Will US Presidents Ever Be Respected After The Trump Debacle?

Yeah because peace talks with North Korea isn't a big thing. We lost respect with the world after Obama's word wide apology tour, his red line, and the fact he is a transvestite. Thank God Trump is our president and not Hillary. Oh and one more thing, we lost respect in the world. After we elected a president, just because he was black.
knowitall what will you say if after their meeting we're left with the same type of deal we had with Iran ?
How will you spin that how will the orange anus?
No not everyone, and nothing has been done, as a matter of fact he has alienated our allies, and ripped the Iran deal, he is a disgrace.

The Iran Deal was a personal deal between Hussein and the Iranian Mullahs- it was never ratified by the Senate, and never even signed by the Mullahs.

President Trump is going to get America a great deal to disarm Iran permanently.

No it wasn't, it was among P5 and the IAEA. See your error.
The people around the world respect our President, like they haven't for decades. Guys like B. Hussein O.were good at apologizing for America, and accepting blame, but that doesn't help anyone.

What libs fail to realize is that MAGA- Make America Great Again- is only part of the Trumpster's message.

His message to the Mexicans is to Make Mexico Great Again and to the North Koreans is MNKGA.

Every country looking out for its own interests is the Trump Doctrine. And that's why North Korea will deal- President Un wants prosperity for his nation.
What empirical data do you have to back up your nonsense claim that people around the world respect Trump? What is your evidence? Sounds like just a trump supporter opinion based on delusion.
Well when you have North Korea wanting peace talks. The first president to do so. I'd say Trump is the man!

No Russia has enlisted NK to deter the election in 2018.
You've proven yourself to be a hypocrite. No matter what president Trump does, you will be outraged. Even if the Obama did the same. You have no credibility. Move a long now.

I will go one step further, China's Jinpings (or whatever his name is) probably wants autocratic Trump in office as well.
Like I said no matter what Trump does, you will still hate him. You proved that yesterday. Like I said move a long now. I don't have time to deal with a closed mind, such as yours.
No not everyone, and nothing has been done, as a matter of fact he has alienated our allies, and ripped the Iran deal, he is a disgrace.

The Iran Deal was a personal deal between Hussein and the Iranian Mullahs- it was never ratified by the Senate, and never even signed by the Mullahs.

President Trump is going to get America a great deal to disarm Iran permanently.
The deal with Iran was made with five countries and Iran. When Trump ended the US part of the deal he screwed all the other partners, something his is famous for doing in his business scams.
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The OP seems to be saying that a "Good President" is one who.....
Sharply divides the nation along race lines
Supports our enemies while weakening America by hurting our energy sector and paving a path to nuclear weapons for our sworn enemies
Uses the IRS as a political weapon against the opposition
Protects the Secretary of State who has compromised National Security and helped Russia gain access to Americas Uranium resources among other horrendous deeds

Whereas to the OP a "Bad President" is one who......

Brought about the lowest unemployment numbers in nearly 20 years
Has done MANY things to help ALL races, especially minorities
Has unilaterally brought about economic growth
Defends the US against unfair trade practices that hurt the US and benefit only other nations
Defends our border
Works to make America better
Calls out Dictators and Tyrants Globally

It simply makes no sense. It is completely illogical the stance taken by these Leftists claiming Trump the "Bad" President and Obama the 'Good" President
UNLESS we accept that they......

1). Truly despise America
2). Are Undeniably ignorant
3). Don't understand the cost of Marxism to human lives and liberty
4). Are under the influence of some unknown mind altering substances
5). Are not sane
No not everyone, and nothing has been done, as a matter of fact he has alienated our allies, and ripped the Iran deal, he is a disgrace.

The Iran Deal was a personal deal between Hussein and the Iranian Mullahs- it was never ratified by the Senate, and never even signed by the Mullahs.

President Trump is going to get America a great deal to disarm Iran permanently.
The deal with Iran was made with five countries and Iran. When Obama ended the US part of the deal he screwed all the other partners, something his is famous for doing in his business scams.

You mean Trump.
The people around the world respect our President, like they haven't for decades. Guys like B. Hussein O.were good at apologizing for America, and accepting blame, but that doesn't help anyone.

What libs fail to realize is that MAGA- Make America Great Again- is only part of the Trumpster's message.

His message to the Mexicans is to Make Mexico Great Again and to the North Koreans is MNKGA.

Every country looking out for its own interests is the Trump Doctrine. And that's why North Korea will deal- President Un wants prosperity for his nation.
What empirical data do you have to back up your nonsense claim that people around the world respect Trump? What is your evidence? Sounds like just a trump supporter opinion based on delusion.
Well when you have North Korea wanting peace talks. The first president to do so. I'd say Trump is the man!
Don't hold your breath.
He has already done what no other president has, he is the man!

No other President has made America into a Second rate country, demeaned the vision left us by the Founding Fathers written in the Preamble to COTUS; and embarrassed our nation with so many flips, flops, ignorance and lies!
Lol, you say that after Obama? Get back to me when Trump kisses Putin's ass on world wide t.v. asking to be patient and wait till after the election. So he could kiss his ass better.
Trump is being pushed around all over the world. He is currently being played by China, N. Korea, Russia, Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Syria and several allied European countries, Mexico and Canada.
this is fake news

I know that many leftists want this to be true; so sad that so many of our friends on the left want bad things for America because the hat President Trump so much

fortunately; they are not getting their way
What empirical data do you have to back up your nonsense claim that people around the world respect Trump? What is your evidence? Sounds like just a trump supporter opinion based on delusion.
Well when you have North Korea wanting peace talks. The first president to do so. I'd say Trump is the man!

No Russia has enlisted NK to deter the election in 2018.
You've proven yourself to be a hypocrite. No matter what president Trump does, you will be outraged. Even if the Obama did the same. You have no credibility. Move a long now.

I will go one step further, China's Jinpings (or wh
is name is) probably wants autocratic Trump in office as well.
Like I said no matter what Trump does, you will still hate him. You proved that yesterday. Like I said move a long now. I don't have time to deal with a closed mind, such as yours.View attachment 196459
No not everyone, and nothing has been done, as a matter of fact he has alienated our allies, and ripped the Iran deal, he is a disgrace.

The Iran Deal was a personal deal between Hussein and the Iranian Mullahs- it was never ratified by the Senate, and never even signed by the Mullahs.

President Trump is going to get America a great deal to disarm Iran permanently.
The deal with Iran was made with five countries and Iran. When Obama ended the US part of the deal he screwed all the other partners, something his is famous for doing in his business scams.

You mean Trump.
Yes, my mistake, sorry.
The OP seems to be saying that a "Good President" is one who.....
Sharply divides the nation along race lines
Supports our enemies while weakening America by hurting our energy sector and paving a path to nuclear weapons for our sworn enemies
Uses the IRS as a political weapon against the opposition
Protects the Secretary of State who has compromised National Security and helped Russia gain access to Americas Uranium resources among other horrendous deeds

Whereas to the OP a "Bad President" is one who......

Brought about the lowest unemployment numbers in nearly 20 years
Has done MANY things to help ALL races, especially minorities
Has unilaterally brought about economic growth
Defends the US against unfair trade practices that hurt the US and benefit only other nations
Defends our border
Works to make America better
Calls out Dictators and Tyrants Globally

It simply makes no sense. It is completely illogical the stance taken by these Leftists claiming Trump the "Bad" President and Obama the 'Good" President
UNLESS we accept that they......

1). Truly despise America
2). Are Undeniably ignorant
3). Don't understand the cost of Marxism to human lives and liberty
4). Are under the influence of some unknown mind altering substances
5). Are not sane

Well Trump himself said not to trust the UE numbers, but look at the graft, I think you are talking about Bush Jr putting us into a recession and Obama bring us out. You must of watched D'Souza film as well. You guys are like a broken record, I wondered where this all came from and it was him, I watched it yesterday.
How disgraced and destructive has Donald Trump been to the US Presidency? Will Americans and foreigners ever trust a US President to be honest and truthful again?

The people around the world respect our President, like they haven't for decades. Guys like B. Hussein O.were good at apologizing for America, and accepting blame, but that doesn't help anyone.

What libs fail to realize is that MAGA- Make America Great Again- is only part of the Trumpster's message.

His message to the Mexicans is to Make Mexico Great Again and to the North Koreans is MNKGA.

Every country looking out for its own interests is the Trump Doctrine. And that's why North Korea will deal- President Un wants prosperity for his nation.

Interesting spin on reality, most people in the US and around the world consider Trump to be a lying ass and a bully.
And those are his good points
The people around the world respect our President, like they haven't for decades. Guys like B. Hussein O.were good at apologizing for America, and accepting blame, but that doesn't help anyone.

What libs fail to realize is that MAGA- Make America Great Again- is only part of the Trumpster's message.

His message to the Mexicans is to Make Mexico Great Again and to the North Koreans is MNKGA.

Every country looking out for its own interests is the Trump Doctrine. And that's why North Korea will deal- President Un wants prosperity for his nation.
What empirical data do you have to back up your nonsense claim that people around the world respect Trump? What is your evidence? Sounds like just a trump supporter opinion based on delusion.
Well when you have North Korea wanting peace talks. The first president to do so. I'd say Trump is the man!
Don't hold your breath.
He has already done what no other president has, he is the man!

No other President has made America into a Second rate country, demeaned the vision left us by the Founding Fathers written in the Preamble to COTUS; and embarrassed our nation with so many flips, flops, ignorance and lies!

“Second rate country”....you mean one without borders and sovereignty...a first world country encouraging a thirdworld invasion and takeover? That was Hussein’s vision for America...right?
Haha...”demeaned COTUS”?...WTF
All Trump has been doing is restoring constitutionality after the big eared black dudes reign of terror.
“Flip, flops, lies”....nobody that matters gives two shits about his ice cream preferences or the shoes that Melania wears....we really only care about the shit that matters...weird huh?
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Yeah because peace talks with North Korea isn't a big thing. We lost respect with the world after Obama's word wide apology tour, his red line, and the fact he is a transvestite. Thank God Trump is our president and not Hillary. Oh and one more thing, we lost respect in the world. After we elected a president, just because he was black.

How much did your brainwash cost? No one in touch with reality would make a post as you have!
I know, you leftist hate the truth. Obama was a failure and hated America. We have someone back in that cares about America's best interest in mind.
President Obama loved and still loves America. More importantly, he respected the office and institutions. Trump has trashed the office and institutions like never before. Trump has brought disgrace to the Presidency like never before.
You really are stupid aren't you? After Obama flew around the world and apologized for American greatness. You gonna sit there and say he loved America. Him running on transforming America, and look who his mentor was Jeremiah Wright who hates America. Hell his own dad hated America. You're a joke for even thinking Obama loved America.
The deal with Iran was made with five countries and Iran. When ended the US part of the deal he screwed all the other partners, something his is famous for doing in his business scams.

The US Constitution is no classified document, all of the states involved knew that Obama could not commit his successors without the Senate ratifying the treaty.

No one got "stabbed in the back", Donald Trump made it crystal clear during the campaign what he would do with the deal
If you have Amazon prime both of D'Souza's film are on it, Hillarys American and Obama 2016, he wrote Obama the book in 2012 or earlier,

He also dated Ingraham who hated the Clintons and he worked for Reagan, they went to same college. He makes it sound like he was poor on Fox, but his Daddy was a top guy at Johnson and Johnson. So much of your right wing stuff comes from him, no wonder Trump pardoned him,

he can now help with the 2018 election. Of course Cruz asked him too. Birds of a feather...… fly together.
How disgraced and destructive has Donald Trump been to the US Presidency? Will Americans and foreigners ever trust a US President to be honest and truthful again? How will the Presidency ever become a symbol of integrity or at least dignity? Sure, some may argue there have been other really bad Presidents that gave America black eyes and bruised America's integrity and dignity before, but never the way Trump has. Trump may have totally destroyed any chance for redemption.

So, can America ever recover from the Donald Trump era?
Gonna take decades if we ever do.

You'll never get over it and frankly, who cares.
How disgraced and destructive has Donald Trump been to the US Presidency? Will Americans and foreigners ever trust a US President to be honest and truthful again?

The people around the world respect our President, like they haven't for decades. Guys like B. Hussein O.were good at apologizing for America, and accepting blame, but that doesn't help anyone.

What libs fail to realize is that MAGA- Make America Great Again- is only part of the Trumpster's message.

His message to the Mexicans is to Make Mexico Great Again and to the North Koreans is MNKGA.

Every country looking out for its own interests is the Trump Doctrine. And that's why North Korea will deal- President Un wants prosperity for his nation.

Interesting spin on reality, most people in the US and around the world consider Trump to be a lying ass and a bully.

Good leaders operate with a nutsack...often times scared pussies perceive firm leadership as bullying....outside of LibTardia it’s preferred that a President be a good leader and operate with a sack.
all you damned pos crybabies. you LOST, and you're going to keep losing until you figure out who we are, why we hate your guts and change what you're doing.
The deal with Iran was made with five countries and Iran. When ended the US part of the deal he screwed all the other partners, something his is famous for doing in his business scams.

The US Constitution is no classified document, all of the states involved knew that Obama could not commit his successors without the Senate ratifying the treaty.

No one got "stabbed in the back", Donald Trump made it crystal clear during the campaign what he would do with the deal

That comes from the jew in him, and Sheldon Adelson and Kushner and Bibi wanting Iran destroyed.
all you damned pos crybabies. you LOST, and you're going to keep losing until you figure out who we are, why we hate your guts and change what you're doing.

Who are you, describe yourself?

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