World beginning to relate to Israel now

Someone posted a news story from Europe on here last night that said the guy had a machete. That was the headline - a machete. Was it a knife or a machete? Do you know?

It was a 3" bladed knife...

Hardly a machete!

Funny, the Muslim animal was busy trying to behead a poor old man with that 3" bladed knife, before he was stopped by law enforcement. Never underestimate the savagery of an Islamic terrorist.

Wow, do you have a link to the news article that states that the perpetrator was trying to "behead a poor old man"?

Even the worst newsmongers couldn't make that one up!

Never underestimate the lunacy of the simple, zionut mind!

Yes, the Muslim animal was trying to behead an old man, after stabbing him. Not my fault you're an ignorant moron:

London station terrorist tried to behead vic: witness

London Train Station Attacker Tries To Behead Victim, WIll Be Treated As Terrorist Attack

Leytonstone terror attack: Hero victim tells of how he 'went back to have another go'

Witnesses told how as he entered the ticket hall he attacked a 56-year-old man carrying a guitar and beat him unconscious.

"We are treating this as a terrorist incident. I would urge the public to remain calm, but alert and vigilant. The threat from terrorism remains at severe, which means that a terrorist attack is highly likely."
Commander Richard Walton, head of the Met's Counter Terrorism Command

Armed with a four inch knife, he then began to cut at his neck as tried to behead him.

Ok, did you read your links?

A 'witness' said that the attacker MAY have been trying to behead the man...

Of course, the 'witness' is unnamed and there is no information as to how many beheadings the 'witness' has experienced before to be able to make such an informed judgement...

I think that trying to behead someone with a 3" blade might take quite some time!

Not my fault you are sucked into Fox News and alike and choose to spew out the same scaremongering as the mainstream media...

The world does not and will not relate to Israel, excluding the US of course... The rest of the world, including Europe, are a little tired of the Israeli bleating... Time for change...

Israel is on no one's side except their own!

Europe is waking up to the fact that Israel is a belligerent state, I'm sure the US will catch up soon!

You're kidding, right? The animal went back after the initial stabbing and started having a second go at the victim's neck, before he was brought down. The victim underwent a five hour surgery with doctors trying to patch up his neck. The witnesses there said it looked like he was trying to behead the victim. But hey, you know better, right? The Muslim animal was simply fixated on necks, and cutting and stabbing them, that's all.


Is there any difference between this Muslim animal stabbing innocent Brits, and a Palestinian animal stabbing innocent Israelis? No.

So yes, the last thing on European minds now is "Israel", but rather "what are we going to do with these Islamic savages in our midst"
Last edited:
It was a 3" bladed knife...

Hardly a machete!

Funny, the Muslim animal was busy trying to behead a poor old man with that 3" bladed knife, before he was stopped by law enforcement. Never underestimate the savagery of an Islamic terrorist.

Wow, do you have a link to the news article that states that the perpetrator was trying to "behead a poor old man"?

Even the worst newsmongers couldn't make that one up!

Never underestimate the lunacy of the simple, zionut mind!

Yes, the Muslim animal was trying to behead an old man, after stabbing him. Not my fault you're an ignorant moron:

London station terrorist tried to behead vic: witness

London Train Station Attacker Tries To Behead Victim, WIll Be Treated As Terrorist Attack

Leytonstone terror attack: Hero victim tells of how he 'went back to have another go'

Witnesses told how as he entered the ticket hall he attacked a 56-year-old man carrying a guitar and beat him unconscious.

"We are treating this as a terrorist incident. I would urge the public to remain calm, but alert and vigilant. The threat from terrorism remains at severe, which means that a terrorist attack is highly likely."
Commander Richard Walton, head of the Met's Counter Terrorism Command

Armed with a four inch knife, he then began to cut at his neck as tried to behead him.

Ok, did you read your links?

A 'witness' said that the attacker MAY have been trying to behead the man...

Of course, the 'witness' is unnamed and there is no information as to how many beheadings the 'witness' has experienced before to be able to make such an informed judgement...

I think that trying to behead someone with a 3" blade might take quite some time!

Not my fault you are sucked into Fox News and alike and choose to spew out the same scaremongering as the mainstream media...

The world does not and will not relate to Israel, excluding the US of course... The rest of the world, including Europe, are a little tired of the Israeli bleating... Time for change...

Israel is on no one's side except their own!

Europe is waking up to the fact that Israel is a belligerent state, I'm sure the US will catch up soon!

You're kidding, right? The animal went back after the initial stabbing and started having a second go at the victim's neck, before he was brought down. The victim underwent a five hour surgery with doctors trying to patch up his neck. The witnesses there said it looked like he was trying to behead the victim. But hey, you know better, right? The Muslim animal was simply fixated on necks, and cutting and stabbing them, that's all.


Is there any difference between this Muslim animal stabbing innocent Brits, and a Palestinian animal stabbing innocent Israelis? No.

So yes, the last thing on European minds now is "Israel", but rather "what are we going to do with these Islamic savages in our midst"

You are presenting this photo as 'evidence' of the attempted beheading? As evidence of the five hour surgery?

I have had worse nicks whilst shaving!

And on the subject of shaving....

That attempted beheading with a 3" blade you are screaming about...

1) It didn't even cut any hairs under his chin...
2) The five hour surgery didn't result in the operating staff shaving the 'assaulted area...
3) After five hours of surgery one would expect to see some evidence of stitches or repair...
4) If I were to consider beheading someone I might try around the throat area rather than the chin area!

This photo looks more like a grave after this chap, after a glass of wine too many, bumped into a brick wall and grazed his chin!
Funny, the Muslim animal was busy trying to behead a poor old man with that 3" bladed knife, before he was stopped by law enforcement. Never underestimate the savagery of an Islamic terrorist.

Wow, do you have a link to the news article that states that the perpetrator was trying to "behead a poor old man"?

Even the worst newsmongers couldn't make that one up!

Never underestimate the lunacy of the simple, zionut mind!

Yes, the Muslim animal was trying to behead an old man, after stabbing him. Not my fault you're an ignorant moron:

London station terrorist tried to behead vic: witness

London Train Station Attacker Tries To Behead Victim, WIll Be Treated As Terrorist Attack

Leytonstone terror attack: Hero victim tells of how he 'went back to have another go'

Witnesses told how as he entered the ticket hall he attacked a 56-year-old man carrying a guitar and beat him unconscious.

"We are treating this as a terrorist incident. I would urge the public to remain calm, but alert and vigilant. The threat from terrorism remains at severe, which means that a terrorist attack is highly likely."
Commander Richard Walton, head of the Met's Counter Terrorism Command

Armed with a four inch knife, he then began to cut at his neck as tried to behead him.

Ok, did you read your links?

A 'witness' said that the attacker MAY have been trying to behead the man...

Of course, the 'witness' is unnamed and there is no information as to how many beheadings the 'witness' has experienced before to be able to make such an informed judgement...

I think that trying to behead someone with a 3" blade might take quite some time!

Not my fault you are sucked into Fox News and alike and choose to spew out the same scaremongering as the mainstream media...

The world does not and will not relate to Israel, excluding the US of course... The rest of the world, including Europe, are a little tired of the Israeli bleating... Time for change...

Israel is on no one's side except their own!

Europe is waking up to the fact that Israel is a belligerent state, I'm sure the US will catch up soon!

You're kidding, right? The animal went back after the initial stabbing and started having a second go at the victim's neck, before he was brought down. The victim underwent a five hour surgery with doctors trying to patch up his neck. The witnesses there said it looked like he was trying to behead the victim. But hey, you know better, right? The Muslim animal was simply fixated on necks, and cutting and stabbing them, that's all.


Is there any difference between this Muslim animal stabbing innocent Brits, and a Palestinian animal stabbing innocent Israelis? No.

So yes, the last thing on European minds now is "Israel", but rather "what are we going to do with these Islamic savages in our midst"

You are presenting this photo as 'evidence' of the attempted beheading? As evidence of the five hour surgery?

I have had worse nicks whilst shaving!

And on the subject of shaving....

That attempted beheading with a 3" blade you are screaming about...

1) It didn't even cut any hairs under his chin...
2) The five hour surgery didn't result in the operating staff shaving the 'assaulted area...
3) After five hours of surgery one would expect to see some evidence of stitches or repair...
4) If I were to consider beheading someone I might try around the throat area rather than the chin area!

This photo looks more like a grave after this chap, after a glass of wine too many, bumped into a brick wall and grazed his chin!

Right. Because you know better than the people who were there, and reported the incident.

Leytonstone Tube Station Attack: Man In Court

He is accused of the attempted murder of a 56-year-old man at Leytonstone underground station.

The victim was attacked from behind in front of other members of the public at around 7.15pm on Saturday.

It is alleged Mire punched the man to the ground and repeatedly kicked him before taking hold of his head and inflicting a 12cm (five inch) wound in his neck.

The victim underwent surgery for five hours following the attack.

Leytonstone man charged with attempted murder after tube station knife attack

Leytonstone man charged with attempted murder after tube station knife attack

On Monday morning, Mire appeared in Westminster Magistrates’ Court in handcuffs, which were removed in the dock.

Barrister David Cawthorne, on behalf of the Crown, said Mire left a 12cm wound in a male victim’s neck.

The victim, who underwent five hours of surgery following the attack, has requested anonymity.

Mire was remanded in custody at the end of proceedings.

Last edited:
Recent terrorist events in Paris, San Bernandino, and yesterday the stabbing in London has once again allowed the world to understand the Islamist savagery, antisemitism, and barbarism coming from Palestinians and Muslims in general, that Israel has to deal with on a daily basis.

And yet, despite being under a constant threat of terrorism and war, Israel is able to defend itself, and maintain its democratic values as a state that has approximately 1.8 million Arab Muslim Israeli citizens with the exact same rights as all Israeli citizens.

Maybe the West can learn a few things from the Israelis? :clap2:
No, actually these events serve to illustrate the savagery, hatred, and barbarism exhibited by you and other bigots whose 'arguments' fail as a composition fallacy: the acts of the few are not 'representative' of an entire class or persons, or of an entire religion.

Your ignorance, hate, savagery, barbarism, and bigotry is not representative of all Christians and Jews, it would be wrong to perceive Christians and Jew as such, as is the case with Muslims.

Two paragraphs filled with meaningless personal attacks and gibberish, without addressing the fact that with each Islamist terror attack, the civilized world gets closer to Israel.

Actually, quite the opposite is happening:

"“The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is for them a metaphor for the subordination of the Arab world and the Muslim community,” he said, further calling the Israeli-Palestinian conflict “a breeding ground for such an attack.”

The comments by the Dutch politician follow similar rhetoric by Sweden’s Foreign Minister Margot Wallström, who said Monday that Palestinian grievances with Israel led to the Paris attacks. "

Dutch Socialist leader links Paris terror attacks to Israeli-Palestinian conflict

I'm so glad you brought that up. I agree. You see, The Militants of Palestine threatened a terrorist attack against Bataclan Theatre / Cafe back 2008 and the ISIS terrorists were told to target Bataclan by a well known terrorist who had ties to the Hamas Terrorists and the terrorist group - Militants of Palestine. In this video from 2008 you will see with your own eyes these Palestinian Muslim thugs threatening a terrorist attack on Bataclan Theatre in Paris if they didn't stop hosting IDF and Jewish gala events. The Militants of Palestine are the ultimate Nazi gestapo thugs. Have a look.

By your own admission you agree that ISIS, Hamas, and the Militants of Palestine are working together in their work of worldwide terrorism. This is why the entire world should side with Israel and tell these Arabs calling themselves Palestinians it's game over and they lose - they need to get out of Israel and go back to their own Arab lands..

ISIS and the Palestinians are working together. This video proves it.

This is precisely why Roudy is right. Israels enemies? Are France's enemies, Mumbai's enemies, California's enemies and lest we forget New York's enemies. The Arabs calling themselves Palestinians (and are not) danced in streets for joy and handed out candy in celebration on 9/11. In fact, Israel's enemies - are the World's enemies. Time for the world to wake up.

Watch this:

Notice the towels wrapped around their head and faces? They are a bunch of cowards! Too afraid to show their faces. COWARDS with a capitol C.

That is the Palestinian uniform that shows they are terrorist and soldiers, so anyone wearing such an item should be shot on sight as a terrorist. Should create a few problems for the pali lovers when they are shot/arrested for terrorist activity
Funny, the Muslim animal was busy trying to behead a poor old man with that 3" bladed knife, before he was stopped by law enforcement. Never underestimate the savagery of an Islamic terrorist.

Wow, do you have a link to the news article that states that the perpetrator was trying to "behead a poor old man"?

Even the worst newsmongers couldn't make that one up!

Never underestimate the lunacy of the simple, zionut mind!

Yes, the Muslim animal was trying to behead an old man, after stabbing him. Not my fault you're an ignorant moron:

London station terrorist tried to behead vic: witness

London Train Station Attacker Tries To Behead Victim, WIll Be Treated As Terrorist Attack

Leytonstone terror attack: Hero victim tells of how he 'went back to have another go'

Witnesses told how as he entered the ticket hall he attacked a 56-year-old man carrying a guitar and beat him unconscious.

"We are treating this as a terrorist incident. I would urge the public to remain calm, but alert and vigilant. The threat from terrorism remains at severe, which means that a terrorist attack is highly likely."
Commander Richard Walton, head of the Met's Counter Terrorism Command

Armed with a four inch knife, he then began to cut at his neck as tried to behead him.

Ok, did you read your links?

A 'witness' said that the attacker MAY have been trying to behead the man...

Of course, the 'witness' is unnamed and there is no information as to how many beheadings the 'witness' has experienced before to be able to make such an informed judgement...

I think that trying to behead someone with a 3" blade might take quite some time!

Not my fault you are sucked into Fox News and alike and choose to spew out the same scaremongering as the mainstream media...

The world does not and will not relate to Israel, excluding the US of course... The rest of the world, including Europe, are a little tired of the Israeli bleating... Time for change...

Israel is on no one's side except their own!

Europe is waking up to the fact that Israel is a belligerent state, I'm sure the US will catch up soon!

You're kidding, right? The animal went back after the initial stabbing and started having a second go at the victim's neck, before he was brought down. The victim underwent a five hour surgery with doctors trying to patch up his neck. The witnesses there said it looked like he was trying to behead the victim. But hey, you know better, right? The Muslim animal was simply fixated on necks, and cutting and stabbing them, that's all.


Is there any difference between this Muslim animal stabbing innocent Brits, and a Palestinian animal stabbing innocent Israelis? No.

So yes, the last thing on European minds now is "Israel", but rather "what are we going to do with these Islamic savages in our midst"

You are presenting this photo as 'evidence' of the attempted beheading? As evidence of the five hour surgery?

I have had worse nicks whilst shaving!

And on the subject of shaving....

That attempted beheading with a 3" blade you are screaming about...

1) It didn't even cut any hairs under his chin...
2) The five hour surgery didn't result in the operating staff shaving the 'assaulted area...
3) After five hours of surgery one would expect to see some evidence of stitches or repair...
4) If I were to consider beheading someone I might try around the throat area rather than the chin area!

This photo looks more like a grave after this chap, after a glass of wine too many, bumped into a brick wall and grazed his chin!

two people were wounded one only mildly if you bother to follow the news, that was the one shown with the graze on his throat 2 inches down from his chin. He was the one that went in and tried to apprehend the man for the police, the police should have shot him to disable him and not used a taser then left him until medical help arrived.
I'm so glad you brought that up. I agree. You see, The Militants of Palestine threatened a terrorist attack against Bataclan Theatre / Cafe back 2008 and the ISIS terrorists were told to target Bataclan by a well known terrorist who had ties to the Hamas Terrorists and the terrorist group - Militants of Palestine. In this video from 2008 you will see with your own eyes these Palestinian Muslim thugs threatening a terrorist attack on Bataclan Theatre in Paris if they didn't stop hosting IDF and Jewish gala events. The Militants of Palestine are the ultimate Nazi gestapo thugs. Have a look.

By your own admission you agree that ISIS, Hamas, and the Militants of Palestine are working together in their work of worldwide terrorism. This is why the entire world should side with Israel and tell these Arabs calling themselves Palestinians it's game over and they lose - they need to get out of Israel and go back to their own Arab lands..

ISIS and the Palestinians are working together. This video proves it.

This is precisely why Roudy is right. Israels enemies? Are France's enemies, Mumbai's enemies, California's enemies and lest we forget New York's enemies. The Arabs calling themselves Palestinians (and are not) danced in streets for joy and handed out candy in celebration on 9/11. In fact, Israel's enemies - are the World's enemies. Time for the world to wake up.

Watch this:

ISIS calls Hamas 'apostates', pledges to fight them in Gaza

Baloney - the video is evidence that Hamas, Militants of Palestine and ISIS are all working together - birds of a feather? Fly together. Your dog won't hunt. Forget it. Ask Roudy after he watches the video. Their goose is officially cooked.

You need to keep up...

ISIS is NOT a friend of Hamas!

"birds of a feather"? Ah yes, that old racist mantra...

Forget about it....

We are all ONE... We all pray to different 'idols', but we are the same people!

Watch the video - Militants of Palestine are a branch of Hamas and are on the same side. Who was the main target of ISIS? Bataclan theatre. Who is in this video threatening a terrorist attack if Bataclan does not stop hosting IDF at their theatre? The Militants of Palestine. ISIS and Militants of Palestine - Hamas are working together. The world needs to demand Militants of Palestine and Hamas get the same punishment ISIS is getting. Drive them all out of Israel. They don't belong there and terrorists should not be rewarded. EVER.
Who is that in the video? Militants of Palestine. That's who.

They speak awfully good French for being from Palestine. LOL You are a hoot.

I mean, the Grand Mufti obviously spoke German all those years ago...or Hitler spoke Arabic as a second language. Either way, they orchestrated the deaths of many Jews. Language? Pffft. Hatred is a universal language.
Europeans aren't as stupid as Americans

My polite suggestion to you would be:

Move to Europe. Fight those evil Zionists over there. Show them you mean business.

They also know that the unquestioning support of Israel by the U.S. and their (European) guilt by association contributes to Muslim terrorism in Europe.

Do you have any links or evidence to back this up?
Europe is now having to deal with the same type of Islamist savages that Israel deals with on a regular basis. Israel is last on the list of their concerns. And with each terrorist event, they get even closer to Israel.
Recent terrorist events in Paris, San Bernandino, and yesterday the stabbing in London has once again allowed the world to understand the Islamist savagery, antisemitism, and barbarism coming from Palestinians and Muslims in general, that Israel has to deal with on a daily basis.

And yet, despite being under a constant threat of terrorism and war, Israel is able to defend itself, and maintain its democratic values as a state that has approximately 1.8 million Arab Muslim Israeli citizens with the exact same rights as all Israeli citizens.

Maybe the West can learn a few things from the Israelis? :clap2:
If Israeli schools were gun-free zones it would be a killing field for terrorists. Israel gets it that guns deter terrorists.

Hey Obama, Guns Deter Terrorists Here in Israel


"The Ma'alot massacre[1] was a Palestinian terrorist attack that occurred in May 1974 and involved a two-day hostage-taking of 115 Israeli people which ended in the murderers of over 25 hostages. It began when three armed members of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP)[2] entered Israel from Lebanon. Soon afterwards they attacked a van, killing two Israeli Arab women while injuring a third and entered an apartment building in the town of Ma'alot, where they killed a couple and their four-year-old son.[3] From there, they headed for the Netiv Meir Elementary School, where they took more than 115 people (including 105 children) hostage on 15 May 1974, in Ma'alot. Most of the hostages were teenagers from a high school in Safad on a Gadna field trip spending the night in Ma'alot. The hostage-takers soon issued demands for the release of 23 Palestinian militants from Israeli prisons, or else they would kill the students. On the second day of the standoff, a unit of the Golani Brigade stormed the building. During the takeover, the hostage-takers killed children with grenades and automatic weapons. Ultimately, 25 hostages, including 22 children, were killed and 68 more were injured."
Ma'alot massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Europe is now having to deal with the same type of Islamist savages that Israel deals with on a regular basis. Israel is last on the list of their concerns. And with each terrorist event, they get even closer to Israel.

Europe is distancing itself more and more from Israel. Europe understands that the West's support for Israel is one of the causes of Muslim disaffection with Europe. Europe is not so stupid to believe that it is to their advantage to support a warmongering U.S. neo-colonial outpost in the Middle East of 6 million, when such support raises the ire of 1.6 billion people against Europe.

The Palestinians had to contend with the arrival of European hordes in much the same way the Muslim hordes are invading Europe. They were unable to stop the Jewish hordes from Europe and they lost their land. Maybe Europe will use that example to put a stop to Muslim migration.
Wow, do you have a link to the news article that states that the perpetrator was trying to "behead a poor old man"?

Even the worst newsmongers couldn't make that one up!

Never underestimate the lunacy of the simple, zionut mind!

Yes, the Muslim animal was trying to behead an old man, after stabbing him. Not my fault you're an ignorant moron:

London station terrorist tried to behead vic: witness

London Train Station Attacker Tries To Behead Victim, WIll Be Treated As Terrorist Attack

Leytonstone terror attack: Hero victim tells of how he 'went back to have another go'

Witnesses told how as he entered the ticket hall he attacked a 56-year-old man carrying a guitar and beat him unconscious.

"We are treating this as a terrorist incident. I would urge the public to remain calm, but alert and vigilant. The threat from terrorism remains at severe, which means that a terrorist attack is highly likely."
Commander Richard Walton, head of the Met's Counter Terrorism Command

Armed with a four inch knife, he then began to cut at his neck as tried to behead him.

Ok, did you read your links?

A 'witness' said that the attacker MAY have been trying to behead the man...

Of course, the 'witness' is unnamed and there is no information as to how many beheadings the 'witness' has experienced before to be able to make such an informed judgement...

I think that trying to behead someone with a 3" blade might take quite some time!

Not my fault you are sucked into Fox News and alike and choose to spew out the same scaremongering as the mainstream media...

The world does not and will not relate to Israel, excluding the US of course... The rest of the world, including Europe, are a little tired of the Israeli bleating... Time for change...

Israel is on no one's side except their own!

Europe is waking up to the fact that Israel is a belligerent state, I'm sure the US will catch up soon!

You're kidding, right? The animal went back after the initial stabbing and started having a second go at the victim's neck, before he was brought down. The victim underwent a five hour surgery with doctors trying to patch up his neck. The witnesses there said it looked like he was trying to behead the victim. But hey, you know better, right? The Muslim animal was simply fixated on necks, and cutting and stabbing them, that's all.


Is there any difference between this Muslim animal stabbing innocent Brits, and a Palestinian animal stabbing innocent Israelis? No.

So yes, the last thing on European minds now is "Israel", but rather "what are we going to do with these Islamic savages in our midst"

You are presenting this photo as 'evidence' of the attempted beheading? As evidence of the five hour surgery?

I have had worse nicks whilst shaving!

And on the subject of shaving....

That attempted beheading with a 3" blade you are screaming about...

1) It didn't even cut any hairs under his chin...
2) The five hour surgery didn't result in the operating staff shaving the 'assaulted area...
3) After five hours of surgery one would expect to see some evidence of stitches or repair...
4) If I were to consider beheading someone I might try around the throat area rather than the chin area!

This photo looks more like a grave after this chap, after a glass of wine too many, bumped into a brick wall and grazed his chin!

Right. Because you know better than the people who were there, and reported the incident.

Leytonstone Tube Station Attack: Man In Court

He is accused of the attempted murder of a 56-year-old man at Leytonstone underground station.

The victim was attacked from behind in front of other members of the public at around 7.15pm on Saturday.

It is alleged Mire punched the man to the ground and repeatedly kicked him before taking hold of his head and inflicting a 12cm (five inch) wound in his neck.

The victim underwent surgery for five hours following the attack.

Leytonstone man charged with attempted murder after tube station knife attack

Leytonstone man charged with attempted murder after tube station knife attack

On Monday morning, Mire appeared in Westminster Magistrates’ Court in handcuffs, which were removed in the dock.

Barrister David Cawthorne, on behalf of the Crown, said Mire left a 12cm wound in a male victim’s neck.

The victim, who underwent five hours of surgery following the attack, has requested anonymity.

Mire was remanded in custody at the end of proceedings.

Sorry roodboy, I didn't realise YOU were there...

So, from your extensive experience of witnessing beheadings, was this, in your humble opinion, an attempted beheading?

Just that, even in your latest two links to BS media, it doesn't appear to mention anything about "beheading"!

Oh and that knife has grown 2" in the Sky News report!
Europe is now having to deal with the same type of Islamist savages that Israel deals with on a regular basis. Israel is last on the list of their concerns. And with each terrorist event, they get even closer to Israel.

Europe is distancing itself more and more from Israel. Europe understands that the West's support for Israel is one of the causes of Muslim disaffection with Europe. Europe is not so stupid to believe that it is to their advantage to support a warmongering U.S. neo-colonial outpost in the Middle East of 6 million, when such support raises the ire of 1.6 billion people against Europe.

The Palestinians had to contend with the arrival of European hordes in much the same way the Muslim hordes are invading Europe. They were unable to stop the Jewish hordes from Europe and they lost their land. Maybe Europe will use that example to put a stop to Muslim migration.

They had another terror alert today in Geneva looking for four Muslim terrorists, it was announced today that the San Bernardino terrorist's best friend converted to Islam, and another arrest in Minnesota for a Somali Muslim animal trying to recruit Americans to go join ISIS in Syria. Europe is now beginning to feel exactly what the Israelis are up against. Same Islamic scum, different geographical location. :clap2:
Europe is now having to deal with the same type of Islamist savages that Israel deals with on a regular basis. Israel is last on the list of their concerns. And with each terrorist event, they get even closer to Israel.

Europe is distancing itself more and more from Israel. Europe understands that the West's support for Israel is one of the causes of Muslim disaffection with Europe. Europe is not so stupid to believe that it is to their advantage to support a warmongering U.S. neo-colonial outpost in the Middle East of 6 million, when such support raises the ire of 1.6 billion people against Europe.

The Palestinians had to contend with the arrival of European hordes in much the same way the Muslim hordes are invading Europe. They were unable to stop the Jewish hordes from Europe and they lost their land. Maybe Europe will use that example to put a stop to Muslim migration.

They had another terror alert today in Geneva looking for four Muslim terrorists, it was announced today that the San Bernardino terrorist's best friend converted to Islam, and another arrest in Minnesota for a Somali Muslim animal trying to recruit Americans to go join ISIS in Syria. Europe is now beginning to feel exactly what the Israelis are up against. Same Islamic scum, different geographical location. :clap2:

I don't know what this has to do with the I/P section, but describing Muslims as animals, particularly black Somalis is racist.

As I said, Europeans are beginning to realize that being associated with the U.S. and its unquestioning support for all of Israel's murderous actions is one of the components that fuels Muslim discontent in Europe.

I would not be so happy if I were you, even if you don't believe the facts, the increase in the Muslim population in Europe does not bode well for Israel.
Were they not invading colonists?

No. You know damn well you're too smart to fall for such propaganda.

Propaganda? It seems it is you who have been brainwashed. The Zionists themselves did not hide their plan to colonize Palestine, as early as 1898.

NYT June 10, 1898



Zionists plan to colonize Palestine in 1899 NY Times - World Bulletin

Successful Jewish Colonization Will Extend Beyond Palestine Frontier

The contemplated trip to the United States of Dr. Chaim Weizmann, president of the World Zionist Organization, the continuation of his efforts while in America to extend the Jewish Agency through his negotiations with the Marshall group, the possibilities of extending Jewish colonization work outside of the present Palestine frontiers, including. Transjordania and certain parts of Syria, were the main features around which the deliberations centered.

Successful Jewish Colonization Will Extend Beyond Palestine Frontier, Weizmann Tells Actions Committ
Were they not invading colonists?

No. You know damn well you're too smart to fall for such propaganda.

Propaganda? It seems it is you who have been brainwashed. The Zionists themselves did not hide their plan to colonize Palestine, as early as 1898.

NYT June 10, 1898



Zionists plan to colonize Palestine in 1899 NY Times - World Bulletin

Successful Jewish Colonization Will Extend Beyond Palestine Frontier

The contemplated trip to the United States of Dr. Chaim Weizmann, president of the World Zionist Organization, the continuation of his efforts while in America to extend the Jewish Agency through his negotiations with the Marshall group, the possibilities of extending Jewish colonization work outside of the present Palestine frontiers, including. Transjordania and certain parts of Syria, were the main features around which the deliberations centered.

Successful Jewish Colonization Will Extend Beyond Palestine Frontier, Weizmann Tells Actions Committ

We have gone over this ad nauseam. They weren't invading anything. Arabs were selling Jews land long before the Zionists decided to "colonize" Palestine. That one critical detail always gets in the way of your argument. The Arabs were essentially pushing themselves out of their own land.

Jewish land purchase in Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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