Woman of color in the house are discovering the democrat party is racist lol


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2019
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Calls Pelosi Racist: 'Singling Out ... Women of Color' | Breitbart

The “squad” Presley , AOC, Omar , Talib are now calling the elite racist democrats bluff on Caring about people of color. Which we all know democrats only want slaves..

These 4 dems want reparations, homes built, they want a larger hourly wage, free health care....but they are discovering democrats have only promised these things every four years for votes and never had any intention of actually helping blacks lol

Now that the slaves are causing trouble on the plantation it will interesting to see the punishment they receive from Nancy.

I think she sends Al sharpton to calm them down or even Obama.. but it won’t work these 4 woman are nuts. And democrats pretend they like blacks is back firing BIG TIME!
I expect these four women will tell their followers not to vote for democrat nominee unless they stay far far left like them.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Calls Pelosi Racist: 'Singling Out ... Women of Color' | Breitbart

The “squad” Presley , AOC, Omar , Talib are now calling the elite racist democrats bluff on Caring about people of color. Which we all know democrats only want slaves..

These 4 dems want reparations, homes built, they want a larger hourly wage, free health care....but they are discovering democrats have only promised these things every four years for votes and never had any intention of actually helping blacks lol

Now that the slaves are causing trouble on the plantation it will interesting to see the punishment they receive from Nancy.

I think she sends Al sharpton to calm them down or even Obama.. but it won’t work these 4 woman are nuts. And democrats pretend they like blacks is back firing BIG TIME!
I expect these four women will tell their followers not to vote for democrat nominee unless they stay far far left like them.
No idiot, the racist black and brown voters are just taking over the Democratic Party once and for all.

Nancy will just be another bitch for so called “people of color” to use and abuse until she dies, just like Ted Kennedy was before her.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Calls Pelosi Racist: 'Singling Out ... Women of Color' | Breitbart

The “squad” Presley , AOC, Omar , Talib are now calling the elite racist democrats bluff on Caring about people of color. Which we all know democrats only want slaves..

These 4 dems want reparations, homes built, they want a larger hourly wage, free health care....but they are discovering democrats have only promised these things every four years for votes and never had any intention of actually helping blacks lol

Now that the slaves are causing trouble on the plantation it will interesting to see the punishment they receive from Nancy.

I think she sends Al sharpton to calm them down or even Obama.. but it won’t work these 4 woman are nuts. And democrats pretend they like blacks is back firing BIG TIME!
I expect these four women will tell their followers not to vote for democrat nominee unless they stay far far left like them.
No idiot, the racist black and brown voters are just taking over the Democratic Party once and for all.

Nancy will just be another bitch for so called “people of color” to use and abuse until she dies, just like Ted Kennedy was before her.
The Democrat Party will soon become the People Of Color party.
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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Calls Pelosi Racist: 'Singling Out ... Women of Color' | Breitbart

The “squad” Presley , AOC, Omar , Talib are now calling the elite racist democrats bluff on Caring about people of color. Which we all know democrats only want slaves..

These 4 dems want reparations, homes built, they want a larger hourly wage, free health care....but they are discovering democrats have only promised these things every four years for votes and never had any intention of actually helping blacks lol

Now that the slaves are causing trouble on the plantation it will interesting to see the punishment they receive from Nancy.

I think she sends Al sharpton to calm them down or even Obama.. but it won’t work these 4 woman are nuts. And democrats pretend they like blacks is back firing BIG TIME!
I expect these four women will tell their followers not to vote for democrat nominee unless they stay far far left like them.
No idiot, the racist black and brown voters are just taking over the Democratic Party once and for all.

Nancy will just be another bitch for so called “people of color” to use and abuse until she dies, just like Ted Kennedy was before her.
They are to stupid, they don’t know what racist means
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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Calls Pelosi Racist: 'Singling Out ... Women of Color' | Breitbart

The “squad” Presley , AOC, Omar , Talib are now calling the elite racist democrats bluff on Caring about people of color. Which we all know democrats only want slaves..

These 4 dems want reparations, homes built, they want a larger hourly wage, free health care....but they are discovering democrats have only promised these things every four years for votes and never had any intention of actually helping blacks lol

Now that the slaves are causing trouble on the plantation it will interesting to see the punishment they receive from Nancy.

I think she sends Al sharpton to calm them down or even Obama.. but it won’t work these 4 woman are nuts. And democrats pretend they like blacks is back firing BIG TIME!
I expect these four women will tell their followers not to vote for democrat nominee unless they stay far far left like them.
No idiot, the racist black and brown voters are just taking over the Democratic Party once and for all.

Nancy will just be another bitch for so called “people of color” to use and abuse until she dies, just like Ted Kennedy was before her.
The Democrat Party will soon become the People Of Color party.
I think we’ll see the leashes pulled back on these 4 wild animals .. 3 of them can be removed for ethics violations..
Another great example of AOC swallowing her shoes. Get some experience under your belt Rep Neophyte...
Venerable House leader Pelosi has her tits in a ringer with the squad cultists, which is why it will never get the media attention it deserves and certainly nothing to the degree a R would face in similar circumstances.

So what’s the Nance to do with these rebellious radical extremists threatening her job and their entire party? She tries to get too tough with them and they’ll raise even more hell. I mean once you’ve virtually called your party’s Speaker a racist it’s not likely the gloves are going back on IMO. She’s still gonna need their votes and those of the other dim socialist kooks who’ll fall in with the squad, so welcome to the Eggshells Walk, Madam Speaker!

On the other hand Nancy’s got both some House dims who know the squad’s radicalism is lunacy and millions of good decent traditional Democrat party voters to worry about too. They’re the complete opposite of the dingbat socialist, everything-should-be-free dimocrats, and they don’t like what they’re seeing and hearing about their party these days. They know they’re the ones who’ll be supporting all the handouts via their tax dollars, among other things, and they don’t like it one bit. Strangers show up in their country and eligible for freebies taxpaying US citizens aren’t? Yeah, that sounds like a nice campaign issue. And the eggshells get thinner.

I wish the Speaker well. She’s got one hell of a high wire act to walk the next 18 months or so. And pity there’s no net.
There are 48 African American Democrats in Congress (1 Republican)
Don’t think Pelosi has to worry about discrimination
There are 48 African American Democrats in Congress (1 Republican)
Don’t think Pelosi has to worry about discrimination
Black dems were hired and promoted to promote victimhood mentality.
Now it’s back firing, they are demanding money for being a fake victim.
You will eat each other alive! Lol sit back and enjoy the show haha
There are 48 African American Democrats in Congress (1 Republican)
Don’t think Pelosi has to worry about discrimination
Black dems were hired and promoted to promote victimhood mentality.
Now it’s back firing, they are demanding money for being a fake victim.
You will eat each other alive! Lol sit back and enjoy the show haha
They were elected in a party that does not require its candidates to be white, male Christians
There are 48 African American Democrats in Congress (1 Republican)
Don’t think Pelosi has to worry about discrimination
Black dems were hired and promoted to promote victimhood mentality.
Now it’s back firing, they are demanding money for being a fake victim.
You will eat each other alive! Lol sit back and enjoy the show haha
They were elected in a party that does not require its candidates to be white, male Christians
No they were elected to promote victimhood mentality.. put them in a room and it’s all the same talking points. NO DIVERSITY. They are like programmed robots.. and they better not cut the script,, just ask Candace Owens who has been repeatedly attacked , Ben Carson who was called a terrorist by SPLC
Or jews Ben Shapiro and Milo who was almost burned alive at Berkeley.

Or the 5 people of color speakers at the Boston free speech rally who was almost lynched by a mob.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Calls Pelosi Racist: 'Singling Out ... Women of Color' | Breitbart

The “squad” Presley , AOC, Omar , Talib are now calling the elite racist democrats bluff on Caring about people of color. Which we all know democrats only want slaves..

These 4 dems want reparations, homes built, they want a larger hourly wage, free health care....but they are discovering democrats have only promised these things every four years for votes and never had any intention of actually helping blacks lol

Now that the slaves are causing trouble on the plantation it will interesting to see the punishment they receive from Nancy.

I think she sends Al sharpton to calm them down or even Obama.. but it won’t work these 4 woman are nuts. And democrats pretend they like blacks is back firing BIG TIME!
I expect these four women will tell their followers not to vote for democrat nominee unless they stay far far left like them.

Sweet music to mine ears . . . this Democrat cat infighting. Causes even the crickets to blush. I'll have a White Russian, please, and a handful of corn nuts while I continue to enjoy the sound of not-silence during they're exquisite turbulence. Fasten your seatbelts?
There are 48 African American Democrats in Congress (1 Republican)
Don’t think Pelosi has to worry about discrimination
Black dems were hired and promoted to promote victimhood mentality.
Now it’s back firing, they are demanding money for being a fake victim.
You will eat each other alive! Lol sit back and enjoy the show haha
They were elected in a party that does not require its candidates to be white, male Christians
No they were elected to promote victimhood mentality.. put them in a room and it’s all the same talking points. NO DIVERSITY. They are like programmed robots.. and they better not cut the script,, just ask Candace Owens who has been repeatedly attacked , Ben Carson who was called a terrorist by SPLC
Or jews Ben Shapiro and Milo who was almost burned alive at Berkeley.

Or the 5 people of color speakers at the Boston free speech rally who was almost lynched by a mob.
They were elected to represent their community
Just like White, mâle Christians are
There are 48 African American Democrats in Congress (1 Republican)
Don’t think Pelosi has to worry about discrimination
Black dems were hired and promoted to promote victimhood mentality.
Now it’s back firing, they are demanding money for being a fake victim.
You will eat each other alive! Lol sit back and enjoy the show haha
They were elected in a party that does not require its candidates to be white, male Christians
No they were elected to promote victimhood mentality.. put them in a room and it’s all the same talking points. NO DIVERSITY. They are like programmed robots.. and they better not cut the script,, just ask Candace Owens who has been repeatedly attacked , Ben Carson who was called a terrorist by SPLC
Or jews Ben Shapiro and Milo who was almost burned alive at Berkeley.

Or the 5 people of color speakers at the Boston free speech rally who was almost lynched by a mob.
They were elected to represent their community
Just like White, mâle Christians are
Ben Carson is a white male Christian? I’m sure most of the votes he got were white Christians lol
Scott from SC is a white male? Interesting
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Calls Pelosi Racist: 'Singling Out ... Women of Color' | Breitbart

The “squad” Presley , AOC, Omar , Talib are now calling the elite racist democrats bluff on Caring about people of color. Which we all know democrats only want slaves..

These 4 dems want reparations, homes built, they want a larger hourly wage, free health care....but they are discovering democrats have only promised these things every four years for votes and never had any intention of actually helping blacks lol

Now that the slaves are causing trouble on the plantation it will interesting to see the punishment they receive from Nancy.

I think she sends Al sharpton to calm them down or even Obama.. but it won’t work these 4 woman are nuts. And democrats pretend they like blacks is back firing BIG TIME!
I expect these four women will tell their followers not to vote for democrat nominee unless they stay far far left like them.
No idiot, the racist black and brown voters are just taking over the Democratic Party once and for all.

Nancy will just be another bitch for so called “people of color” to use and abuse until she dies, just like Ted Kennedy was before her.
The Democrat Party will soon become the People Of Color party.

Actually the democratic party will become the party that used to be because it will be gone altogether. All that remains is what will be the replacement..
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Calls Pelosi Racist: 'Singling Out ... Women of Color' | Breitbart

The “squad” Presley , AOC, Omar , Talib are now calling the elite racist democrats bluff on Caring about people of color. Which we all know democrats only want slaves..

These 4 dems want reparations, homes built, they want a larger hourly wage, free health care....but they are discovering democrats have only promised these things every four years for votes and never had any intention of actually helping blacks lol

Now that the slaves are causing trouble on the plantation it will interesting to see the punishment they receive from Nancy.

I think she sends Al sharpton to calm them down or even Obama.. but it won’t work these 4 woman are nuts. And democrats pretend they like blacks is back firing BIG TIME!
I expect these four women will tell their followers not to vote for democrat nominee unless they stay far far left like them.
It was going to happen sooner or later.
The minority Democrats are going to vote out the white Dem politicians.
Eventually whites will be the minority inside the Democratic Party.

People such as AOC are their future. She's dumb, arrogant, an anti-American bigot, radical and racist.

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