Wilting ' American Dream ' !


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Now a reality.Not even a Bad Dream.According to Pollster,
Bill McInturff, the " differences are so dramatic,it paints a new
and surprising portrait of changing America. "
Like i've said numerous times in utter Satire,Norman Rockwell
surely must be turning in his grave.
Those differences include ... American values,Patriotism,
having children while Money maintains a top priority as Religion
lags far behind.
These are definatley not the areas our Founders intended to
be made whole and prosper.How could this have happened.?
By changing the Culture.Starting in the 60's. Where mostly
innocuous areas of change seemed imminent.Like Hair,clothes,
music and of course the Vietnam War.Which ushered in
an area previously untested.The Right to Protest.With all it's
ambivalence.All it's Political trappings.Make Peace not war.
Now it's Make War not Peace.And not by Flower children
or zany comedy like - Laugh-In -. But by outrageous stuff children
get hooked-on.Like Harry Potter and Dungeons and Dragons.
Instead of Weed { Pot } it's now dangerous stuff where one pill
can end a life.Instead of Long hair ... It's Purple or Pink hair.
Or multi-layered colors.Or maybe dress up like Witches in all
black as if capable of casting spells.Or better still ... transform and
transfix the American Electorate with hourly narratives that
are complete Lies ... little more than unamerican Hocus Pocus.
For Idiots.For Slackers.For gummy swallowing fools of the first
- What America Means to Me - { 1947 }
" It may be that religion is dead,and if it is,
we had better know it and set ourselves to try
to discover other sources of moral strength,
before it is too late. "
-- Pearl S. Buck { American writer,Nobel Prize 1938 }
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