Will US Presidents Ever Be Respected After The Trump Debacle?

The world is openly mocking the US

Or should I say, the American voter

They're laughing at us. Many foreigners are saying that. While they dance on rooftops bleeding badly from facelifts.
Fools laugh at what they don't understand. Many Europeans are following our example. They're electing anti-immigration leaders and building fences to keep out the muzzie savages.

Only craven bootlickers like Angela Merkel ridicule Trump.
The world is openly mocking the US

Or should I say, the American voter

They're laughing at us. Many foreigners are saying that. While they dance on rooftops bleeding badly from facelifts.
Fools laugh at what they don't understand. Many Europeans are following our example. They're electing anti-immigration leaders and building fences to keep out the muzzie savages.
----------------------------------------------- absolutely , TRUMP is a very popular man and many fences being built in his honor in Eastern Europe . Just happened in Italy in the last couple of days . muslim 'refugee' invaders are being told to pack their bags by some newly elected politician Camp .
How disgraced and destructive has Donald Trump been to the US Presidency? If I'm your typical emotionally-led dumbed-down liberal, who has been led astray by 24-7 propaganda, then HE HAS DISGRACED AND DESTROYED THE POTUS POSITION. EVEN RETROACTIVELY.

Will Americans and foreigners ever trust a US President to be honest and truthful again? If I'm your typical emotionally-led dumbed-down liberal, who has been led astray by 24-7 propaganda, then NO POTUS WILL EVER BE TRUSTED AGAIN, AND IT'S TRUMP'S FAULT.

How will the Presidency ever become a symbol of integrity or at least dignity? If I'm your typical emotionally-led dumbed-down liberal, who has been led astray by 24-7 propaganda, then NO POTUS WILL EVER HAVE THE ABILITY TO BUILD THE INTEGRITY OR AT LEAST DIGNITY OF THE THE POSITION, BECAUSE TRUMP RUINED IT.

Sure, some may argue there have been other really bad Presidents that gave America black eyes and bruised America's integrity and dignity before, but never the way Trump has. If I'm your typical emotionally-led dumbed-down liberal, who has been led astray by 24-7 propaganda, then NO FUCKING WAY HAS ANYONE BRUISED OUR INTEGRITY AND DIGNITY QUITE LIKE TRUMP HAS. He's a bad man.

Trump may have totally destroyed any chance for redemption. FUCKING-A HE HAS

Gosh, you sound like you have been dumbed down by 24/7 Trump cult propaganda. Seek help before it becoimes to late.

It looks like you swallowed the left wing propaganda. No hope left for you.
How disgraced and destructive has Donald Trump been to the US Presidency? Will Americans and foreigners ever trust a US President to be honest and truthful again? How will the Presidency ever become a symbol of integrity or at least dignity? Sure, some may argue there have been other really bad Presidents that gave America black eyes and bruised America's integrity and dignity before, but never the way Trump has. Trump may have totally destroyed any chance for redemption.

So, can America ever recover from the Donald Trump era?
I think foreigners wouldn’t trust the American voters again after we elected a 70 year old 7th grader.

again after we elected a 70 year old 7th grader.

we were given a choice between male and a female 70 year old 7th graders.

The male won the electoral college, the female won the popular vote
You can say whatever you want about her ethics, but quit pretending she is as immature or incredibly stupid as Trump is.
How disgraced and destructive has Donald Trump been to the US Presidency? Will Americans and foreigners ever trust a US President to be honest and truthful again? How will the Presidency ever become a symbol of integrity or at least dignity? Sure, some may argue there have been other really bad Presidents that gave America black eyes and bruised America's integrity and dignity before, but never the way Trump has. Trump may have totally destroyed any chance for redemption.

So, can America ever recover from the Donald Trump era?
I think foreigners wouldn’t trust the American voters again after we elected a 70 year old 7th grader.

again after we elected a 70 year old 7th grader.

we were given a choice between male and a female 70 year old 7th graders.

The male won the electoral college, the female won the popular vote
You can say whatever you want about her ethics, but quit pretending she is as immature or incredibly stupid as Trump is.

but quit pretending she is as immature or incredibly stupid as Trump is.
When will you stop pretending she isn't?

IF she had won, all she would have been is Bills public face, while he served his third term.
How disgraced and destructive has Donald Trump been to the US Presidency? Will Americans and foreigners ever trust a US President to be honest and truthful again? How will the Presidency ever become a symbol of integrity or at least dignity? Sure, some may argue there have been other really bad Presidents that gave America black eyes and bruised America's integrity and dignity before, but never the way Trump has. Trump may have totally destroyed any chance for redemption.

So, can America ever recover from the Donald Trump era?
I think foreigners wouldn’t trust the American voters again after we elected a 70 year old 7th grader.

again after we elected a 70 year old 7th grader.

we were given a choice between male and a female 70 year old 7th graders.

The male won the electoral college, the female won the popular vote
You can say whatever you want about her ethics, but quit pretending she is as immature or incredibly stupid as Trump is.

but quit pretending she is as immature or incredibly stupid as Trump is.
When will you stop pretending she isn't?

IF she had won, all she would have been is Bills public face, while he served his third term.
Even if that were true, we already know based on actual evidence that she comes nowhere near the level of stupidity and immaturity of Trump. Not a single other candidate in the 2016 primary came close. Trump is the champion at being pathetic.
The world is openly mocking the US

Or should I say, the American voter

They're laughing at us. Many foreigners are saying that. While they dance on rooftops bleeding badly from facelifts.
Fools laugh at what they don't understand. Many Europeans are following our example. They're electing anti-immigration leaders and building fences to keep out the muzzie savages.

Only craven bootlickers like Angela Merkel ridicule Trump.

That's satire, excrement-for-brains. Holy SHIT you're a dumbfuck.
How disgraced and destructive has Donald Trump been to the US Presidency? Will Americans and foreigners ever trust a US President to be honest and truthful again? How will the Presidency ever become a symbol of integrity or at least dignity? Sure, some may argue there have been other really bad Presidents that gave America black eyes and bruised America's integrity and dignity before, but never the way Trump has. Trump may have totally destroyed any chance for redemption.

So, can America ever recover from the Donald Trump era?
I think foreigners wouldn’t trust the American voters again after we elected a 70 year old 7th grader.

again after we elected a 70 year old 7th grader.

we were given a choice between male and a female 70 year old 7th graders.

The male won the electoral college, the female won the popular vote
You can say whatever you want about her ethics, but quit pretending she is as immature or incredibly stupid as Trump is.

but quit pretending she is as immature or incredibly stupid as Trump is.
When will you stop pretending she isn't?

IF she had won, all she would have been is Bills public face, while he served his third term.
Even if that were true, we already know based on actual evidence that she comes nowhere near the level of stupidity and immaturity of Trump. Not a single other candidate in the 2016 primary came close. Trump is the champion at being pathetic.

What evidence? We already know based on actual evidence that she's the most corrupt person ever to run for the Presidency.
The world is openly mocking the US

Or should I say, the American voter

They're laughing at us. Many foreigners are saying that. While they dance on rooftops bleeding badly from facelifts.
Fools laugh at what they don't understand. Many Europeans are following our example. They're electing anti-immigration leaders and building fences to keep out the muzzie savages.

Only craven bootlickers like Angela Merkel ridicule Trump.

That's satire, excrement-for-brains. Holy SHIT you're a dumbfuck.
It looks like snowflake hysteria to me.
How disgraced and destructive has Donald Trump been to the US Presidency? Will Americans and foreigners ever trust a US President to be honest and truthful again? How will the Presidency ever become a symbol of integrity or at least dignity? Sure, some may argue there have been other really bad Presidents that gave America black eyes and bruised America's integrity and dignity before, but never the way Trump has. Trump may have totally destroyed any chance for redemption.

So, can America ever recover from the Donald Trump era?

Obama wasn't respected at all by our allies. They liked him because he was an appeaser and soft. Thread fail
The thread is not about Obama knucklehead, but Obama did get high approval and popularity ratings.

Swish. Swish.

The tread is about respect. I pointed out Obama wasn't respected. He didn't accomplish shit.

And I already addressed sure, they liked him because he was soft and an appeaser. You just repeated your statement that they liked him. Yeah, definitely. There was no consequence to their actions. Teachers who let the children run around and scream will be popular. Horrible teachers like Obama was a horrible President. But they will be liked by the students

Pogo's Law strikes again.
Another nickel in the coffer, clink clink.

Problem: Thread specifically about Rump exists. Spotlight is on, inconvenience level critical.

Solution: Pretend thread is about "O'bama". Or "Hillary". Or "snow shoes". Anything to change the subject.

That's the leftwing "get out of jail free" card whenever their hypocrisy is pointed out.

Yep. That leftists like Pogo don't hold their own politicians to the same standard they hold Republicans to clearly proves that it isn't a real standard to them, they don't care. That is directly about the topic we are discussing.

Remember though Pogo claims he was in the fake news media, which he has proven repeatedly with his horrible writing, double standards and complete lack of any reasoning ability at all, so he does have a good excuse for his crap
Please quit starting worthless, ignorant threads. Thank you.

He can't help himself. He was an Obama supporter. A supporter of a man who really did nothing for America except make an apology tour.

What did you expect?? He hates Trump. A Trump who is getting things done that are good for America.
Please quit starting worthless, ignorant threads. Thank you.

He can't help himself. He was an Obama supporter. A supporter of a man who really did nothing for America except make an apology tour.

What did you expect?? He hates Trump. A Trump who is getting things done that are good for America.
I do not like dishonest con men and trump is just a con man. He has been running scams his whole life. I also don't like compulsive pathological serial liars as leaders or being in charge of anything. It indicates serious psychological disorders in the person.
Trump's serious psychological disorders make him a dangerous person and has added to his making his Presidency a debacle.
Please quit starting worthless, ignorant threads. Thank you.

He can't help himself. He was an Obama supporter. A supporter of a man who really did nothing for America except make an apology tour.

What did you expect?? He hates Trump. A Trump who is getting things done that are good for America.
I do not like dishonest con men and trump is just a con man. He has been running scams his whole life. I also don't like compulsive pathological serial liars as leaders or being in charge of anything. It indicates serious psychological disorders in the person.
Trump's serious psychological disorders make him a dangerous person and has added to his making his Presidency a debacle.

LOL If you say so.
No reply to this Camp? How surprising...

I posted links already. Evidently the media just wants Americans to think Iran followed the deal to a T and Trump put the ax to it bc he’s selfish and wants to start trouble.

Since this info isn’t necessarily easy to find—one would think when you search “Iran violates nuclear deal” you’d get articles about it, not one article about it and several about Trump violating the deal (anti-America American press, anyone?), I’ll post the links again.

Iran once again exceeds a nuclear deal limit: IAEA report

Iran Breaches the Nuclear Deal and UN Resolutions for Third Time | HuffPost

And a couple more for good measure

German intelligence: Iran may have tried to violate nuclear deal - CNNPolitics

Obama Administration Loosens Nuclear Deal After Iran Violates It
Maybe Iran should have abided by the terms. Nope let’s blame Trump bc he wants to actually do something to fix it, unlike Obama who just let them get away with it.

No not everyone, and nothing has been done, as a matter of fact he has alienated our allies, and ripped the Iran deal, he is a disgrace.

The Iran Deal was a personal deal between Hussein and the Iranian Mullahs- it was never ratified by the Senate, and never even signed by the Mullahs.

President Trump is going to get America a great deal to disarm Iran permanently.
The deal with Iran was made with five countries and Iran. When Trump ended the US part of the deal he screwed all the other partners, something his is famous for doing in his business scams.
Which terms did they not abide by. The point of the controversy is that trump broke the contract the way he broke contracts with his business dealings.
I hope you didn’t vote for Hillary.

Please quit starting worthless, ignorant threads. Thank you.

He can't help himself. He was an Obama supporter. A supporter of a man who really did nothing for America except make an apology tour.

What did you expect?? He hates Trump. A Trump who is getting things done that are good for America.
I do not like dishonest con men and trump is just a con man. He has been running scams his whole life. I also don't like compulsive pathological serial liars as leaders or being in charge of anything. It indicates serious psychological disorders in the person.
Trump's serious psychological disorders make him a dangerous person and has added to his making his Presidency a debacle.

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