Wikileaks Aug. 10 Vault 7 - Couch Potato

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
Julian Assange has just released more of Vault 7 and this time the title is "Couch Potato." Another CIA project described in link below:

WikiLeaks - Vault 7: Projects
10 August, 2017
Today, August 10th 2017, WikiLeaks publishes the the User Guide for the CoachPotato project of the CIA. CouchPotato is a remote tool for collection against RTSP/H.264 video streams. It provides the ability to collect either the stream as a video file (AVI) or capture still images (JPG) of frames from the stream that are of significant change from a previously captured frame. It utilizes ffmpeg for video and image encoding and decoding as well as RTSP connectivity. CouchPotato relies on being launched in an ICE v3 Fire and Collect compatible loader.

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