With record donations, Trump has achieved a feat no former US president ever has

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
We have some really bad news for the Democrats. Former US President Donald Trump is going to come back and he is going to be a lot stronger this time around. With record donations, Trump looks all set to make an impressive comeback during the 2024 US Presidential polls.


The donations raised by Donald Trump’s political committees make one thing clear- despite the unparalleled smear campaign against the former US President by the Democrats, Big Tech and liberal US media, Trump stands tall as a Republican leader. Trump’s supporters haven’t abandoned him despite his de-platforming on social media websites, and the former US President still maintains a good donor network, which he can rely upon to mount a 2024 comeback campaign.

Earlier, groups connected to prominent supporters of former President Donald Trump movement to verify the 2020 election results raised $5.7 million for Arizona Republicans’ election audit. According to the Associated Press, the money from pro- Donald Trump groups dwarfs the $150,000 contributed by the Arizona Senate, which commissioned the audit and hired Cyber Ninjas. The message is loud and clear- Trump’s supporters will come to his rescue, whenever he needs them.

The fact remains that if Trump can raise $5.7 million for a mere election audit in Arizona, one can only imagine the amount in donations that he can generate for his 2024 election bid. The Arizona fundraiser was actually a show of strength and popularity by the groups connected to Donald Trump.

The donations raised by Trump’s political committees actually match up to GOP’s official political arms- the Republican National Committee and the party’s House and Senate campaign committees. This implies that the GOP cannot look beyond the former US President in respect of the race to the White House in 2024.

(Excerpt) Read more at tfiglobalnews.com .
The globalist masters will never allow Trump to become president in 2024. They will stop at nothing to prevent it at all cost, including starting world war 3 or unleashing another Chinese bio-weapon.

In the future, ALL voting will be done by mail or electronically. We will pretend to vote and they will pretend to count it.

Trump knows this. He also knows they fear him (and the MAGA people) more than any other.
We have some really bad news for the Democrats. Former US President Donald Trump is going to come back and he is going to be a lot stronger this time around. With record donations, Trump looks all set to make an impressive comeback during the 2024 US Presidential polls.


The donations raised by Donald Trump’s political committees make one thing clear- despite the unparalleled smear campaign against the former US President by the Democrats, Big Tech and liberal US media, Trump stands tall as a Republican leader. Trump’s supporters haven’t abandoned him despite his de-platforming on social media websites, and the former US President still maintains a good donor network, which he can rely upon to mount a 2024 comeback campaign.

Earlier, groups connected to prominent supporters of former President Donald Trump movement to verify the 2020 election results raised $5.7 million for Arizona Republicans’ election audit. According to the Associated Press, the money from pro- Donald Trump groups dwarfs the $150,000 contributed by the Arizona Senate, which commissioned the audit and hired Cyber Ninjas. The message is loud and clear- Trump’s supporters will come to his rescue, whenever he needs them.

The fact remains that if Trump can raise $5.7 million for a mere election audit in Arizona, one can only imagine the amount in donations that he can generate for his 2024 election bid. The Arizona fundraiser was actually a show of strength and popularity by the groups connected to Donald Trump.

The donations raised by Trump’s political committees actually match up to GOP’s official political arms- the Republican National Committee and the party’s House and Senate campaign committees. This implies that the GOP cannot look beyond the former US President in respect of the race to the White House in 2024.

(Excerpt) Read more at tfiglobalnews.com .
The globalist masters will never allow Trump to become president in 2024. They will stop at nothing to prevent it at all cost, including starting world war 3 or unleashing another Chinese bio-weapon.

In the future, ALL voting will be done by mail or electronically. We will pretend to vote and they will pretend to count it.

Trump knows this. He also knows they fear him (and the MAGA people) more than any other.
But his guy in TX lost anyway. If the same thing happens in OH despite the huge media buy, it’ll go a long way towards proving the emperor has no clothes.

Trump-aligned PAC makes last-minute ad buy in special election for Ohio’s 15th congressional district
We'll see what happens in 2022 and 2024.
My fear is that when the GOP wins both the House and Senate back in 2022 it will be seen as a win for Trump instead of a rejection of democrat policies.
Why would anyone give money to that asshole?
Spite. The same reason democrats raised $5M in 2 days to fund a non-existent challenger to Susan Collins after the Justice K confirmation vote.
not if the corrupted, scum demonRATS can figure a way to lock AMERICA down, so they can halt any elections...if that happens, they best kiss their asses good bye.....true AMERICANS have had enough of this fraudulent administration...
hundreds of thousands illegals coming into AMERICA-minus their chinese flu death jab, being bussed to your town today---ah-choo-----an economy so raunchy, the scum demonRATS are on the brink of bankrupting AMERICA...inflation that just keeps going....basically, the same shitty economy AMERICA had when barrag-o fucked AMERICA
Why would anyone give money to that asshole?
you must mean beijing xiden.....thats the only shit stain you could mean....how are the $3.25 a gallon for gas working out for ya? there was more demand when TRUMP was in DC, and, a hell of a lot more people working....supply and demand have nothing to do with it----corruption and greed of the scum demonRATS will kill AMERICA
ah, another "trump lives rent-free in da libruls head"-thread, eh?
scum demonRAT voters have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems to AMERICA. They're full of diseases like racism, pedophile lovers, chauvinism, corruption, and being compromised by china and russia, and, they believe the scum demonRATS lies,
scum demonRAT voters have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems to AMERICA. They're full of diseases like racism, pedophile lovers, chauvinism, corruption, and being compromised by china and russia, and, they believe the scum demonRATS lies,
All we care about is that he isn’t living rent free in the WH.
We have some really bad news for the Democrats. Former US President Donald Trump is going to come back and he is going to be a lot stronger this time around. With record donations, Trump looks all set to make an impressive comeback during the 2024 US Presidential polls.


The donations raised by Donald Trump’s political committees make one thing clear- despite the unparalleled smear campaign against the former US President by the Democrats, Big Tech and liberal US media, Trump stands tall as a Republican leader. Trump’s supporters haven’t abandoned him despite his de-platforming on social media websites, and the former US President still maintains a good donor network, which he can rely upon to mount a 2024 comeback campaign.

Earlier, groups connected to prominent supporters of former President Donald Trump movement to verify the 2020 election results raised $5.7 million for Arizona Republicans’ election audit. According to the Associated Press, the money from pro- Donald Trump groups dwarfs the $150,000 contributed by the Arizona Senate, which commissioned the audit and hired Cyber Ninjas. The message is loud and clear- Trump’s supporters will come to his rescue, whenever he needs them.

The fact remains that if Trump can raise $5.7 million for a mere election audit in Arizona, one can only imagine the amount in donations that he can generate for his 2024 election bid. The Arizona fundraiser was actually a show of strength and popularity by the groups connected to Donald Trump.

The donations raised by Trump’s political committees actually match up to GOP’s official political arms- the Republican National Committee and the party’s House and Senate campaign committees. This implies that the GOP cannot look beyond the former US President in respect of the race to the White House in 2024.

(Excerpt) Read more at tfiglobalnews.com .
The globalist masters will never allow Trump to become president in 2024. They will stop at nothing to prevent it at all cost, including starting world war 3 or unleashing another Chinese bio-weapon.

In the future, ALL voting will be done by mail or electronically. We will pretend to vote and they will pretend to count it.

Trump knows this. He also knows they fear him (and the MAGA people) more than any other.
He can't be any stronger than 2016.
scum demonRAT voters have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems to AMERICA. They're full of diseases like racism, pedophile lovers, chauvinism, corruption, and being compromised by china and russia, and, they believe the scum demonRATS lies,
So you are calling USMB members that identify as Democrats pedophile lovers or pedophiles?
you must mean beijing xiden.....thats the only shit stain you could mean....how are the $3.25 a gallon for gas working out for ya? there was more demand when TRUMP was in DC, and, a hell of a lot more people working....supply and demand have nothing to do with it----corruption and greed of the scum demonRATS will kill AMERICA
I am paying $2.83 which is a lot higher than the .97 cents we were paying in April 2020 when prices soared under Trump to $2.10 in Jan 2021. Why was Trump so greedy?
Why does the old adage "Fool me once , shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me" pop into my head after reading this thread?
Why would anyone give money to that asshole?

Some of us are glad the Republicans are fighting back to Democrat Nazi oppression, Nevil Chamberlin.

You wouldn't have voted against Hitler in the 20s because the opposition candidate didn't clear your standard for perfection either.

Gipper in Nazi Germany. But the opposition wasn't perfect! This isn't my fault! If you aren't perfect, you are the same!

No, they aren't

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