Women protest Bush on the abortion Bill...

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Apr 10, 2004
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Philadelphia, Amazing huh...

Apr 25, 5:47 PM (ET)


WASHINGTON (AP) - Abortion-rights supporters marched in the hundreds of thousands Sunday, galvanized by what they see as an erosion of reproductive freedoms under President Bush and foreign policies that hurt women worldwide.

Amid the clamor of an election year, the throng of demonstrators flooded the National Mall. Their target: Bush, like-minded officials in federal and state government and religious conservatives.

Speaking beyond the masses to policy-makers, Francis Kissling of Catholics for a Free Choice declared, "You will hear our pro-choice voices ringing in your ears until such time that you permit all women to make our own reproductive choices."

Women joined the protest from across the nation and from nearly 60 countries, asserting that damage from Bush's policies is spreading far beyond U.S. shores through measures such as the ban on federal money for family-planning groups that promote or perform abortions abroad.

The rally on the National Mall stretched from the base of the U.S. Capitol about a mile back to the Washington Monument. Authorities no longer give formal crowd estimates, but various police sources informally estimated the throng at between 500,000 and 800,000 strong.

That would exceed the estimated 500,000 who protested for abortion rights in 1992.

Carole Mehlman, 68, came from Tampa, Fla., to support a cause that has motivated her to march for 30 years, as long as abortion has been legal.

"I just had to be here to fight for the next generation and the generation after that," she said. "We cannot let them take over our bodies, our health care, our lives."

Yep its all Bush. The congress has to pass it. Plus its not a BAN on abortions. ITs merely a ban on abortions in the 3rd trimester. Basically a ban on killing a 6 month old fetus.

Ive been on both sides of this issue. I dont feel that killing unborn children is productive for society. However, me and my ex-girlfriend had a scare when she was "late". We were young and we had no way to support a child. I however knew that my parents had me when i was young and they surely had no money to do it, but they did it. My dad basically gave his life away to work multiple jobs to support my mom and me. A rarity nowadays. I however would have done the same just so that we could have that kid. Needless to say we didnt. My sister is pregnant with no father in sight. She is working 2 jobs in order to make sure her child has a good start to life.

So i think these women have their priorities all fucked up. They still have their abortion rights, they just cant kill their unborn kids after 6 months. They should be thinking about taking the neccessary precautions to not be in that situation. Not relying on it as their failsafe. Then take personal responsibilty if they do become pregnant.
You know, they should realize that abortion is a dying cause. maybe not immediately but the tide is turning in favor of the pro lifers. Here is why I think it is happening.

i think its happening because the 60s generation was so successful at providing abortions for people. those who were against abortions had them and those who were against didnt. that way those who were against abortion ended up having more children and teaching them to be pro life. while the pro abortionists didnt have as many children and now there arent as many people in favor of abortion.

Now thats not to say there arent some children from each type family jumping ship but i think most of them are gravitating toward the pro life side. We have seen the affects of abortion on society.

Its kinda funny that i see this post here now. i just got done debating some moron on yahoo over abortion. He made the stupid statement that the Bible says nothing about abortion (not that it really matters since the Bible doesnt say squat about jumping into an empty swimming pool head first either) But i figured id simply point out that the Bible does say thou shalt not murder. He was trying to tell me that its not murder.

So i point out that it fits the deffition. its the victim is innocent and the person who does it does it intentionally.

So he is like "Well then its wrong to shoot a burglar breaking into my house"

And im just like. um no because a burglar isnt innocent.

And then he is like "well then its murder if i cant hit my brakes in time and accidently hit a pedestrian" and im like um no because it wasnt intentional.

I am just amazed how dumb this guy is sometimes. ive debated him before and its like regardless of the topic he doesnt understand simple logic or understand what words mean or something. its unbelievable.
Just another outstanding day in the life of democracy for Washington D.C., should have seen all the liberal dykes here yesterday.
Yikes OCA!!! I feel for ya. I just can't stand this!! First of all,the term "reproductive rights" is just an absolute joke. They try to put a spin on this,as if the Bush adm. is trying to say that we can't reproduce whenever we want-just plain stupid.

When I got pregnant with my son,we were 20,and not exactly rich. We made it though. The thought of abortion was not ever an option.We made it and have been married ten years this year. We also now have a 3 year old girl. You can make it,ANyone that says you can't is full of it. There are so many social programs out these days to help people too that may not have a good man that is willing to help take care of a child.Even if mom and dad don't want to get married,there are still plenty of options. Calling this a right is what burns me the most. I don't believe in abortion at any level of pregnancy. These women try to act as if they are speaking for all women and that burns me up.

What's even worse is when they are asked about the religous aspect of it,they try to say that Jesus was for choice-that is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. Then,last year or the year before,had Planned Parenthood sending out Christmas cards that said "choice on earth"...on Jesus Christs BIRTHDAY!How stupid can you be? Well, I know a lot of you know my two cents on abortion,but there it is again. I will always vote pro life.

I do believe as well that that things are starting to change as far as abortion goes. With that new Laci Peterson law passed,it opens up a whole new argument.
Abortion: I'm against it.

My wife and I have this discussion occassionally. For the life of me, I just can't understand her thinking on this issue.

Her view: Abortion is wrong. It is, however, between the female and her God and is not my (or your) business and we should have no say in the matter whatsoever.

OK, if you do not believe that a fetus is a living thing, then I can accept the fact that you feel it is OK to abort. I disagree with you, but at least I can respect your view.

For someone to say, though, that it is wrong but we have no business stopping it is totally ridiculous, in my opinion. To me, it is akin to allowing older citizens in nursing homes to be exterminated because their loved ones are no longer capable of caring for them.
Blacks and hispanics have by far the most abortions in the U.S,

so please, lets keep it legal.
Originally posted by Big D
Blacks and hispanics have by far the most abortions in the U.S,

so please, lets keep it legal.

Whites have astronomically by far more abortions in the United States Of America. Got this link from Stormfront.org, a white supremacist site so if they report something disparaging about whites and are unable to spin it you know these stats are ironclad.

Originally posted by Big D
Blacks and hispanics have by far the most abortions in the U.S,

so please, lets keep it legal.

Please,give us all a break.Whether you like it or not,God created black people,Jews,Hispanics too. Abortion is wrong no matter who is getting one. Spare us from your assnine babble and let the adults talk now.
Originally posted by Hannitized
Thank you! This is one of my biggest irks! I am a Pro-lifer, and I am a woman, and I believe it is wrong for some women to think about "their" body and "their" rights before the baby they are wanting to have KILLED!!
Just my 2 cents!!

:clap: :clap: :clap: AMEN!!!
Back when I was a radical liberal[1992 & before], my radical feminist girlfriend at the time & I actually went to one of these abortion rallies in D.C.- this was during my young & dumb "I'm more liberal than Ted Kennedy" phase.LMFAO

Well, I have become more and more pro-life since becoming a Republican in '92. Now, I know you liberals are going to say, "Yeah, that's because you, now, are just towing the Republican Party line"- I guess that theory wouldn't hold on my opinion on gay marriage/civil unions. Well, I hate to embarrass you guys again, but it is the pro-abortion movement which has changed my mind.

If the pro-abortion movement were truly regretful that abortion occurs, that they would teach BOTH sex education AND abstinence- or at least hardcore monogomy- I might have not been pushed this far. They are so hellbent on being able to kill babies up to the moment of birth, they are so intent on refusing to call a baby a baby, I have become 90% pro-life.

Be Warned: Seeing as how abortion is such an anomaly of an issue, my solution is NOT intellectually consistant, just pragmatic.

1st trimester abortions are legal. After that three month period, NO abortions will be allowed UNLESS it is to save the LIFE, not mental health, LIFE of the mother.

The bill would be called, "You Snooze, You Lose"

Even though I do NOT agree that it is a brutal act to take the morning after pill, when the "whatever" is nothing more than goo, I believe the longer you get into the 9 month stretch, the more brutal & murderous an abortion is. When you abort a baby in the 8th or 9th month, that is MURDER. Now, I realize that it is murder to kill a baby in the 2nd month, but it is a murder which we as a society can better tolerate, sadly.

Unfortunately AND fortunately, neither side will EVER compromise AT ALL. However, I can understand, to SOME extent, those pro-lifers who believe that it is murder from day one- though it is biologically- I am talking about brutal murder. That said, I find that the pro-partial birth abortion crowd to be the lunatics. These are the same bunch who LOVE to try to chip away at our SECOND Amendment- must have been a pretty important one- but become hysterical when the bogus right to privacy theory, which props up the bad law of Roe V. Wade, is even DISCUSSED by the opposition. They protest babies getting killed in a war, a war to liberate other babies & people, but they hold rallies & fight tooth & nail to make sure that a baby 1 hour from birth can be murdered & sucked out of its co-killer.

If the baby is 15 minutes from being born and is brutally murdered, then that is just a medical procedure. However, if it is a few seconds after that baby is delivered and the doctor snaps its neck, then it is first degree murder? What the FU*K kind of screwed up logic is THAT?

Side Note: Despite what these extremist feminists said at the rally, women do NOT have the right to control their bodies at all times, just as no MAN can, either.

1) Can one prostitute ones own body for money?
2) Can one legally kill oneself?
3) Can one consume illegal drugs?
4) Can one go on EBay & sell a kidney?


Liberals are so hot & bothered to show dead Iraqi civilians, saying that we shouldn't try to "sanitize" the war. They fight to show coffins of our fallen soldiers, claiming that we need to see the reality of the act of murder & dying. I wonder if those same liberal protesters this week, with all of their hysterical moral indignation, had the courage to show a partial-birth abortion on their wide screen monitor. Somehow, I highly doubt it.

Liberals always say, "Yes, but abortion is needed for when the baby can't be supported or will have a bad life as a child, thoroughly unwanted." Ok, well let's initiate a Post Abortion Bill. Hey, if the kid is growing up in a financially strapped home, let's abort them. If the kid isn't getting enough love & attention by age 5, perhaps they would be better off "aborted."

"Oh, NO! That would be murder!," they would say. However, their support of late term abortion is simply one step away from this line of "illogic."

I want to thank liberals for pushing me to the RIGHT side.
There was a great commercial on a while back that summed this up quite well.

The woman asks"why is it when a woman WANTS a child,its a baby,but when she DOESN'T,it's....something else?
Please,give us all a break.Whether you like it or not,God created black people,Jews,Hispanics too. Abortion is wrong no matter who is getting one. Spare us from your assnine babble and let the adults talk now.

Ooo, I do believe Krisy has opened up a can of conservative whoop-ass!
Spikes, you pretty much summed up my stance as well. |

Personally, I think abortion is terrible and I would not have one unless I was raped, or my health was in serious jeapardy, and it was the first trimester (and even then I'm not sure I would go through with it.)

However, I despise the idea of old white men in DC telling me what I CAN and CANNOT do with my body. I don't think abortion will ever be completely illegal, which is why I always vote pro-life, in order to help eradicate late-term abortions and partial-birth abortions.
Just another outstanding day in the life of democracy for Washington D.C., should have seen all the liberal dykes here yesterday.

I'm glad to see so many tolerant and understanding people live in our nation's capital. Unfortunately I couldn't attend the March on Sunday. And not that it's anyone's business but I am heterosexual, or as OCA so eloquently put it, not a dyke.
I don't understand how so many people can be in favor of illegalizing abortion. If you're against it, then don't have one; it's really very simple. Who are you to say what women can and can not do to their bodies. And men, sorry, you can have an opinion on the issue but you can't have a say regarding abortion's legality. Never will you have to make the extremely difficult decision to not keep a baby. Becoming pregnant will forever change a woman's life. She and only she should be able to decide how it will affect her life.
The decision to have an abortion isn't taken lightly. There is a great deal of thought, emotion, and consideration put into it. It's not like pro-choice women are getting pregnant and then getting abortions because they can. It's not something women want to ever have to think about doing. We're not baby killers. We just want the option in case down the road someday some horrible circumstance arises and the only way out is an abortion. All we're asking for is our Constitutional right provided by the 4th amendment. We want to keep and maintain our rights, just like gun owners want to maintain their Second amendment right so that they can possibly kill fully developed human beings.
Originally posted by megsand247
The decision to have an abortion isn't taken lightly. There is a great deal of thought, emotion, and consideration put into it. It's not like pro-choice women are getting pregnant and then getting abortions because they can. It's not something women want to ever have to think about doing.

I have long since stopped arguing my stand on this issue. I pretty much keep it to myself, anymore.

But I'm afraid I'm going to have to disagree with you on this point in particular. For some, there is no tho't or emotion; those who abort without the slightest kink in their day's activities. And yes, I've known some who actually use this as a method of birth control. Not all women think as you do.
You are correct megs, men will never have the opportunity to make the choice to MURDER an innocent child but by god some men will have the opportunity to make it legal or not. If it is going to continue to be legal and women are going to be allowed to murder children then I want the same right to murder my neighbor without repercussion, the idiots trees and plants keep encroaching on my property. You see how silly the argument for legalized abortion is? It belies common sense and a civilized society.

Yeah there were a lot of dykes here yesterday and for what? Does anybody think a silly, stupid march on the Capital Mall is going to have any effect? Well it had one effect, well two, it snarled traffic and pissed the locals off.
Originally posted by megsand247
I'm glad to see so many tolerant and understanding people live in our nation's capital. Unfortunately I couldn't attend the March on Sunday. And not that it's anyone's business but I am heterosexual, or as OCA so eloquently put it, not a dyke.
I don't understand how so many people can be in favor of illegalizing abortion. If you're against it, then don't have one; it's really very simple. Who are you to say what women can and can not do to their bodies. And men, sorry, you can have an opinion on the issue but you can't have a say regarding abortion's legality. Never will you have to make the extremely difficult decision to not keep a baby. Becoming pregnant will forever change a woman's life. She and only she should be able to decide how it will affect her life.
The decision to have an abortion isn't taken lightly. There is a great deal of thought, emotion, and consideration put into it. It's not like pro-choice women are getting pregnant and then getting abortions because they can. It's not something women want to ever have to think about doing. We're not baby killers. We just want the option in case down the road someday some horrible circumstance arises and the only way out is an abortion. All we're asking for is our Constitutional right provided by the 4th amendment. We want to keep and maintain our rights, just like gun owners want to maintain their Second amendment right so that they can possibly kill fully developed human beings.

megsand, welcome to the board! :beer:

I certainly disagree with your reasoning behind your pro-choice stance. First, I disagree that the Fourth Amendment protects abortion, as Roe v. Wade states.
Second, if a mother can decide to "terminate a pregnancy," why can't the father make that same choice?
Third, how would you feel about states, not the federal government, deciding on the legality of abortion? That is how I personally think it should be decided.

Again, welcome, hope you enjoy it here!
Jeff, instead of leaving it up to the states why don't we put it to the voters on a national referendum basis? This is a pipe dream because just like with gay marriage, abortion rights activists would never allow it to happen because they know that the majority does not agree with them so they want it decided by the courts where all it takes is one judge.
"What a woman does with her own body is her business" is just not going to get it any more. Civilized society has a stake in this, too. The relentless onslaught of vulgar barbarianism, the obliteration of any and all restraints on behavior, and the cheapening of human life are things that Americans, finally, are beginning to regard with some alarm. Perhaps the baby boom generation is, at long last, ready to grow up and stop this runaway train before it takes us all over the cliff.

Remember, aging baby boomer-the flip side of abortion is euthanasia. Human beings tend to be inconvenient at both ends of their lives!
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