Will the right wingnuts boycott Star Bucks next?

Hey lefty, The guy's a democrat, Obama's the incumbent. Maybe he'll give his cash to Ron Paul, Anyway I hate coffee, always have, always will" Obama will probably have more dead democrats voting for him than live ones. Most are brain dead anyway. Too bad no one wants to build anything in this country. How about government factories, making shoes, socks, blankets, the kind of stuff we'll need when we can't buy fuel for our homes. Instead of a check we'll give the free health care,food stamps, but them a house, subsidies their energy costs,give them a cell phone, and take them to an Al Gore or Roger Moore move. Wake up America, if they've been in for more than 2 terms they need to go. We have had s failure of leadership Obama just plain Sucks, Holder Sucks,Geitner Sucks. Worst of all Harry Reid Sucks.Get rid of all of them, that's Change I can beleave in"
I recall their french fry drive,....anybodys french fries but theirs. LOL! So as corporations like Star Bust enter the political arena and start making demands, are we far from a boiling point, and rightwing call to boycott businesses that don't share their strict fascist views? Will their be resentment when the corporate money stops flowing? Will Boner who doesn't care if American workers lose their jobs, start crying when he loses his job?:lol:

More than 100 business leaders have signed on to Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz’s pledge to stop making donations to incumbents until Washington gridlock eases, sending a message to lawmakers that they must make real progress in reining in deficit spending.

....has leaders agreeing to stop campaign contributions until lawmakers “strike a bipartisan, balanced long-term debt deal that addresses both entitlements and revenues,” but also has the leaders agreeing to find ways to accelerate job growth in their companies and the economy as a whole.
Read more: AOL chief signs 'no donations' pledge - Jennifer Epstein - POLITICO.com

Did you even finish reading the sentence you started to highlight?
I recall their french fry drive,....anybodys french fries but theirs. LOL! So as corporations like Star Bust enter the political arena and start making demands, are we far from a boiling point, and rightwing call to boycott businesses that don't share their strict fascist views? Will their be resentment when the corporate money stops flowing? Will Boner who doesn't care if American workers lose their jobs, start crying when he loses his job?:lol:

More than 100 business leaders have signed on to Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz’s pledge to stop making donations to incumbents until Washington gridlock eases, sending a message to lawmakers that they must make real progress in reining in deficit spending.

....has leaders agreeing to stop campaign contributions until lawmakers “strike a bipartisan, balanced long-term debt deal that addresses both entitlements and revenues,” but also has the leaders agreeing to find ways to accelerate job growth in their companies and the economy as a whole.
Read more: AOL chief signs 'no donations' pledge - Jennifer Epstein - POLITICO.com

Did you even finish reading the sentence you started to highlight?

Why of course.
Yeah, you lib's don't give a shit as to the harm you do to the workers of those you boycott.

Fuckin' whiney, scumbag pieces o' shit.

Those workers are making so little money, it's like getting a leg up when they go on unemployment. :

And another liberal is accidentally honest about what he wants for the country.

Was that before or after the republican congress and you said to default on the deficit and send America down the tube. LMAO!!!:lol:

Forgot to ask, are you doing whatever it takes to destroy the presidency and America??
Last edited:
I recall their french fry drive,....anybodys french fries but theirs. LOL! So as corporations like Star Bust enter the political arena and start making demands, are we far from a boiling point, and rightwing call to boycott businesses that don't share their strict fascist views? Will their be resentment when the corporate money stops flowing? Will Boner who doesn't care if American workers lose their jobs, start crying when he loses his job?:lol:

More than 100 business leaders have signed on to Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz’s pledge to stop making donations to incumbents until Washington gridlock eases, sending a message to lawmakers that they must make real progress in reining in deficit spending.

....has leaders agreeing to stop campaign contributions until lawmakers “strike a bipartisan, balanced long-term debt deal that addresses both entitlements and revenues,” but also has the leaders agreeing to find ways to accelerate job growth in their companies and the economy as a whole.
Read more: AOL chief signs 'no donations' pledge - Jennifer Epstein - POLITICO.com

Let me see if I got this right: The Starbucks CEO wants to cut off donations to politicians until they make real progress in reining in deficit spending. You think this will make right wing boycott Starbucks? Why? Pretty much the entire Conservative/Republican/Libertarian voting block is staunchly behind the idea of reducing deficit spending. We're the ones that want to live within our means. Why would we boycott Starbucks?

And I'm sorry, but did you suggest it's only the right with Fascist views? Seriously? I'm mean is not like Wall Street is in Chuck Shumer's district and I don't think Barney Frank had ANYTHING to do with those not-at-all-in-any-way-Fascist entities we call Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Giving taxpayer money to supposedly green companies...not Fascist at all. That what you're saying?

Wow. Not too bright there.
I recall their french fry drive,....anybodys french fries but theirs. LOL! So as corporations like Star Bust enter the political arena and start making demands, are we far from a boiling point, and rightwing call to boycott businesses that don't share their strict fascist views? Will their be resentment when the corporate money stops flowing? Will Boner who doesn't care if American workers lose their jobs, start crying when he loses his job?:lol:

More than 100 business leaders have signed on to Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz’s pledge to stop making donations to incumbents until Washington gridlock eases, sending a message to lawmakers that they must make real progress in reining in deficit spending.

....has leaders agreeing to stop campaign contributions until lawmakers “strike a bipartisan, balanced long-term debt deal that addresses both entitlements and revenues,” but also has the leaders agreeing to find ways to accelerate job growth in their companies and the economy as a whole.
Read more: AOL chief signs 'no donations' pledge - Jennifer Epstein - POLITICO.com

Another MORON who doesn't understand the definition of FASCISM -or comprehend the FACT that fascism is born of LEFTWING extremism. Leftwing extremism is totalitarianism -government with total control of the individual. Rightwing extremism is anarchy -NO government power. Fascism is carried out by GOVERNMENT -but since rightwing extremism is no government at all, then exactly where does all that "fascism" exist? Just because the LEFT wants to LIE about what is and is not rightwing extremism doesn't mean everyone else has to play the fool along with you. Rightwing extremism is the opposite of leftwing extremism -not the same! So the side closest to supporting fascism are actually leftwingers like YOU. NOT conservatives.

Come on here and get real. Do you REALLY think leftwingers are closer to the political positions of the founders? What part of the philosophy of the founders sounds "leftwing" to you when the founders believed in SMALL, DECENTRALIZED government with LIMITED powers over the individual? The founders were near anarchists after having been in a war to free themselves from a totalitarian government. Unlike leftists, the founders FEARED government, knew it made a bad master and required a nonstop vigilant eye against the nature of government to constantly seek to expand its size and power -knowing full well it can only claim more power by STRIPPING it from its citizens! Oh sure, that sounds leftwing to you, right? LOL

Now compare that to the leftwing political ideology which believes in GROUP rights over individual rights (because it makes it easier to claim certain groups have rights other groups do not while if every individual has identical rights it means every group already has identical rights too). The left believes their agenda is so "noble and pure" it gives them an inherent right to rule and that "nobility" also means their ends justifies their means. The left LOVES, absolutely LOVES big, powerful government and views it as a near MAGICAL, all knowing, all wise and always benevolent entity. They believe the proper role of government is to "take care" of us because THEY believe normal adults still need a parental replacement and cannot be trusted to make good decisions on our own behalf. The left fears adulthoood and WANTS a nanny government to run their lives -and since they want it, they believe they have a right to impose it on us all. No matter what it takes. Ever hear a conservative say what that leftwing extremist Woody Allen said -that Obama should declare himself dictator and refuse to allow elections? The left LOVES dictators -because they see themselves as holding that kind of power and having the RIGHT to that kind of power. The LEFT are arrogant, freedom-hating egomaniacs convinced they and they alone know how to run everyone's life better than that person could possibly do. And believe it is their calling to impose the government that would do just that.

If the founders were alive today people like YOU would be railing against them insisting they were FASCISTS when in fact they were the exact OPPOSITE! And so are conservatives who are much closer to the ideology of the founders than socialist loving, big government loving, nanny government loving leftwingers! GET REAL -and if you don't know the proper definition of word LOOK IT UP -because simply pretending it means the opposite of what it does is a leftwing stunt -along the line of pretending "traitor" actually means "patriot". But only another leftwing MORON could possibly fall for it! Ah, those useful idiots Marx referred to.

What conservative has called for using the power of government to silence their political opponents? Who are those "rightwing fascists"? Name ONE -because you clearly don't understand conservative political positions when conservatives believe government should have LESS power, not MORE! Which makes their political beliefs pretty incompatible with FASCISM you MORON! Fascism means using the force and power of GOVERNMENT against political opponents -and in order for it to be able to do that, it must first have the POWER to do so -a power conservatives believe it should NEVER have in the first place! Wow -critical thinking skills are NOT your strong suit, are they? There is nothing "fascist" about a boycott by private citizens against some business. Even if YOU have a real NEED to pervert the definition because it suits your own leftwing agenda. Only one side in this country has the political ideology that would lead to FASCISM -and it ain't conservatives who oppose allowing government to ever get that large and powerful in the first place!!

Now if we were talking about the VERY REAL leftwing extremists who FIRMLY believe they have a right to use the power of government against their political opponents for the purpose of silencing them -I can name a whole long list of those very real FASCISTS. Even on THIS board I have repeatedly seen leftwingers rant about how they think GOVERNMENT should forcibly shut down Fox and the like -and why? Because unlike conservatives, leftwingers CANNOT TOLERATE political dissent. And believe their political agenda is so "noble" it justifies the use of GOVERNMENT FORCE and POWER to silence their opponents. And THAT honey -is FASCISM!

The left believes people are state owned property and therefore the subjects and even slaves of the state -which owns the fruits of our own labor first. It is why the leftwing extremist FASCIST Nancy Pelosi said the health care bill had to be passed first before we could see what was in it. Only a leftwing extremist FASCIST who saw citizens as nothing but state owned property would have the gall and arrogance to say such a thing. No conservative would EVER have uttered those words.

But you keep playing the role of MORON telling yourself the people who oppose allowing government to expand and increase its powers are the real "fascists" here. And remember -the only way government can claim more power is by taking it from WE THE PEOPLE. Unlike you leftwing extremist morons who believe otherwise -we are NOT the subjects of our government, the President is NOT a king and I'm a full grown adult and REJECT the nanny state. I am NOT a leftwing NUTJOB and refuse to become one just because MORONS among us haven't a clue where the real danger lies in this country -and it isn't from those who are trying to prevent government from ever getting large and powerful enough to even think about becoming a fascist government in the first place! Leftwing governments when given full power in this world -inevitably turn on their own citizens. It has to -because leftwing governments are incompatible with FREEDOM. A free people inevitably reject such a government -which is why leftwing governments end up turning on their own citizens trying to deny them any opportunity to reject them. LEFTWING EXTREMISM IS FASCISM, TOTALITARIANISM -and government that turns on its own citizens, willing to slaughter them in order to keep total control over them.

Go sell your leftwing snake oil somewhere else.
I recall their french fry drive,....anybodys french fries but theirs. LOL! So as corporations like Star Bust enter the political arena and start making demands, are we far from a boiling point, and rightwing call to boycott businesses that don't share their strict fascist views? Will their be resentment when the corporate money stops flowing? Will Boner who doesn't care if American workers lose their jobs, start crying when he loses his job?:lol:

More than 100 business leaders have signed on to Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz’s pledge to stop making donations to incumbents until Washington gridlock eases, sending a message to lawmakers that they must make real progress in reining in deficit spending.

....has leaders agreeing to stop campaign contributions until lawmakers “strike a bipartisan, balanced long-term debt deal that addresses both entitlements and revenues,” but also has the leaders agreeing to find ways to accelerate job growth in their companies and the economy as a whole.
Read more: AOL chief signs 'no donations' pledge - Jennifer Epstein - POLITICO.com
I won't drink StarBucks "Coffee" because it tastes like dirty tree bark.

Those workers are making so little money, it's like getting a leg up when they go on unemployment. :

And another liberal is accidentally honest about what he wants for the country.

Was that before or after the republican congress and you said to default on the deficit and send America down the tube. LMAO!!!:lol:

Forgot to ask, are you doing whatever it takes to destroy the presidency and America??

Scare tactics and doublespeak while the democrats kick the can further down the road to insolvency. Who the fuck cares as long as a democrat gets an extra vote or two, right comrade? All for the people's utopia the self-styled intelligensia will construct after destroying the country we've got now?
I recall their french fry drive,....anybodys french fries but theirs. LOL! So as corporations like Star Bust enter the political arena and start making demands, are we far from a boiling point, and rightwing call to boycott businesses that don't share their strict fascist views? Will their be resentment when the corporate money stops flowing? Will Boner who doesn't care if American workers lose their jobs, start crying when he loses his job?:lol:

More than 100 business leaders have signed on to Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz’s pledge to stop making donations to incumbents until Washington gridlock eases, sending a message to lawmakers that they must make real progress in reining in deficit spending.

....has leaders agreeing to stop campaign contributions until lawmakers “strike a bipartisan, balanced long-term debt deal that addresses both entitlements and revenues,” but also has the leaders agreeing to find ways to accelerate job growth in their companies and the economy as a whole.
Read more: AOL chief signs 'no donations' pledge - Jennifer Epstein - POLITICO.com

Another MORON who doesn't understand the definition of FASCISM -or comprehend the FACT that fascism is born of LEFTWING extremism. Leftwing extremism is totalitarianism -government with total control of the individual. Rightwing extremism is anarchy -NO government power. Fascism is carried out by GOVERNMENT -but since rightwing extremism is no government at all, then exactly where does all that "fascism" exist? Just because the LEFT wants to LIE about what is and is not rightwing extremism doesn't mean everyone else has to play the fool along with you. Rightwing extremism is the opposite of leftwing extremism -not the same! So the side closest to supporting fascism are actually leftwingers like YOU. NOT conservatives.

Come on here and get real. Do you REALLY think leftwingers are closer to the political positions of the founders? What part of the philosophy of the founders sounds "leftwing" to you when the founders believed in SMALL, DECENTRALIZED government with LIMITED powers over the individual? The founders were near anarchists after having been in a war to free themselves from a totalitarian government. Unlike leftists, the founders FEARED government, knew it made a bad master and required a nonstop vigilant eye against the nature of government to constantly seek to expand its size and power -knowing full well it can only claim more power by STRIPPING it from its citizens! Oh sure, that sounds leftwing to you, right? LOL

Now compare that to the leftwing political ideology which believes in GROUP rights over individual rights (because it makes it easier to claim certain groups have rights other groups do not while if every individual has identical rights it means every group already has identical rights too). The left believes their agenda is so "noble and pure" it gives them an inherent right to rule and that "nobility" also means their ends justifies their means. The left LOVES, absolutely LOVES big, powerful government and views it as a near MAGICAL, all knowing, all wise and always benevolent entity. They believe the proper role of government is to "take care" of us because THEY believe normal adults still need a parental replacement and cannot be trusted to make good decisions on our own behalf. The left fears adulthoood and WANTS a nanny government to run their lives -and since they want it, they believe they have a right to impose it on us all. No matter what it takes. Ever hear a conservative say what that leftwing extremist Woody Allen said -that Obama should declare himself dictator and refuse to allow elections? The left LOVES dictators -because they see themselves as holding that kind of power and having the RIGHT to that kind of power. The LEFT are arrogant, freedom-hating egomaniacs convinced they and they alone know how to run everyone's life better than that person could possibly do. And believe it is their calling to impose the government that would do just that.

If the founders were alive today people like YOU would be railing against them insisting they were FASCISTS when in fact they were the exact OPPOSITE! And so are conservatives who are much closer to the ideology of the founders than socialist loving, big government loving, nanny government loving leftwingers! GET REAL -and if you don't know the proper definition of word LOOK IT UP -because simply pretending it means the opposite of what it does is a leftwing stunt -along the line of pretending "traitor" actually means "patriot". But only another leftwing MORON could possibly fall for it! Ah, those useful idiots Marx referred to.

What conservative has called for using the power of government to silence their political opponents? Who are those "rightwing fascists"? Name ONE -because you clearly don't understand conservative political positions when conservatives believe government should have LESS power, not MORE! Which makes their political beliefs pretty incompatible with FASCISM you MORON! Fascism means using the force and power of GOVERNMENT against political opponents -and in order for it to be able to do that, it must first have the POWER to do so -a power conservatives believe it should NEVER have in the first place! Wow -critical thinking skills are NOT your strong suit, are they? There is nothing "fascist" about a boycott by private citizens against some business. Even if YOU have a real NEED to pervert the definition because it suits your own leftwing agenda. Only one side in this country has the political ideology that would lead to FASCISM -and it ain't conservatives who oppose allowing government to ever get that large and powerful in the first place!!

Now if we were talking about the VERY REAL leftwing extremists who FIRMLY believe they have a right to use the power of government against their political opponents for the purpose of silencing them -I can name a whole long list of those very real FASCISTS. Even on THIS board I have repeatedly seen leftwingers rant about how they think GOVERNMENT should forcibly shut down Fox and the like -and why? Because unlike conservatives, leftwingers CANNOT TOLERATE political dissent. And believe their political agenda is so "noble" it justifies the use of GOVERNMENT FORCE and POWER to silence their opponents. And THAT honey -is FASCISM!

The left believes people are state owned property and therefore the subjects and even slaves of the state -which owns the fruits of our own labor first. It is why the leftwing extremist FASCIST Nancy Pelosi said the health care bill had to be passed first before we could see what was in it. Only a leftwing extremist FASCIST who saw citizens as nothing but state owned property would have the gall and arrogance to say such a thing. No conservative would EVER have uttered those words.

But you keep playing the role of MORON telling yourself the people who oppose allowing government to expand and increase its powers are the real "fascists" here. And remember -the only way government can claim more power is by taking it from WE THE PEOPLE. Unlike you leftwing extremist morons who believe otherwise -we are NOT the subjects of our government, the President is NOT a king and I'm a full grown adult and REJECT the nanny state. I am NOT a leftwing NUTJOB and refuse to become one just because MORONS among us haven't a clue where the real danger lies in this country -and it isn't from those who are trying to prevent government from ever getting large and powerful enough to even think about becoming a fascist government in the first place! Leftwing governments when given full power in this world -inevitably turn on their own citizens. It has to -because leftwing governments are incompatible with FREEDOM. A free people inevitably reject such a government -which is why leftwing governments end up turning on their own citizens trying to deny them any opportunity to reject them. LEFTWING EXTREMISM IS FASCISM, TOTALITARIANISM -and government that turns on its own citizens, willing to slaughter them in order to keep total control over them.

Go sell your leftwing snake oil somewhere else.

Could you reduced this whining book of yours down to a few pages?:eusa_whistle:
This is what word summarized it down to:
"Leftwing extremism is totalitarianism -government with total control of the individual. Rightwing extremism is anarchy -NO government power. It has to -because leftwing governments are incompatible with FREEDOM"
This is what word summarized it down to:
"Leftwing extremism is totalitarianism -government with total control of the individual. Rightwing extremism is anarchy -NO government power. It has to -because leftwing governments are incompatible with FREEDOM"

That would depend on how much the government YOU controls, and what they control.
And another liberal is accidentally honest about what he wants for the country.

Was that before or after the republican congress and you said to default on the deficit and send America down the tube. LMAO!!!:lol:

Forgot to ask, are you doing whatever it takes to destroy the presidency and America??

Scare tactics and doublespeak while the democrats kick the can further down the road to insolvency. Who the fuck cares as long as a democrat gets an extra vote or two, right comrade? All for the people's utopia the self-styled intelligensia will construct after destroying the country we've got now?

LMAO! You don't know shit, and your memory is shorter gnome. Obama offer the right 4T in cuts & Boner refused it. The right offered 2T in cuts. Question is do you understand math to figure that out?:lol::lol:
Was that before or after the republican congress and you said to default on the deficit and send America down the tube. LMAO!!!:lol:

Forgot to ask, are you doing whatever it takes to destroy the presidency and America??

Scare tactics and doublespeak while the democrats kick the can further down the road to insolvency. Who the fuck cares as long as a democrat gets an extra vote or two, right comrade? All for the people's utopia the self-styled intelligensia will construct after destroying the country we've got now?

LMAO! You don't know shit, and your memory is shorter gnome. Obama offer the right 4T in cuts & Boner refused it. The right offered 2T in cuts. Question is do you understand math to figure that out?:lol::lol:

I understand that you are full of shit and that even liberals can't rewrite history that quickly.

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