WI Sheriff Schmaling: ‘ELECTION LAW WAS NOT JUST BROKEN BUT SHATTERED!” – Releases Evidence Of Election Fraud In Racine, Wisconsin

Why do assholes like you say that? It makes you look dumber than you are, if possible.
You're the one who can't answer why the sheriff hasn't arrested anyone even though you (and he) swear there were crimes committed.

So what does that make you.

A stone cold loser.

"The DA Asks".... What the hell does that mean?
I applaud this Sheriff for doing his job so well. Amazingly enough youtube, and the rest of the big tech corruptocrats, tried like hell to prevent this from getting out.

The video is an hour long, but very revealing.

Again. Whole lot of nothing. Just keeping the lie alive.

No, the video shows malfeasance at the State level. Hardly nothing, but those of you who are paid to propagandize, will post your bullshit.
I applaud this Sheriff for doing his job so well. Amazingly enough youtube, and the rest of the big tech corruptocrats, tried like hell to prevent this from getting out.

The video is an hour long, but very revealing.

Wisco Supreme Court already ruled last year that there are enough suspect/fraudulent ballots in the mix to have changed the outcome......This Sheriff only adds to what we already knew; the Madtown & Milwaukee liberoidals cheated their asses off.
Again. Whole lot of nothing. Just keeping the lie alive.

You aren't trying to silence this because you think the Democrats are innocent, you want it to end because you know like we do Democrats are guilty.

Milwaukee is one of the six at the heart of your stealing the election. The others are Detroit, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Las Vegas and Phoenix
You aren't trying to silence this because you think the Democrats are innocent, you want it to end because you know like we do Democrats are guilty.

Milwaukee is one of the six at the heart of your stealing the election. The others are Detroit, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Las Vegas and Phoenix
I want it to end..and it should end because no one, anywhere has proven that massive, widescale fraud HAPPENED!!
Not in court, not as a result of a recount, not as a result of an audit...which is where these matters are decided and adjudicated.
Not in the court of alt-right opinion.

He lost. Move on. Now it's just keeping a lie alive for the purpose of fleecing the sheep..and bleeding into the election cycle in 2022.

Beyond pathetic. :(
I want it to end..and it should end because no one, anywhere has proven that massive, widescale fraud HAPPENED!!
Not in court, not as a result of a recount, not as a result of an audit...which is where these matters are decided and adjudicated.
Not in the court of alt-right opinion.

He lost. Move on. Now it's just keeping a lie alive for the purpose of fleecing the sheep..and bleeding into the election cycle in 2022.

Beyond pathetic. :(

Only the ruling elite don't want investigations to proceed because they are trying like hell to make it impossible for the conservatives to ever win an election again. In other words, they are fascists, trying to destroy this country.
I want it to end..and it should end because no one, anywhere has proven that massive, widescale fraud HAPPENED!!
Not in court, not as a result of a recount, not as a result of an audit...which is where these matters are decided and adjudicated.
Not in the court of alt-right opinion.

He lost. Move on. Now it's just keeping a lie alive for the purpose of fleecing the sheep..and bleeding into the election cycle in 2022.

Beyond pathetic. :(
That is because there were no high power investigations by the DOJ or FBI. Giving them time to cover most of their tracks. Cars with out of state plates dropping off ballots was never investigated. That happened in multiple swing states. There is a shitload of evidence dismissed by corrupt people telling everyone it is fine to break the law because you don't like Trump.

WI Sheriff Schmaling:


Releases Evidence Of Election Fraud In Racine, Wisconsin

The Racine Sheriff’s Office will have a hearing on Thursday at 11 a.m. at the Sheriff’s substation. Sheriff Schmaling promised to reveal the results of the investigation they conducted in Racine County and Wisconsin. Hopefully, they will be able to answer any questions and offer proper documentation.


The biggest reveal here is that the elected Dem AG for the State was informed and refused to even accept the documentation, much less launch an investigation.
The Progressive Marxist/DSA Commies indeed cheated. Why would America vote for a guy who would destroy jobs, cause massive inflation, skyrocketing energy prices, open borders, etc. America wouldn't. So what option is left then but to steal it. And they did. They have to put America back on the decline and on the globalist NWO tyranny train.
Indeed the PM/DSA Democrat Commies and Deep State government tried and succeeded in carrying out a coup d' etat.

I suspect elected democrats really want to weaken our country to the point that a Global Government can take over. If they can change us from capitalism to Marist socialism they will be well on the way to achieving their goal.

Trump set their plans back a few years and might have set them back a couple of decades if he had been reelected. Democrats believe in Global Warming and feel that if Trump got a second term the entire planet would be doomed. Therefore the end result of rigging the election so Trump would lose was to democrats entirely ethical. The end justified the means.

Establishment republicans (the Bush faction of the GOP)were wimpy, wimpy, wimpy as usual. They are well aware of the fact the election was rigged and cheered in private when Trump lost.

In passing the biggest problem with the concept of a Global Government is the enormous elephant in the room — China. China would love a Global Government as long as it was in charge.
Communist/socialist/Democrats always cheat because they have nothing to lose if they get caught.
Plus in many cases democrats are above the rule of law. Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden are prime examples. Occasionally some low level democrat will be sacrificed. Al Frankenn is an example.

That is because there were no high power investigations by the DOJ or FBI. Giving them time to cover most of their tracks. Cars with out of state plates dropping off ballots was never investigated. That happened in multiple swing states. There is a shitload of evidence dismissed by corrupt people telling everyone it is fine to break the law because you don't like Trump.
No. There was no widespread fraud. He lost. Because he was a lousy President. I understand you're devastated. I understand what Trump meant to you and why you still push forward with fantasies when nothing of the sort has been proven.
But really, it must get old after a while. The man wasn't worthy of the time of day and you worship him and miss him like you'll never see another someone like him in your lifetime.

Sad. And pathetic.

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