Wis. student sues to end summer homework


Senior Member
Sep 15, 2003
Puyallup, WA
Amazing... stories like this make me want to end summer vacation altogether.


Wis. student sues to end summer homework

MILWAUKEE -- A student whose vacation plans were spoiled has sued to end summer homework in Wisconsin, claiming it creates an unfair workload and unnecessary stress.

Peer Larson, 17, had lined up a dream camp counselor job last June, but honors pre-calculus homework turned his summer into a headache.

"It didn't completely ruin my summer, but it did give me a lot of undue stress both at home and at work," the high school junior said Thursday. "I just didn't have the energy or the time for it."

http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/national/apus_story.asp?category=1110&slug=Homework Lawsuit
My favorite part:
"These students are still children, yet they are subjected to increasing pressure to perform to ever-higher standards in numerous theaters," the suit said.

I'm willing to bet that this is the same student who whines about "wanting to be treated like an adult." An adult when they want special privledges and a child when they don't want any additional responsibilities.

I taught at a highschool where students bringing waterbottles to class was banned because several students were caught with alcohol instead of water. The students complained that if THEY were not permitted to carry water bottles then the teachers should not be allowed to...it wasn't fair.

I hope that this kid gets laughed out of court...or better yet, gets severely reprimanded by a judge for lack of maturity and for wasting the valuable time of the court.

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