Wisconsin Collective Bargaining Law is Working

Ahh heck if they are paid less then they should work less hard. Makes the job easier. Thats the philosophy I have passed onto all my kids. Work as hard as you are paid. If you feel cheated, put it on coast. Thats the way the system is designed.
Nope, you missed the point entirely (why am I not surprised?). I never once complained (and neither does she) about her pay. Yes she could make more in the private scetor (and has turned down a better paying job) but she's happy teaching kids. But while you guys slam her for being lazy and overpaid I will of course take you to task for it.

I'm not slamming your wife. Only your argument.

She's being paid a compensation package agreed upon by the municipality. They have the right to do what they want and make as dumb a deal as they want. If they feel that her teaching skills warrant an 82k a year job (Pay plus benefits) far be it for me to stop them.

But for you to come in here and whine by proxy about how underpaid teachers are, when your personal experience is much different? You destroy your entire argument. I'm sure I'd have no problem living in the TC on $1000 a week plus awesome benefits.

Yep. Y'all got it rough.

Never did I say she was underpaid. I pointed out she could make more elsewhere when you guys keep saying she's overpaid. I'm not saying she's over or underpaid. She's under contract and both she and the district are happy with the arrangement. So what's you guys' beef?

Uhhh huh. Whoosh! I think I saw the goal posts fly by!

You fight about how underpaid and picked on teachers are in the abstract, but then to try and back up your argument you bring up the specific case of your wife. She, it turns out, makes (which if you'd stop bringing her into this, she'd get left alone) excellent pay and benefits, potentially far better than those in the community she works. You 'whine' about her salary being spread over the entire year, and it turns out to be darn near 250% greater than mine, plus benefits to die for??? And you say it's unfair to make teachers in WI pay 12% more of their salary into retirement and health benefits?

And to top it off, the money saved, not only saves every job in the district, it saves the town of Kaukauna from a 400k shortfall and give it a 1.5 million! This is an aggregate bad?

Wow, you're truly fucked in the noggin.
Yes but I'm unsure how much it is, perhaps 25%? But she does pay a hefty sum into her retirement benefits.


whoooa what?

she; your wife as a teacher for the state contributed 25% of her pay per paycheck to her defined pension plan?

Tell me that one more time please, you must have mistyped.

whats her retirement per year %?? 2% 2.5, 3?

No. My survivor benefit is 25%. She only gets 28K for a pension plus medical that she has to pay a percentage of. You do the math.


thats not what I asked back there goose. I asked you if you realized how much more than simply the cash she would get, the 28K per year is in Value, BECAUSE its a DEFINED pension plan.

so, please, can you craft a response to the question please.Tha nk you.
You believe that paying teachers less will result in better teachers.

Where has that EVER happened????
Talk about misconstruing your entire argument. They are getting a far better deal than damn near the entire public sector and you're claiming they're unfairly having their pay cut!

Moving the goalposts isn't enough anymore, you gotta change stadiums and sports?

I make more money and get better benefits than my wife and all I have is a HS diploma and work a blue collar job.

Obviously you must not deserve it. Perhaps you are the one that your beloved P-BO should be taxing a lot more to help out us poor people.

Tell me, do you take ANY deductions for your taxes? If so, how do you justify that against your ethics of robbing the rich? you're much richer than me and many others then.
When you slam all teachers that includes my wife.


dude, that is such an outrageous ridiculous statement, its unreal. If YOU want to personalize this, hey count me out, that's YOUR gig. be civil to me....as I am civil to you.

Let's say you were a taxi driver and I said all taxi drivers stink and are sex fiends. Are you saying you wouldn't be offended?


well now, see you're going to have to have it out now, you should have not posted that.

please re-post what I said that is insulting to teachers.
whoooa what?

she; your wife as a teacher for the state contributed 25% of her pay per paycheck to her defined pension plan?

Tell me that one more time please, you must have mistyped.

whats her retirement per year %?? 2% 2.5, 3?

No. My survivor benefit is 25%. She only gets 28K for a pension plus medical that she has to pay a percentage of. You do the math.


thats not what I asked back there goose. I asked you if you realized how much more than simply the cash she would get, the 28K per year is in Value, BECAUSE its a DEFINED pension plan.

so, please, can you craft a response to the question please.Tha nk you.
They've not addressed the issue of "DEFINED Lifetime Benefits" yet. Been running scared from it all thread long.
Talk about misconstruing your entire argument. They are getting a far better deal than damn near the entire public sector and you're claiming they're unfairly having their pay cut!

Moving the goalposts isn't enough anymore, you gotta change stadiums and sports?

I make more money and get better benefits than my wife and all I have is a HS diploma and work a blue collar job.

Obviously you must not deserve it. Perhaps you are the one that your beloved P-BO should be taxing a lot more to help out us poor people.

Tell me, do you take ANY deductions for your taxes? If so, how do you justify that against your ethics of robbing the rich? you're much richer than me and many others then.

you know, I asked him what he paid for a mortgage or rent, after he said what his wife made etc etc. pre goal post movement, he of course never answered because, he cannot figure out it appears that 53K in his area may be like 90K here....Or he has and knows hes screwed if he tells me its say 1000 a mo.
No. My survivor benefit is 25%. She only gets 28K for a pension plus medical that she has to pay a percentage of. You do the math.


thats not what I asked back there goose. I asked you if you realized how much more than simply the cash she would get, the 28K per year is in Value, BECAUSE its a DEFINED pension plan.

so, please, can you craft a response to the question please.Tha nk you.
They've not addressed the issue of "DEFINED Lifetime Benefits" yet. Been running scared from it all thread long.

I make more money and get better benefits than my wife and all I have is a HS diploma and work a blue collar job.

Obviously you must not deserve it. Perhaps you are the one that your beloved P-BO should be taxing a lot more to help out us poor people.

Tell me, do you take ANY deductions for your taxes? If so, how do you justify that against your ethics of robbing the rich? you're much richer than me and many others then.

you know, I asked him what he paid for a mortgage or rent, after he said what his wife made etc etc. pre goal post movement, he of course never answered because, he cannot figure out it appears that 53K in his area may be like 90K here....Or he has and knows hes screwed if he tells me its say 1000 a mo.
I suspect he's run for the hills. but we are talking about someone not smart enough to do this.
Where the fuck do you think you are? Vietnam? Do you want to plagerize the whole movie now?

She's being paid what the market will bear for a person with a Masters.. A small town teacher that is largely rural and agriculture.

Points for actually recognizing the quote but penalized for not realizing how apropos it is for your fucktardery.

1. When is a public sector job based on "What the market will bear?" It's based on what the taxpayers are FORCED to pay, dumbass.

2. Just because she's in a small rural community does not change the basic point, she is possibly overpaid for the community. What is the average median income of that town? Does at least half of the residents have similar compensation packages?

You realize how fucked you are with this argument you're spinning?

No matter what the job if you want work done you have to pay for it. Maybe where you live you don't have to pay for garbage pick up, road repairs, prisoners arrested and jailed, your shit taken care of in a sewage plant, etc.

But most people want these things done and don't mind paying for it.

And we're about to find out just whch of us is right when we see what happens with the recall.

Here's an example of high taxes.....https://wwwnet1.state.nj.us/Treasury/Taxation/TYTR_TLSPS_WEB/TaxListSearchDetails.aspx
The above link leads to a single family home in Asbury Park, NJ....This is a property valued at $109,700. The owner paid $5,727 in property taxes for 2010.....Having been to Asbury Park, I can tell you this is not a nice place. These people are getting fleeced. I would be willing to bet that most Asbury Park Employees do not live in Asbury Park.
Now you know why there are 300 city employees. Because
Obviously you must not deserve it. Perhaps you are the one that your beloved P-BO should be taxing a lot more to help out us poor people.

Tell me, do you take ANY deductions for your taxes? If so, how do you justify that against your ethics of robbing the rich? you're much richer than me and many others then.

you know, I asked him what he paid for a mortgage or rent, after he said what his wife made etc etc. pre goal post movement, he of course never answered because, he cannot figure out it appears that 53K in his area may be like 90K here....Or he has and knows hes screwed if he tells me its say 1000 a mo.
I suspect he's run for the hills. but we are talking about someone not smart enough to do this.

I did tease the 25% death benefit out of him, UC gives that too. my wife will if she survives me get 25% of my monthly pension pay till she dies....what a sweet heart deal huh? and I just now ( or that is our union) have started to pay.......wait for it....

2% to our defined pension plan...unreal. ( we also got a 4.5% raise every year for the next 5 years too, fucking highway robbery of the state, period).
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Let's say you were a taxi driver and I said all taxi drivers stink and are sex fiends. Are you saying you wouldn't be offended?


Stick a fork in it Da goose is done. Move on to next topic.

Oh no, I can fight ignorance for a long, long time.

All these conservatives who think they're genius economists and experts on capitalism, markets, supply and demand, etc.,

and yet they somehow believe that paying teachers less will produce better teachers.


All these liberals who think they're genius economists and experts on capitalism, markets, supply and demand, etc.,

and yet they somehow believe that the increase in teachers pay has produced better teachers.


Should we pay military personnel less money so we can get better soldiers?

there she goes boys!! launch the boats..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egDbGqXNjT8&feature=related]YouTube - ‪lego Moby Dick‬‏[/ame]


  • $strawman-motivational.JPG
    44.8 KB · Views: 37
All these liberals who think they're genius economists and experts on capitalism, markets, supply and demand, etc.,

and yet they somehow believe that the increase in teachers pay has produced better teachers.


Should we pay military personnel less money so we can get better soldiers?

there she goes boys!! launch the boats..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egDbGqXNjT8&feature=related]YouTube - ‪lego Moby Dick‬‏[/ame]
I was ignoring that stupid attempt at irrelevant equivalency.
so, is that it? is it a wrap?:lol:
I think we're calling it for tonight.

He's gotta go cry on mummy's bosom for a while at how hurtful and mean we are by bringing up the truth and catching him fibbing.

I'm not slamming your wife. Only your argument.

She's being paid a compensation package agreed upon by the municipality. They have the right to do what they want and make as dumb a deal as they want. If they feel that her teaching skills warrant an 82k a year job (Pay plus benefits) far be it for me to stop them.

But for you to come in here and whine by proxy about how underpaid teachers are, when your personal experience is much different? You destroy your entire argument. I'm sure I'd have no problem living in the TC on $1000 a week plus awesome benefits.

Yep. Y'all got it rough.

Never did I say she was underpaid. I pointed out she could make more elsewhere when you guys keep saying she's overpaid. I'm not saying she's over or underpaid. She's under contract and both she and the district are happy with the arrangement. So what's you guys' beef?

Uhhh huh. Whoosh! I think I saw the goal posts fly by!

You fight about how underpaid and picked on teachers are in the abstract, but then to try and back up your argument you bring up the specific case of your wife. She, it turns out, makes (which if you'd stop bringing her into this, she'd get left alone) excellent pay and benefits, potentially far better than those in the community she works. You 'whine' about her salary being spread over the entire year, and it turns out to be darn near 250% greater than mine, plus benefits to die for??? And you say it's unfair to make teachers in WI pay 12% more of their salary into retirement and health benefits?

And to top it off, the money saved, not only saves every job in the district, it saves the town of Kaukauna from a 400k shortfall and give it a 1.5 million! This is an aggregate bad?

Wow, you're truly fucked in the noggin.

1) I never said she was under or overpaid.

2)I used my salary as a point to another post.

3) I never said it was unfair to make WI teachers pay more.

Is there anything else you want to misquote me on?

I make more money and get better benefits than my wife and all I have is a HS diploma and work a blue collar job.

Obviously you must not deserve it. Perhaps you are the one that your beloved P-BO should be taxing a lot more to help out us poor people.

Tell me, do you take ANY deductions for your taxes? If so, how do you justify that against your ethics of robbing the rich? you're much richer than me and many others then.

you know, I asked him what he paid for a mortgage or rent, after he said what his wife made etc etc. pre goal post movement, he of course never answered because, he cannot figure out it appears that 53K in his area may be like 90K here....Or he has and knows hes screwed if he tells me its say 1000 a mo.

And I answered. My house is paid off.


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