With Roe On Life Support: How The F%^& Did We Get Here?

What happened? Evangelicals began to get into politics … because of desegregation. When public schools were desegregated in the 1950s, white Evangelicals and even some Catholics left in droves, the Evangelicals especially sending their kids to so-called “segregation academies,” religious schools that only admitted white people. (Jerry Falwell ran one.) At the same time as Roe was being argued, those academies were found to be illegal, even though white Christians protested that their religious beliefs compelled them to keep the races separated.

Conservative Evangelicals and Catholics had tended to avoid the mess of politics, and rarely agreed with one another. But with courts forcing white Christians to go to school with Black kids, that changed, and in the late 1970s, the Christian right was born. Yet there was a problem: preserving segregation was no longer an effective unifying issue. And so, Paul Weyrich, Falwell, and other founders of the Christian right — in a history meticulously documented by Randall Balmer — seized on abortion instead.

Abortion was perfect. Support for abortion overlapped with support for desegregation, women’s rights, gay rights, and the sexual revolution. If you fought one, you could fight the others too. Plus abortion was an emotional issue that was easily used to whip up anger and indignation, as well as to drive people to the polls (and to donate money).

The gambit worked. The Christian right got Ronald Reagan elected in 1980, and since then, opposition to abortion has been a defining issue of the Republican Party. And for the last 45 years, the Christian right has been methodically, meticulously planning for this very moment. Christian fundamentalists only supported politicians who were “Pro-Life,” driving moderate Republicans out of the party. They made being “Pro-Life” central to their religious identity. Despite the obvious history, and the total lack of Biblical support, they made “life begins at conception” into dogma.

And they worked to transform the judiciary. Judges and justices began to be vetted for their stances on abortion rights, usually in code. With a newly minted philosophy called “originalism,” legal scholars and judges said that only rights that were “part of our Nation’s history and tradition” were covered by the constitution’s guarantees. No one believed this preposterous idea fifty years ago, but now five Supreme Court justices do.

Jerry Falwell. One of the biggest pieces of shit to ever exist on this planet.
What happen?

The Supreme Court made a shitty ruling in 1973 and the present Supreme Court is correcting it.
You have to earn your rights?

No. Rights are innate, inborn. Says so in the Constitution. Read it again.
I am not saying that one has to earn one's rights. I am saying that if I don't do my duty, your rights have no substance and if you don't do your duty, my rights have no substance.
Hate to tell you, but desegregation failed because neither group wanted it. Neither the blacks NOR the whites. That's why it faded away with a whimper. The only ones who wanted it were the few wealthy cloistered pasty-faced Marxists.
Yes, Blacks really liked having to move to the baggage car when their train stopped in Va. on their trips to visit relatives in the south. Hate to tell you but the confederacy isn`t coming back. Let`s see your study on how much they liked sitting in the back of the bus and having to get off the sidewalk when they saw white people walking on it. Show us what you got.
Yes, Blacks really liked having to move to the baggage car when their train stopped in Va. on their trips to visit relatives in the south. Hate to tell you but the confederacy isn`t coming back. Let`s see your study on how much they liked sitting in the back of the bus and having to get off the sidewalk when they saw white people walking on it. Show us what you got.

Have you had that problem today?

How about yesterday?

Or, as Coulter put it:

"Yes, let's bask in blacks' exquisite grievances against whites a little longer- just in case anyone missed Roots, Do the Right Thing, Amistad, The Color Purple, Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?, Mississippi Burning, The Hurricane, Malcolm X, Monster's Ball, A Raisin in the Sun, To Kill a Mockingbird, Tuskegee Airmen, Ghosts of Mississippi, Ali, The Green Mile and every ABC after-school special ever produced (except the ones about eating disorders) as well as your entire college education and the last fifty years of the New York Times and all other mainstream media outlets issuing hysterical updates on the unending civil rights struggle. In the last two decades, the Times has run more than 250 articles about the Selma march alone. Selma happened nearly half a century ago."

We can't let you forget to vote for Democrats.....

....even though they were the ones responsible for every Jim Crow law, every lynching, every back-of-the-bus demand.

You must be pretty smart.

"With Roe On Life Support: How The F%^& Did We Get Here?"​

Fifty years of hard f%^&ing work...that's how.
What happened? Evangelicals began to get into politics … because of desegregation. When public schools were desegregated in the 1950s, white Evangelicals and even some Catholics left in droves, the Evangelicals especially sending their kids to so-called “segregation academies,” religious schools that only admitted white people. (Jerry Falwell ran one.) At the same time as Roe was being argued, those academies were found to be illegal, even though white Christians protested that their religious beliefs compelled them to keep the races separated.

Conservative Evangelicals and Catholics had tended to avoid the mess of politics, and rarely agreed with one another. But with courts forcing white Christians to go to school with Black kids, that changed, and in the late 1970s, the Christian right was born. Yet there was a problem: preserving segregation was no longer an effective unifying issue. And so, Paul Weyrich, Falwell, and other founders of the Christian right — in a history meticulously documented by Randall Balmer — seized on abortion instead.

Abortion was perfect. Support for abortion overlapped with support for desegregation, women’s rights, gay rights, and the sexual revolution. If you fought one, you could fight the others too. Plus abortion was an emotional issue that was easily used to whip up anger and indignation, as well as to drive people to the polls (and to donate money).

The gambit worked. The Christian right got Ronald Reagan elected in 1980, and since then, opposition to abortion has been a defining issue of the Republican Party. And for the last 45 years, the Christian right has been methodically, meticulously planning for this very moment. Christian fundamentalists only supported politicians who were “Pro-Life,” driving moderate Republicans out of the party. They made being “Pro-Life” central to their religious identity. Despite the obvious history, and the total lack of Biblical support, they made “life begins at conception” into dogma.

And they worked to transform the judiciary. Judges and justices began to be vetted for their stances on abortion rights, usually in code. With a newly minted philosophy called “originalism,” legal scholars and judges said that only rights that were “part of our Nation’s history and tradition” were covered by the constitution’s guarantees. No one believed this preposterous idea fifty years ago, but now five Supreme Court justices do.

Jerry Falwell. One of the biggest pieces of shit to ever exist on this planet.
Since Roe v. Wade, women began using abortion as their chief birth control method. Years later, the "10% of pregnancies that threatened the woman's life " ended half of all the pregnancies in this country (50%). Additionally, that 70 million abortions since Roe v. Wade hit a nerve in the souls of the American people. Planned Parenthool reinvented itself as rather than being a planning for having children turned itself into abortion clinic planners for deaths of half the babies in the nation from coast to coast, from worried families broken up by vicious murders of innocent future American citizens. Murder has its consequences. Abortion isn't murder? Scientists found out that not only is abortion lethal, it also hurts the future children's bodies, and tests showed their deaths caused them horrific pain. Abortion is not perfect because it teaches man and woman alike the wiles of murder, also damages family relationships that makes life worthwhile to all concerned. You're wrong about what abortion is and what it causes. Science is right because it acknowledges that a human beings' life begins at conception, followed by stages of development of the human being. Birth, also is a phase of human development.
Since Roe v. Wade, women began using abortion as their chief birth control method. Years later, the "10% of pregnancies that threatened the woman's life " ended half of all the pregnancies in this country (50%). Additionally, that 70 million abortions since Roe v. Wade hit a nerve in the souls of the American people. Planned Parenthool reinvented itself as rather than being a planning for having children turned itself into abortion clinic planners for deaths of half the babies in the nation from coast to coast, from worried families broken up by vicious murders of innocent future American citizens. Murder has its consequences. Abortion isn't murder? Scientists found out that not only is abortion lethal, it also hurts the future children's bodies, and tests showed their deaths caused them horrific pain. Abortion is not perfect because it teaches man and woman alike the wiles of murder, also damages family relationships that makes life worthwhile to all concerned. You're wrong about what abortion is and what it causes. Science is right because it acknowledges that a human beings' life begins at conception, followed by stages of development of the human being. Birth, also is a phase of human development.
Of course, women enjoyed having abortions. :rolleyes:

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