Will Palestinians Ever Want Peace?

So let me get this straight. Israel should evacuate all settlements. give the Palestinians all of the West Bank. let East Jerusalem be the capital of a Palestinian State. And grant a right of return to the millions of Palestinians who left due to their Arab brothers telling them to do so until they annihilate Israel, & then there will be peace, right?

Well, let us consider the facts. When Jerusalen was already previously divided, did that help lead to peace? When Israel granted the Palestinians their own Jew free Gaza, did that help lead to peace?

What I don't understand is how come only Jordan's Black September communication ever led to a lasting peace in dealing with Palestinians? When will Israel ever learn from history how to establish a lasting peace from Palestinians? LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

Consider what we know from the history of Israel & the Palestinians.

The Most Practical Solution to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
They certainly will never accept your Piece.
So let me get this straight. Israel should evacuate all settlements. give the Palestinians all of the West Bank. let East Jerusalem be the capital of a Palestinian State. And grant a right of return to the millions of Palestinians who left due to their Arab brothers telling them to do so until they annihilate Israel, & then there will be peace, right?

Well, let us consider the facts. When Jerusalen was already previously divided, did that help lead to peace? When Israel granted the Palestinians their own Jew free Gaza, did that help lead to peace?

What I don't understand is how come only Jordan's Black September communication ever led to a lasting peace in dealing with Palestinians? When will Israel ever learn from history how to establish a lasting peace from Palestinians? LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

Consider what we know from the history of Israel & the Palestinians.

The Most Practical Solution to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
They certainly will never accept your Piece.
You sound like a squeaky violin scratching out a very old tune...Listen to the world today; UN votes, boycotts looming.
If Israel is determined to hang onto land no-one on planet earth has recognized including close ally USA, what kind of Piece does she want?

You can't change the past, only the future. It is Israel's move.
Please forgive me. I forgot to address perhaps the strongest Palestinian demand. That of Israel returning to the 67 border. So let me ask you, when Israel had a 67 border, did that help lead to peace? And you still avoid addressing my previous comments below. Any particular reason why?

So let me get this straight. Israel should evacuate all settlements. Give the Palestinians all of the West Bank. Let East Jerusalem be the capital of a Palestinian State. And grant a right of return to the millions of Palestinians who left due to their Arab brothers telling them to do so until they annihilate Israel, & then there will be peace, right?

Well, let us consider the facts. When Jerusalen was already previously divided, did that help lead to peace? When Israel granted the Palestinians their own Jew free Gaza, did that help lead to peace?

What I don't understand is how come only Jordan's Black September communication ever led to a lasting peace in dealing with Palestinians? When will Israel ever learn from history how to establish a lasting peace from Palestinians? LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!
the solution is simple and was brought down by moses from mount Sinai

it's one of the 10 commandments


if there is to be an ethical jewish state, then all stolen property on all sides including stolen jewish property in arab lands simply needs to be restored to its rightful owners

and yes that means the end of Israel as we know and hate it because it is a stolen country

and good bloody riddance too

then decent jews can rest in real peace with god as well as themselves

and how many non thieving decent jews are there here or anywhere

sadly very very few

time for god to choose a decent people not a bunch of lying stiff necked thieves

like india...........we have real gods and goddesses here

and truth was known in india long long before the jews were ever invented

what truth am I talking about?

that god and her creation are one and not separate as in jewish and muslim theology

the false separation preached by all 3 Abrahamic faiths has led to separation and suffering everywhere

they all think they and only they have gods truth and they have the divine right to kill and conquer so called unbelievers and have destroyed all the indigenous religions everywhere except here in india

when what they have been spreading around the world is a pernicious lie

in india people respect other traditions and they get that respect with mothers milk

no true indian faith has ever ever said it is the one and only truth

that is known as security and maturity and humility too, as well as truth
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OMG! You mean the Jews are thieves. I didn't know that. I hate thieves. And I will join you in fighting thieves till the day I day. So tell us, what did the Jews steal?

the solution is simple and was brought down by moses from mount Sinai

it's one of the 10 commandments


if there is to be an ethical jewish state, then all stolen property on all sides including stolen jewish property in arab lands simply needs to be restored to its rightful owners

and yes that means the end of Israel as we know and hate it because it is a stolen country

and good bloody riddance too

then decent jews can rest in real peace with god as well as themselves

and how many non thieving decent jews are there here or anywhere

sadly very very few

time for god to choose a decent people not a bunch of lying stiff necked thieves

like india...........we have real gods and goddesses here

and truth was known in india long long before the jews were ever invented

what truth am I talking about?

that god and her creation are one and not separate as in jewish and muslim theology

the false separation preached by all 3 Abrahamic faiths has led to separation and suffering everywhere

they all think they and only they have gods truth and they have the divine right to kill and conquer so called unbelievers and have destroyed all the indigenous religions everywhere except here in india

when what they have been spreading around the world is a pernicious lie

in india people respect other traditions and they get that respect with mothers milk

no true indian faith has ever ever said it is the one and only truth

that is known as security and maturity and humility too, as well as truth
the solution is simple and was brought down by moses from mount Sinai

it's one of the 10 commandments


if there is to be an ethical jewish state, then all stolen property on all sides including stolen jewish property in arab lands simply needs to be restored to its rightful owners

and yes that means the end of Israel as we know and hate it because it is a stolen country

and good bloody riddance too

then decent jews can rest in real peace with god as well as themselves

and how many non thieving decent jews are there here or anywhere

sadly very very few

time for god to choose a decent people not a bunch of lying stiff necked thieves

like india...........we have real gods and goddesses here

and truth was known in india long long before the jews were ever invented

what truth am I talking about?

that god and her creation are one and not separate as in jewish and muslim theology

the false separation preached by all 3 Abrahamic faiths has led to separation and suffering everywhere

they all think they and only they have gods truth and they have the divine right to kill and conquer so called unbelievers and have destroyed all the indigenous religions everywhere except here in india

when what they have been spreading around the world is a pernicious lie

in india people respect other traditions and they get that respect with mothers milk

no true indian faith has ever ever said it is the one and only truth

that is known as security and maturity and humility too, as well as truth
TX...Klevetch...Zionism today in Israel is a secular affair. This conflict IS NOT about Religion, it's about Land...the stolen land which keeps the blood flowing until it dries up.

Netanyahu today OKed 300 settlement units for E. Jerusalem, letting the world know that Israel will keep this land war going no matter what the world does.
OMG! You mean the Jews are thieves. I didn't know that. I hate thieves. And I will join you in fighting thieves till the day I day. So tell us, what did the Jews steal?

the solution is simple and was brought down by moses from mount Sinai

it's one of the 10 commandments


if there is to be an ethical jewish state, then all stolen property on all sides including stolen jewish property in arab lands simply needs to be restored to its rightful owners

and yes that means the end of Israel as we know and hate it because it is a stolen country

and good bloody riddance too

then decent jews can rest in real peace with god as well as themselves

and how many non thieving decent jews are there here or anywhere

sadly very very few

time for god to choose a decent people not a bunch of lying stiff necked thieves

like india...........we have real gods and goddesses here

and truth was known in india long long before the jews were ever invented

what truth am I talking about?

that god and her creation are one and not separate as in jewish and muslim theology

the false separation preached by all 3 Abrahamic faiths has led to separation and suffering everywhere

they all think they and only they have gods truth and they have the divine right to kill and conquer so called unbelievers and have destroyed all the indigenous religions everywhere except here in india

when what they have been spreading around the world is a pernicious lie

in india people respect other traditions and they get that respect with mothers milk

no true indian faith has ever ever said it is the one and only truth

that is known as security and maturity and humility too, as well as truth

we have been thieves right from the start

in jewish mythology or story, Jacob stole esau's birthright

then this genocidal so called god of the torah told us to steal the promised land and commit genocide in the process and history is now repeating myth in Palestine

then we have the rothschilds and so many thieving jewish banks and jewish thieves on wall street most of the Russian mafias, the blood diamond trade all dominated by jews who MADOFF with zillions

how come you need to ask this question marg; are you blind as well as muzzled

of course other jews are doin great great positive things

despite my hatred of thieving Israel I rarely meet a jew or Israeli I don't actually like

there are 2 monsters here tho that run the chabad house; ghastly people..they don't speak a word of hindi after years and years here and never give their police protectors even a cuppa tea
the solution is simple and was brought down by moses from mount Sinai

it's one of the 10 commandments


if there is to be an ethical jewish state, then all stolen property on all sides including stolen jewish property in arab lands simply needs to be restored to its rightful owners

and yes that means the end of Israel as we know and hate it because it is a stolen country

and good bloody riddance too

then decent jews can rest in real peace with god as well as themselves

and how many non thieving decent jews are there here or anywhere

sadly very very few

time for god to choose a decent people not a bunch of lying stiff necked thieves

like india...........we have real gods and goddesses here

and truth was known in india long long before the jews were ever invented

what truth am I talking about?

that god and her creation are one and not separate as in jewish and muslim theology

the false separation preached by all 3 Abrahamic faiths has led to separation and suffering everywhere

they all think they and only they have gods truth and they have the divine right to kill and conquer so called unbelievers and have destroyed all the indigenous religions everywhere except here in india

when what they have been spreading around the world is a pernicious lie

in india people respect other traditions and they get that respect with mothers milk

no true indian faith has ever ever said it is the one and only truth

that is known as security and maturity and humility too, as well as truth
TX...Klevetch...Zionism today in Israel is a secular affair. This conflict IS NOT about Religion, it's about Land...the stolen land which keeps the blood flowing until it dries up.

Netanyahu today OKed 300 settlement units for E. Jerusalem, letting the world know that Israel will keep this land war going no matter what the world does.

well Zionism used to be secular you are right and no Israeli prime monster has ever believed in god

but now the religious right wing is joining the worst of the Zionists and especially settlers

so it has changed a lot since the settlements got so important
the solution is simple and was brought down by moses from mount Sinai

it's one of the 10 commandments


if there is to be an ethical jewish state, then all stolen property on all sides including stolen jewish property in arab lands simply needs to be restored to its rightful owners

and yes that means the end of Israel as we know and hate it because it is a stolen country

and good bloody riddance too

then decent jews can rest in real peace with god as well as themselves

and how many non thieving decent jews are there here or anywhere

sadly very very few

time for god to choose a decent people not a bunch of lying stiff necked thieves

like india...........we have real gods and goddesses here

and truth was known in india long long before the jews were ever invented

what truth am I talking about?

that god and her creation are one and not separate as in jewish and muslim theology

the false separation preached by all 3 Abrahamic faiths has led to separation and suffering everywhere

they all think they and only they have gods truth and they have the divine right to kill and conquer so called unbelievers and have destroyed all the indigenous religions everywhere except here in india

when what they have been spreading around the world is a pernicious lie

in india people respect other traditions and they get that respect with mothers milk

no true indian faith has ever ever said it is the one and only truth

that is known as security and maturity and humility too, as well as truth
TX...Klevetch...Zionism today in Israel is a secular affair. This conflict IS NOT about Religion, it's about Land...the stolen land which keeps the blood flowing until it dries up.

Netanyahu today OKed 300 settlement units for E. Jerusalem, letting the world know that Israel will keep this land war going no matter what the world does.

well Zionism used to be secular you are right and no Israeli prime monster has ever believed in god

but now the religious right wing is joining the worst of the Zionists and especially settlers

so it has changed a lot since the settlements got so important
After the right shot and killed Prime Minister Rabin, I think the present PM is leading Israel into a future Civil War of the Left who wants Peace and the Right who wants Piece.
Israel needs to learn how to communicate peace from the Palestinians. The Palestinians sure wanted peace with Jordan after Jordan communicated to them with Black September.

Doubtful they will ever want peace. imo.
Like Klevetch alluded to: The genocide of the Torah lives in your Mythology...You revel at the death of Muslims...you should repent and find peace in your heart and release this poison of hate that keeps you a prisoner of war.

Post for a solution without war.
"This conflict IS NOT about Religion, it's about Land....

well, at this point, i have to agree....

"the world knowS that Israel will keep this land war going no matter what the world does."

. . .and so will the palestinians. if anything, they're the ones keeping it going. they were offered GOOD DEALS in he past............but they kept the land-war going. and...you got people like lipbush and her rebel friends starting fights, committing criminal acts like graffitti, leaving the scenes of major accidents on highways.....the idf targeting terrorists...then accidently, the missle/bomb aimed at the terrorist kills "innocent palestinians" .........(especially if children are casualties).......not good.

......get on with it already (hamass).......israel. when are the REAL people going to come together for a meeting...........

member, pbel, et al,

Just as there are differing Palestinian organizations and leadership, so it is true that there are differing agendas.

"This conflict IS NOT about Religion, it's about Land...
well, at this point, i have to agree....
"the world know that Israel will keep this land war going no matter what the world does."

. . .and so will the palestinians. if anything, they're the ones keeping it going. they were offered GOOD DEALS in he past............but they kept the land-war going. and...you got people like lipbush and her rebel friends starting fights, committing criminal acts like graffitti, leaving the scenes of major accidents on highways.....the idf targeting terrorists...then accidently, the missle/bomb aimed at the terrorist kills "innocent palestinians" .........(especially if children are casualties).......not good.

......get on with it already (hamass).......israel. when are the REAL people going to come together for a meeting...........

Syrian non-combatants are reporting that, where ever Hezbollah joins the fight in favor of the Assad Regime, they also bring with them a Sunni-Shi'ite confrontation.

We Sunnis used to live side by side with our Shiite neighbors, he says, but now that Hezbollah has come to our village, we've had to leave. People say they will burn us and slaughter us with knives. Now it's a sectarian war, Abu Obada says, and we can never again go back to the way it was. Kelly McEvers, NPR News.

SOURCE: Hezbollah Sends Fighters To Qusayr From Lebanon : NPR

A 6 minute story --- well worth listening to.

Currently Hezbollah (a Shi'a Islamic militant group and political party based in Lebanon) is opposing the rebels and Free Syrian Army (FSA), fighting in favor of the Iranians (Shi'ite) and the Assad Regime. Hamas, much fewer in numbers [(AKA: "Islamic Resistance Movement") is a Palestinian Sunni Islamist organization] and fighting on the side of the rebels and FSA against the Assad Regime.

Hamas: A Pawn in the Sunni-Shiite War said:
Shi'ite Iran, from its inception in 1979, saw Sunni organizations, such as Hamas, as tools with which to undermine the Sunni rulers, who control most of the Arab world.

SOURCE: Hamas: A Pawn in the Sunni-Shiite War :: Gatestone Institute

It depends on what level we chose to speak of in the regards to the place "religion" plays in the conflict.

Clearly, at least one aspect of the face of Palestine has opted to pursue the Sunni-Shi'ite struggle in an effort to appease and solidify their position with Iran (Persian Shi'a). If the western alliances openly support the rebel FSA, they take a stance opposed to the Hezbolah Shi'a. It will set the conditions for a new propaganda effort and again, the western alliance will be the focus.

Most Respectfully,
Israel needs to learn how to communicate peace from the Palestinians. The Palestinians sure wanted peace with Jordan after Jordan communicated to them with Black September.

Doubtful they will ever want peace. imo.
Like Klevetch alluded to: The genocide of the Torah lives in your Mythology...You revel at the death of Muslims...you should repent and find peace in your heart and release this poison of hate that keeps you a prisoner of war.

Post for a solution without war.
Didn't you learn in your ancient history class, Phillip, about all the ancient wars and the people who were killed. I doubt that Jeremiah is panting for the death of all the Muslims, but it's a shame you didn't read the posts of a Muslim woman living in American now, originally from a southern state in India, who wants to see 850 million Hindus eradicated just so the Muslims can rule India. Now that is someone panting for a Genocide. By the way, Phillip, the poster Jeremiah is not Jewish, but a Christian, so what are you talking about when you say "The genocide of the Torah lives in your Mythology." Do you really think that everyone who is pro Israel has to be Jewish? There are even Muslims who are pro Israel.
member, pbel, et al,

Just as there are differing Palestinian organizations and leadership, so it is true that there are differing agendas.

"This conflict IS NOT about Religion, it's about Land...
well, at this point, i have to agree....

. . .and so will the palestinians. if anything, they're the ones keeping it going. they were offered GOOD DEALS in he past............but they kept the land-war going. and...you got people like lipbush and her rebel friends starting fights, committing criminal acts like graffitti, leaving the scenes of major accidents on highways.....the idf targeting terrorists...then accidently, the missle/bomb aimed at the terrorist kills "innocent palestinians" .........(especially if children are casualties).......not good.

......get on with it already (hamass).......israel. when are the REAL people going to come together for a meeting...........

Syrian non-combatants are reporting that, where ever Hezbollah joins the fight in favor of the Assad Regime, they also bring with them a Sunni-Shi'ite confrontation.

We Sunnis used to live side by side with our Shiite neighbors, he says, but now that Hezbollah has come to our village, we've had to leave. People say they will burn us and slaughter us with knives. Now it's a sectarian war, Abu Obada says, and we can never again go back to the way it was. Kelly McEvers, NPR News.

SOURCE: Hezbollah Sends Fighters To Qusayr From Lebanon : NPR

A 6 minute story --- well worth listening to.

Currently Hezbollah (a Shi'a Islamic militant group and political party based in Lebanon) is opposing the rebels and Free Syrian Army (FSA), fighting in favor of the Iranians (Shi'ite) and the Assad Regime. Hamas, much fewer in numbers [(AKA: "Islamic Resistance Movement") is a Palestinian Sunni Islamist organization] and fighting on the side of the rebels and FSA against the Assad Regime.

Hamas: A Pawn in the Sunni-Shiite War said:
Shi'ite Iran, from its inception in 1979, saw Sunni organizations, such as Hamas, as tools with which to undermine the Sunni rulers, who control most of the Arab world.

SOURCE: Hamas: A Pawn in the Sunni-Shiite War :: Gatestone Institute

It depends on what level we chose to speak of in the regards to the place "religion" plays in the conflict.

Clearly, at least one aspect of the face of Palestine has opted to pursue the Sunni-Shi'ite struggle in an effort to appease and solidify their position with Iran (Persian Shi'a). If the western alliances openly support the rebel FSA, they take a stance opposed to the Hezbolah Shi'a. It will set the conditions for a new propaganda effort and again, the western alliance will be the focus.

Most Respectfully,

man, i feel better......

thanks doc...i mean rocco...........
My heart is filled with peace. Why do you think I condemn Israel over & over again for their treatment of the Palestinains. Palestinians are a people who want to be free of Israel' rule. So what does Israel do? make peace offerings to Palestinians, build a security fence & concede land to the Palestinians to keep them captives. As a matter of fact, not even once has israel attempted to help free the Palestinians back to their indigenous homelands. And those Zionists just can't seem to understand why they are thanked with jihad's, intifadas & rocket missiles. Don't that beat all?

Israel needs to learn how to communicate peace from the Palestinians. The Palestinians sure wanted peace with Jordan after Jordan communicated to them with Black September.

Doubtful they will ever want peace. imo.
Like Klevetch alluded to: The genocide of the Torah lives in your Mythology...You revel at the death of Muslims...you should repent and find peace in your heart and release this poison of hate that keeps you a prisoner of war.

Post for a solution without war.
While Israel has made a lasting peace with both Egypt & Jordan, the Palestinians have never made peace with anyone, not even with their own Arab brothers in surrounding Arab countries. In fact, as soon as Israel granted the Palestinians their own Jew free Gaza, Egypt closed the border.

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