Will Americans Vote For....


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
...full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism…

1.Today we see the problem of the identity politics, the divide-and-conquer method that has heretofore brought success to the slavery party.
The problem is that it contains a poison pill: the party itself is divided.

2. While at the moment, tribalism, identity politics, may seem a triumph for the Democrat Party, it is also the rock on which a fragile constituency rolls....and splits.

"...Obama’s 2008 coalition was always more fragile than Democrats at the time believed, and that there remain obstacles to the John Judis/Ruy Teixeira theory of an Emerging Democratic Majority. Trende’s major point is that all such predictions of enduring partisan majorities (he cites many dating back over the past century and a half) ignore the fact that political coalitions inevitably draw together factions with different interests and ideologies, and frictions within those coalitions inevitably offer opportunities for the other party to regain support."
The Southern Strategy Myth and the Lost Majority

On the one hand, the old-guard Democrats, who were careful to walk the line between radicalism, and centrism, and the new upstarts who wave un-American banners of socialism, anti-white and anti-Jewish bias.
The latter have no respect for the former, as one can see in the attacks on Biden by the Sandersites.

The poor fools who have been trained to vote with the "D" no matter the issues have a choice to make, and are not equipped to do so.

3. Perhaps the handwriting is on the wall in what should be a reliable state for the Democrats, Wisconsin.
"...AP reported in early February, Liberals eye 2020 takeover of Wisconsin Supreme Court:

Wisconsin liberals hope to take a key step this spring toward breaking a long conservative stranglehold on the state’s Supreme Court, in an election that could also serve as a barometer of the political mood in a key presidential swing state.

If the liberal-backed candidate wins the April 2 state Supreme Court race, liberals would be in prime position to take over the court when the next seat comes up in 2020 — during a presidential primary when Democrats expect to benefit from strong turnout.

The bitterly partisan court, which conservatives have controlled since 2008, has upheld several polarizing Republican-backed laws, none more so than former GOP Gov. Scott Walker’s law that essentially eliminated collective bargaining for public workers.

If liberals can win in April and again in 2020, they would have the majority until at least 2025.

Liberals are worried this might mean Trump will win again in Wisconsin in 2020."

4. AND....this election was decided BEFORE AG Barr dropped the bombshell that validated what we on the Right have said for two years:
“Barr Asserts Intelligence Agencies Spied on the Trump Campaign

· April 10, 2019

WASHINGTON — Attorney General William P. Barr said on Wednesday that he would scrutinize the F.B.I.’s investigation of the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia, including whether “spying” conducted by American intelligence agencies on the campaign’s associates had been properly carried out.

“I think spying on a political campaign is a big deal,” Mr. Barr said during testimony before a Senate Appropriations subcommittee, adding that he wanted to look into both “the genesis and the conduct” of the F.B.I. inquiry. He cast his interest as a matter of protecting civil liberties from potential abuse by the government.

“I think spying did occur,” Mr. Barr said. “The question is whether it was adequately predicated. And I’m not suggesting that it wasn’t adequately predicated. But I need to explore that.”

The remarks by the new attorney general — particularly his embrace of the term spying, which is frequently invoked by critics of the Russia investigation — are certain to please President Trump and his allies, who have accused American law enforcement officials of targeting his campaign out of political malice.” Barr Asserts Intelligence Agencies Spied on the Trump Campaign

For clarity:
Difference between Watergate and the Obama Spying? Watergate was a failed attempt by a political party to spy on their political enemies.
It depends on whether the electorate inform themselves beyond the issues they care about to get a broad opinion of any candidate. Many people I've known over my adult lifetime, both Democrats and Republicans, simply vote the party line - not caring to educate themselves on candidates because they were too busy with life.

In American politics anything is possible. If the hard, extreme left can snow the voters we may see socialism in America.
It depends on whether the electorate inform themselves beyond the issues they care about to get a broad opinion of any candidate. Many people I've known over my adult lifetime, both Democrats and Republicans, simply vote the party line - not caring to educate themselves on candidates because they were too busy with life.

In American politics anything is possible. If the hard, extreme left can snow the voters we may see socialism in America.

"Many people I've known over my adult lifetime, both Democrats and Republicans, simply vote the party line - not caring to educate themselves..."I

1. Welcome to the board

2. I believe your experiences here, on this board, will convince you that your perception applies to Democrats far more than to Republicans.....they appear unable to debate, defend, or explain the agenda that their masters order that they support.

As Coulter put it....
"Let me give you a little tip: if you want liberalism to continue in this country, you have to realize that liberal students are being let down by their professors! They have liberal school teachers, and read the liberal press! Because of this weak preparation, they are unable to argue, to think beyond the first knee-jerk impulse. They can’t put together a logical thought. Now, compare that to a college Republican…"

3. You may not be aware of the background:
The NY Timeslaments:

"With their recent selection of Milwaukee for their party’s 2020 convention, Democrats left little doubt that they believe their path to the White House runs through the Midwest in general and Wisconsin in particular.

Their optimism spiked in November, when Democrats defeated Scott Walker, the state’s two-term conservative governor. And they were energized and optimistic again this week for an intensely politicized State Supreme Court election they hoped would show Wisconsin trending steadily blue.

Then reality hit: A conservative judge, Brian Hagedorn, appeared to win a narrow, upset victory on Tuesday, underscoring instead how competitive Wisconsin politics remain."
  1. There was a "Twilight Zone" episode many years ago where there was this discussion group and the discussion went into a racially charged food fight between the participants. It ended when the pretty blond girl spit into the face of the minority girl. Then Rod explained that there was a race war that killed all the humans and that they were programming the robots to behave like real humans. I can't help thinking that "life is imitating art" in that the dems are pushing the racial identity card and they will find out how that plays in a color blind society.
  2. The dem workers who voted for Trump in 2016 will be there for him in 2020.
  3. WI will be a battleground in 2020, let's hope that the dems figure out how to pick a loser candidate.
  4. Also hoping that the FISA abuses and the deep state coup attempt get publicized and prosecuted.
It depends on whether the electorate inform themselves beyond the issues they care about to get a broad opinion of any candidate. Many people I've known over my adult lifetime, both Democrats and Republicans, simply vote the party line - not caring to educate themselves on candidates because they were too busy with life.

In American politics anything is possible. If the hard, extreme left can snow the voters we may see socialism in America.
It`s already here. Just yesterday I used my Medicare and having my Social Security deposited directly into my bank account is pretty cool too. My son has been a socialist firefighter for nearly 20 years.
"Will Americans Vote For......."


But dimocrap scum will.

The most important thing for a Political person to know is -- Their enemy.

dimocrap scum have gone from 'the loyal opposition' to downright enemy of The People.

They are scum, PC.

I think it's nice that your are optimistic, smiling, polite, sunny.... All the things a young lady should be.

But don't allow that color your vision.

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth. Period.

They will vote for anything that puts free stuff in their grubby hands.

And I'm not talking about just the low-rent district dwellers, either.

I'm talking the $250k a year College Administrators, the SERIOUSLY over-paid goobermint workers, teachers, Unions and all the other aspects of our life that is DIRECTLY dependent on government largesse.

The rest of us? We're a nuisance to them. We're clinging to our guns and Bibles.

We're the deplorables.

We live in Fly-Over Country in trailer parks with all the other red necks.

They don't want to understand America or Americans.

dimocrap scum are intent on "otherizing'' us. They just aren't interested.

All they're interested in is Free Stuff and a cushy living. With a fat pension.

Then, there's the low-life's who depend entirely on government.

Quite a coalition dimocrap scum have going for them.
  1. There was a "Twilight Zone" episode many years ago where there was this discussion group and the discussion went into a racially charged food fight between the participants. It ended when the pretty blond girl spit into the face of the minority girl. Then Rod explained that there was a race war that killed all the humans and that they were programming the robots to behave like real humans. I can't help thinking that "life is imitating art" in that the dems are pushing the racial identity card and they will find out how that plays in a color blind society.
  2. The dem workers who voted for Trump in 2016 will be there for him in 2020.
  3. WI will be a battleground in 2020, let's hope that the dems figure out how to pick a loser candidate.
  4. Also hoping that the FISA abuses and the deep state coup attempt get publicized and prosecuted.

  1. "The dem workers who voted for Trump in 2016 will be there for him in 2020."

The elites may be in for another 2016 shocker....

"The Democratic Electorate on Twitter
Is Not the Actual Democratic Electorate"

The Democratic Electorate on Twitter Is Not the Actual Democratic Electorate

"Today’s Democratic Party is increasingly perceived as dominated by its “woke” left wing. But the views of Democrats on social media often bear little resemblance to those of the wider Democratic electorate.

The outspoken group of Democratic-leaning voters on social media is outnumbered, roughly 2 to 1, by the more moderate, more diverse and less educated group of Democrats who typically don’t post political content online, according to data from the Hidden Tribes Project."

Just as SNL and the NYT warned months ago that Mueller was going to let the Democrat true-believers down, the article I quoted above now makes the point that Democrat voters are, largely, NOT the dolts on social media, or posting here.....

"Democrats who do not post political content
to social media sites are more likely to …

Identify themselves as moderates or conservatives
29% of Democrats
on social media
53% of other Democrats"

Read it and weep, Democrats.
"... recent polls show that a majority of Democrats would rather see the party become more moderate than move leftward, even as progressives clamor for a Green New Deal or Medicare for all."
The Democratic Electorate on Twitter Is Not the Actual Democratic Electorate

That's why we on the Right, never wrong, get such a naughty kick our of the pain the dead-enders are in for.

plural noun: dead-enders
  1. 1.
    a person who continues to support a particular cause, political candidate, etc., even when there is seemingly no chance of success.
    "the legions of dead-enders still sporting signs for the lost cause"
  2. 2.
    a person whose situation offers no prospects for progress or improvement. Google.
Charlize Theron complained that men weren't asking her out.

Maybe it's because we've all seen 'Atomic Blonde'. :bowdown::bowdown:

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