Wonder Woman: Evil Egypt [Archangel Comics]


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Sep 22, 2013
This is a gender-iconography values-vignette inspired by the films Educating Rita and Oleanna.

Signing off,



An MIT archaeologist named Ajay Satan was taking a sabbatical from home and studying the development/evolution of gender iconography from Ancient Egypt to modern-day America. He was particularly interested in the symbolism of Wonder Woman (DC Comics), the world's most popular comic book superheroine and how/why she captured human curiosities about gender-strength and parities. Wonder Woman was from an ancient Amazonian kingdom and 'moved' to modern Metropolis to tackle evil with other superheroes including Superman (DC Comics) and flew a nearly invisible powerful jet-plane. Ajay wanted to connect Wonder Woman to the Ancient Egypt mythological queen/deity Isis.


Ajay created collages of Wonder Woman paired with images of Isis to reflect a human species fascination with gender-posture 'imagination.' How had characterizations of gender changed over time, and why was the primal Wonder Woman placed in modern Metropolis? That was the sort of question Ajay wanted to answer. One of his peers at MIT joked and suggested Ajay should buy a Ouija-board to contact Wonder Woman and Isis themselves.


Ajay picked up an issue of a G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (Hasbro/Marvel) and Wonder Woman (DC Comics) cross-over comic in which the superheroine Wonder Woman roamed around a 'haunted forest' with G.I. Joe Native-American foot-soldier Spirit. Ajay Satan became obsessed with this comic book story, since it presented an unusual tale of Wonder Woman and Spirit becoming very fascinated by a cryptic 'man-creature' in that haunted forest known as the Kracken which seemed to symbolize pure perceptual 'fracture.' It was a creature of bloodthirst.


Ajay concluded that Wonder Woman and Spirit engaging with the Kracken must represent some kind of metaphysical angst regarding the coordination of strength with wisdom, which is what the Kracken terrorized --- sensibility and intelligence. Ajay decided to pick up a library-book on the history of creatures and monsters and dragons and noticed an intriguing reference to a mythical Green Dragon which also symbolized, like the eerie Kracken, perception fracture. Ajay wondered if Spirit, the G.I. Joe Native-American soldier was some kind of 'gender-shaman' for the modern era, since he was Wonder Woman's ally.


Ajay studied for months about the cryptic Green Dragon and noted how it symbolized deformity, decay, ruin, and rot, but not necessarily calamity or disaster. The Green Dragon, like the eerie Kracken, represented some kind of 'subtle but dangerous' turbulence that hid just below the 'surface' of recognizable convenient perceptions in everyday life. "If Wonder Woman and Spirit deal with the Kracken in new age comic book stories, perhaps our modern age is still curious about the 'contours' of ugliness!" Ajay reasoned.


Ajay decided to find a picture of a green centurion-knight on the Internet and use it to create a comic book stylized Wonder Woman 'fan-fic' on a comic book forum for fans. Ajay had his Green Centurion tackle the Green Dragon so Wonder Woman and Spirit could escape and deal later with the Kracken. The Green Centurion was a time-traveler who wondered why modern civilization catered to crusades ideal for the primal Amazonian Wonder Woman and the naturalistic 'old-school' Native-American warrior Spirit. Ajay wrote, "Green Centurion approached the Green Dragon with a certain 'archaic sensibility'."


Ajay began to have strange dreams after writing the Green Centurion fable, so he purchased a small rechargeable LED night-vision night-light/flash-light which he kept on to make his room lit enough to not get goosebumps as he drifted onto sleep and into dreamland. Ajay Satan was determined to collect all his notes and ideas and write a comprehensive novel about the metaphysical significance of Wonder Woman gender iconography in the context of gender-ideal development across world history, using the goddess Isis (a messenger of healing and power) from Ancient Egypt as a 'muse' of virtue. Ajay would present this novel at a special MIT symposium.


Ajay began to watch more intelligence-themed films such as Total Eclipse (Leo DiCaprio), Contact (Jodie Foster), Gods of Egypt (Alex Proyas), and Star Trek Into Darkness (JJ Abrams). Ajay noted the various characters who signified a timeless interest in ethics and a modern interest in aesthetics. Ajay concluded that modern folklore regarding strength and wisdom represented a developing human species evaluation of 'values-consciousness.'


Ajay presented his finished novel at an MIT symposium. Celebrity Tom Cruise attended the conference as well, since there was a Scientology speaker presenting a book about A.I. storytelling. Cruise approached Ajay, since he was intrigued by Ajay's study of Wonder Woman, gender aesthetics evolution, Isis contextualization, and modernism intelligence. Cruise told Ajay he read his comic book 'fan-fic' about the Green Centurion and asked Ajay if he'd want to contribute a story to his new comics-enterprise called Archangel Comics (headed by artist/writer William Gibson).


Ajay Satan happily agreed to contribute a story to Archangel Comics for Tom Cruise, and the story he wrote was about a time-traveling daughter of Wonder Woman named Portia who was herself a female vampire. Since a 'vampire' is a humanoid who drinks human blood for vitality, Portia represented 'gender eccentricity' in the old world...and the new. Portia was an 'avenger of blood' who despised male-centric governments. Ajay's tale was a great addition to Archangel Comics, and Cruise loved it!


CRUISE: I love Ajay Satan's fable about Portia the female vampire.
GIBSON: Right, the daughter of Wonder Woman, and a time-traveler!
CRUISE: It's very clever; one story pits Portia against Isis in a dream-sequence.
GIBSON: So in the dream-sequence, Isis is cast as a foreboding and almost evil queen.
CRUISE: The purpose of re-presenting Isis as evil is to create 'gender-intrigue.'
GIBSON: Right; Ajay's interested in gender-aesthetics contouring.
CRUISE: Well, his book about Wonder Woman, which he presented at MIT, was revolutionary!
GIBSON: That's why you recruited him?
CRUISE: Yes, well, I also loved his Green Centurion fan-fic on the Internet; so I tracked him.
GIBSON: Ajay's an MIT professor?
CRUISE: Yes, he just obtained tenure.
GIBSON: That's excellent; Ajay's a terrific 'feather' for Archangel Comics.
CRUISE: We want modern audiences to feel that artists/thespians are interested in issues.
GIBSON: Such as gender, ethics, intellectualism, and corruption; all good for media!




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