despite all the gibberish Pelosi stammers out, she understood that there were no legitimate grounds for impeachment, and an inquiry would only hurt the Dems unless they came up with something substantial. However, after Schiff conspired with the whistleblower to make the investigation into Biden's corrupt dealings in Ukraine a hot national issue, Pelosi could not longer hold out against the far left in her party. Pelosi was right, this was a mistake and so far the only result of the impeachment inquiry is that it destroyed Biden's campaign, making Warren the nominee and guaranteeing Trump a second term.

I am moving to North Korea if Trump win a second term...

( Kidding, Syria is the destination )

Pelosi thought she could spin it quickly but forgot Trump is the King of Tabloids.

I am also betting she might be doing this to make sure Trump win and Democrats lose the House so Cortez will fall from the Media grace...
An 80 year old traitor skank? No way.

Cortez is not Pelosi...
Yeah, but Cortez is pretty much pulling Pelosi's strings these days.

I do understand that and Pelosi will have her hands full when the children come back from break this coming week...

Cortez is going to get herself in trouble.

Now I will admit I would have banged Pelosi when she was in her twenties...


Hell no!
Pelosi has lost control of the House Democrats. A week before she called for an impeachment inquiry she stated she wouldn't do that unless she already had the facts that would impeach Trump, but now the Democrats are searching and searching for some kind of impeachable offense, making this just political theater.

How did this happen? People on the far, far left like Cortez, Schiff and Nadler have been clamoring for impeachment ever since Trump was sworn in, but despite all the gibberish Pelosi stammers out, she understood that there were no legitimate grounds for impeachment, and an inquiry would only hurt the Dems unless they came up with something substantial. However, after Schiff conspired with the whistleblower to make the investigation into Biden's corrupt dealings in Ukraine a hot national issue, Pelosi could not longer hold out against the far left in her party. Pelosi was right, this was a mistake and so far the only result of the impeachment inquiry is that it destroyed Biden's campaign, making Warren the nominee and guaranteeing Trump a second term.

I am moving to North Korea if Trump win a second term...

( Kidding, Syria is the destination )

Pelosi thought she could spin it quickly but forgot Trump is the King of Tabloids.

I am also betting she might be doing this to make sure Trump win and Democrats lose the House so Cortez will fall from the Media grace...
More likely, you be moving onto Joe Bidens little pee pee!

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