Will Conservatives 'resist' or will they roll over and let Libs trample all over them like usual?

It's really no secret.....Conservatives have always been terrible, worthless activists....They couldn't keep white men, God and heterosexuality cool in a nation founded, built funded and run by white, religious, heterosexual men.....So what do they intend to do for the next four years, how will they behave...is it payback time.....OR?

What would you suggest, BL? That we mob and riot and loot and protest and come down to the level of the enemy? Conservatives are the adults in the room, but make no mistake, there is a limit to what they will take and heaven help us if things go so far that all of the conservatives in this country get fed up and finally "lose it."

The problem with the right has always been the same; they are too kind, too caring, too understanding, too tolerant...these seemingly positive attributes have turned to total cowardice. Through cowardice they have refused to take a stand to preserve and protect American virtue. Their cowardice has paved the way for the leftist movement pillared on political correctness, it has allowed America to morph into something it was never intended.
Conservatives must become impactful activists, they must unify, mobilize, protest, launch conservative media outlets and infiltrate academia.
Conservatives have sat on their hands reading their bibles and pretending shit isn't happening for long enough, they've polished their AR-15's and threatened to use them "ONE DAY" for long enough....It's time to stop the tough guy shit-talking and FUCKING DO SOMETHING!

So you're saying, shoot the Governor? Shoot the voters? Shoot anybody who doesn't nod in agreement?
Or what?

Are you gonna at least kidnap them first? Or just run their cars off the road?
I'm saying it's time to stop playing games and take a 'by any means necessary approach'.
Does that scare you SuperTard?
What would you suggest, BL? That we mob and riot and loot and protest and come down to the level of the enemy? Conservatives are the adults in the room, but make no mistake, there is a limit to what they will take and heaven help us if things go so far that all of the conservatives in this country get fed up and finally "lose it."
The problem with the right has always been the same; they are too kind, too caring, too understanding, too tolerant...these seemingly positive attributes have turned to total cowardice.

I think the word you are looking for is REASONABLE. Conservatives are reasonable people because they ACT on reason. Out of that comes flexibility, tolerance and compassion. Unfortunately, these have been exploited by our enemies.

Fortunately, I don't count myself a republican-- -- I'm not too caring or overly tolerant, and certainly not cowardice. That is simply NOT reasonable! I guess that's why the GOP makes me sick. They are spineless, do nothing jackholes. I only put up with them because our only alternative is PURELY EVIL.

Real Americans will never accept an illegal puppet installed in their WH. This cannot end well.
It's really no secret.....Conservatives have always been terrible, worthless activists....They couldn't keep white men, God and heterosexuality cool in a nation founded, built funded and run by white, religious, heterosexual men.....So what do they intend to do for the next four years, how will they behave...is it payback time.....OR?

What would you suggest, BL? That we mob and riot and loot and protest and come down to the level of the enemy? Conservatives are the adults in the room, but make no mistake, there is a limit to what they will take and heaven help us if things go so far that all of the conservatives in this country get fed up and finally "lose it."

The problem with the right has always been the same; they are too kind, too caring, too understanding, too tolerant...these seemingly positive attributes have turned to total cowardice. Through cowardice they have refused to take a stand to preserve and protect American virtue. Their cowardice has paved the way for the leftist movement pillared on political correctness, it has allowed America to morph into something it was never intended.
Conservatives must become impactful activists, they must unify, mobilize, protest, launch conservative media outlets and infiltrate academia.
Conservatives have sat on their hands reading their bibles and pretending shit isn't happening for long enough, they've polished their AR-15's and threatened to use them "ONE DAY" for long enough....It's time to stop the tough guy shit-talking and FUCKING DO SOMETHING!

So you're saying, shoot the Governor? Shoot the voters? Shoot anybody who doesn't nod in agreement?
Or what?

Are you gonna at least kidnap them first? Or just run their cars off the road?
I'm saying it's time to stop playing games and take a 'by any means necessary approach'.
Does that scare you SuperTard?

Whelp, you're sitting on this board jerking off over "AR-15's [sic]"so I'm just curious as to who's gonna have to clean up the jism.

Maybe the hapless janitor at the Fantasy Island porn store next to Four Seasons Total Landscaping can do it.
Are all your beliefs predicated in hate and fear? Do you imagine other people should aspire to that sad outlook?
Do you prefer a nation comprised of folks with belief systems predicated on feelings and emotion?
No, we've had enough of Trumpism.

As we all learned from RumpFraud University, "you don't sell products, benefits or solutions --- you sell FEELINGS".

hahaha...yet none of you SuperTards can tell us what policies of Almost Dead Joe's you voted on.
All you lowlifes have come up with is...
A) He's not the orange dude who talked mean and worked for his ass off for America's best most legit
B) He'll give us begging pieces of dog shit more free shit

Do you have something to add?
Are all your beliefs predicated in hate and fear? Do you imagine other people should aspire to that sad outlook?
Do you prefer a nation comprised of folks with belief systems predicated on feelings and emotion?
No, we've had enough of Trumpism.

As we all learned from RumpFraud University, "you don't sell products, benefits or solutions --- you sell FEELINGS".

hahaha...yet none of you SuperTards can tell us what policies of Almost Dead Joe's you voted on.
All you lowlifes have come up with is...
A) He's not the orange dude who talked mean and worked for his ass off for America's best most legit
B) He'll give us begging pieces of dog shit more free shit

Do you have something to add?

Not to add but to subtract.
Read what you just wrote here and try to figure out how it makes any sense. You took a point about acting on "emotions", and tried to shift it to "policies". :wtf:
What would you suggest, BL? That we mob and riot and loot and protest and come down to the level of the enemy? Conservatives are the adults in the room, but make no mistake, there is a limit to what they will take and heaven help us if things go so far that all of the conservatives in this country get fed up and finally "lose it."
The problem with the right has always been the same; they are too kind, too caring, too understanding, too tolerant...these seemingly positive attributes have turned to total cowardice.

I think the word you are looking for is REASONABLE. Conservatives are reasonable people because they ACT on reason. Out of that comes flexibility, tolerance and compassion. Unfortunately, these have been exploited by our enemies.

Fortunately, I don't count myself a republican-- -- I'm not too caring or overly tolerant, and certainly not cowardice. That is simply NOT reasonable! I guess that's why the GOP makes me sick. They are spineless, do nothing jackholes. I only put up with them because our only alternative is PURELY EVIL.

Real Americans will never accept an illegal puppet installed in their WH. This cannot end well.
You and I are 100% on the same page.
I dream of a Nationalist Party emerging, one that vows to preserve, protect and restore American virtue, to defend and restore hardcore constitutional governance, to return power to We The People.
You and I are 100% on the same page. I dream of a Nationalist Party emerging, one that vows to preserve, protect and restore American virtue, to defend and restore hardcore constitutional governance, to return power to We The People.

PATIENCE my friend. It is all coming with time. Things have to get BAD ENOUGH first as the fuel to drive it. Leftists are their own worst enemy in that they lie to get elected then do the craziest stuff once in power contrary to what they promise. They will continue to damage our country until it goes SO FAR and becomes so clear that the masses can simply no longer ignore it, rationalize or accept it.

ONCE PEOPLE SEE on a wide scale what the Left is undeniably really about that the leftist media attempts to conceal, there will be a Revolution 2.0, people will rise up to fight for their liberty rather than settle for living in globalist oppression and slavery. It is inevitable.

I've thought about doing a thread on this for months. Maybe if Trump fails his SCOTUS challenges and Biden is installed, I'll write it up with some nifty charts I created.
What would you suggest, BL? That we mob and riot and loot and protest and come down to the level of the enemy? Conservatives are the adults in the room, but make no mistake, there is a limit to what they will take and heaven help us if things go so far that all of the conservatives in this country get fed up and finally "lose it."
The problem with the right has always been the same; they are too kind, too caring, too understanding, too tolerant...these seemingly positive attributes have turned to total cowardice.

I think the word you are looking for is REASONABLE. Conservatives are reasonable people because they ACT on reason. Out of that comes flexibility, tolerance and compassion. Unfortunately, these have been exploited by our enemies.

Fortunately, I don't count myself a republican-- -- I'm not too caring or overly tolerant, and certainly not cowardice. That is simply NOT reasonable! I guess that's why the GOP makes me sick. They are spineless, do nothing jackholes. I only put up with them because our only alternative is PURELY EVIL.

Real Americans will never accept an illegal puppet installed in their WH. This cannot end well.
You and I are 100% on the same page.
I dream of a Nationalist Party emerging, one that vows to preserve, protect and restore American virtue, to defend and restore hardcore constitutional governance, to return power to We The People.

By picking off postal workers with "AR-15 is" because they might be carrying mailed in ballots.

Stay classy, namesake.
What would you suggest, BL? That we mob and riot and loot and protest and come down to the level of the enemy? Conservatives are the adults in the room, but make no mistake, there is a limit to what they will take and heaven help us if things go so far that all of the conservatives in this country get fed up and finally "lose it."
The problem with the right has always been the same; they are too kind, too caring, too understanding, too tolerant...these seemingly positive attributes have turned to total cowardice.

I think the word you are looking for is REASONABLE. Conservatives are reasonable people because they ACT on reason. Out of that comes flexibility, tolerance and compassion. Unfortunately, these have been exploited by our enemies.

Fortunately, I don't count myself a republican-- -- I'm not too caring or overly tolerant, and certainly not cowardice. That is simply NOT reasonable! I guess that's why the GOP makes me sick. They are spineless, do nothing jackholes. I only put up with them because our only alternative is PURELY EVIL.

Real Americans will never accept an illegal puppet installed in their WH. This cannot end well.
You and I are 100% on the same page.
I dream of a Nationalist Party emerging, one that vows to preserve, protect and restore American virtue, to defend and restore hardcore constitutional governance, to return power to We The People.

By picking off postal workers with "AR-15 is" because they might be carrying mailed in ballots.

Stay classy, namesake.

Nope...by sending 20-40 million wetbacks and all their anchor babies home to Mehico and returning Mexifornia, Arizona, New Mexico and Nevada to the rightful owners....REAL core Americans. That would suck for you wouldn't it?
What would you suggest, BL? That we mob and riot and loot and protest and come down to the level of the enemy? Conservatives are the adults in the room, but make no mistake, there is a limit to what they will take and heaven help us if things go so far that all of the conservatives in this country get fed up and finally "lose it."
The problem with the right has always been the same; they are too kind, too caring, too understanding, too tolerant...these seemingly positive attributes have turned to total cowardice.

I think the word you are looking for is REASONABLE. Conservatives are reasonable people because they ACT on reason. Out of that comes flexibility, tolerance and compassion. Unfortunately, these have been exploited by our enemies.

Fortunately, I don't count myself a republican-- -- I'm not too caring or overly tolerant, and certainly not cowardice. That is simply NOT reasonable! I guess that's why the GOP makes me sick. They are spineless, do nothing jackholes. I only put up with them because our only alternative is PURELY EVIL.

Real Americans will never accept an illegal puppet installed in their WH. This cannot end well.
You and I are 100% on the same page.
I dream of a Nationalist Party emerging, one that vows to preserve, protect and restore American virtue, to defend and restore hardcore constitutional governance, to return power to We The People.

By picking off postal workers with "AR-15 is" because they might be carrying mailed in ballots.

Stay classy, namesake.

Nope...by sending 20-40 million wetbacks and all their anchor babies home to Mehico and returning Mexifornia, Arizona, New Mexico and Nevada to the rightful owners....REAL core Americans. That would suck for you wouldn't it?

So you're ceding land back to Mexico where it came from?

How exactly do you need an "AR-15 is" to do that?
What would you suggest, BL? That we mob and riot and loot and protest and come down to the level of the enemy? Conservatives are the adults in the room, but make no mistake, there is a limit to what they will take and heaven help us if things go so far that all of the conservatives in this country get fed up and finally "lose it."
The problem with the right has always been the same; they are too kind, too caring, too understanding, too tolerant...these seemingly positive attributes have turned to total cowardice.

I think the word you are looking for is REASONABLE. Conservatives are reasonable people because they ACT on reason. Out of that comes flexibility, tolerance and compassion. Unfortunately, these have been exploited by our enemies.

Fortunately, I don't count myself a republican-- -- I'm not too caring or overly tolerant, and certainly not cowardice. That is simply NOT reasonable! I guess that's why the GOP makes me sick. They are spineless, do nothing jackholes. I only put up with them because our only alternative is PURELY EVIL.

Real Americans will never accept an illegal puppet installed in their WH. This cannot end well.
You and I are 100% on the same page.
I dream of a Nationalist Party emerging, one that vows to preserve, protect and restore American virtue, to defend and restore hardcore constitutional governance, to return power to We The People.

By picking off postal workers with "AR-15 is" because they might be carrying mailed in ballots.

Stay classy, namesake.

Nope...by sending 20-40 million wetbacks and all their anchor babies home to Mehico and returning Mexifornia, Arizona, New Mexico and Nevada to the rightful owners....REAL core Americans. That would suck for you wouldn't it?

So you're ceding land back to Mexico where it came from?

How exactly do you need an "AR-15 is" to do that?

hahaha...You're being a good little traitor.
Why are you mad that the British conquered this land?
Do you hate our Declaration Of Independence as well?
Do you honestly believe you'd want to be here if it was built and run by the brown folks of Mehico?
You should thank God that whitey founded, built and runs this nation....free shit wouldn't rain down on you if they didn't.
What would you suggest, BL? That we mob and riot and loot and protest and come down to the level of the enemy? Conservatives are the adults in the room, but make no mistake, there is a limit to what they will take and heaven help us if things go so far that all of the conservatives in this country get fed up and finally "lose it."
The problem with the right has always been the same; they are too kind, too caring, too understanding, too tolerant...these seemingly positive attributes have turned to total cowardice.

I think the word you are looking for is REASONABLE. Conservatives are reasonable people because they ACT on reason. Out of that comes flexibility, tolerance and compassion. Unfortunately, these have been exploited by our enemies.

Fortunately, I don't count myself a republican-- -- I'm not too caring or overly tolerant, and certainly not cowardice. That is simply NOT reasonable! I guess that's why the GOP makes me sick. They are spineless, do nothing jackholes. I only put up with them because our only alternative is PURELY EVIL.

Real Americans will never accept an illegal puppet installed in their WH. This cannot end well.
You and I are 100% on the same page.
I dream of a Nationalist Party emerging, one that vows to preserve, protect and restore American virtue, to defend and restore hardcore constitutional governance, to return power to We The People.

By picking off postal workers with "AR-15 is" because they might be carrying mailed in ballots.

Stay classy, namesake.

Nope...by sending 20-40 million wetbacks and all their anchor babies home to Mehico and returning Mexifornia, Arizona, New Mexico and Nevada to the rightful owners....REAL core Americans. That would suck for you wouldn't it?

So you're ceding land back to Mexico where it came from?

How exactly do you need an "AR-15 is" to do that?

hahaha...You're being a good little traitor.
Why are you mad that the British conquered this land?
Do you hate our Declaration Of Independence as well?
Do you honestly believe you'd want to be here if it was built and run by the brown folks of Mehico?
You should thank God that whitey founded, built and runs this nation....free shit wouldn't rain down on you if they didn't.

Hey, you're the asscrack that just proposed undoing James K. Polk. You explain it.
It's really no secret.....Conservatives have always been terrible, worthless activists....They couldn't keep white men, God and heterosexuality cool in a nation founded, built funded and run by white, religious, heterosexual men.....So what do they intend to do for the next four years, how will they behave...is it payback time.....OR?
Are all your beliefs predicated in hate and fear?

Do you imagine other people should aspire to that sad outlook?
Do you prefer a nation comprised of folks with belief systems predicated on feelings and emotion?
I prefer common sense, but feelings leads to confidence and confidence means trust, not suspicion.
As far as Biden "underperforming" ----------- dooooooooooooooon't think so. Watch this.

View attachment 420957

See all that blue? That's a map of which way the various states swung versus 2016 (the second button on the right). With few exceptions, the 2016 "blue" states "swung" bluer while the 2016 "red" states ---- swung "bluer". Essplain to me how that's "underperforming".

Love to hear the explanation for how all that momentum lead to the LOSS of so many HOUSE seats in so many of those BLUE States.

I have one possible explanation.

Hint: It involves some last minute ballot stuffing, dead and sick people having their votes stolen, Convenient (rigged) counting errors, a complicit media, a complicit Social Media network and easily hacked software.
As far as Biden "underperforming" ----------- dooooooooooooooon't think so. Watch this.

View attachment 420957

See all that blue? That's a map of which way the various states swung versus 2016 (the second button on the right). With few exceptions, the 2016 "blue" states "swung" bluer while the 2016 "red" states ---- swung "bluer". Essplain to me how that's "underperforming".

Love to hear the explanation for how all that momentum lead to the LOSS of so many HOUSE seats in so many of those BLUE States.

I have one possible explanation.

Hint: It involves some last minute ballot stuffing, dead and sick people having their votes stolen, Convenient (rigged) counting errors, a complicit media, a complicit Social Media network and easily hacked software.

Hint: you should go to the CVS, meander to the razor section, and look for the brand called "Occam".
Are all your beliefs predicated in hate and fear? Do you imagine other people should aspire to that sad outlook?
Do you prefer a nation comprised of folks with belief systems predicated on feelings and emotion?
No, we've had enough of Trumpism.

As we all learned from RumpFraud University, "you don't sell products, benefits or solutions --- you sell FEELINGS".

hahaha...yet none of you SuperTards can tell us what policies of Almost Dead Joe's you voted on.
All you lowlifes have come up with is...
A) He's not the orange dude who talked mean and worked for his ass off for America's best most legit
B) He'll give us begging pieces of dog shit more free shit

Do you have something to add?
I voted for him because he will expand and improve the ACA and not gut it. I voted for him because he recognizes climate change is real and is an existe
What would you suggest, BL? That we mob and riot and loot and protest and come down to the level of the enemy? Conservatives are the adults in the room, but make no mistake, there is a limit to what they will take and heaven help us if things go so far that all of the conservatives in this country get fed up and finally "lose it."
The problem with the right has always been the same; they are too kind, too caring, too understanding, too tolerant...these seemingly positive attributes have turned to total cowardice.

I think the word you are looking for is REASONABLE. Conservatives are reasonable people because they ACT on reason. Out of that comes flexibility, tolerance and compassion. Unfortunately, these have been exploited by our enemies.

Fortunately, I don't count myself a republican-- -- I'm not too caring or overly tolerant, and certainly not cowardice. That is simply NOT reasonable! I guess that's why the GOP makes me sick. They are spineless, do nothing jackholes. I only put up with them because our only alternative is PURELY EVIL.

Real Americans will never accept an illegal puppet installed in their WH. This cannot end well.
You and I are 100% on the same page.
I dream of a Nationalist Party emerging, one that vows to preserve, protect and restore American virtue, to defend and restore hardcore constitutional governance, to return power to We The People.
Name an American virtue
As far as Biden "underperforming" ----------- dooooooooooooooon't think so. Watch this.

View attachment 420957

See all that blue? That's a map of which way the various states swung versus 2016 (the second button on the right). With few exceptions, the 2016 "blue" states "swung" bluer while the 2016 "red" states ---- swung "bluer". Essplain to me how that's "underperforming".

Love to hear the explanation for how all that momentum lead to the LOSS of so many HOUSE seats in so many of those BLUE States.

I have one possible explanation.

Hint: It involves some last minute ballot stuffing, dead and sick people having their votes stolen, Convenient (rigged) counting errors, a complicit media, a complicit Social Media network and easily hacked software.

Hint: you should go to the CVS, meander to the razor section, and look for the brand called "Occam".


How do you explain the record high disparity between the number of Biden votes with NO DOWN BALLOT indications? Especially, in areas where the results were LOST seats in the House?

Are we seriously expected to believe that DIM voters had that much of a hard on for Biden but couldn't care less about losing a DIM seat in Congress?
As far as Biden "underperforming" ----------- dooooooooooooooon't think so. Watch this.

View attachment 420957

See all that blue? That's a map of which way the various states swung versus 2016 (the second button on the right). With few exceptions, the 2016 "blue" states "swung" bluer while the 2016 "red" states ---- swung "bluer". Essplain to me how that's "underperforming".

Love to hear the explanation for how all that momentum lead to the LOSS of so many HOUSE seats in so many of those BLUE States.

I have one possible explanation.

Hint: It involves some last minute ballot stuffing, dead and sick people having their votes stolen, Convenient (rigged) counting errors, a complicit media, a complicit Social Media network and easily hacked software.

Hint: you should go to the CVS, meander to the razor section, and look for the brand called "Occam".


How do you explain the record high disparity between the number of Biden votes with NO DOWN BALLOT indications? Especially, in areas where the results were LOST seats in the House?

Are we seriously expected to believe that DIM voters had that much of a hard on for Biden but couldn't care less about losing a DIM seat in Congress?

Some posts are just too fucking stupid to waste time on. This is such a post. As in "dumb as".
As far as Biden "underperforming" ----------- dooooooooooooooon't think so. Watch this.

View attachment 420957

See all that blue? That's a map of which way the various states swung versus 2016 (the second button on the right). With few exceptions, the 2016 "blue" states "swung" bluer while the 2016 "red" states ---- swung "bluer". Essplain to me how that's "underperforming".

Love to hear the explanation for how all that momentum lead to the LOSS of so many HOUSE seats in so many of those BLUE States.

I have one possible explanation.

Hint: It involves some last minute ballot stuffing, dead and sick people having their votes stolen, Convenient (rigged) counting errors, a complicit media, a complicit Social Media network and easily hacked software.

Hint: you should go to the CVS, meander to the razor section, and look for the brand called "Occam".


How do you explain the record high disparity between the number of Biden votes with NO DOWN BALLOT indications? Especially, in areas where the results were LOST seats in the House?

Are we seriously expected to believe that DIM voters had that much of a hard on for Biden but couldn't care less about losing a DIM seat in Congress?

Some posts are just too fucking stupid to waste time on. This is such a post. As in "dumb as".

Run away from the facts, like you always do.


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