Why Would I?


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
Shoot someone because I own a gun? I have hammers, I could crush someone's skull with them, I have knives, I could slit someone's throat with them, I own a car, I could mow down innocent pedestrians with it......Why, pray tell, would a GUN cause me to hurt anyone? WTF?
I throw a pretty mean axe.

Me too, but never on purpose. :)

I'm a hazard to myself and others.


You do know that you're supposed to put a wedge in the end up by the eye after you replace the axe handle so that the axe blade stays put?


I am a carpenter.
The framing hammer is my friend and I wield it well.
It is always within reach in my vehicle.
I throw a pretty mean axe.

Me too, but never on purpose. :)

I'm a hazard to myself and others.


You do know that you're supposed to put a wedge in the end up by the eye after you replace the axe handle so that the axe blade stays put?



Nope! LOL!

And all my tools are multipurpose too.

Most of the tools in my toolbox make a handy hammer too...


Remind me not to ever be in the immediate vicinity when you're using your tools.


Sometimes James will be watching me with nervous twitches. He's learned to be an excellent medic over the years though. I really am a clumsy gal. Weird things happen to me lol!
Sometimes James will be watching me with nervous twitches. He's learned to be an excellent medic over the years though. I really am a clumsy gal. Weird things happen to me lol!
Leave the tools to the guys.
Shoot someone because I own a gun? I have hammers, I could crush someone's skull with them, I have knives, I could slit someone's throat with them, I own a car, I could mow down innocent pedestrians with it......Why, pray tell, would a GUN cause me to hurt anyone? WTF?
Why would you shoot someone cause you own a gun? Because thats what guns were designed to do. Nothing else can shoot a person.
Shoot someone because I own a gun? I have hammers, I could crush someone's skull with them, I have knives, I could slit someone's throat with them, I own a car, I could mow down innocent pedestrians with it......Why, pray tell, would a GUN cause me to hurt anyone? WTF?
Why would you shoot someone cause you own a gun? Because thats what guns were designed to do. Nothing else can shoot a person.
Knives were designed to cut that is what they are supposed to do. I bet you own knives....What keeps you from stabbing and killing innocent people?

Do you get my point yet or are you so brainwashed you can't see the truth?
Shoot someone because I own a gun? I have hammers, I could crush someone's skull with them, I have knives, I could slit someone's throat with them, I own a car, I could mow down innocent pedestrians with it......Why, pray tell, would a GUN cause me to hurt anyone? WTF?
Why would you shoot someone cause you own a gun? Because thats what guns were designed to do. Nothing else can shoot a person.
Knives were designed to cut that is what they are supposed to do. I bet you own knives....What keeps you from stabbing and killing innocent people?

Do you get my point yet or are you so brainwashed you can't see the truth?
Knives dont shoot. Your first question was why would you shoot someone because you had a gun. Dont get angry at me because you couldnt get you thoughts in order from the beginning. BTW I own several guns and would definitely shoot someone threatening me.
Knives dont shoot. Your first question was why would you shoot someone because you had a gun. Dont get angry at me because you couldnt get you thoughts in order from the beginning. BTW I own several guns and would definitely shoot someone threatening me.

Completely beside the point and pretty pedantic. You say you 'own guns'.....Tell me, do those guns cause you to want to go into a school or church and shoot the place up? Try concentrating.
Shoot someone because I own a gun? I have hammers, I could crush someone's skull with them, I have knives, I could slit someone's throat with them, I own a car, I could mow down innocent pedestrians with it......Why, pray tell, would a GUN cause me to hurt anyone? WTF?

You seem to have spent a lot of time thinking about different ways to kill people.

perhaps you should see a shrink?
Knives dont shoot. Your first question was why would you shoot someone because you had a gun. Dont get angry at me because you couldnt get you thoughts in order from the beginning. BTW I own several guns and would definitely shoot someone threatening me.

Completely beside the point and pretty pedantic. You say you 'own guns'.....Tell me, do those guns cause you to want to go into a school or church and shoot the place up? Try concentrating.
I didnt get my guns to go shoot up a school. I got them to shoot someone breaking into my home or in the case of a natural disaster that causes ignorance to prevail. You would have to ask that question to all the lunatics that did get their guns to shoot up a school or because they have small dicks and need a gun to make them feel like a man.
You seem to have spent a lot of time thinking about different ways to kill people.

perhaps you should see a shrink?

Why don't you actually comment on the subject? Do you think guns make people do bad things? Try to concentrate.
You seem to have spent a lot of time thinking about different ways to kill people.

perhaps you should see a shrink?

Why don't you actually comment on the subject? Do you think guns make people do bad things? Try to concentrate.
Yes. The possession of a gun tends to make people do things they wouldnt do if they didnt have a gun to do them with.
Yes. The possession of a gun tends to make people do things they wouldnt do if they didnt have a gun to do them with.
Well.....I guess I have to agree, gun owners can shoot bullets at bad guys in order save their own lives, in fact you yourself said that is why you own guns to shoot someone trying to harm you. You couldn't do that without a gun now could you? Now we're back full circle in this discussion and still you haven't thought much about it have you? Why are you even here?
Yes. The possession of a gun tends to make people do things they wouldnt do if they didnt have a gun to do them with.
Well.....I guess I have to agree, gun owners can shoot bullets at bad guys in order save their own lives, in fact you yourself said that is why you own guns to shoot someone trying to harm you. You couldn't do that without a gun now could you? Now we're back full circle in this discussion and still you haven't thought much about it have you? Why are you even here?

"gun owners can shoot bullets at bad guys in order save their own lives"

or to kill an innocent person who accidently trespasses on his property

or let's say a conservative is sees a black kid
so he follows him
the black kid realizes he is being followed!
so the black kid turns and STANDS HIS GROUND to DEFEND and PROTECT himself. At that point the conservative just pulls out his gun and murders the black kid and says "I wasn't following, harrassing and threatening that nig----,...I was MAGA!"

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