The pundits love the Bengals. It has been there all year and even last year. For the fans I feel for it. However, the Bengals have also lost games they should not have or blew them this year. I have read that they have a stadium issue lease and cost that is troublesome. It has affected their resources over the years and the taxpayers are on the hook for a bad deal. They have had some good drafts that made them competitive. But they also have had bad luck. Bad plays in crucial situations. And even stupidity by players they gave chances to because of personal issues which was a reason they signed them because of all of the other issues.
You fail to understand the issue
The reason the Bengals won their last playoff game in 1990, was because their owner, Paul Brown, died.
For you see, Paul was a football genius who needed no GM, no scouting, no nothing really. He kept the Bengals competitive in the AFC in an era when the NFC blew out the AFC EVERY SUPERBOWL! But the Bengals, who went twice to the Super bowl, almost won both times, and almost beating the best NFL team of all time, the San Fran 49ers.
But once Paul died, the team died as there was nothing left but a huge vacuum with his idiot son taking over.
To put this in more perspective, there have only been 4 NFL teams to start a season 0-6 in 4 seasons. The Bengals are not just one of them, they have done it 6 times, 5 of which are under Mike Brown and not Paul Brown.
To put this in better perspective, Carson Palmer, the former QB, had an injury as their QB that should have ended his career. Why? Because he had no line to protect him. He made a valiant fight back but then refused to play for the Bengals and demanded a trade. The Bengal refused, and so his choices were to play and get the $50 million for playing or sit the site lines and flush it all down the commode. He chose the later.
That speaks volumes as you can't buy your health.
And I fear for their new QB as his injury SHOULD have ended his career as well, and for the same reasons but also made a valiant come back.
The sins of the past caused this problem. Paul Brown lost control of the Cleveland Browns, even though he started the team which created bad blood. So to get even he went to Cincinnati to compete against them and kicked their arse about ever year. But because he lost control of the Browns, he was a control freak, leading to the vacuum when he died. Nothing has changed other than someone at the helm who is clueless as the entire family runs them. The father in law runs payroll, his daughter does the scouting, etc.
And the only reason they got competitive to begin with was because the city bought them a brand new stadium at taxpayer expense, but continued to play horrible. In retaliation the city looked closely at the contract as it said they were providing the stadium to the team so they could be competitive. Well they hired a lawyer and underlined the word competitive and said Mike Brown, the owner, was in violation of the contract. Next thing you know he got Carson Palmer in there and a new coach and made the playoffs for the first time in decades, and promptly lost the first playoff game. However, they could no longer claim they were not "competitive"
That is what you are dealing with.
As to whether they will win? Maybe, but only because pressure is mounting on them to actually win a playoff game just like pressure was there to get to a playoff game a decade ago.
But if the miracle happens, they will promptly lose the next game.
Easy money
Mark it down.