Will Ratings for CNN and Fox drop


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA
Trump may have been polarizing but he was great for ratings. MSDNC and CNN used him as the villain and millions tuned in. Fox and Newsmax used him as the hero and millions tune in. Will anyone tune in now? I am genuinely curious. And if ratings drop so do sponsorship dollars so they will have to find new villains and heroes but who? Biden is pretty benign. Trump will be long gone. Rest of the Republicans are fairly vanilla. There are no wars, COVID has basically run its course, economy for most is a boring topic.

This should be most interesting. My question is to folks who watch these news networks, will you continue to do so? Same for late night talk show hosts. I doubt they will mock the Democrats like they did Trump and the GOP. Including Dan Crenshaw.


Biden is boring
Trump created a new crisis every week

Of course ratings will drop
Biden is boring
Trump created a new crisis every week

Of course ratings will drop
I disagree. I think millions will tune in every day listening to how wonderful Biden and Commie Harris are.

They can still continue to bad mouth Trump and possibly try to put his entire family behind bars

That should keep them entertained.

Maybe build a Roman coliseum to put the Trump family in for our amusement.
Biden is boring
Trump created a new crisis every week

Of course ratings will drop
I disagree. I think millions will tune in every day listening to how wonderful Biden and Commie Harris are.

They can still continue to bad mouth Trump and possibly try to put his entire family behind bars

That should keep them entertained.

Maybe build a Roman coliseum to put the Trump family in for our amusement.

Oh, yes!

The pathetic media will not dare criticize Mr. Biden and his family.

The pathetic media will not dare criticize Dem policies.

The pathetic media will not dare criticize BLM or Antifa.

So the pathetic media will cover The Donald's legal problems.

The pathetic media will jockey for position to see who will get the first photo of The Donald chained to other prisoners as they are taken away to prison.

The pathetic media will pay prison guards for candid shots of The Donald eating with other cons, showering with other cons, etc.

Oh, millions of Dems will be soiling their clothes as they laugh and laugh and laugh at what they have done to the 45th President.

Dems are such classy people, aren't they!
The pathetic media will not dare criticize BLM or Antifa.

So the pathetic media will cover The Donald's legal problems.

The pathetic media will jockey for position to see who will get the first photo of The Donald chained to other prisoners as they are taken away to prison.

The pathetic media will pay prison guards for candid shots of The Donald eating with other cons, showering with other cons, etc.

Oh, millions of Dems will be soiling their clothes as they laugh and laugh and laugh at what they have done to the 45th President.

Hey Snowflake!

Can I find you a safe space?
Biden is boring
Trump created a new crisis every week

Of course ratings will drop
I disagree. I think millions will tune in every day listening to how wonderful Biden and Commie Harris are.

They can still continue to bad mouth Trump and possibly try to put his entire family behind bars

That should keep them entertained.

Maybe build a Roman coliseum to put the Trump family in for our amusement.
Fat Donnie is his own worst enemy.

Biden will save us from the Trump daily drama

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