With multiplying impacts of climate change – increasing floods, cyclones, and drought – thousands of


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
DHAKA, BANGLADESH, Nov 25 2015 (IPS) - With multiplying impacts of climate change – increasing floods, cyclones, and drought – thousands of climate refugees are migrating to Dhaka. And the city, well beyond its carrying capacity, is bursting at the seams.

The word most often associated with Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, is perhaps, “overpopulated.” Supporting more than 14 million people on less than 325 square kilometers (125 square miles) of land, the city’s drainage, waste management and transportation infrastructure is on the brink of collapse.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimates 20 million people will be displaced in Bangladesh in the coming five years. That is more than the cumulative populations of Los Angeles, Chicago and New York City. And this should be very worrying.

Even now, many of the half-a-million-plus people who move their families – along with their hopes – to Dhaka, are driven there by the effects of climate change.
Climate Refugees and a Collapsing City | Inter Press Service

The refugee problems of 50 years from now will make our problems today seem like a walk in the park.
DHAKA, BANGLADESH, Nov 25 2015 (IPS) - With multiplying impacts of climate change – increasing floods, cyclones, and drought – thousands of climate refugees are migrating to Dhaka. And the city, well beyond its carrying capacity, is bursting at the seams.

The word most often associated with Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, is perhaps, “overpopulated.” Supporting more than 14 million people on less than 325 square kilometers (125 square miles) of land, the city’s drainage, waste management and transportation infrastructure is on the brink of collapse.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimates 20 million people will be displaced in Bangladesh in the coming five years. That is more than the cumulative populations of Los Angeles, Chicago and New York City. And this should be very worrying.

Even now, many of the half-a-million-plus people who move their families – along with their hopes – to Dhaka, are driven there by the effects of climate change.
Climate Refugees and a Collapsing City | Inter Press Service

The refugee problems of 50 years from now will make our problems today seem like a walk in the park.

- With multiplying impacts of climate change – increasing floods, cyclones, and drought

Assumes facts not in evidence.
Water, water everywhere...

Widespread flooding hits Midwest with rivers still rising
Wed Dec 30, 2015 - Rain-swollen rivers rose across the U.S. Midwest on Wednesday, forcing the evacuation of hundreds of people, threatening crops and livestock and putting scores of buildings underwater after days of unusual winter flooding that has killed 24 people.
Several major rivers, including the vital Mississippi, were poised to crest at or above record levels, creating floods as the waters surged toward the Gulf of Mexico, the National Weather Service said. Flooding has closed multiple roads and sections of Interstate 44, a major highway that runs from west Texas to St. Louis. Homes and businesses had water up to their roofs in Missouri, while crews in other areas put up sand bag barriers in hopes of keeping out water. Missouri Governor Jay Nixon called the flooding "very historic and dangerous." Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal declared a state of emergency to prepare for inevitable flooding as the waters move south toward his state. Flash flood warnings also were issued farther east for parts of the Carolinas and Georgia, the NWS said.


Submerged roads and houses are seen after several days of heavy rain led to flooding, in an aerial view over Valley Park, Missouri​

At least 24 people have died in Missouri, Illinois, Arkansas and Oklahoma in holiday season flooding after days of downpours that brought as much as 12 inches (30 cm) of rain to some areas. Almost all of the deaths have been caused by people driving into flooded areas. Along the Meramec River in Eureka, Missouri, Mayor Kevin Coffey, said a man had to be rescued from atop the cab of his pick-up truck after spending the night in a parking lot to watch over his gun shop business and then trying to drive away. "This is 4 feet (1.2 meters) above the worst flood we ever had," said Coffey, warming up in a police car after helping to place sandbags around a school. "The town looks like one huge lake."


A house is under water on the banks of the Pea River in Elba, Alabama​

Past historic floods on the Mississippi in 1993, 1995 and 2011 occurred during warm weather, after snow melts up north. AccuWeather senior meteorologist Alex Sosnowski said it is highly unusual to have this kind of flooding in winter and more trouble could come in the spring. "The gun may be loaded again for another major flooding event," said Sosnowski, who cited the El Nino weather pattern as the source of recent heavy rains. "You're not supposed to get this kind of heavy rainfall during the wintertime." Agriculture experts said that water standing more than a week could kill the soft red winter wheat crop. Export premiums for corn and soybeans were at their highest levels in weeks because of stalled barge traffic on the swollen rivers.


See also:

UK bikers patrol flood-hit towns to deter looters
Thu, Dec 31, 2015 - Motorcycle clubs have stepped in to deter looters from targeting flood-hit homes and businesses in the Calderdale Valleys region of northern England.
Nighttime patrols of Hebden Bridge and Mytholmroyd are being carried out by bikers who have come from Bradford and beyond to help, with the blessing of police. “We saw people post on Facebook that they were trying to deter looters and I thought who better to do that but 20, 30 burly bikers,” said Dave Cariss of The Drifters MCC, who has been organizing the patrol with his motorcycle club chairman, Lloyd Spencer. The pair said they had been “overwhelmed” by the response from other clubs, including Pyratz MCC, Broken Bones MCC and Nuntii Mortis MCC, and had been out for the past two nights.


Residents use a canoe to paddle to a property through floodwaters from the rivers Foss and Ouse in York, Britain​

More than 30 bikers were expected to gather on Tuesday night to keep a watchful eye into the early hours. “We are not there to hurt anybody. We are not there to scare anybody. We are just there as a presence to deter people who are trying to take what’s not theirs,” said Cariss, 30, a waterways worker from Bradford. Spencer, who runs the Northern pub on Bradford’s Halifax Road, said the bikers in their leathers and hoodies, and most standing more than 1.8m tall, might look intimidating to would-be looters, but had been welcomed by the local community, who kept them topped up with hot tea and chip butties. “We spread out and go wherever needed. The police understood what we were doing. We are not there to offer anything physical. We just show our faces. Obviously, we are not vigilantes. A lot of us are quite big, chunky lads, so that helps. We don’t have to really say anything, just turn up,” said Spencer, 57, who is 1.96m and weighs 127kg.

He said members patrolled in 4x4s, vans and on foot — but not on motorcycles because they were too dangerous on the water, sewage and diesel-soaked roads. They were gathering each evening at Mytholmroyd community center, and on Monday night they believe their presence scared off would-be burglars at nearby Calder High School. “We got there, found a window open and footprints on the window, so I think they ran off,” Spencer said. “You go into Hebden Bridge, and in parts there is no light, it’s like a warzone. Everybody has dumped everything out on the road because the insurance companies have said if they don’t see it, they won’t pay out. So people are putting fridges out and, of course, it’s scrap metal.” “We didn’t want to go knocking on old people’s doors. I am 6 foot, 5 inches [1.96m] and Dave’s 6 foot-odd, and knocking at some old dear’s door at 9:30pm would probably scare them to death, but we are going to go round tonight and ask if they need anything from shops, because if they are stuck we can nip out and get them some teabags, and things like that,” he said. “We are out until the early hours. Last night it was about 1am, and it will probably be the same tonight, We just drive, park, walk, drive, park, walk. With our torches, looking for anything suspicious.”

For the last two decades, people have been predicting a cooling, and we continue to set records for hear. Looks like it will be three record years in a row now.
For the last two decades, people have been predicting a cooling, and we continue to set records for hear. Looks like it will be three record years in a row now.
good. snow sucks unless its bad enough I get off work.
DHAKA, BANGLADESH, Nov 25 2015 (IPS) - With multiplying impacts of climate change – increasing floods, cyclones, and drought – thousands of climate refugees are migrating to Dhaka. And the city, well beyond its carrying capacity, is bursting at the seams.

The word most often associated with Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, is perhaps, “overpopulated.” Supporting more than 14 million people on less than 325 square kilometers (125 square miles) of land, the city’s drainage, waste management and transportation infrastructure is on the brink of collapse.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimates 20 million people will be displaced in Bangladesh in the coming five years. That is more than the cumulative populations of Los Angeles, Chicago and New York City. And this should be very worrying.

Even now, many of the half-a-million-plus people who move their families – along with their hopes – to Dhaka, are driven there by the effects of climate change.
Climate Refugees and a Collapsing City | Inter Press Service

The refugee problems of 50 years from now will make our problems today seem like a walk in the park.

Funniest OP 2015!!!

What a riot!!
For the last two decades, people have been predicting a cooling, and we continue to set records for hear. Looks like it will be three record years in a row now.

And by records you mean because 93% of the "Excess heat" was absorbed by the deep oceans, right
With multiplying impacts of climate change – increasing floods, cyclones, and drought – thousands of

Come on man.........

The problem here is too much unfiltered data. Wired the world together and now folks can abuse every new factoid that crosses between their ears. We see every drought/flood -- same day it happens. And we see them increasingly often. It's scary for some folks. They have to have an explanation for each and every story.. Just a few decades ago -- about 1/2 of the cyclones and hurricanes were not even named.
The scariness has a little more reality behind it than that. Television, newspapers and magazines have carried news of weather extremes for a good long while. I would reject the idea that the immediacy of today instant communication has increased the amazement that someone in New York experiences when he sees, hears and reads of years-long droughts in California, massive flooding in the midwest and huge Arctic air masses moving towards him.
DHAKA, BANGLADESH, Nov 25 2015 (IPS) - With multiplying impacts of climate change – increasing floods, cyclones, and drought – thousands of climate refugees are migrating to Dhaka. And the city, well beyond its carrying capacity, is bursting at the seams.

The word most often associated with Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, is perhaps, “overpopulated.” Supporting more than 14 million people on less than 325 square kilometers (125 square miles) of land, the city’s drainage, waste management and transportation infrastructure is on the brink of collapse.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimates 20 million people will be displaced in Bangladesh in the coming five years. That is more than the cumulative populations of Los Angeles, Chicago and New York City. And this should be very worrying.

Even now, many of the half-a-million-plus people who move their families – along with their hopes – to Dhaka, are driven there by the effects of climate change.
Climate Refugees and a Collapsing City | Inter Press Service

The refugee problems of 50 years from now will make our problems today seem like a walk in the park.

Lets see...

Not facts to support his conjecture..

The real facts do not support his conjecture. Every thing he cited are LOWER and near record lows by empirical review.

Temps are not higher and only adjusted crap, that has been show fraud (like Karl et Al) are man made adjustments of data unsupported by need or fact.

This is pretty much a fear-mongering, hype filled load of horse shit which Mathew ate hook, line, and sinker...

The scariness has a little more reality behind it than that. Television, newspapers and magazines have carried news of weather extremes for a good long while. I would reject the idea that the immediacy of today instant communication has increased the amazement that someone in New York experiences when he sees, hears and reads of years-long droughts in California, massive flooding in the midwest and huge Arctic air masses moving towards him.

No where near the 24/7 newstream that folks have today. When you were growing up --- if your parents MISSED Walter Cronkite -- that was it.. Today they see the news at the fricking GAS PUMP !!!!

Not only that. But the "junkies" have BBC/Al Jezzera/Matt Drudge IN THEIR POCKETS..

It's easy to believe that this DELUGE of news factoids represents some kind of "new abnormal".. But it's just the RATE of depressing NEWS that has increased..
The problem here is too much unfiltered data. Wired the world together and now folks can abuse every new factoid that crosses between their ears. We see every drought/flood -- same day it happens. And we see them increasingly often. It's scary for some folks. They have to have an explanation for each and every story.. Just a few decades ago -- about 1/2 of the cyclones and hurricanes were not even named.

Now they are even naming winter storms....just to hype the narrative...and a narrative is all that it is.
The scariness has a little more reality behind it than that. Television, newspapers and magazines have carried news of weather extremes for a good long while. I would reject the idea that the immediacy of today instant communication has increased the amazement that someone in New York experiences when he sees, hears and reads of years-long droughts in California, massive flooding in the midwest and huge Arctic air masses moving towards him.

No where near the 24/7 newstream that folks have today. When you were growing up --- if your parents MISSED Walter Cronkite -- that was it.. Today they see the news at the fricking GAS PUMP !!!!

The daily paper and the weekly and monthly magazines were always there

Not only that. But the "junkies" have BBC/Al Jezzera/Matt Drudge IN THEIR POCKETS..

We're talking about a process that will take centuries and related events that last days to months. This isn't like election day

It's easy to believe that this DELUGE of news factoids represents some kind of "new abnormal".. But it's just the RATE of depressing NEWS that has increased..

The deluge of news contains a great deal more than weather reports and stories on the climate. How many times have Skook and friends told us how uninterested the public is in global warming? If there are enough extreme weather events to cause notice in the midst of a deluge of other material (the Kardashians, Justin Bieber, ISIS, Putin, police killing unarmed blacks, blacks shooting police, TRUMP, the election... if the population is alarmed by the weather in the midst of all that, I'd say maybe they should be.
The scariness has a little more reality behind it than that. Television, newspapers and magazines have carried news of weather extremes for a good long while. I would reject the idea that the immediacy of today instant communication has increased the amazement that someone in New York experiences when he sees, hears and reads of years-long droughts in California, massive flooding in the midwest and huge Arctic air masses moving towards him.

No where near the 24/7 newstream that folks have today. When you were growing up --- if your parents MISSED Walter Cronkite -- that was it.. Today they see the news at the fricking GAS PUMP !!!!

The daily paper and the weekly and monthly magazines were always there

Not only that. But the "junkies" have BBC/Al Jezzera/Matt Drudge IN THEIR POCKETS..

We're talking about a process that will take centuries and related events that last days to months. This isn't like election day

It's easy to believe that this DELUGE of news factoids represents some kind of "new abnormal".. But it's just the RATE of depressing NEWS that has increased..

The deluge of news contains a great deal more than weather reports and stories on the climate. How many times have Skook and friends told us how uninterested the public is in global warming? If there are enough extreme weather events to cause notice in the midst of a deluge of other material (the Kardashians, Justin Bieber, ISIS, Putin, police killing unarmed blacks, blacks shooting police, TRUMP, the election... if the population is alarmed by the weather in the midst of all that, I'd say maybe they should be.
But, that isn't the case since the polls say differently. The reason for the discussion is based on the material brought in here and exaggerated spew.

Again, as was your post , hilarious!

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