Wokeness? What is it? Pushed by Children wid Sh*t for brains


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
At first, I thought it was a warning from a Black man to other Blacks to be aware of "white" politics - "stay woke."

But now, it seems to be a claim to altruistic morality that the younger generation has the inherent right to enforce in an effort to make this a better world. And it is dominated by the claim that racism still prevents black people from succeeding in business.
Being more angry and violent, try to complain about everything
According to cambridgedicitionary.com wokedness is "a state of being aware, especially of social problems such as racism and inequality."

What it does not tell you that these people have no sense of self humor: they are absolutely boringly insufferable. As Jeff Bridges would put it, they are not wrong just assholes.
this nonsense is being crammed down our throats by the extorted CE'Os of America....yes it is a corporate driven madness

The good old days of wokeness.
this nonsense is being crammed down our throats by the extorted CE'Os of America....yes it is a corporate driven madness.
Could say the same thing about the Qbots. They're trying to shove a narcissistic demagogue down our throats.
this nonsense is being crammed down our throats by the extorted CE'Os of America....yes it is a corporate driven madness.
Could say the same thing about the Qbots. They're trying to shove a narcissistic demagogue down our throats.
Jon Voight ?
this nonsense is being crammed down our throats by the extorted CE'Os of America....yes it is a corporate driven madness

If you had to ask the question...
Wokeness is a useful tool for the left...its a way to shame people out of their own opinions and thoughts...and a hammer for the sold sheep in a nation to beat independent thought and freedom of speech into the ground...it has been used in one form or another by communist's tyrants and socialists all over the world since time began....
Wokeness is a useful tool for the left...its a way to shame people out of their own opinions and thoughts...and a hammer for the sold sheep in a nation to beat independent thought and freedom of speech into the ground...it has been used in one form or another by communist's tyrants and socialists all over the world since time began....

Fuck, get over yourself.
Wokeness is a useful tool for the left...its a way to shame people out of their own opinions and thoughts...and a hammer for the sold sheep in a nation to beat independent thought and freedom of speech into the ground...it has been used in one form or another by communist's tyrants and socialists all over the world since time began....

Fuck, get over yourself.

Said the hateful Woke Leftist.

The “woke” movement hates America. It hates America’s founding, its leadership role in the world, the nuclear family, and, above all, America’s success as a self-governing nation undergirded by Judeo-Christian values.

The woke movement’s flagship vehicle is the Marxist-led Black Lives Matter. Amazingly, President Biden’s State Department has authorized U.S. embassies to display the BLM flag on poles outside our embassies. What other nation instructs its diplomats to fly the banner of a movement that despises its own country as evil and racist?

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