World Economic Forum Website The Great Reset- must watch/read!


Gold Member
Aug 4, 2014
Living rent free in libs heads

actual info on whats coming soon to every person on earth, please listen/read/watch. scary stuff!
ugghh. . . terrible links.

If you folks wanted this info. . .I have been posting it all year long in my Stay Informed thread. :heehee:

Here, this is a play list;

This is their channel;

Streamed live on Oct 21, 2020

Jun 5, 2020

Interview 1581 – James Corbett Breaks Down the Great Reset

did we vote any of these evil people to be in control of us? hell no!
You just elected democrats to contribute to the evil.
They have been rigging electronic voting machines since around 2004.

It wouldn't have mattered how you voted. :heehee:

They had already knew how the election was going to turn out. . .

See, the thing is, they were encouraging "mail-in" voting as a distraction, it is the oldest illusionist magic trick in the book. It's called, "sleight of hand."

. . . and, given what has happened in the past, over the course of the last two decades, as nothing has happened to improve the system, and it is just the way that these folks have intended it to work.

Yeah, chances are, Biden will be President.

. . . and if he isn't? There is no way that Trump will be able to convince the brainwashed masses of the Deep State's clandestine fraud that was perpetrated otherwise. Trump will just look like a Strong man dictator, no better than Putin, Xi, or Kim Jong-un. IOW, ironically, everything they have been accusing him of being for years.

To help you gain clarity, this is some other writing from some other posts I have made on this issue;

"The point is. Polls, at this point, are a fairly tale. The NSA and silicon valley, with the use of meta -data and cell phones, already know how just about 95% or more of the population are going to vote, where they are going vote, and why they are going to vote on-- and what motivates them.

Polling is just an antiquated fairy tale, as is the "undecided voter."

The sophisticated algorithms they use now, can pretty much predict who these undecides are going to go for based on their behavior and media consumption, before even they do. Now, it is all about getting out the vote to make the election look legitimate. . . the folks controlling the whole scam will tweak it to get the results they want.

Not only can these sophisticated algorithms predict who folks are going to vote for, but, given what apps. folks use, they can also influence who they will vote for once they know their proclivities, by targeting them with certain content. IOW, polling? It is an illusion, and has been for the last decade, it is obsolete, except for among users that don't, or aren't dependent on tech. Unless they know what is going on, and withdraw from tech on purpose.

"The person that is the expert on this in our nation is Dr. Cynthia McKinney. She was a 6 time congress woman, member of the DNC progressive caucus, and member of the congressional black Caucus.

Even she maintains the Deep State has robbed Trump. How does she know? Because they started with her. . . .

These are links to a private lawsuit funded by poll watchers that she led me to. I do not know if it will see court before the vote is verified, but there are sworn exhibits by the former Secretary of State of Michigan.

Complaint with Exhibits

Motion for Temporary Restraining Order

Supplemental Brief for Motion for TRO, Affidavit of Mellissa Carone, Dominion Voting Services Contractor

Reply Brief for Motion for TRO, Affidavit of Ruth Johnson, Former Michigan Secretary of State

did we vote any of these evil people to be in control of us? hell no!
You just elected democrats to contribute to the evil.
They have been rigging electronic voting machines since around 2004.

It wouldn't have mattered how you voted. :heehee:

They had already knew how the election was going to turn out. . .

See, the thing is, they were encouraging "mail-in" voting as a distraction, it is the oldest illusionist magic trick in the book. It's called, "sleight of hand."

. . . and, given what has happened in the past, over the course of the last two decades, as nothing has happened to improve the system, and it is just the way that these folks have intended it to work.

Yeah, chances are, Biden will be President.

. . . and if he isn't? There is no way that Trump will be able to convince the brainwashed masses of the Deep State's clandestine fraud that was perpetrated otherwise. Trump will just look like a Strong man dictator, no better than Putin, Xi, or Kim Jong-un. IOW, ironically, everything they have been accusing him of being for years.

To help you gain clarity, this is some other writing from some other posts I have made on this issue;

"The point is. Polls, at this point, are a fairly tale. The NSA and silicon valley, with the use of meta -data and cell phones, already know how just about 95% or more of the population are going to vote, where they are going vote, and why they are going to vote on-- and what motivates them.

Polling is just an antiquated fairy tale, as is the "undecided voter."

The sophisticated algorithms they use now, can pretty much predict who these undecides are going to go for based on their behavior and media consumption, before even they do. Now, it is all about getting out the vote to make the election look legitimate. . . the folks controlling the whole scam will tweak it to get the results they want.

Not only can these sophisticated algorithms predict who folks are going to vote for, but, given what apps. folks use, they can also influence who they will vote for once they know their proclivities, by targeting them with certain content. IOW, polling? It is an illusion, and has been for the last decade, it is obsolete, except for among users that don't, or aren't dependent on tech. Unless they know what is going on, and withdraw from tech on purpose.

"The person that is the expert on this in our nation is Dr. Cynthia McKinney. She was a 6 time congress woman, member of the DNC progressive caucus, and member of the congressional black Caucus.

Even she maintains the Deep State has robbed Trump. How does she know? Because they started with her. . . .

These are links to a private lawsuit funded by poll watchers that she led me to. I do not know if it will see court before the vote is verified, but there are sworn exhibits by the former Secretary of State of Michigan.

Complaint with Exhibits

Motion for Temporary Restraining Order

Supplemental Brief for Motion for TRO, Affidavit of Mellissa Carone, Dominion Voting Services Contractor

Reply Brief for Motion for TRO, Affidavit of Ruth Johnson, Former Michigan Secretary of State


. . . hey. . . I don't need pity.

I don't give a shit. Why do you think I don't bother voting in sham elections?

If folks realize these elections are frauds. . . the best way to de-legitimize the State, is to not vote in them.

That way? What ever these criminals do? Has no legitimacy.

Wow, the original of this is being blocked by both Google and Bing. Good thing someone thought to copy and mirror it.

You’ve Got to Stop Voting

By Mark E. Smith

"The most common activist strategies, such as street demonstrations, protests, etc., rarely seem to bring about any change in government. There is only one nonviolent tactic that has been proven to work. Recently I asked the new president of a local activist group that had banned me from speaking, if I would be allowed to speak under the new leadership. I explained that I’m an election boycott advocate. The reply I got was:

“So my question is – how does NOT voting change anything? I can see actually writing in someone you believe in – but not voting simply is giving up.”

I decided to answer the question as thoroughly as I could. Here’s what I wrote, which I’m posting here with the person’s name removed:

South Africa endured many years of violence under the Apartheid regime. Many people and countries worldwide boycotted Apartheid, but the US government insisted on supporting the Apartheid regime, saying that while the US abhorred Apartheid, the regime was the legitimate government of South Africa. Then the Apartheid regime held another election. No more than 7% of South Africans voted. Suddenly everything changed. No longer could the US or anyone else say that the Apartheid regime had the consent of the governed. That was when the regime began to make concessions. Suddenly the ANC, formerly considered to be a terrorist group trying to overthrow a legitimate government, became freedom fighters against an illegitimate government. It made all the difference in the world, something that decades more of violence could never have done.

In Cuba, when Fidel Castro’s small, ragged, tired band was in the mountains, the dictator Batista held an election (at the suggestion of the US, by the way). Only 10% of the population voted. Realizing that he had lost the support of 90% of the country, Batista fled. Castro then, knowing that he had the support of 90% of the country, proceeded to bring about a true revolution.

In Haiti, when the US and US-sponsored regimes removed the most popular party from the ballot, in many places only 3% voted. The US had to intervene militarily, kidnap Aristide, and withhold aid after the earthquake to continue to control Haiti, but nobody familiar with the situation thought that the US-backed Haitian government had the consent of the governed or was legitimate.

Boycotting elections alone will not oust the oligarchy, but it is the only proven non-violent way to delegitimize a government.

A lot of people here are complaining about the Citizens United decision. Some want to amend the Constitution because there is no appeal from a Supreme Court decision (their edicts have the same weight as the Divine Right of Kings), but getting enough states to ratify is a long drawn out and not always successful process, as I’m sure you recall from the ERA. But suppose that the corporations spent ten to fifteen billion dollars on an election (they spent at least five billion on the last midterms, so that’s not unreasonable) and almost nobody voted. Do you think their boards of directors would let them do it again?

Here are some of the most common canards that political party operatives use to argue against not voting:"

Youre all fucked
Yep me to

Joes transition team got plans for yas lol


Uh boy

I think its almost official that we are indeed the F.U.S.A

The f standing for former

Guess who they wanna kill off first White American man.? ......
Why are you White Man Thier useful idiots center of thier irrational hatred ........for a reason

Thiers no reasoning or middle road ......tick tock tick tock tick tock

. . . hey. . . I don't need pity.

I don't give a shit. Why do you think I don't bother voting in sham elections?

If folks realize these elections are frauds. . . the best way to de-legitimize the State, is to not vote in them.

That way? What ever these criminals do? Has no legitimacy.

Wow, the original of this is being blocked by both Google and Bing. Good thing someone thought to copy and mirror it.

You’ve Got to Stop Voting

By Mark E. Smith

"The most common activist strategies, such as street demonstrations, protests, etc., rarely seem to bring about any change in government. There is only one nonviolent tactic that has been proven to work. Recently I asked the new president of a local activist group that had banned me from speaking, if I would be allowed to speak under the new leadership. I explained that I’m an election boycott advocate. The reply I got was:

“So my question is – how does NOT voting change anything? I can see actually writing in someone you believe in – but not voting simply is giving up.”

I decided to answer the question as thoroughly as I could. Here’s what I wrote, which I’m posting here with the person’s name removed:

South Africa endured many years of violence under the Apartheid regime. Many people and countries worldwide boycotted Apartheid, but the US government insisted on supporting the Apartheid regime, saying that while the US abhorred Apartheid, the regime was the legitimate government of South Africa. Then the Apartheid regime held another election. No more than 7% of South Africans voted. Suddenly everything changed. No longer could the US or anyone else say that the Apartheid regime had the consent of the governed. That was when the regime began to make concessions. Suddenly the ANC, formerly considered to be a terrorist group trying to overthrow a legitimate government, became freedom fighters against an illegitimate government. It made all the difference in the world, something that decades more of violence could never have done.

In Cuba, when Fidel Castro’s small, ragged, tired band was in the mountains, the dictator Batista held an election (at the suggestion of the US, by the way). Only 10% of the population voted. Realizing that he had lost the support of 90% of the country, Batista fled. Castro then, knowing that he had the support of 90% of the country, proceeded to bring about a true revolution.

In Haiti, when the US and US-sponsored regimes removed the most popular party from the ballot, in many places only 3% voted. The US had to intervene militarily, kidnap Aristide, and withhold aid after the earthquake to continue to control Haiti, but nobody familiar with the situation thought that the US-backed Haitian government had the consent of the governed or was legitimate.

Boycotting elections alone will not oust the oligarchy, but it is the only proven non-violent way to delegitimize a government.

A lot of people here are complaining about the Citizens United decision. Some want to amend the Constitution because there is no appeal from a Supreme Court decision (their edicts have the same weight as the Divine Right of Kings), but getting enough states to ratify is a long drawn out and not always successful process, as I’m sure you recall from the ERA. But suppose that the corporations spent ten to fifteen billion dollars on an election (they spent at least five billion on the last midterms, so that’s not unreasonable) and almost nobody voted. Do you think their boards of directors would let them do it again?

Here are some of the most common canards that political party operatives use to argue against not voting:"


actual info on whats coming soon to every person on earth, please listen/read/watch. scary stuff!
It has already started. That is why they have these fake protesters to burned up their buildings in order to collect their insurance claim to rebuild. That is why the police let these protesters burned buildings.
But if any of you decided to commit insurance fraud like the way they have done. You'll be locked up and still they will take your home away.

Interesting post and thread. I didn't know in the UK Amazon drivers have to use their own cars and bid per piece for deliveries.


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