With Russia on the move, Finland realizes that a "2nd Amendment," is kind of a good thing for a free country....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
With Russia getting more and more frisky, Finland is building shooting ranges and encouraging their people to take up rifle shooting.......because when you are actually threatened by bad guys, it is hard to beat a good gun to save yourself and your family.....

but the government of Finland has also given us a very important reminder that, even today, individual gun ownership serves as a check on tyranny and as a means of ensuring that a free people stay that way.

Finland plans to open more than 300 new shooting ranges to encourage more citizens to take up the hobby in the interest of national defence.
It is hoped that shooting in the Nordic country – which last year became Nato’s newest member and which shares a 830-mile (1,330km) border with Russia – could become as popular as football or ice hockey.
There are about 670 shooting ranges in Finland, down from about 2,000 at the turn of the century. By 2030, the government plans to increase the number to about 1,000.
Jukka Kopra, a National Coalition party MP and the chair of Finland’s defence committee, told the Guardian: “The present government aims to increase the amount of shooting ranges in Finland from roughly 600-700 up to 1,000. This is because of our defence model, which benefits from people having and developing their shooting skills on their own.”
Incidentally, I think this is the first gun-related article from The Guardian that I've ever come across that doesn't include a snarky take on gun ownership or explicitly promotes a gun control agenda.

But....but............wouldn't they be safer if they just gave up all of their guns, and let Russia have their way with their country?

And now......anti-gun extremists...tell us how we are wrong to protect our 2nd Amendment Right to keep and bear arms.......
And with America gettin ratpacked by 10-20 Million Turd World Criminals / Illegals / Getaways / Single Military Age Males / Islamist Refugees ... that 2A/ RTKBA is important here too
With Russia getting more and more frisky, Finland is building shooting ranges and encouraging their people to take up rifle shooting.......because when you are actually threatened by bad guys, it is hard to beat a good gun to save yourself and your family.....

but the government of Finland has also given us a very important reminder that, even today, individual gun ownership serves as a check on tyranny and as a means of ensuring that a free people stay that way.

Incidentally, I think this is the first gun-related article from The Guardian that I've ever come across that doesn't include a snarky take on gun ownership or explicitly promotes a gun control agenda.

But....but............wouldn't they be safer if they just gave up all of their guns, and let Russia have their way with their country?
Finland also realizes that guns are serious

Yes, let's adopt Finland's regulations.

Should I start a new thread, so you can shit all over them?
Finland also realizes that guns are serious

Yes, let's adopt Finland's regulations.

Should I start a new thread, so you can shit all over them?

Israel did what you want...confiscated military rifles, banned them and magazines......and 1,400 Israelis were raped, tortured, murdered and mutilated.........

You have nothing to teach us.......
I believe its Norway that makes gun ownership mandatory. A rifle and ammo in each home and training in school for students.
The prediction of 'guns to the rescue' was proven to not apply while an election was being stolen.

And the guns are doing nothing to take it back.

Both pro and con 2A'ers apparently made arrangements to keep the guns out of it. Any violations of the rules would have only resulted in more Babbitts.
With Russia getting more and more frisky, Finland is building shooting ranges and encouraging their people to take up rifle shooting.......because when you are actually threatened by bad guys, it is hard to beat a good gun to save yourself and your family.....

but the government of Finland has also given us a very important reminder that, even today, individual gun ownership serves as a check on tyranny and as a means of ensuring that a free people stay that way.

Incidentally, I think this is the first gun-related article from The Guardian that I've ever come across that doesn't include a snarky take on gun ownership or explicitly promotes a gun control agenda.

But....but............wouldn't they be safer if they just gave up all of their guns, and let Russia have their way with their country?

And now......anti-gun extremists...tell us how we are wrong to protect our 2nd Amendment Right to keep and bear arms.......
The guns failed to prove their worth while the election was being stolen. Until they do then it's probably best for me to nip your attempts in the bud.

Guns, guns, and more gun aren't working YET to stop the slaughter by gun in America my friend!

Maybe the next attempted coup?
I believe its Norway that makes gun ownership mandatory. A rifle and ammo in each home and training in school for students.
You're thinking of Switzerland. All men between 17-34 are members of the militia. They are given a standard-issue service rifle (Sig550) and required to keep it at home. They get training and ammunition, and at the end of their service they can purchase it and keep it. About half the households in Switzerland have an "assault weapon" in the home.

The Nordic countries all have strong shooting cultures, Finland is second in gun ownership in Europe only to Switzerland. Rifle competitions for school-age kids is normal and encouraged.

It used to be that way here. I shot on the school rifle teams in junior and senior high school, and had a school-issued target rifle that I kept at home.

As a kid growing up in Alaska, I had a trapline that I would run to make a little spending money. I would take my personal rifle (Rem740 .30-06) to school and keep it in my locker so I wouldn't have to go home after school and get it. It was normal to see me walking down the street at 13 or 14 years old with my rifle slung over the shoulder. My dad signed a permission card at the gun shop so I could buy ammo.
Israel did what you want...confiscated military rifles, banned them and magazines......and 1,400 Israelis were raped, tortured, murdered and mutilated.........

You have nothing to teach us.......
The only kibbutz that repelled the terrorists just happened to spot them as they entered the property, and the security chief opened her arms room and armed her normally unarmed security guards.
The prediction of 'guns to the rescue' was proven to not apply while an election was being stolen.

And the guns are doing nothing to take it back.

Both pro and con 2A'ers apparently made arrangements to keep the guns out of it. Any violations of the rules would have only resulted in more Babbitts.
Excellent point.

The same guy who says that guns ensure security strangely won’t use his when his security is threatened..opting to post on a message board instead.
Excellent point.

The same guy who says that guns ensure security strangely won’t use his when his security is threatened..opting to post on a message board instead.

You really need to stop posting after you’ve mixed your meds with booze……….your normally dumb posts become even dumber….
Keep in mind that there is no Bill of Rights or 2nd Amendment anywhere in the world except the United States. Countries like Finland could encourage shooting on one day and confiscate all weapons on another day and the people would have to comply.

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