With Biden's Press Conference He Killed The Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
I just watched President Joe Biden's media appearance on the big bipartisan infrastructure deal struck today and I was just blown away how a President could snatch a defeat out of what should have been the jaws of a giant victory for his Presidency and the nation! Does he really think it is okay with moderate Republicans, Independents and fiscally responsible Democrats that he withhold his signature on this bi-partisan infrastructure bill when both chambers of Congress pass it and send it to his desk until he gets the super foolish and irresponsible Progressive non-infrastructure bill that the White House backs also sent to his desk. Moderate Americans recognize the compelling need for an infrastructure legislation for America so they supported the infrastructure bill but the reckless spending American Families and Human Infrastructure bill is out of the question in regards to supporting. The majority portion of Americans don't think it is responsible to spend $200 billion on universal pre-kindergarten so these children can learn their ABC's when studies tell us that amongst non-low income children after third grade the benefit of pre-K to this group is not statistically significant (universal pre-K for low income communities would be a good Federal policy). The majority portion of the American people believe it is irresponsible to give $300 billion dollars of tax credits to corporations so they can reduce their carbon emissions footprint, the Federal government is already doing a lot on the climate protection front forcing America's passenger vehicle fleet to convert to electric vehicles and dramatically improving renewable power generation into the nation's power generation mix where is big polluting countries like India and China commitment on this issue lets not have America be a foolish country here! The majority portion of the American people believe it is irresponsible to spend $400 billion to expand access to home or community-based care for the elderly and people with disabilities; they view the issue as the Federal and State government is already doing a lot on this matter there is probably more the Federal government should be doing but the big and key criteria here should be what is necessary additional spending for some American families Mom or Dad have lost the ability to care for themselves so the family needs help what is that "necessary help" that should be the sole objective here!

President Biden's views on this bi-partisan infrastructure deal are incredibly dumb. I don't know Senator Mitt Romney, Senator Lisa Murkowski and Senator Susan Collins but I am one-hundred percent sure they are not imbeciles and that is what they would have to be to go along with President Biden's views. President Biden is saying these Senators went along with deal where they would commit to backing this bipartisan infrastructure bill with their vote and the other side of the deal for them is that President Biden is committing to sign this bill when it passes both chambers of Congress and lands on his desk but only if there is this Progressive Family Plan bill also landing on his desk awaiting his signature. I don't think so Mr. President these Senators are fiscally responsible representatives not in a million years would these Senators agree to facilitate the passage into law a spending bill that deserves to be labeled as something just short of the arrival into the world of the "Four Horseman of the Apocalypse"! President Biden is so foolish here linking these two bills, linkage means no Republicans vote for it and it fails; non-linkage means the bill has a chance of passage the reason for the chance designation is that some Democrat members of Congress won't vote for it because it does not spend nearly as much as they want spent so Republican members of Congress votes will need to be acquired to make up for the absence of these Democrat votes! These Republican votes can be acquired because the country desperately needs this infrastructure spending and this bipartisan deal is defendable for Republicans that vote for it!
I just watched President Joe Biden's media appearance on the big bipartisan infrastructure deal struck today and I was just blown away how a President could snatch a defeat out of what should have been the jaws of a giant victory for his Presidency and the nation! Does he really think it is okay with moderate Republicans, Independents and fiscally responsible Democrats that he withhold his signature on this bi-partisan infrastructure bill when both chambers of Congress pass it and send it to his desk until he gets the super foolish and irresponsible Progressive non-infrastructure bill that the White House backs also sent to his desk. Moderate Americans recognize the compelling need for an infrastructure legislation for America so they supported the infrastructure bill but the reckless spending American Families and Human Infrastructure bill is out of the question in regards to supporting. The majority portion of Americans don't think it is responsible to spend $200 billion on universal pre-kindergarten so these children can learn their ABC's when studies tell us that amongst non-low income children after third grade the benefit of pre-K to this group is not statistically significant (universal pre-K for low income communities would be a good Federal policy). The majority portion of the American people believe it is irresponsible to give $300 billion dollars of tax credits to corporations so they can reduce their carbon emissions footprint, the Federal government is already doing a lot on the climate protection front forcing America's passenger vehicle fleet to convert to electric vehicles and dramatically improving renewable power generation into the nation's power generation mix where is big polluting countries like India and China commitment on this issue lets not have America be a foolish country here! The majority portion of the American people believe it is irresponsible to spend $400 billion to expand access to home or community-based care for the elderly and people with disabilities; they view the issue as the Federal and State government is already doing a lot on this matter there is probably more the Federal government should be doing but the big and key criteria here should be what is necessary additional spending for some American families Mom or Dad have lost the ability to care for themselves so the family needs help what is that "necessary help" that should be the sole objective here!

President Biden's views on this bi-partisan infrastructure deal are incredibly dumb. I don't know Senator Mitt Romney, Senator Lisa Murkowski and Senator Susan Collins but I am one-hundred percent sure they are not imbeciles and that is what they would have to be to go along with President Biden's views. President Biden is saying these Senators went along with deal where they would commit to backing this bipartisan infrastructure bill with their vote and the other side of the deal for them is that President Biden is committing to sign this bill when it passes both chambers of Congress and lands on his desk but only if there is this Progressive Family Plan bill also landing on his desk awaiting his signature. I don't think so Mr. President these Senators are fiscally responsible representatives not in a million years would these Senators agree to facilitate the passage into law a spending bill that deserves to be labeled as something just short of the arrival into the world of the "Four Horseman of the Apocalypse"! President Biden is so foolish here linking these two bills, linkage means no Republicans vote for it and it fails; non-linkage means the bill has a chance of passage the reason for the chance designation is that some Democrat members of Congress won't vote for it because it does not spend nearly as much as they want spent so Republican members of Congress votes will need to be acquired to make up for the absence of these Democrat votes! These Republican votes can be acquired because the country desperately needs this infrastructure spending and this bipartisan deal is defendable for Republicans that vote for it!
He killed the bi-partisan agreement by telling the press there was one agreed to?..in what part of the right wing alternative universe does that happen.

With Biden's Press Conference He Killed The Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal!​

All I can say, Jim, is that I hope Joe just gets it signed ASAP. We need those 500,000 charging stations for all the electric cars that don't exist. While gas stations typically have between 8 and 30 refueling pumps per station, Joe's bill will give us one recharging place to plug in a car ever 7.6 miles.

I can't wait to see all the electric cars sitting around abandoned along the highway out of electricity.
That bill has to be crammed to the hilt with worthless Progressive bullshit, just like the Covid bill.

Democrats are terrible at fiscal responsibility. They will bankrupt the country for their filthy ass welfare programs.
I just watched President Joe Biden's media appearance on the big bipartisan infrastructure deal struck today and I was just blown away how a President could snatch a defeat out of what should have been the jaws of a giant victory for his Presidency and the nation! Does he really think it is okay with moderate Republicans, Independents and fiscally responsible Democrats that he withhold his signature on this bi-partisan infrastructure bill when both chambers of Congress pass it and send it to his desk until he gets the super foolish and irresponsible Progressive non-infrastructure bill that the White House backs also sent to his desk. Moderate Americans recognize the compelling need for an infrastructure legislation for America so they supported the infrastructure bill but the reckless spending American Families and Human Infrastructure bill is out of the question in regards to supporting. The majority portion of Americans don't think it is responsible to spend $200 billion on universal pre-kindergarten so these children can learn their ABC's when studies tell us that amongst non-low income children after third grade the benefit of pre-K to this group is not statistically significant (universal pre-K for low income communities would be a good Federal policy). The majority portion of the American people believe it is irresponsible to give $300 billion dollars of tax credits to corporations so they can reduce their carbon emissions footprint, the Federal government is already doing a lot on the climate protection front forcing America's passenger vehicle fleet to convert to electric vehicles and dramatically improving renewable power generation into the nation's power generation mix where is big polluting countries like India and China commitment on this issue lets not have America be a foolish country here! The majority portion of the American people believe it is irresponsible to spend $400 billion to expand access to home or community-based care for the elderly and people with disabilities; they view the issue as the Federal and State government is already doing a lot on this matter there is probably more the Federal government should be doing but the big and key criteria here should be what is necessary additional spending for some American families Mom or Dad have lost the ability to care for themselves so the family needs help what is that "necessary help" that should be the sole objective here!

President Biden's views on this bi-partisan infrastructure deal are incredibly dumb. I don't know Senator Mitt Romney, Senator Lisa Murkowski and Senator Susan Collins but I am one-hundred percent sure they are not imbeciles and that is what they would have to be to go along with President Biden's views. President Biden is saying these Senators went along with deal where they would commit to backing this bipartisan infrastructure bill with their vote and the other side of the deal for them is that President Biden is committing to sign this bill when it passes both chambers of Congress and lands on his desk but only if there is this Progressive Family Plan bill also landing on his desk awaiting his signature. I don't think so Mr. President these Senators are fiscally responsible representatives not in a million years would these Senators agree to facilitate the passage into law a spending bill that deserves to be labeled as something just short of the arrival into the world of the "Four Horseman of the Apocalypse"! President Biden is so foolish here linking these two bills, linkage means no Republicans vote for it and it fails; non-linkage means the bill has a chance of passage the reason for the chance designation is that some Democrat members of Congress won't vote for it because it does not spend nearly as much as they want spent so Republican members of Congress votes will need to be acquired to make up for the absence of these Democrat votes! These Republican votes can be acquired because the country desperately needs this infrastructure spending and this bipartisan deal is defendable for Republicans that vote for it!
Wow, interesting tactic. I don’t see how it would sway or motivate Reps to pass the other bill. They got ammo to attack if he doesn’t sign this one soon
That bill has to be crammed to the hilt with worthless Progressive bullshit, just like the Covid bill.

Democrats are terrible at fiscal responsibility. They will bankrupt the country for their filthy ass welfare programs.
How exactly will they bankrupt the country?
He killed the bi-partisan agreement by telling the press there was one agreed to?..in what part of the right wing alternative universe does that happen.
as I understand it biden is saying he won't sign the infrastructure bill that is "only" $1 trillion unless he gets a second spending bill to go along with it.

And the 2nd bill is being estimated at up to $6 trillion

If this is true the dems in washington have totally lost their minds

What do you think about this Mac1958?

Is the what you voted for?
That bill has to be crammed to the hilt with worthless Progressive bullshit, just like the Covid bill.

Democrats are terrible at fiscal responsibility. They will bankrupt the country for their filthy ass welfare programs.
How exactly will they bankrupt the country?

They are borrowing over a trillion a year and is already in debt for almost $30 trillion and the shitheads are talking about increasing taxes, which will devastate the economy, so where the hell is the money coming from?

Obama caused the Treasury bills to be devalued in risk and this piece of shit Joe Dufus is on a path to do worse.

Only a fucking idiot would have voted for this worthless asshole and then ignore the fact he stole the election. Shame!.
That bill has to be crammed to the hilt with worthless Progressive bullshit, just like the Covid bill.

Democrats are terrible at fiscal responsibility. They will bankrupt the country for their filthy ass welfare programs.

But it does have a spiffy name that just screams "infrastructure", doesn't it?

"The American Jobs Plan."


Except with the printers at the FED going Brrrrr and all this free government money being dumped all over the country, who the fuck wants a job anyway?

Killing A $1 trillion Infrastructure bill that has only 5% of the money going to actual infrastructure is a GOOD thing.

This is 1 time Biden being a f*-up may actually benefit America.

Killing A $1 trillion Infrastructure bill that has only 5% of the money going to actual infrastructure is a GOOD thing.

I highly doubt that the $1 tril bipartisan infrastructure bill agreed to today has only 5% going to actual infrastructure, that was based on the original $2.5 tril or whatever it was that Biden proposed. What Biden and the dems are doing is trying to pressure Manchin and every other democrat into agreeing to the $6 tril monstrosity that gives them everything they want. I suspect it won't be long until the GOP kills the bipartisan bill if that is the case. Interested to see what Manchin does now, is he going to support that huge $6 tril bill through reconciliation? Or will he require support for the bipartisan bill or refuse to support the $6 tril bill in reconciiation?

I suspect if they do link the 2 bills together that then it will be very hard for the dems to keep the WH in 2024, or the House and Senate in 2022. Too many people outside of the deep blue states don't like that much spending and debt. Say what you want about Trump, he wasn't THAT crazy. Me personally, I think we oughta tell Biden and the dems to go fuck themselves. Pass and sign the bipartisan $1 tril bill and then see what you can do in reconciliation. Otherwise nothing gets done and it won't be on the GOP.
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I just watched President Joe Biden's media appearance on the big bipartisan infrastructure deal struck today and I was just blown away how a President could snatch a defeat out of what should have been the jaws of a giant victory for his Presidency and the nation! Does he really think it is okay with moderate Republicans, Independents and fiscally responsible Democrats that he withhold his signature on this bi-partisan infrastructure bill when both chambers of Congress pass it and send it to his desk until he gets the super foolish and irresponsible Progressive non-infrastructure bill that the White House backs also sent to his desk. Moderate Americans recognize the compelling need for an infrastructure legislation for America so they supported the infrastructure bill but the reckless spending American Families and Human Infrastructure bill is out of the question in regards to supporting. The majority portion of Americans don't think it is responsible to spend $200 billion on universal pre-kindergarten so these children can learn their ABC's when studies tell us that amongst non-low income children after third grade the benefit of pre-K to this group is not statistically significant (universal pre-K for low income communities would be a good Federal policy). The majority portion of the American people believe it is irresponsible to give $300 billion dollars of tax credits to corporations so they can reduce their carbon emissions footprint, the Federal government is already doing a lot on the climate protection front forcing America's passenger vehicle fleet to convert to electric vehicles and dramatically improving renewable power generation into the nation's power generation mix where is big polluting countries like India and China commitment on this issue lets not have America be a foolish country here! The majority portion of the American people believe it is irresponsible to spend $400 billion to expand access to home or community-based care for the elderly and people with disabilities; they view the issue as the Federal and State government is already doing a lot on this matter there is probably more the Federal government should be doing but the big and key criteria here should be what is necessary additional spending for some American families Mom or Dad have lost the ability to care for themselves so the family needs help what is that "necessary help" that should be the sole objective here!

President Biden's views on this bi-partisan infrastructure deal are incredibly dumb. I don't know Senator Mitt Romney, Senator Lisa Murkowski and Senator Susan Collins but I am one-hundred percent sure they are not imbeciles and that is what they would have to be to go along with President Biden's views. President Biden is saying these Senators went along with deal where they would commit to backing this bipartisan infrastructure bill with their vote and the other side of the deal for them is that President Biden is committing to sign this bill when it passes both chambers of Congress and lands on his desk but only if there is this Progressive Family Plan bill also landing on his desk awaiting his signature. I don't think so Mr. President these Senators are fiscally responsible representatives not in a million years would these Senators agree to facilitate the passage into law a spending bill that deserves to be labeled as something just short of the arrival into the world of the "Four Horseman of the Apocalypse"! President Biden is so foolish here linking these two bills, linkage means no Republicans vote for it and it fails; non-linkage means the bill has a chance of passage the reason for the chance designation is that some Democrat members of Congress won't vote for it because it does not spend nearly as much as they want spent so Republican members of Congress votes will need to be acquired to make up for the absence of these Democrat votes! These Republican votes can be acquired because the country desperately needs this infrastructure spending and this bipartisan deal is defendable for Republicans that vote for it!
He killed the bi-partisan agreement by telling the press there was one agreed to?..in what part of the right wing alternative universe does that happen.
The pouty little trump fluffer branch of the right wing.
That bill has to be crammed to the hilt with worthless Progressive bullshit, just like the Covid bill.

Democrats are terrible at fiscal responsibility. They will bankrupt the country for their filthy ass welfare programs.
How exactly will they bankrupt the country?

They are borrowing over a trillion a year and is already in debt for almost $30 trillion and the shitheads are talking about increasing taxes, which will devastate the economy, so where the hell is the money coming from?

Obama caused the Treasury bills to be devalued in risk and this piece of shit Joe Dufus is on a path to do worse.

Only a fucking idiot would have voted for this worthless asshole and then ignore the fact he stole the election. Shame!.
Where has the money ever come from?! We have "borrowed" and deficit spent almost every year of the past century. Which negative effects have impacted you?
I just watched President Joe Biden's media appearance on the big bipartisan infrastructure deal struck today and I was just blown away how a President could snatch a defeat out of what should have been the jaws of a giant victory for his Presidency and the nation! Does he really think it is okay with moderate Republicans, Independents and fiscally responsible Democrats that he withhold his signature on this bi-partisan infrastructure bill when both chambers of Congress pass it and send it to his desk until he gets the super foolish and irresponsible Progressive non-infrastructure bill that the White House backs also sent to his desk. Moderate Americans recognize the compelling need for an infrastructure legislation for America so they supported the infrastructure bill but the reckless spending American Families and Human Infrastructure bill is out of the question in regards to supporting. The majority portion of Americans don't think it is responsible to spend $200 billion on universal pre-kindergarten so these children can learn their ABC's when studies tell us that amongst non-low income children after third grade the benefit of pre-K to this group is not statistically significant (universal pre-K for low income communities would be a good Federal policy). The majority portion of the American people believe it is irresponsible to give $300 billion dollars of tax credits to corporations so they can reduce their carbon emissions footprint, the Federal government is already doing a lot on the climate protection front forcing America's passenger vehicle fleet to convert to electric vehicles and dramatically improving renewable power generation into the nation's power generation mix where is big polluting countries like India and China commitment on this issue lets not have America be a foolish country here! The majority portion of the American people believe it is irresponsible to spend $400 billion to expand access to home or community-based care for the elderly and people with disabilities; they view the issue as the Federal and State government is already doing a lot on this matter there is probably more the Federal government should be doing but the big and key criteria here should be what is necessary additional spending for some American families Mom or Dad have lost the ability to care for themselves so the family needs help what is that "necessary help" that should be the sole objective here!

President Biden's views on this bi-partisan infrastructure deal are incredibly dumb. I don't know Senator Mitt Romney, Senator Lisa Murkowski and Senator Susan Collins but I am one-hundred percent sure they are not imbeciles and that is what they would have to be to go along with President Biden's views. President Biden is saying these Senators went along with deal where they would commit to backing this bipartisan infrastructure bill with their vote and the other side of the deal for them is that President Biden is committing to sign this bill when it passes both chambers of Congress and lands on his desk but only if there is this Progressive Family Plan bill also landing on his desk awaiting his signature. I don't think so Mr. President these Senators are fiscally responsible representatives not in a million years would these Senators agree to facilitate the passage into law a spending bill that deserves to be labeled as something just short of the arrival into the world of the "Four Horseman of the Apocalypse"! President Biden is so foolish here linking these two bills, linkage means no Republicans vote for it and it fails; non-linkage means the bill has a chance of passage the reason for the chance designation is that some Democrat members of Congress won't vote for it because it does not spend nearly as much as they want spent so Republican members of Congress votes will need to be acquired to make up for the absence of these Democrat votes! These Republican votes can be acquired because the country desperately needs this infrastructure spending and this bipartisan deal is defendable for Republicans that vote for it!
He killed the bi-partisan agreement by telling the press there was one agreed to?..in what part of the right wing alternative universe does that happen.
In reality world, he insisted he would only sign this bill if everything that was taken out of it was jammed into another bill for him to sign. That's just dumb, because he just cut Congress off at the knees by dictating what they have to pass. All their deliberations and compromises just went out the window as far as he's concerned.
PROGS took a poll suggesting that 6 of 10 conservatives approve the bill :abgg2q.jpg:Fucking polls:

First question: What's 1 plus 1 divided by 1?

The answer is one: Okay, you met the first filter.

How do you feel about the infrastructure bill you know nothing about?

Biden thinks he's dealing with children who can't easily see right through his dimwitted scheme. Solipsism in its simplest form.
Biden thinks he's dealing with children who can't easily see right through his dimwitted scheme. Solipsism in its simplest form.

Sorry, I disagree. Xiden has dementia but he's been the game long enough to recognize leftists are children. Spoiled young children to be exact, their core traits are a dead match.
Someone needs to tell me "who's on first"?
There was a deal, now there isn't, except Xiden still thinks there is, but Nancy and Bernie said there isn't...

Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Budget Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders issued similar threats.
“We will not take up a bill in the House until the Senate passes the bipartisan bill and a reconciliation bill,” Pelosi said last week. “If there is no bipartisan bill, then we’ll just go when the Senate passes a reconciliation bill.”

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