World erupts with protest against Israel

That's very true. You can just tell from reading posts by certain people, that they've never been there. Just little tell-tale signs of it, here and there.
I suppose the Holocaust never happened because you've never been to Germany?

Can you get any more stupid?

Many reports about Israel are false, and if you've seen Israeli society at work, you'd understand that. Exaggerated or downright false reports about Palestinian fishermen or farmers getting killed haphazardly. My dad's whole family died in the Holocaust and I had the chance of visiting Germany , Poland and Ukraine several years ago with my sister, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. Many times I've seen Israel described as an Apartheid state on this Board, yet when I visited my grandmother in a hospital in Haifa, the place was filled with Arab doctors and nurses. When I visited my cousin in Hebrew University, the place was filled with Arab students. Arab taxi-drivers have told me that they love living in Israel. These are all the nuances you've missed by never having been in Israel and relying on second-hand Palestinian websites for your information. You're calling me stupid? You're the one that said there hasn't been any genocide since the Nazis. When I pointed out Rwanda, Bosnia, Cambodia, etc., you blew your top. You think you've won an argument if you've said f**k you 75 times in one sentence. You're the one who's stupid! :mad:
In case ya'll haven't noticed, BilboWankerBoy is being even more obnoxious than usual, in order to get a rise out of people, in order to get more people to post on his thread.

The best medicine for him, is to stop posting on it, and let the thread die a quiet, lonesome death.
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They did?

For some reason, It looks different from here...
How could it possibly of looked different?

If they didn't fire any rockets, you didn't see any coming down!

And it stayed that way for 4 months, until Israel broke the ceasefire with a commando raid in early December.

The rockets never stopped.
There was a lot less but they never stopped firing the rockets.
Billo - you need to do a lot more research on this subject and not just sites that are pro Hamas.
All you are doing is making yourself look foolish and ignorant.
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They did?

For some reason, It looks different from here...
How could it possibly of looked different?

If they didn't fire any rockets, you didn't see any coming down!

And it stayed that way for 4 months, until Israel broke the ceasefire with a commando raid in early December.

The rockets never stopped.
There was a lot less but they never stopped firing the rockets.
Billo - you need to do a lot more research on this subject and not just sites that are pro Hamas.
All you are doing is making yourself look foolish and ignorant.

Many times I've seen Israel described as an Apartheid state on this Board, yet when I visited my grandmother in a hospital in Haifa, the place was filled with Arab doctors and nurses. When I visited my cousin in Hebrew University, the place was filled with Arab students. Arab taxi-drivers have told me that they love living in Israel. These are all the nuances you've missed by never having been in Israel and relying on second-hand Palestinian websites for your information. You're calling me stupid? You're the one that said there hasn't been any genocide since the Nazis. When I pointed out Rwanda, Bosnia, Cambodia, etc., you blew your top. You think you've won an argument if you've said f**k you 75 times in one sentence. You're the one who's stupid! :mad:

Re the bolded, don't pay any attention to it, it's just spammers from VNN and other neo-nazi sites, and of course the usual losers who still think they're living in the 1960's and have to regurgitate all manner of ridiculous nonsense to get 'cred' from the other half-wits.

What the hordes on message boards reflect in real life is around zero, and bears no relation to what most people think; just laugh at the sick trolls and annoy them; maybe they'll have a stroke, or just go away. Billo is just a troll, and don't expect anything remotely like a serious discussion from him or the others like him.

I apologize to everyone in advance as I knew this was going to be Amity's SOLE card and I was going to request that this ONE atrocity be omitted...My mistake.

OK, Amity, your six shooter has one bullet.
What's your bluff for the five empty chambers?

It doesn't matter; Israelis and Jews have a very very long way to go before they catch up with Palestinians and other Arabs in the murder game.
...I Don't see any reason for somebody who didn't broke the law to hide his identity.


I agree.

This is well known to those of us who have done some objective research, but I never knew anyone had written a book about it. Another interesting book on this topic is "51 Documents"


Translations of documents on how Jewish and Christian Zionists colluded and collaborated with the fascist regimes of Europe against the Jewish populations of Europe. Worth a read if you are interested.
So I assume the French police also attacked the protesters for no reason?
Or is it the French Jews in Paris fault that Israel commits war crimes?
"Peaceful" please.
I Don't see any reason for somebody who didn't broke the law to hide his identity.
I didn't see anyone breaking the law in those videos.

What I did see, is the world pissed off at Israel.
What you saw was a few dozen or a couple of hundred Palestinian ex-pats, militant Muslims, and their fellow travelers and fifth-columnists, shooting off their big mouths, in a handful of cities around the world.

The world has been far too busy concentrating on the World Cup and the Ukranian crisis, to pay much attention to the pissants in Gaza getting the shit smacked out of them...

Most of the rest of the world really doesn't care all that much...

It's different this time...

Change is in the air...
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What you saw was a few dozen or a couple of hundred Palestinian ex-pats, militant Muslims, and their fellow travelers and fifth-columnists, shooting off their big mouths, in a handful of cities around the world.

The world has been far too busy concentrating on the World Cup and the Ukranian crisis, to pay much attention to the pissants in Gaza getting the shit smacked out of them...

Most of the rest of the world really doesn't care all that much...

It's different this time...

Change is in the air...

one that is insignificant —used as a generalized term of abuse
did you mean to say Untermensch?
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What you saw was a few dozen or a couple of hundred Palestinian ex-pats, militant Muslims, and their fellow travelers and fifth-columnists, shooting off their big mouths, in a handful of cities around the world.

The world has been far too busy concentrating on the World Cup and the Ukranian crisis, to pay much attention to the pissants in Gaza getting the shit smacked out of them...

Most of the rest of the world really doesn't care all that much...

It's different this time...

Change is in the air...

one that is insignificant —used as a generalized term of abuse

Even more reason for Israel to finish the job it has to do, and quickly.

Even more reason for Germany to finish the job it has to do, and quickly.
Nah, it didn't sound right then either

It's funny you bring up the Nazis because the arabs want to wipe Israel off the face of the map. What's Zeig Heil in arabic? Allah Akbar?

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