Winning! Supreme Court Tosses Ruling Against Christian Bakers Who Refused Cake For Gay Couple

You know the trolling doesn't help the conservative side right?
Satan's disciples.... really?
When liberals try to claim that conservatives are haters etc... you make their day.
5th post
You know the trolling doesn't help the conservative side right?
Satan's disciples.... really?
When liberals try to claim that conservatives are haters etc... you make their day.
He didn’t necessarily accuse all homos of being ‘satan’s disciples’. Only the evil ones attempting to impose their fascist wills. That may be most but that would be on them.
We have God to thank. Hopefully this will put an end to this harassment by Satan's disciples, aka Homosexuals.

Supreme Court Tosses Ruling Against Christian Bakers Who Refused Cake For Gay Couple
Thank God the next time a so called conservative is banned off social media..
No one has an issue with a conservative being banned, as long as the SM being used is licensed to that. There is a difference, and makes your analogy stupid as usual.
We have God to thank. Hopefully this will put an end to this harassment by Satan's disciples, aka Homosexuals.

Supreme Court Tosses Ruling Against Christian Bakers Who Refused Cake For Gay Couple
Thank God the next time a so called conservative is banned off social media..
No one has an issue with a conservative being banned, as long as the SM being used is licensed to that. There is a difference, and makes your analogy stupid as usual.
Engrish please...
10th post
So, this is good news. But I wonder how many people cheering for it have consistent principles? And how many are hypocrites? F'rinstance - how many of you respect Facebook's right to refuse to serve people who they think are 'sinners'?
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We have God to thank. Hopefully this will put an end to this harassment by Satan's disciples, aka Homosexuals.

Supreme Court Tosses Ruling Against Christian Bakers Who Refused Cake For Gay Couple
Thank God the next time a so called conservative is banned off social media..
No one has an issue with a conservative being banned, as long as the SM being used is licensed to that. There is a difference, and makes your analogy stupid as usual.
Engrish please...

C'mon s0n.... intellectual narcissism is ghey.
So, this is good news. But I wonder how many people cheering for it have consistent principles? And how many are hypocrites? F'rinstance - how many of you respect Facebook's right to refuse to serve people who they they are 'sinners'?
15th post
Gay people pulling stunts like this are no real threat to conservatives imo.....they posture for one reason: to obtain a higher pecking order position among the lefty k00ks. All these fringe groups are in a constant battle for relevance.....the abortion nuts, the climate crusaders, the gun grabbers, the gays.....

Nobody in the mainstream really cares about any of these groups so they will fall all over themselves to be on the top podium any given day. Doy
Sooner or later, one might think that the SCOTUS will have to face the issue of competing Rights: religious liberty vs LGBT discrimination. I think they'll basically require the states to treat each side in a just and impartial manner. Failure to do so will result in overturning the conviction, but I also think the SCOTUS does not want to judge the merits of each case, which run into the hundreds or even thousands as one side or the other attempts to use the courts as a weapon against the other.

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