We tried doing intelligence your way for nearly twenty years. What did we get to show for it? Khobar towers, two embassies, The USS Cole, God alone knows how many Americans kidnaped and brutalized over seas by terrorist and their allies, and finally WTC and the Pentagon blown up. The United Kingdom and Spain tried playing it your way and got trains and subways blown to hell.
Pardon me for being blunt but it shold be clear by now to even the worst of idiots that your way doesn't work worth a crap and further gets too many of the wrong people killed.
Something a little more proactive than name rank and jihad number seems to be in order.
Incidently Geneva doesn't apply to spies and saboteurs and that is precisely what Al queada operates as. Oh and if it is wrong to hold these people indefinitely (until the war ends and it isn't our fault that these morons seem inlcined to fight until either Christ or the 12th Imam or whatever the hell comes back) please tell me what the hell FDR was doing with all those German POWs (thousands of them I might add) Imprisoned until the War ended?
Pardon me for being blunt but it shold be clear by now to even the worst of idiots that your way doesn't work worth a crap and further gets too many of the wrong people killed.
Something a little more proactive than name rank and jihad number seems to be in order.
Incidently Geneva doesn't apply to spies and saboteurs and that is precisely what Al queada operates as. Oh and if it is wrong to hold these people indefinitely (until the war ends and it isn't our fault that these morons seem inlcined to fight until either Christ or the 12th Imam or whatever the hell comes back) please tell me what the hell FDR was doing with all those German POWs (thousands of them I might add) Imprisoned until the War ended?