Will the wall get built?

will the wall be built?

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Border Security is a GOOD THING. If Trump builds it for his ego, that's fine with me. His ego is consistent with what is good for America. Obama's ego was polarly opposite to what was good for America.
Why is the moron so worried about those that MIGHT enter illegally and not those who are here already on expired visas?
----------------------------------------- my tactic would be to stop the flood at the Border and then go after the internal aliens that are tied in place by jobs , home ownership , age and personal circumstances Edward . So , Trump seems to agree with me Edward .
Why is the moron so worried about those that MIGHT enter illegally and not those who are here already on expired visas?
----------------------------------------- my tactic would be to stop the flood at the Border and then go after the internal aliens that are tied in place by jobs , home ownership , age and personal circumstances Edward . So , Trump seems to agree with me Edward .
Pis old man I think you'd be correct more often going against what he's for
I have many friends here in
It's all up to Trumps Will to stay the course.

If he says, "nobody is flying anywhere or doing anything. No donors or Special Interests are getting special treatment or government facetime until this wall is built". Then, the wall will be built.

He runs the show, he signs the checks per se, in the form of policies. He was elected on this issue and he has great support, this is an important issue not just to his supporters, but also Independents and those who simply want a safe and secure country.

It's definitely now or never. It's in his hands, the longer the shutdown goes, the more Democrats, especially those on the bubble or who told voters they would support Trump on a the wall, are on borrowed time.
I have many canadian friends here in Ft Lauderdale and they all to a man despise the pos we have in our WH What happened to you?

What happened to me or what happened to Canada?

Stop subsidizing the Canadian economy for a little while and of course they will be upset. Canada is a socialist nation, it relies on capitalist nations and their companies to employ Canadians, and most importantly to them; to fund the Hierarchy and their families.

If Canada embraced human rights, liberty and capitalism, these friends of yours would like Trump. Just as we liked Reagan back when Mulroney was in office (I was too young to appreciate the reasons why).
Met many Canadians here in Fla To a man and lady they are wonderful people Most laugh at our political goings on
I’d have to say that a lot of it depends on the 2020 election. If Trump wins there is a chance. If he loses, that means a Democrat is in the Oval. No chance.

If the wall was fully funded tomorrow, it wouldn’t get built in the remaining 726 days of the Blob’s first term. Injunction after injunction would be filed for environmental impact studies, land has to be seized, then there are the inevitable pitfalls, where to put the thing, etc…
------------------------------------ yeah , lots of complicated legal stuff eh ?? So you might want to read this Candy . And it seems to me that The TRUMP is getting things all set up so that when he builds HIS Ego Border Wall it will be done with Gusto and with Balls to the WALL [chuckle] CandyCorn !! ---------------- --- Trump can ignore environmental laws to build border wall after Supreme Court declines to hear suit ---
Why is the moron so worried about those that MIGHT enter illegally and not those who are here already on expired visas?

Both issues need to be addressed. But without a wall, deporting millions will simply result in millions returning. Wall first. Then deportations.
you really believe millions enter USA illegally? Why not do both ? Stop the entrance of illegals and rid the country of those deserving of being rid of
I’d have to say that a lot of it depends on the 2020 election. If Trump wins there is a chance. If he loses, that means a Democrat is in the Oval. No chance.

If the wall was fully funded tomorrow, it wouldn’t get built in the remaining 726 days of the Blob’s first term. Injunction after injunction would be filed for environmental impact studies, land has to be seized, then there are the inevitable pitfalls, where to put the thing, etc…
------------------------------------ yeah , lots of complicated legal stuff eh ?? So you might want to read this Candy . And it seems to me that The TRUMP is getting things all set up so that when he builds HIS Ego Border Wall it will be done with Gusto and with Balls to the WALL [chuckle] CandyCorn !! ---------------- --- Trump can ignore environmental laws to build border wall after Supreme Court declines to hear suit ---
How will Trump find workers for his golf courses if all illegals are kicked out?
Why is the moron so worried about those that MIGHT enter illegally and not those who are here already on expired visas?

Both issues need to be addressed. But without a wall, deporting millions will simply result in millions returning. Wall first. Then deportations.
you really believe millions enter USA illegally? Why not do both ? Stop the entrance of illegals and rid the country of those deserving of being rid of
------------------------------------------ quit trying to influence the President Trump with yer ' Wizdumb ' as he does read the board Edward .
I’d have to say that a lot of it depends on the 2020 election. If Trump wins there is a chance. If he loses, that means a Democrat is in the Oval. No chance.

If the wall was fully funded tomorrow, it wouldn’t get built in the remaining 726 days of the Blob’s first term. Injunction after injunction would be filed for environmental impact studies, land has to be seized, then there are the inevitable pitfalls, where to put the thing, etc…
------------------------------------ yeah , lots of complicated legal stuff eh ?? So you might want to read this Candy . And it seems to me that The TRUMP is getting things all set up so that when he builds HIS Ego Border Wall it will be done with Gusto and with Balls to the WALL [chuckle] CandyCorn !! ---------------- --- Trump can ignore environmental laws to build border wall after Supreme Court declines to hear suit ---
How will Trump find workers for his golf courses if all illegals are kicked out?
Nancy needs five dollar an hour tuna canning slaves in on of our pacific protectorates for her stock enrichment agenda. She is a mafia princess!
Trump doesn't give a shit about actually building the wall.

He wants to LOOK like he's fighting for his base.

He told the Mexican President exactly that
I’d have to say that a lot of it depends on the 2020 election. If Trump wins there is a chance. If he loses, that means a Democrat is in the Oval. No chance.

If the wall was fully funded tomorrow, it wouldn’t get built in the remaining 726 days of the Blob’s first term. Injunction after injunction would be filed for environmental impact studies, land has to be seized, then there are the inevitable pitfalls, where to put the thing, etc…
------------------------------------ yeah , lots of complicated legal stuff eh ?? So you might want to read this Candy . And it seems to me that The TRUMP is getting things all set up so that when he builds HIS Ego Border Wall it will be done with Gusto and with Balls to the WALL [chuckle] CandyCorn !! ---------------- --- Trump can ignore environmental laws to build border wall after Supreme Court declines to hear suit ---
---------------------------------------------- also HEARD that all the beautiful Biodiversity that migrating Butterflies provide in the TEXAS Butterfly Sanctuary . Well , I heard that those Butterflies are fecked as the Court said that they can ALL be Destroyed CandyCorn .
Why is the moron so worried about those that MIGHT enter illegally and not those who are here already on expired visas?
Because those who had visas at one time were vetted at least in a small way. Those who cross the border without anyone's knowledge have not been. They could be a wanted serial killer, rapist, arsonist.
They may be involved in child trafficking or have a child in tow that is latter abandoned.

I could go on about drugs, guns and other items but you really do not care about any of it.

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