WikiLeaks: The Podesta Emails

No one will care unless there is something about Hillary fist-fucking Ellen DeGeneres.
That would enhance the feminist vote.


Indeed..........we are living in the Soviet Union circa 1950. People far more concerned about a man saying "pussy" than a criminal investigation rigged by the Justice Dept and in collusion with the White House.

LOL.....Nixon was forced to resign over trying to cover up an amateur hotel break-in!!:spinner::spinner:
When Steve Kornacki on MSNBC was given the 'BREAKING NEWS' that Trump had used the word "pussy" good old Steve was so elated he got a four hour hard-on.
MSNBC bobble-heads were literally drooling spittle down their chins with delight.
Trump speaks what 100% of red blooded MEN! think to themselves when they see a beautiful woman.
HEY DONNY DOUCHE BAG! Have you ever used the word "pussy"?

No TPP, Trust me!!!!

Clinton secret paid speech to bank: "My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders,"

No one will care unless there is something about Hillary fist-fucking Ellen DeGeneres.
That would enhance the feminist vote.
Yes of course, the MSM might give that like 5 seconds of coverage and then they go back to full time wall to wall coverage and panels discussing why Trump used the word "fuck" 15 years ago. LOL
I don't see any liberals posting about how wikileaks has nothing on Hillary. Looks like thy did after all.

Everyone get the bacon, liberals have egg all over their faces.
Clinton campaign pushes back against WikiLeaks disclosures

The campaign is now pushing back hard against WikiLeaks, pointing to evidence that the hackers who stole Podesta's emails were Russian operatives. Clinton press secretary Brian Fallon unleashed an overnight tweet storm suggesting the WikiLeaks disclosures reflect the Russian government's effort to give a boost to rival candidate Donald Trump.

It's Russians!!! And because Russians did it, nobody should read it.

What difference does it make, Hillary, who hacked the emails? They're out and people can see what you really are.

Corrupted lying c*nt.
Leaks Link Justice Department With a Hillary Clinton Aide

The messages, released by WikiLeaks on Tuesday, indicated that Justice Department employees may have communicated information to the campaign about the timing of the release. But at least some of the discussion appeared to have simply been updates on a court case related to the emails, information that was publicly available.

If few emails between DOJ and her campaign can expose so much, imagine how much corruption we could've seen from her 33,000 deleted emails.
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