Woke up in CA this morning to vote and...


Diamond Member
Jan 19, 2010
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The media including the corrupted AP was screaming at the top of their lungs this morning.....Clinton clinches the DNC primary! Can anyone say media election day electioneering? LOL what a mess. The media has kept Bernie from winning and everyone knows it. Simple choice...I will vote for the person that dislikes the media and see's them for what they are. If we don't get fairness in reporting this nation will never recover.
Sanders got burned. Polls in CA close in 7 hours and when I showed up my polling place was empty.
"The media has kept Bernie from winning and everyone knows it."



Hillary Clinton Will Be Nominated Because More Democrats Are Voting For Her
that announcement by the news has HURT the Hillary campaign....they should have kept their mouths shut so the 6 states could vote in mass today....

instead Hillary voters who believe she has already won it, will stay home because their vote is not needed....

And Bernie supporters will swarm the polls to vote, to show their support for bernie come hell or high water....

the news deserves to be slapped upside of the head.
yeah, i had that same thought last night...

like after all this inevitable proportional delegate math, they couldn't have just waited one more day? but i don't know, i think both sides are still energized to vote, so we shall see...
that announcement by the news has HURT the Hillary campaign....they should have kept their mouths shut so the 6 states could vote in mass today....

instead Hillary voters who believe she has already won it, will stay home because their vote is not needed....

And Bernie supporters will swarm the polls to vote, to show their support for bernie come hell or high water....

the news deserves to be slapped upside of the head.
Bernie supporters will stay home nursing off last night's frat house hangover because they've heard he already lost.
The media including the corrupted AP was screaming at the top of their lungs this morning.....Clinton clinches the DNC primary! Can anyone say media election day electioneering? LOL what a mess. The media has kept Bernie from winning and everyone knows it. Simple choice...I will vote for the person that dislikes the media and see's them for what they are. If we don't get fairness in reporting this nation will never recover.
Sanders got burned. Polls in CA close in 7 hours and when I showed up my polling place was empty.

"Empty" as in nobody bothered to come out, or "empty" as in "closed"?
that announcement by the news has HURT the Hillary campaign....they should have kept their mouths shut so the 6 states could vote in mass today....

instead Hillary voters who believe she has already won it, will stay home because their vote is not needed....

And Bernie supporters will swarm the polls to vote, to show their support for bernie come hell or high water....

the news deserves to be slapped upside of the head.
Bernie supporters will stay home nursing off last night's frat house hangover because they've heard he already lost.
never in a million billion years....they KNOW this california win is CRITICAL in bernie's convention contest and winning over super delegates. This will BRING them out to vote in droves and shout the establishment is bad....
that announcement by the news has HURT the Hillary campaign....they should have kept their mouths shut so the 6 states could vote in mass today....

instead Hillary voters who believe she has already won it, will stay home because their vote is not needed....

And Bernie supporters will swarm the polls to vote, to show their support for bernie come hell or high water....

the news deserves to be slapped upside of the head.
Bernie supporters will stay home nursing off last night's frat house hangover because they've heard he already lost.
never in a million billion years....they KNOW this california win is CRITICAL in bernie's convention contest and winning over super delegates. This will BRING them out to vote in droves and shout the establishment is bad....
They better stop talking bad about the establishment's superdelegates, since Bernie's only chance is that the superdelegates steal the election away from the more popular candidate and give him the nomination instead.
also, care... there's the under-card elections as well, which are drawing people in to vote too...
that announcement by the news has HURT the Hillary campaign....they should have kept their mouths shut so the 6 states could vote in mass today....

instead Hillary voters who believe she has already won it, will stay home because their vote is not needed....

And Bernie supporters will swarm the polls to vote, to show their support for bernie come hell or high water....

the news deserves to be slapped upside of the head.
You could be right but another thought I had is the Clinton loving Media knows it is easy to get the young voter to throw in the towel and stay home if they think Bernie has no chance. California is a state Hillary is desperate to win. Believe me California 20 somethings are easily shaken into non action.
that announcement by the news has HURT the Hillary campaign....they should have kept their mouths shut so the 6 states could vote in mass today....

instead Hillary voters who believe she has already won it, will stay home because their vote is not needed....

And Bernie supporters will swarm the polls to vote, to show their support for bernie come hell or high water....

the news deserves to be slapped upside of the head.
You could be right but another thought I had is the Clinton loving Media knows it is easy to get the young voter to throw in the towel and stay home if they think Bernie has no chance. California is a state Hillary is desperate to win. Believe me California 20 somethings are easily shaken into non action.

Seriously now, mass media has no such nefarious plans to "get group X to do this" or "get group Y to do that". There's literally no money in that. All they're interested in is profit, meaning ears and eyeballs. To that end they'll run whatever story draws those in at the time -- whether it's Hillary, Bernie or OJ on the freeway. It really really isn't any deeper than that.

So if their headline is "Hillary already won", the subtext is not "so therefore don't bother to vote" ---- the subtext is "and WE told you first, therefore keep watching/reading/listening to us, because you have money, and we want it".
Looks like Hillary eeked out a win.

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