Will Obamas wiretapping of Trumps home bring down the democrat party?

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Pssssssst! You are not an American......you are a GOP ideologue.

Izzatrite Herr Goebbels?

Did you read that on your Fuhrers hate sites? ThinkProgress maybe?

You fascists are a hoot, hearts filled with hate, heads filled with shit.
Trump is broke. The presidency is an opportunity to get out of debt and enrich himself at the same time. Trump doesn't want the job; he's never held a real job or worked for a living. He is a professional swindler. He knows nothing and is too intellectually lazy to learn. He famously has the attention span of a 6-year-old. He definitely won't complete a full term. I just hope he'll be gone within the first year.
The GOP needs to just come to term with the reality that Trump's Russia problem will get worse.
You're mistaken, It's going to get worse for Obama and the Dims, not Trump.

Like what Bri?

Republican Senator Devin Nunes House Intelligence Committee Chairman cannot support Trump wiretapping fantasy.
How would he know? The NYT supports Trump's tweet about Obama's wiretaps.
what wire taps???????

The ones in Trump's home that the NYT discussed.
If Trump allowed crooks in his home and on his PRIVATE SERVER!!! They're all "Fair Game".........
Melania has admitted that viagra for Dump doesn't work; it only Dump angry and he starts slapping her around and calling her bitch and whore and complains he doesn't fit anymore.
bripat9643, post: 1675269
Nothing in the Constitution authorizes the government to violate the 4th Amendment. Only a bootlicking dumbass would believe otherwise

A FISA Court warrant makes any search legal and evidence discovered can be used in the prosecution of a crime.

In your world criminals could plan and commit crimes and society could do nothing about it and except to catch them redhanded in the act.

How sick are you?

FISA warrants violate the 4th Amendment. Commission of a crime is the only constitutional basis for a warrant, not "national security." FISA warrants don't require suspicion of criminal activity.

End of story.

I'm sorry, but it doesn't say "probable cause of a crime", it says "probable cause"...but espionage is a crime in this nation.
Was Trump suspected of espionage?

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How would I know? Am I privy to such allegations? Are you?
If you don't know, then why are you accusing Trump of espionage?
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bripat9643, post: 1675269 A FISA Court warrant makes any search legal and evidence discovered can be used in the prosecution of a crime.

In your world criminals could plan and commit crimes and society could do nothing about it and except to catch them redhanded in the act.

How sick are you?

FISA warrants violate the 4th Amendment. Commission of a crime is the only constitutional basis for a warrant, not "national security." FISA warrants don't require suspicion of criminal activity.

End of story.

I'm sorry, but it doesn't say "probable cause of a crime", it says "probable cause"...but espionage is a crime in this nation.
Was Trump suspected of espionage?

Sent from my SM-G930U using USMessageBoard.com mobile app

How would I know? Am I privy to such allegations? Are you?
If you don't know, then why are you accusing Trump of espionage.
How do you know if Trump Lying??????............He's moving his mouth!!!!!
FISA warrants violate the 4th Amendment. Commission of a crime is the only constitutional basis for a warrant, not "national security." FISA warrants don't require suspicion of criminal activity.

End of story.

I'm sorry, but it doesn't say "probable cause of a crime", it says "probable cause"...but espionage is a crime in this nation.
Was Trump suspected of espionage?

Sent from my SM-G930U using USMessageBoard.com mobile app

How would I know? Am I privy to such allegations? Are you?
If you don't know, then why are you accusing Trump of espionage.
How do you know if Trump Lying??????............He's moving his mouth!!!!!
bripat9643, post: 16750861
FISA warrants aren't legal.

Based on what?

The 4th Amendment makes them illegal. Did you notice any exceptions to it for "national security?"

"no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

So, warrants can be issued upon probable cause, which is what the FISA court does, making them legal.
So meanwhile, when does tRump start governing????? America is still waiting???
bripat9643, post: 16750861
FISA warrants aren't legal.

Based on what?

The 4th Amendment makes them illegal. Did you notice any exceptions to it for "national security?"

"no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

So, warrants can be issued upon probable cause, which is what the FISA court does, making them legal.
So meanwhile, when does tRump start governing????? America is still waiting???

Please don't post to me. I have read enough of your posts to know you're just a troll and I don't have time for you.
bripat9643, post: 16750861
FISA warrants aren't legal.

Based on what?

The 4th Amendment makes them illegal. Did you notice any exceptions to it for "national security?"

"no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

So, warrants can be issued upon probable cause, which is what the FISA court does, making them legal.
So meanwhile, when does tRump start governing????? America is still waiting???
bripat9643, post: 16750861
FISA warrants aren't legal.

Based on what?

The 4th Amendment makes them illegal. Did you notice any exceptions to it for "national security?"

"no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

So, warrants can be issued upon probable cause, which is what the FISA court does, making them legal.
So meanwhile, when does tRump start governing????? America is still waiting???

Please don't post to me. I have read enough of your posts to know you're just a troll and I don't have time for you.
Stop begging!!!!! Just put me on "Ignore" and pull your panties up.....before Trump notices you..
bripat9643, post: 1675269 A FISA Court warrant makes any search legal and evidence discovered can be used in the prosecution of a crime.

In your world criminals could plan and commit crimes and society could do nothing about it and except to catch them redhanded in the act.

How sick are you?

FISA warrants violate the 4th Amendment. Commission of a crime is the only constitutional basis for a warrant, not "national security." FISA warrants don't require suspicion of criminal activity.

End of story.

I'm sorry, but it doesn't say "probable cause of a crime", it says "probable cause"...but espionage is a crime in this nation.
Was Trump suspected of espionage?

Sent from my SM-G930U using USMessageBoard.com mobile app

How would I know? Am I privy to such allegations? Are you?
If you don't know, then why are you accusing Trump of espionage?

*sigh* I didn't accuse Trump of espionage. I was merely pointing out that espionage is a crime. Violating the Logan Act is a crime. Who knows if there are any other grounds for suspicions. I suggest that you stop being so defensive and stop letting people bait you so much that you continue to jump to conclusions.
FISA warrants violate the 4th Amendment. Commission of a crime is the only constitutional basis for a warrant, not "national security." FISA warrants don't require suspicion of criminal activity.

End of story.

I'm sorry, but it doesn't say "probable cause of a crime", it says "probable cause"...but espionage is a crime in this nation.
Was Trump suspected of espionage?

Sent from my SM-G930U using USMessageBoard.com mobile app

How would I know? Am I privy to such allegations? Are you?
If you don't know, then why are you accusing Trump of espionage?

*sigh* I didn't accuse Trump of espionage. I was merely pointing out that espionage is a crime. Violating the Logan Act is a crime. Who knows if there are any other grounds for suspicions. I suggest that you stop being so defensive and stop letting people bait you so much that you continue to jump to conclusions.
Trump is guilty of TREASON.
bripat9643, post: 16750861 Based on what?

The 4th Amendment makes them illegal. Did you notice any exceptions to it for "national security?"

"no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

So, warrants can be issued upon probable cause, which is what the FISA court does, making them legal.
So meanwhile, when does tRump start governing????? America is still waiting???
bripat9643, post: 16750861 Based on what?

The 4th Amendment makes them illegal. Did you notice any exceptions to it for "national security?"

"no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

So, warrants can be issued upon probable cause, which is what the FISA court does, making them legal.
So meanwhile, when does tRump start governing????? America is still waiting???

Please don't post to me. I have read enough of your posts to know you're just a troll and I don't have time for you.
Stop begging!!!!! Just put me on "Ignore" and pull your panties up.....before Trump notices you..

I can tell you're not very bright, but asking is not begging and only a moronic troll would post such nonsense. So, I'll accept your suggestion. Shoo!
The 4th Amendment makes them illegal. Did you notice any exceptions to it for "national security?"

"no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

So, warrants can be issued upon probable cause, which is what the FISA court does, making them legal.
So meanwhile, when does tRump start governing????? America is still waiting???
The 4th Amendment makes them illegal. Did you notice any exceptions to it for "national security?"

"no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

So, warrants can be issued upon probable cause, which is what the FISA court does, making them legal.
So meanwhile, when does tRump start governing????? America is still waiting???

Please don't post to me. I have read enough of your posts to know you're just a troll and I don't have time for you.
Stop begging!!!!! Just put me on "Ignore" and pull your panties up.....before Trump notices you..

I can tell you're not very bright, but asking is not begging and only a moronic troll would post such nonsense. So, I'll accept your suggestion. Shoo!
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