Wisconsin Collective Bargaining Law is Working

No, thats your whine...

Wisconson couldn't afford to pay for the sweetheart plans anymore... Saved 2500 jobs in the process and it looks like, by the OP, some districts will be able to afford to hire more teachers...

Why is that bad?

Balancing the books on the backs of the working class?
We must learn to be satisfied with less is what i have been saying since before the recession began.
I caught all kinds of hell from the right for it.
And raising property taxes and state income taxes isn't "Balancing the books on the backs of the working class"?

did I say that is wasn't?
Unlike many on the right I can think in terms other than this or that.
I can actually think in terms of this and that.
But raising taxes on hedge fund managers and the top 1% is not doing it on the back of the working class.

I just have said for years that we must learn to live with less, the golden age of America is past.
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Then what you're saying is that we can't afford to pay hard working men and women a decent wage and benefits to do the work you expect to be done.


No, thats your whine...

Wisconson couldn't afford to pay for the sweetheart plans anymore... Saved 2500 jobs in the process and it looks like, by the OP, some districts will be able to afford to hire more teachers...

Why is that bad?

Balancing the books on the backs of the working class?
We must learn to be satisfied with less is what i have been saying since before the recession began.
I caught all kinds of hell from the right for it.

Balancing the books on the backs of all Wisconson taxpayers, not just the ones who don't have the sweetheart union deals...
Balancing the books on the backs of the working class?
We must learn to be satisfied with less is what i have been saying since before the recession began.
I caught all kinds of hell from the right for it.
And raising property taxes and state income taxes isn't "Balancing the books on the backs of the working class"?

did I say that is wasn't?
Unlike many on the right I can think in terms other than this or that.
I can actually think in terms of this and that.
But raising taxes on hedge fund managers and the top 1% is not doing it on the back of the working class.

I just have said for years that we must learn to live with less, the golden age of America is past.
Wisconsin should tax hedge fund managers?
No, thats your whine...

Wisconson couldn't afford to pay for the sweetheart plans anymore... Saved 2500 jobs in the process and it looks like, by the OP, some districts will be able to afford to hire more teachers...

Why is that bad?

Balancing the books on the backs of the working class?
We must learn to be satisfied with less is what i have been saying since before the recession began.
I caught all kinds of hell from the right for it.
And raising property taxes and state income taxes isn't "Balancing the books on the backs of the working class"?

Last I heard wealthy people usually owned property and had an income. You won't find many wealthy people working as teachers or firefighters or police officers
It's not on the surface. But let's see what the test scores do and teacher retention does. THEN I'll make a judgement call. Sounds like you already made up your mind.


You tried that bullshit earlier...

The goal of Wisconsin's recent legislature was to reduce costs, not increase test scores...

If you want to increase test scores, then make it easier to fire lousy teachers with tenure and find some magic way of getting more of the loser parents to care about their kids education...

Yep lower real pay will attract lots of quality teachers.

Lets lower college sports coaches pay as well?

Just do not touch hedge fund managers pay!

Except pay for the teachers wasn't lowered, dumbass... They just had to kick in a little bit more for their plans and it saved 2500 public workers from joining the 0bama unemployment list... As the OP shows, iut looks lik some may be able to be hired and remove themselves from 0bama's legacy list...

Pay certainly would have been lowered for the 2500 who would have gotten pink slips...

Love the coachs and hedge fund manager strawmen, though...:thup:
And raising property taxes and state income taxes isn't "Balancing the books on the backs of the working class"?

did I say that is wasn't?
Unlike many on the right I can think in terms other than this or that.
I can actually think in terms of this and that.
But raising taxes on hedge fund managers and the top 1% is not doing it on the back of the working class.

I just have said for years that we must learn to live with less, the golden age of America is past.
Wisconsin should tax hedge fund managers?

they should tax their income at the same rate as any other income. do they? I really do not know. I know the feds do not.
Do you know?
And raising property taxes and state income taxes isn't "Balancing the books on the backs of the working class"?

did I say that is wasn't?
Unlike many on the right I can think in terms other than this or that.
I can actually think in terms of this and that.
But raising taxes on hedge fund managers and the top 1% is not doing it on the back of the working class.

I just have said for years that we must learn to live with less, the golden age of America is past.
Wisconsin should tax hedge fund managers?

Don't mind him - he's wasted....

Apparently all the hedge fund managers are heading to the booming hedge fund state of Wisconsin....;)
did I say that is wasn't?
Unlike many on the right I can think in terms other than this or that.
I can actually think in terms of this and that.
But raising taxes on hedge fund managers and the top 1% is not doing it on the back of the working class.

I just have said for years that we must learn to live with less, the golden age of America is past.
Wisconsin should tax hedge fund managers?

Don't mind him - he's wasted....

Apparently all the hedge fund managers are heading to the booming hedge fund state of Wisconsin....;)

K focus on hedge fund managers and forget all else I said. Fine with me Assholeio.
Why can't you acknowledge that he paid far money money than she did?

And I'm certain I pay far, far more than you. What's the problem?

And yet, you still can't acknowledge that Buffet pays more than his secretary. :lol:

Sure he pays more. He also receives more. Do you think the Treas Sec would take a call from Warren or his secretary? Do you think that the secretary gets to sit in when bills are being written up for legislation?
And I'm certain I pay far, far more than you. What's the problem?

And yet, you still can't acknowledge that Buffet pays more than his secretary. :lol:

Sure he pays more. He also receives more. Do you think the Treas Sec would take a call from Warren or his secretary? Do you think that the secretary gets to sit in when bills are being written up for legislation?
Remind me again...what's keeping Buffet from sending more of his money to the government?
Sure he pays more. He also receives more. Do you think the Treas Sec would take a call from Warren or his secretary? Do you think that the secretary gets to sit in when bills are being written up for legislation?

He doesn't receive jack for paying higher taxes. Have Timmy Geithner take his calls and sitting in on bills is the result of political donations, not the amount of taxes he pays.
I don't think anything is keeping Buffet or anyone else from sending more of their money to the gov.

What does that have to do with the inequity in taxing those closer to the subsistence level at a higher rate than multi-billionaires?
so were you a member of a private sector or a public sector union? because in the early thread on walker and wiscy when this all started said you were a member of a private sector union and I had to explain why your experience as private sector guy wasn't germane.........remember that?

If it's any of your business.....With the recent sale of my plant we now sell our electricity on the open market. But the end user is a public consumer that has no choice but to pay whatever the costs are. So my union is not public in the traditional sense but we worked for a public owned utility.

Anything else? :eusa_whistle:


none of my bus.? :razz:

so you were full of poopy or you're now making yourself out to be Bill O
Reilly....you been everywhere and done everything....elected official, private sector union member,-shop steward, Public sector union member- shop steward, public pool cabana boy.........:lol:

ok bill, whatever. :rolleyes:

Yup, I've led a very active life thus far. Worked in the power plant for 30 years (operator and plant safety coordinator), served 10 years on the county board (the last two as vice-chair), haz-mat officer on a volunteer FD, chair of the local LEPC (look it up), Master Mason, Jacees, etc. You don't want to believe me that's your right but every word's the absolute truth.

Sooo.....what do you do for a living in the public employees union you belong to? What outside interests do you get involved with? Or is that a secret?

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You tried that bullshit earlier...

The goal of Wisconsin's recent legislature was to reduce costs, not increase test scores...

If you want to increase test scores, then make it easier to fire lousy teachers with tenure and find some magic way of getting more of the loser parents to care about their kids education...

Yep lower real pay will attract lots of quality teachers.

Lets lower college sports coaches pay as well?

Just do not touch hedge fund managers pay!

Except pay for the teachers wasn't lowered, dumbass... They just had to kick in a little bit more for their plans and it saved 2500 public workers from joining the 0bama unemployment list... As the OP shows, iut looks lik some may be able to be hired and remove themselves from 0bama's legacy list...

Pay certainly would have been lowered for the 2500 who would have gotten pink slips...

Love the coachs and hedge fund manager strawmen, though...:thup:

And as was already pointed out (as if you didn't know) it wasn't about the money you dipshit. It was about the orders the Koch brothers gave to Walker to get rid of the bargaining rights. Try to keep up please.
Sean Hannity praised him for his "budgeting skills". Does this mean you won't like him, now?

If I stopped supporting anyone who was also supported by an asshole, I wouldn't have anyone to support.

Cuomo has simply proven that all the Republican governors who have been insisting they HAD to destroy the public sector unions in order to get things done

are full of shit.

second time I am asking in this thread ...focus....and 'be careful'....

so the Wisconsin unions are destroyed? wow who knew..

can you link to that please?

third time I am asking in this thread ...focus....and 'be careful'....

The new law makes it illegal for public employees unions to bargain collectively for anything but wages, though there are exemptions for police and firefighters. It also imposes hurdles to union representation, bars the automatic collection of union dues from employees' paychecks and requires public employee unions to win certification elections every year with at least one vote more over 50 percent of all eligible employees - not just those participating in the election.

That destroys those unions effected.

Courthouse News Service
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And let's not forget, Walker got millions in savings in his budget by raising taxes on Wisconsin's low income workers:

Low-income taxpayers in Wisconsin would lose hundreds of dollars in tax credits a year under Gov. Scott Walker’s proposed budget — at the same time the governor wants tax cuts for businesses and investors to boost jobs.

Read more: Walker's budget slashes tax credits that aid poor
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Balancing the books on the backs of the working class?
We must learn to be satisfied with less is what i have been saying since before the recession began.
I caught all kinds of hell from the right for it.
And raising property taxes and state income taxes isn't "Balancing the books on the backs of the working class"?

Last I heard wealthy people usually owned property and had an income. You won't find many wealthy people working as teachers or firefighters or police officers
Last I heard, lots of middle class people own property and have incomes. Both of which are taxed to pay public employee salaries and benefits.

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